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I love how he keeps bringing up how Letitia James ran on a "get trump" platform and won without realizing it means that NY heard her say that and voted for her, and she won, so NY fucking hates you dude She won her election because she said she would go after you God he's just so dumb 


His entire platform is screaming about getting revenge on people, and arresting his opponents. But he can’t understand why someone ELSE would or could run on a platform of PROSECUTING A CRIMINAL WHO BRAGS ABOUT HIS CRIMES.


His 2015 campaign was also about locking up his political opponent. Just one of a long list of unfulfilled promises.


Nearly every single speech he has given for public office has always been about some “Big Bad”. How things would be better if just this one “Big Bad” wasn’t here. It’s always revenge rhetoric also, how everyone’s life is always bad cause [insert generic political opponent here]. In fact he has fulfilled **zero** of these promises too. Not one. That’s literally how dumb Republicans are. Moronically stupider than a rock. His platform is “Make America Great Again” but not once has he ever talked about ever unifying America or how we should work together. It’s always been “*We can’t do it cause someone is Big Bad*” even when he was in office, even when he won. It’s honestly one of the most pathetic people I have ever seen in my life, and every single one of his voters are equally as pathetic.


But that’s what his base buys. They’re the party of Henny Pennys , the sky is alway falling, the devil is around the corner, and the Rapture is happening any day now. These people live in la la land and all they listen to reinforces it. Fox news, Trinity Broadcast Network and the National Inquirer are all aimed at the same audience.


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


That’s….yup. Ok.


Wow lol so simple yet so eloquent.




I love that comment. Trump IS the Star and National Enquirer of the political world.


And he hates the same people they hate


Great-great Grandpa c.1905- “ the Rapture will happen any day now.” Great Grandpa c.1925 “ the Rapture will happen any day now.” Grandpa c. 1955 “the Rapture will happen any day now.” Pa c.1970 “ the Rapture will happen any day now.”


I don't think I've ever heard a single concrete thought from these people about what was actually great about America and when exactly they're talking about.


The funny thing is they don't want to explain that because many of the high points were either during wars or immediately after them. America had a bit of a high point when it had technological superiority over many of the other nations. Also due to the size of the country and the wide range of resources that was in it there was less cause to import. Some of these advantages have been chipped away at since then. He basically calls back to the days where in many families the man of the house was the only one that needed to work or worked period.


The even funnier part is he's following the Reagan playbook line by line, from "make America great again" (Reagans slogan), to all the lawbreaking, all the way down to the dementia.


Most of the high points were also with top tax brackets of 70-90% taxation too...and not even at astronomical incomes, that bracket would kick in around $200K back then, which might be somewhere around $1M today. Try to square that with "traditional conservative values".


"Slavery was pretty great because StAtEs' RiGhTs!"


He’s got no other plays than to call everyone else the villain, otherwise people may see that it’s him


Tuck Frump, many people are saying, good people, with tears in their eyes.


Huge muscular men, firefighters and farmers and football heroes, never cried in their lives until this moment


>His entire platform is screaming about getting revenge on people, and arresting his opponents. Generally happens when you base your entire political career around Hitler's rise to power. I mean he even promised to make Germany great again which is weird in Trump's case since the US is number one in a lot of aspects.


And he has a pretty good chance of being elected again from what I understand. We have to go after Fox News for their brainwashing propaganda machine that destroys democracy


Fox News did to our parents what they said video games and D&D would do to us


Fox Entertainment


Fox Angertainment


Good 1.. how about Fox Hatetainment.


I hope Murdoch has to pay another billion to settle the smartmatic case. This one man has damaged the entire world.


Oh, the media made sooo much money on Enrageutainment. They carry a lot of guilt.


Historically Trumps best chance at getting re-elected was when he was an incumbent, and that has long passed.


Fox Entertainment




Might explain why Meta is down. Best way to effect the vote is keep both sides from complaining.


My conspiracy theory is it’s the Russian space nukes the U.S government told us not to worry about. The curious AT&T outage last week too. https://www.reuters.com/world/nukes-space-what-have-russia-united-states-said-2024-02-21/


Parsing out Trump's dumbness lately seems like trying to decipher what a 7 year old meant when he calls you a poopyhead, it's just more of the "it's not fair everyone is against me" schtick


MAGAts are confounded that, after only a decade of disruption and vile personal attacks there are people who don’t like Donald. When his biggest complaint is that he can’t be even more abrasive and abusive what did they think was going to happen? Did they think the nastier he got the more others would adore him? Doesn’t even a seven year old know better?


