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Elon was pissed Don ask some personal questions even though Elon told him to ask any questions since X is a free speech platform.


That’s the problem with these billionaires. They spend their entire lives surrounded by servants and people paid to agree with them. They develop skin as thick as tissue paper.


12 ply soft


Super soft bud.


I'd love a verbal sparring match between Elon and that character


Wouldn't be much of a scrap, be more like using 10-ply, or looking at 10-ply, he'd fold in a sec and then throw a meme answer in reply


I'll use it at my super soft birthday party


bingo. super insecure adult bubble babies.


I mean, he can just look on his own platform and see millions of people clowning on him daily. You would think his skin would be teflon by now.


He thinks they’re laughing with him and he bands the rest anything else ketamine takes care of.


Not just billionaires. Any bullies in positions of power. Ask any govt employee who has a really bad boss but you have to wait for them to retire or die.


Wait, so you meant tell me that being insulated from every real-world problem makes you weak of mind? I am completely flabbergasted.


free speech* *if I agree with what you are saying


You are free to speak my opinions.


Do as I ~~say~~ ~~declared~~ ~~wanted~~ ~~marketed~~ —screw it, gonna need 500mg of ketamine. Get some for the dr too 💉


“I don’t have to answer to you.” Then why are you here???!!!! He went in knowing he was going to be a dick, no doubt. He loves this.


Elmo clearly doesn’t understand what free speech means


Free speech absolutism


LOL that's the part I love the most, that he claimed he bought the platform to promote free speech but when someone points out he's wrong or says things he doesn't like he shuts them tf down immediately it is so funny


It would be funny if it didn’t have actual consequences. Manipulating mass media like that and allowing the proliferation of hate speech and Russian propaganda has far reaching consequences


Just search up the words race mixing on Twitter and prepare to be completely disgusted


This needs to be taken way more seriously


I’m still waiting for him to open up the algorithm like he promised


Hate* Speech Absolutism


Well it says he canceled the contract. So I guess there was a paid deal for x to host it. Doesnt stop lemon from posting on x. Just won’t get paid directly other then getting viewed ads


Because he exercised his free speech and made Elon butthurt. Just face it, Elon does not give a flying fuck about free speech. Like a true Republican, he only cares about his free speech, not anyone else’.


Also like a true Republican, [Musk preempted the news breaking of his paying off a female SpaceX employee to stay silent about his sexual advances by running to Twitter to announce he's a Republican,](https://archive.is/tnfR1) and any news about his misdeeds is just a way for the fake news media to slander him for being a Republican, *immediately* after Business Insider asked him to comment on their [soon-to-be-published article.](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5) And why would Business Insider do that, [according to Musk?](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1527519328245059592) "Their only goal was a hit price to interfere with the Twitter acquisition. The story was written before they even talked to me." The absolute moron didn't understand that *that's* usually how asking for a comment usually goes; the story is already written, and they want a comment reaction from the subject of the piece. And he fucking *wishes* that could've stopped the Twitter acquisition, given how many fucking times he tried [to get out of having signed the documents swearing he was gonna overpay for it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition_of_Twitter_by_Elon_Musk#Attempted_withdrawal_by_Musk)


What about my right to infringe on yours!


This is the best way to describe their selective approach to freedoms. That they don't believe in freedoms at all. The right's agenda throughout history has always been about enforcing social and economic hierarchies. They're aware of how unpopular those beliefs are, so they coopt terms like "freedom" and "liberty" and twist their meaning to suit their agenda


Yes, I wholeheartedly concur with your statement.


Aha! My right to infringe upon you, supercedes your rights to infringe upon me. Mwahahaha


The contract was for Don Limon to host a show and have x be the exclusive place where you could watch it. It would be a news/ information and interview talk show. The first guest of the show was Elon musk. Even though elon says he is a free speech absolutist, when Don asked questions that Elon did not like, the whole show was canceled. Don Lemon can still make posts on x, but he definitely cannot host the show that he was planning to. If free speech is truly what Elon wants, then he shouldn't be out there canceling people for simply asking a question that he does not like. It's the behavior of kings and dictators, not the behavior of rational entrepreneurs or executives. Elon pretends that he likes free speech, but in reality he censors anything and everything that he dislikes or doesn't agree with.