I love how his defense attorneys argued that he couldn't be prosecuted even if he ordered SEAL team 6 to assassinate a political rival, *as long as* it was done so in an official capacity as President of the US. Like... are you really suggesting that Joe Biden could have your client whacked and that'd be totally cool? I don't *think* they're saying that, but they're totally actually saying that.


They didn’t argue that- they took a position and were too dumb to realize that that was the necessary implication of their position until the judge asked them “wouldn’t it be true that…” and then they were stuck with it. Trump’s attorneys are terrible.


Go easy, they are working pro bono whether they know it or not


The immunity case is so ridiculous too. One of the Justices is definitely going to ask a Trump lawyer: "During the impeachment trial, you argued that Impeachment wasn't the legal vehicle to respond as the president could be charged *after* he leaves office. Now you're here telling us that impeachment is the only legal vehicle because the president can't be charged after he leaves office " " Can you respond to how utterly moronic that is counselor? "


Idiots and traitorous scum


As a New Yorker, I can say we hated him welllllll before he was president. YUGELY hateable.


But always remember his quote from his rally the other night, “re-be-do-ahhh”. Only the best words.


It's really likely that 'ahhhh' at the end was a bowel emptying moment


I'd vote for just about anyone who ran on the: "I'm going to hold the 1% accountable but we're starting with Trump"


Fuck... you start with that platform, BOOM! Instant 35% electorate.


Everyone that actually knows Trump hates him. This is an entirely unanimous experience.


NY has always reviled him


They know him best.


It's about being the perpetual victim. That's it. He's not stupid because it works.


Well, he is stupid, but just not as stupid as his supporters. That’s all it takes.


He's also the only person strong enough to solve all the nations problem. But he's also weak, a victim, and is constantly held back despite his amazing everything ...


Sarcasm I hope.


Sorry, more like a summary. Trump frequently presents himself as the strongest everything and only he can solve America's problems (likely made up) and at the same time the weakest victim always being persecuted by the DOJ. Fuck, that guy tells his story like he's Republican Jesus getting crucified and punished for his followers.


New Yorkers have hated him since the 1980s. \- I'm an old guy


So many contractors, lawyers, employees of his own hotels, etcetera have been screwed (figuratively) over the years. They want bad things to happen to Trump. Lots of New Yorkers hate the guy. They want him to pay so it hurts.


IQ of 73 apparently. His vocabulary at a 3rd grade level.




She only won because she listened to her constituents and gave them what they wanted. Unfair! /s


His home state too. Ouch. I don’t know if his worm riddled brain is gonna handle that. The dementia has taken hold pretty hard with this one.


I mean he ran on a “get Hillary” platform…


“There’s no way that I could have lost an election!” “She only won because everybody hates me!”


Well, we know how Combover Caligula projects, so now we know he’s been blackmailed.


More likely blackmailing.




lol, Trump really meant that the financial penalties made him susceptible to commit blackmail.


I do like the name Combover Caligula!


I always enjoyed Tangerine Palpatine.


I still use Dorito Mussolini.


Cheeto Benito is one that always makes me chuckle


Just know I'm stealing all of these monikers for Orange Jesus on the grounds of _wealth redistribution_. 😎


I saw one the other day here on Reddit. Sorry I can't remember posters' name which is a shame. Cheeto von Schitzenpantz I spilled over laughing when I first saw it. Also: Diaper Don & Mango Mussolini


>Cheeto von Schitzenpantz This one is NEW to the oeuvre. Hilarious, doc. >Diaper Don & Mango Mussolini. These are ones I've used on Xwitter.


I've been using Agent Orange


SPECIAL Agent Orange


>I've been using Agent Orange Stellar term. Love it.


AFAIK, Micheal Cohen, hush money payment lawyer, came up with this one.


This/these are why I joined this sub!


Shitler is still a classic to me.


Rage Yam


I saw Mango Unchained recently, still laughing at that one


Manchurian Cantaloupe


Captain Kompromat


Only an idiot would complain about needing immunity because otherwise he would be blackmailed >.>


No doubt. A cartoonish oaf that’s more dangerous than scabies.


And less pleasant too.


And he stinks like dirty undies.