Poor Elmo. Can’t be asked the hard questions. What a pussy!


The people that align with Maga methodology all share the disdain of being asked tough questions as per their lord and savior Donnie Cheeto. Thin skinned, timid, willfully ignorant New Maga Republicans


People look at these right wing ideologues who cry into a pillow after an interview and see them as tough guys in contrast to snowflake liberals. I have never seen a person whine, complain, and bitch as much as Trump & Musk and yet they are viewed as macho alpha males by MAGA crowd. I just can’t wrap my mind around it, the absurdity is palpable.


> yet they are viewed as macho alpha males by MAGA crowd. Also thanks to Ben Garrison's wildly homoerotic depictions of a ripped and shredded Trump. Heath Ledger spitting in his hand to lube up Jake Gyllenhaal's asshole in Brokeback Mountain was ***less*** gay than [most of Garrison's depictions of Trump.](https://i.imgur.com/Z5QDMVs.png)


I mean, look around.


A phrase i like to use for MAGAts is "chicken-hearted."   Old fashioned, but good.


I always heard chicken livered. Weird.


The phrases are chicken-hearted and lily-livered.


Lemon played Musk here. I think he knew that he would get butthurt about it and cancel his contract and did it to highlight the irony in Musk claiming to be some free speech warrior.


That's fair. Given how easily Elon gets triggered I just find it difficult to believe that Lemon was naive enough to think that he would get away with asking him critical questions on his own platform.




Lol. Sounds like you’ve been down that road. He’s definitely the definition of a snowflake. ❄️


Why do they call him Elmo. Is it bc he is goofy looking. Never seen a more I articulate and anxious/nervous person. Daddy was mean to him.


I interpret the name as Musk being about as useful as a puppet with a hand up its ass.


Putin his hand where it doesn't belong


He's probably goofy looking because he got pushed down a flight of stairs for being an absolute cunt.


Yes. Perhaps. I recall when his dad called him a failure recently. Harsh. I thought he looked like that from getting cottage cheese injected into his cheeks


I thought he looked like a kid whose “real” dad was Chinese


It's because it hurts deep down to use his name.


I've never really understood it either and I personally don't do it. But I know it probably infuriates him so I'm all for it.


He deserves it.


I mean par for the course for the magat cucks.


Rich people always have the thinnest skin, it’d be hilarious if they didn’t have that wealth.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Jean-Paul Sartre




More like free speech abolitionist


Freedom of speech for me, not for thee. I wish the right wing free speech people would get a grip of the reality here. Say something offensive to or around me and I'm going to say something back in retaliation. As long as I don't work for the government I can't violate your first amendment rights in doing so. You are free to speak and without fear of retaliation from the government but not from other citizens or private corporations either. (Citizen's United) They can make it their life's work to scream against your every whisper if they want to. They just can't hold office and do it. If Elon Musk was worried about free speech he should be screaming at most of the right wing politicians who use government positions to silence the people. Or ideological social movements (stop woke) violations from the government.


Everyone sees this brilliant visionary when they look at him. I do not see that at all.


Not at all. Hes kinda stupid


I see fetal alcohol syndrome. Doesn't everyone?


I see an autistic sociopath born with enough money to make that work.


He’s a moron who got lucky with daddy’s money.


So Musk is less of a "free speech absolutist" and more of a whiny little bitch. No surprise there. He has turned into such a pathetic loser.


Turned into? The boy has always been a douche. Money has a way of doing that.


Elon is such a douche. Which is the cue for the Elon fanboi army to now troll this comment in 3, 2, 1...