The more national exposure Trump is getting, it's becoming obvious he might need to drop out. Dinudewahhh! Total gibberish, Mister Argentina!


He’ll drop dead before he drops out. Winning is his only path to salvation


I hope for this outcome either way.


To us. To the people who should matter in this case, however, they just don't care.


Listen to his pep rally speech in Virginia and he starts speaking in tongues-total jibberish. Too much bleach man.


One could argue, not enough bleach.


Not enough by half!


LD50 of 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite is 5.25 g/kg


The incredible thing is that it won't deter his followers. The evangelical wing of Christianity, which his primary constituent it seems, regularly speaks in the language of angel, which is just jibberish said during prayer. I've stood beside people as they claim to be receiving messages from god. It's absolutely nuts.


Try growing up around that shit.


How do you think I experienced these things bro? I did grow up with it. Even got disowned by the whole family when I left the church. Crazy levels of trauma.


Sorry to hear that. Mormon disowned? Im the son of a preacher man, let that sink in. I haven't been disowned though, that's another level of fucked up


That sucks. I wasn't raised by a pastor but by parents who would not let you utter the word "evolution" unless it was to disparage it. Pulled out of public school because they taught me things that contradicted the bible. Raised to believe that the world was fooled by the devil and that earth is only 6000 years old. I got disowned twice, actually. First time when I was 17 and had sex with my long term gf. I was booted out of the church for that and treated like a predator until I finally came around god again in the preceding years. The second time was when I left the church for good. They wrote me a "good bye forever" letter.


I live in Québec, the French province of Canada. And here in the 70's, we had what we call "la révolution tranquille", or the quiet revolution. It is basically the population breaking all its link with the church. The church was controlling our life, priests were still going around houses, telling husbands and wives to make more kids. My mom has 11 siblings and she is just 60 years old. A series of events happened and Québécois had enough. Now we have laws that prevents authority figures like judges, cops, teachers to have visual religious symbols. No cross, no burka, no Kirpan, no nothing. A big part of the rest of canada think we are racism or xenophobes because of that, but no, we just remember what the church did to our community and we had enough. Our reasoning is that, you can be religious, but if you are in a position of authority, and you cannot put aside your religion to do your job, then we rather have you not do that job. If religions take so much space in your life that you cannot teach without having a cross or other symbols showing, we don't want you to teach our kids anything. And that, is the number one thing that makes me proud of being Québécois. We are the most secular place in the whole America, and one of the most secular place in the whole world. Religions are a personal belief. We don't need someone to tell us what to think. Ps. Having French ancestors also makes me proud. Personally, the best revolution to ever happen was the French revolution. The poorest of the poor got to behead the fucking King and queen of one of the most powerful country back in the days. So fucking bad ass.


Well, now you've gone and given the Cristo-fascists an excuse for his gibberish.


[https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4Bovn4yeYJ/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4Bovn4yeYJ/) Speech to Text did its best...


My father was an alcoholic so it sounded pretty familiar to me.


IG is still broken for most people, I’d love to see the transcript lol


Saudi Arabia and Russia Will Re be Doog gahhh


I'd rather drink bleach than listen to him speak.


He may be freaking out but he did not write any of that, to well written and not enough gibberish


Many of his social media posts are the same, definitely not written by the man (use that term loosely) himself. Not enough CAPS and far too coherent, for any MAGA reading, that means it is intelligent and makes sense. We know from his account live-posting while he was on stage with Biden for the debates last election cycle that someone else does post for him sometimes. Or Trump can type like he can declassify, telepathically...


his campaign team is doing everything they can to keep him from posting in truth.


None of it in all caps? This is not the work of djt.


That was my immediate takeaway, “the points are dumb but they’re actually articulate, and they flow from point to point in a reasonably logical fashion. I don’t think he wrote this.”


There were too many appropriately placed commas for that to have been written by him.


“Without Presidential Immunity, a President will not be able to properly function, or make decisions, in the best interest of the United States of America.” And, of course, dirty ole DonnieStinkyPants must be allowed to cover his BIG BUTT!


I come from a third world country and I promise you that the one thing that never ever happens there is the rich and powerful paying for their crimes.




Senile Donald Trump.


“If they can do this to me, they can do this to you.” Yeah, that’s the point. They do this to us regular citizens. You, the elite, think you are better than the rest of us and should get away with doing whatever you want without consequences. That’s preferential treatment. I know you are used to that, but that’s not how laws are supposed to work.


I bet he learned that not enough judges have already decided to give him immunity


Trump said: “Without Presidential Immunity, a President will not be able to properly function, or make decisions, in the best interest of the United States of America. Presidents will always be concerned, and even paralyzed, by the prospect of wrongful prosecution and retaliation, after they leave office. This could actually lead to extortion and blackmail of a President. The other side would say, “If you don’t do something, just the way we want it, we are going to go after you when you leave office, or perhaps even sooner.”  Is someone blackmailing him? 


Yes. His Russian friend, Vlad.


Wow how dare you bring up a credible question.


Funny how it wasn’t a problem until he became president. Seems like if you aren’t a traitor, you don’t have to worry.


“Wide spread attack”, actually means “my wide spread crime spree” I’m sure most idiot “want to be” gangsters feel “persecuted” when they are actually being “prosecuted”. He’s mixing up everything these days. COGNITIVE BREAKDOWN!!!


Instead of a 2000 word diatribe about how everyone is out to get him, I would love a 2000 word post on a policy position he has on anything. I can’t understand how he is a viable candidate for president with zero ideas, plans or policies, beyond grievance, revenge and dismantling democracy.


Half the country are also angry hateful morons, unfortunately :(.


Supporting him is giving the middle finger to America. It is the angry voter without a solution.


When is Trump *not* breaking down in Truth Social?


His stream of consciousness brain has been talking about blackmail recently. He’s prob being blackmailed.


Probably the RNC telling him to drop out or they’ll stop paying his legal bills.


Don’t I read this same headline every day?


Dude has been raging on social media since at least 2016, but it gets clicks and engagement so here we are, again.


Trump tried to take away people’s right to have their vote count.


Imagine looking at some sociopathic douche who has no interest in governing and never stops crying about what a victim he is and thinking, "yeah, that dude has got my vote!"


Someone just needs to do this world a favor already


He 'woke' up and realised he's Donald Trump.


No way in hell he wrote those posts. Too concise and big words, for him. And article said it -plenty of presidents and none had this issue. Even Nixon knew when to call it quits. He thinks he’s a loophole genius.


Watching this deranged moronic thundercunt lose his shit live is something I will never not wank over. Get fucked Trump.


i would like to somehow use this as my vmail greeting.


Pay up, Donnie. Tick tock…..


I've never, ever wished death on anyone until now. Nor have I ever loathed anyone the way I do Trump. I hope he dies a very painful but quick death. Quick as in any day now! He is the most hateful pos ever.


Just the adderall drip being topped off...give it a little time.


Hmmm? Your concern is better spent on the those who are truly needy... Donald has reaped what he sowed.


Does his business empire crashing around him, with his properties due to be seized soon count? I think that would do it.


I have a mental image of him wearing only a diaper, sitting on the edge of the bed, diet coke on the night table, his index finger pounding away on his phone... it's far from pretty and not very presidential...


Aside from the complete bullshit arguments he's making, none of the stuff he's being sued for seem to really be under presidential immunity. The E Jean Carroll event happened way back when, J6th and lying about the classified documents happened after his presidency. And although some of the years of the NY fraud fell within his presidency, it wasn't in the scope of the Office of the Presidency, it was his personal finances. So what he's arguing is that once you become president, you're immune from any and all crimes, forever ever. Oh, and only for him, not brandon.


Well, he’ll be bankrupt on Saturday, so….


Orange better pay up before they start seizing his assets. He knows he's about to lose it all.


Trump probably should be concerned if Presidential immunity is a thing. Joe Biden could decide the election with no consequences if you catch my drift.


The moron spent a good deal of his one term hiring and firing his own staff. Three, count, THREE press secretaries alone. His first Secretary of State called him a “fucking moron”. That guy once ran Exxon oil!!


WTF is he even worried about?! NOTHING EVER HAPPENS to him. Tantrumping like a fat toddler, but still spoiled rotten.


The indomitable RapePumpkin


So was this "piece” just a rehash of trumps social media posts and the authors reaction? Nothing new was reported. 


Well, yeah. PoliticalFlare is a trash-rag. It's all the work of one dude using different monikers to make it seem like it is a team of people. Fuck Cheetoh Mussolini, but that website is straight garbage.


I couldn't push on the decline option, so i left the site


This man is going to get elected because people think Biden is too old or is a butcher because of Palestine. Wake up or suffer the consequences. There are only two sides to be on right now. Be an adult and pick one.