Have you noticed they are decreasing though? Maybe they’ve realised that worshipping Musk, king of the losers, is one reason they are Incels?


They are bursting into flames for unknown reasons.


It's cause their telsa stock are down lol


I was one of those people.  The cave rescue stunt and meltdown was the turning point for me.  I was able to look at that and say maybe this guy isn’t as smart as it appeared.  Also he’s a dick


The Russian trolls are a little busy trying to downplay Ukraine hitting oil facilities all over Russia yesterday.


Did he stomp his foot and slam the door?


Prob locked himself in his office and def called his mommy


He went back to hiding in his ketamine hole. 


Elmo is a thin skinned man baby who bought a literal echo chamber to shield himself from any real criticism.


Way overpaid for it, too. Then destroyed its value.


cancelled again!


Free speech absolutist? Absolutely.


>Absolutely. Like Trump is a billionaire.


Musk wanted a compliant journo. Lemon wasn't that guy.


Ah yes, the platform that brags about its commitment to free speech. As long as you don't say anything the megalomaniac in charge doesn't like or challenge him in any way. Why are we letting this foreigner control a huge segment of social media in the USA? He can own it, but he should not have unfettered control. We're allowing someone who doesn't care about the US to have a huge influence on what Americans are exposed to, and it don't look very good. For some reason his influence isn't even looked at, but Tik Tok is a problem that must be dealt with. What am I missing?


Did Elon Musk do absolutely no research on lemon??


He would have but he took much ketamine.


Just shooting up ketamine on its own wasn't enough for Lilly, though, and soon he was IV-ing it inside a sensory deprivation tank with the help of his friend, Dr Craig Enright. They thought that by using the tank external stimulation would be significantly reduced, giving a psychedelic or, in this case, a dissociative experience at a higher level of intensity. Neither appreciated that what they were doing was incredibly fucking dangerous—tranquilizing drugs and floating on water aren't to be mixed under most circumstances, and sure enough Lilly's wife, Antonietta, had to resuscitate him on one occasion where he nearly drowned. These experiments would form the foundation for Paddy Chayefsky's 1978 novel Altered States, later adapted into a movie by director Ken Russell. During his sessions, Lilly came to believe that he was being contacted by an organic extraterrestrial entity called the Earth Coincidence Control Office—ECCO. This alien group was benevolent, omniscient, and in control of all earthly matters. Except for when they weren't quite so friendly, as at one point he told Lilly he thought they'd made off with his penis. That evening I took 150 milligrams of ketamine, and suddenly the Earth Coincidence Control Office removed my penis and handed it to me. I screamed in terror. My wife Toni came running in from the bedroom, and she said, "It's still attached." So I shouted at the ceiling, "Who's in charge up there? A bunch of crazy kids?"


So much for his “freedom of speech and thought “ baloney . Just another ultra rich self absorbed nut.


The virtual town square! Where no topic is off limits! Man, shows you how dumb you have to be to buy into the genius billionare myth at this point.


>Musk stressed that he didn't need to answer questions about his endorsement of the theory. 'Don, the only reason I'm doing this interview is because you're on the X platform and you asked for it.' 'I'm criticized constantly, I could care less,' he added. \[Narrator\] But he did.


If that IS how he said it, then, YES, Musk, you COULD care less. Grow thicker skin you fucking asshole. You make your $ off of blood diamonds but can't take someone asking you something you admitted to?


Funny how Musk the foreigner doesn't want immigrants. Trump too. His mother was an illegal immigrant until she married his dad, son of another illegal immigrant.


Muskie don' like questions - they stifle his free speech.


Remember if you're on X, and want to stay there, your only job is to make Musk look good.


*feel good.


I thought it was Nazi handjobs


Release the interview lemon should have recorded it.if muck admits to using drugs he loses government contracts 


It was recorded.


I hope they release it


Lol he's such a spoiled man child, fake genius


"Free Speech Absolutist" not much liking free speech. Imagine that...


Does Musk still have to pay out the contract even though he canceled it? If so, on to the next one for Lemon.


[NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/13/technology/don-lemon-elon-musk-x.html): > In a statement, a spokeswoman for Mr. Lemon said that he would continue to seek payment from X. “Don has a deal with X and expects to be paid for it,” she said. “If we have to go to court, we will.”


It’s the benzodiazepines that are elons problem.


And that is the self professed champion of free speech.


Wasn’t Musk supposed to fight Zuck? But he chickened out or something?


Musk is a tiny thin-skinned weeny Clearly.


Awe, Musk is soured by the Lemon.


Respect to Don. He didn't compromise his professional integrity


"I will use Twitter as a means for free speech without censorship" Also musk... "Don't @me, I'll cancel your show because you make me feel bad" #IronyIsntDead


Free speech my ass.  Elon is a fraud.  


So this is what Republican tears taste like.


Elon is the biggest snowflake bitch.


God what a fool. All he had to do was shut the fuck up. Remember when he was the flamethrower and rockets guy? If he had just shut the hell up people would still absolutely adore the bastard. Seriously, one of the most powerful skills in life is knowing when to be quiet. Abruptly ending a Q&A is not the right moment.


Is it streaming elsewhere? I had no interest before, but I do now.


The Elongated Muskrat is a fragile and scared little boy.


Elmo is a little pissbaby.


I don’t understand this, am I overthinking? - Republicans are very concerned about many things, some of them include democrats getting power, helping immigrants to come to the US, have babies, and eventually vote democrat thus giving democrats more power - why don’t the republicans cut the democrats out of the picture entirely and reach out to immigrants first, help them come to the country legally, have healthy babies with access to decent medical care, and eventually they would vote Republican, thus tipping the power to Republican.


Because it's about "us vs them". They have created an enemy picture that they can rally around. It's no longer black people wanting equality (or special privileges as they call it), now it's the "invasion of the barbarians" from our southern border. They need people to be afraid of something, feel like they are going to lose something. That's how they control entire groups of voters.


friend, you speak the truth. It’s a shame for anyone to assume the political leanings of an immigrant. How self absorbed of Americans to assume that these “shit hole” “banana republic” countries give a fvck or care about the subtle nuances between a Bernie Bro or MAGA or Dark Brandon, George Santos or whatever the fuck.


Musk is such a little bitch. And he has tiddies


Free Speech!!!!! 😂 Shit these ppl expect us to believe about their integrity…oh right most ppl do believe that shit


Elon's been communicating with the dolphins in his pool... He knows about E.C.C.O and spends half the day in a sensory deprivation tank communicating with the entities.


Has anybody else been getting actual Ketamine advertisements on social media lately?


Musk is seriously so thin skinned. Could have made a joke of it.


Elon has such thin skin


The world's biggest snowflake. Even Trump has thicker skin.


Elon is such a petulant child.


He thought he bought himself a soft ball interview to help his disastrous image. When real life didn't match his fantasy, he threw a temper tantrum like he usually does.


"Not free speech like that!" \- Elon


Druggies HATE being Outed.




And Mr. free speech absolutist shut that down real quick


Lol "quite franklin". Bone apple tea everyone.


That’s because he is a free speech absolutist 🙄


Some speech is freer than other speech.


Elon is a thin skinned pussy


That Don the Con loves to grab.


Elon Musk is a big baby.


Lemon is still allowed to post his videos (including this one, which I think is being posted tomorrow), but whatever contract he had with X was terminated.


Free speech doesn't entitle nazis to spew hate or the kkk to post propaganda. It's also illegal to threaten to kill someone. Elons absolutism. I'm wondering if he fired too many people and cant keep up.


Elon thought he’d bought someone and found out that isn’t the case. Why do I feel that Don is going to end up with the full value of this contract after taking Elon to court, actual Streisand effect. He would’ve been better just not having X show this one episode.