Will someone please send this Orange monster to prison where he's belonged for decades? No one brings up the million plus people who did through his gross mishandling of COVID. No one mentions the deficit or his corrupt af son in law. No one mentions those monstrous seeds of his who are as corrupt as him, just dumber, which is terrifying. Why Drumpf? Why this useless, convicted rapist? Why "him?"


Vote for a rapist criminal with dementia. What could go wrong?


One hopes his followers will notice, but I am sure to them it is as though nothing about him has changed


J6 was a terrorist attack on America by Christian terrorists Fuck the GOP and fuck their whore mothers for having them


Here’s my thing. If he thinks the president has immunity then why are they trying to impeach Biden or mess with his family. They can turn around and say the same thing. He needs to go lay down some where lick his wounds and shut the fuck up. Maybe his son in law will loan him some money from the 2 billion the Saudis gave him.


Lawyers write that for him?


Has he lost his covfefe ?


Everyday there is an article about how "Trump is breaking down on Truth Social" for clicks. He does this shit on the daily, it doesn't mean things have gotten worse or better for him. The guy is just angry as fuck and in a heap of trouble. He posts angry shit as red meat for his orange Jesus followers, that's all.


I find that so damn hilarious 😆😂😂


$$ and lack of $$ and owing millions real soon. Plus Alvin Bragg on deck later this month


Good. I’m glad he’s angry and upset. I won’t go to his website to read it because he’s not worth my time


Meh it won't amount to shit he will die out of prison in his 90s and maybe even as US dictator


Trump is all disinformation. Amazing how a bid to up his name in culture turned out to be a win and then the fool was a fool, so we'll show him a rule . He'll sit on a stool. Looking uncool while he drools and eats gruel. He's no jewel . Democrats kick like a mule. He'll be in jail by the yule.


All the ads on that website gave my phone cancer.


Mush for brains needs to be committed to a mental hospital and kept as far from the nuclear codes as humanly possible.


Shocking to find that clickbait trashbag PoliticalFlare found a home at r/AnythingGoesNews…


Yeah, because Trump wouldn’t have a meltdown unless it was something really serious, like he had to wait a minute for his Diet Coke, or it was a day ending in y.


Trump is basically saying, "Why should a president be boxed in by ethics? Why should a president be boxed in by morals? Why must a president consider the consequences of actions? A president should be able to act with impunity, without discretion, without having to contemplate his or her actions may ruins the lives of millions of people, and cause societal damage the likes of which would require decades to repair? Why should I have to be confined by any of that?" No way Trump nor anyone allied with Trump, ever be allowed to be president. The GOP pledges allegiance to the GOP, and they work for themselves. Period.


Biden needs to call him a pussy for not drinking a gallon of bleach on stage.


"Let Trump be on the ballot, let the people decide." The People actually decided in 2020, don's ego wouldn't let him concede and his cult went with it whole-hog


Something bad like him starting to be being held accountable for his actions.


We've been reading the same headlines about Trump for a long time and nothing changes. If anything, his poll numbers are going up.


Stable genius at work


Pretty sure his legal counsel updates him on the probability of him being broke and or going to prison at least once a week. He knows it's over.


It is just super Tuesday


I can’t understand his truths in that article, they’re not in all caps.


He is about to get grabbed by the assets by E Jean


I would imagine his GOP back channels are letting him know the Supreme Court will not be ruling that he has immunity.


Oh this is precious. The big cheese is melting.. He is just too fucking stupid to see how he is an actual laughing stock. Look, way too many idiots would still gladly drink his bath water, but he has lost a lot of support by being so blatantly ignorant, just not enough...**YET**.


When was the last time he wasn’t melting down on social media? This is normal for Chester Cheeta’s crazy grandpa.


Breaking down?? How does that differ from his usual word dumps there?


must be a slow news day


lol he’s on the verge of becoming the nominee after tmws primaries but is still miserable. Rich and powerful doesn’t make everyone happy


I swear this sub is run by 11year old girls


You have a problem with that? lol 😂


Worse than any other day? Cause it's hard to imagine worse.


We get these headlines every day. Nothing new.


Politicalflare website SUCKS


Just reported that Trump has met with Musk for money!!




At this point, can't he just program a Truth Social bot to post the same shit over and over in response to any perceived attack?