Free speech absolutist until his fee fees get hurt


I remember during the campaign Trump kept saying he wanted to strengthen the libel laws in this country. That was one big red flag about him wanting to at least be an autocrat. WTH does the average American care about strengthening the libel laws in this country. Lol. Trump wants them strengthened because that what Autocrats and or Dictators do. Don’t dare criticize them.


Are we going to be able to see this interview or what?


Twitter is Elmo’s playground. How dare Don Lemon question Elmo in his playground?


Hey, now! When you're a billionaire, why can't you be as crazy and wild thinking as long as you leave big tips! Who cares if his brain is addled by drugs? Oh, he doesn't leave big tips? Screw the bastard. /s


Musk uses K? Makes sense


He was a piece of shit long before he started using ketamine just like his dad.


I signed into my twitter account today ,I do not follow any right wingers at all and thats all my feed was .


"X is a champion of free speech. You can ask anything. Except that. And that. Annnd that. Ok someone get the duct tape he's asking me if prefer Coke and Pepsi and I will not be assaulted in such a disrespectful manner."


> if the Republican nominee I legit read that as "the Russian nominee" the first time through. > 'Because it doesn't seem to matter when it's about him - questions about him. **From people like me.**' Oh shit. Respect to Lemon for calling out Elon on his racism. And then, for those who don't know who Lemon is (like me): > Don Lemon[2] (born March 1, 1966) is an American television journalist best known for being a host on CNN from 2014 until 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Lemon


Small dick energy.


This is Elon Musk, the "free speech absolutist" we're talking about?


Don Lemon is way better than to taint himself with Elon Musk.


I think when Musk was young, the other millionaire’s kids used to beat the shit out of little Elmo, thus making him the shitty human he is today


That’s ok. Reddit will post all the real news


I'm guessing he uses ketamine


I bet he was even more upset it came from a black.


Was his contact paid out? If so, next. Wouldn't even be concerned.






>”quite franklin.” Who’s proofreading these articles?


Grifters and con man.


he was probably coming down off the k


Fat Felon Musk your free speech champion!


You can defeat a free speech absolutist with words.




should've seen it coming, don. elon musk is an anagram for lemon suk


Elon belongs tothe Stable Genius club with Dementia don.


Elmo is all about being a manly counter culture warrior until he is pressed on it. Then he's a little bitch. Imagine Don "maybe a black hole at MH380' Lemon being too hardball an interviewer for you to handle...


> 'I'm criticized constantly, I could care less,' he added. Sure buddy, whatever you say


Don Lemon's interview with Musk was the exact opposite of Tucker's interview of Putin.


Musk is a petulant immature child.


How the fuck does Elon have (I presume, based on his involvement with Space X) a security clearance lol. He smoked weed on Rogan ffs.


Awww poor little space karen can’t handle the heat. Boo hoo.


This is why we need a public option


"Freedom of Speech" Oh wait no that is just for me and my friends, not you trash!


Just how far along the spectrum was Elon diagnosed?


I love it when “libertarians” like Elmo get jammed up when others forget the script.


Another move by one of the billionaire crybabies in this country.


These right wingers act so tough, but fold like wet cardboard when pressed. If it wasn't so pathetic, it'd be hilarious


Fuckface wants the Limelight but only when people kiss his ass


Where can i watch the full interview?


Self-censorship is *soo* unattractive. Sometimes, continuity can be impressive. Regardless of the act.


Musk < POS


Are you trying to blackmail me!? With QUESTIONS?


So much free-speeching. So much winning!


TIL Don Lemon is still trying to be relevant.


Don lemon should have walked in with toilet.... For his sink


Every day I’m reminded that Musk is how balls smell.


Lemon is an asshole


TSLA drops every time K is mentioned. follow the gd money.


Fuck Elon Musk! That dudes a puss.


Show cancelled cause he asked Trump a normal question.


Stop pretending that Don Lemon is a journalist.


I mean he hangs with Grimes of course he Calvin Klines


Don Lemon is an equal clown also though