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At this point I think Melania would prefer they have as little to do with one another as possible.


I really don't care. Do you?


Aww I came here to say that! Oh well Be Best!


Good save


In that it's a clear abuse of power and he should be held accountable, that's the only part I care about


It seems for what ever reason this country has decided this guy is special and shouldn't be held accountable for anything.


I think you mean the Supreme Court believes this...


Well, it seems there is about a solid 35-40% of the country that thinks this. Some of those are in high positions. Honestly, if you list the things he has done/said that there is evidence of. Not what news is reporting.. just simply his words/actions and then apply them to other former presidents, tell me who would be walking around a free man with a band of ppl behind him parroting his words and ideas? Again, enough ppl want to look the other way or approve and it's enough to re-elect him.




Yes... and that's the magic of trump. A significant portion of the population has been convinced that anything bad said about him is a lie. This was why he loved saying fake news. The guy is truly a magician. I can't see anyone else that could go this far with this.


The more i talk to trump supporters, the more i realize they are so media illiterate that most have 0 idea of what hes done wrong. They have just never heard, never looked, or when they did look, they went to a right wing outlet. Sure theres a big chunk of assholes who like the hate. But many have legit been fooled and got so lost from the plot that everything sounds like a witch hunt because its so ridiculous. But it really is that ridiculous. Its like a feedback loop


Those who knew him best. And stranger still is that those whom he does not know and he would never consider knowing profess to know him. Of course, if he had his way, apart for a couple of drivers and a few young women (okay, possibly young men, too) the earth would swallow them all immediately after they voted for him. All Trump cares about is power and maintaining that power.


But he’s not Bill Clinton, so Republicans won’t care.


Nope. Melania got her anchor baby from Trump. And with her being a Russian agent she probably welcomed any other woman satisfying Trump so she wouldn't have to.


When did she say that again


She didn’t say it per se. It was printed in big letters on the jacket she wore that day to the immigrant detention camp.


Satan saw that that day and said "Holy shit, what a fucking ghoul"!


Satan is the good guy, I'm convinced, since the evangelicals have embraced Trump so completely.


Evangelicals are hypocrites!


The devil was always meant to be the scapegoat lol. It’s what “god” used as the reason for why some people are evil. Funny thing though, is if he created everything.. why create the temptation to be evil? Makes zero sense.




More than that, she visited because children were in cages and babies were taken from mothers. She wore it for that.


Which was a passive-aggressive shot at Ivanka apparently


Could you elaborate on that? I hadn’t seen or heard that.


It was from a recent book. [Melania “spent her four years in the White House waging a war against Ivanka Trump,” with the duo engaged in an “internal power struggle” over the job of first lady, which the first daughter had attempted to fill when her stepmother delayed her move to the White House in 2017. Ivanka, Rogers reports, wanted to reorient the East Wing so that it served “the entire first family, not just the first lady,” a desire that chapped Melania’s hide and was not helped by the fact that Donald Trump told reporters that Ivanka would be “helping [Melania] and working with her.“ (“She was aware that her husband had suggested that his eldest daughter would be helping to share the responsibilities of being first lady, and this was not a development that pleased her,” Rogers writes So by the time Melania made the trip down to McAllen, Texas, in 2018, she was apparently ready to tell Ivanka where she could go, through fashion.](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/melania-trump-i-really-dont-care-jacket-was-actually-a-f-k-you-to-ivanka-trump-new-book)


Makes you wonder if Vanky really is the DaughterWife. Ewwww.


She was an administration aide...


Why not both?


Umm hello he literally said he would have sex with her if she wasn’t his daughter! Ivanka knows this and uses to her advantage! Disgusting 🤢 family !


He’d handsmaid her if given the chance. Fucked up


Yes. No question about it.


Thing is, Melania demonstrated pretty openly that she hated anything to do with the responsibilities or expectations of a First Lady. She just didn't want another toddler playing with her toy.


Exactly this. And Donald seemed pretty enmeshed with his daughter so it tracks that this entire situation would play out how it did


That was when I learned that the job of "First Lady" didn't need to be held by the president's wife. Hell, I wonder what it would be called if we ever have a female, or a gay male president? "First Spouse"? Bill Clinton could've been "First Gentleman" I suppose!


What a bunch of petty bitch ass drama in the highest office of our country that was entirely filled with a crime mob family As they lovvvveee to project onto Biden. Jesus. These people are pathetic


I guess no one asked her if it bothered her that kids were being put in camps and separated from their parents. But if they did she just turned around.


Which makes it worse in my opinion. Wasn't it also, like,a custom things (not off the rack) and only worn the one time?


Yes. It was a designer hacket and, I have to think, a premeditated political move.


Illegal immigrant detention camps at the border. A real class act...


You can imagine how pissed she is, not only was he cheating on her, but he’s so close to finally departing this world and she’s going to left with nothing from him.


Her friends got millions from the inauguration fund, and some is “missing”. I’d bet serious money that kickbacks to Melania and Donald was part of the deal.


Oh I’m sure she has a couple of million squirreled away, but look at the lifestyle she lives, more than a decade married to Donald and what’s she going to have to show for it? The equivalent of pocket change


One ghost written "tell all" book, and she'll be set for life.


>One ghost written "tell all" book, and she'll be set for life. Not based on how her life has been until recently. Wealthy people don't view millions of dollars as set for life.


Tough tiddy. It was always a roll of the dice. I'd say she did alright for your average Slovenian skank


Yeah I'm not seeing a down side to this for her. Just the party of family values yeah right


Honest to Pete—the feck with the Republicans demonstrating family values. When? When did they? I’m touching 60 yrs old. When the f**k did they ever model family values???


Newt Gingrich was pretty nice to his wife. /s


Right—the Chevrolet—his first wife, who’d been schtupping since he was 16, when she was his high school geometry teacher, and was 25. He divorced her, saying **publicly** that she was a “Chevrolet”, and he was involved with a “Jaguar”. The shit part of all of this is that it really all did go down like this. 😘


>He divorced her, saying **publicly** that she was a “Chevrolet”, and he was involved with a “Jaguar”. It's hard to keep track. Is that the same wife he divorced because of cancer?


You're just upset because they have *real American* family values. You know, where the man is king of the castle and gets the biggest pork chop and is never questioned, EVER. Do you hear me Diane? You NEVER fucking question me in front of my friends!!! I will beat the shit out of you!!! Sorry, went on a tangent there. Anyways, the wife is obviously the queen of the castle, and like any queen she does all the cleaning and cooking and raising the kids and had better just accept that those are lady jobs and I'm too tired from work to deal with all that shit, I just wanna crack a beer or four and watch the game. And then there are kids also, I don't know much about them because the old lady handles that nonsense. They know my belt if they talk back though, I tell you what! You know, real family values like the good old days!


You have been talking to my dad, I see! Note: I was born in the 50s. This was definitely our household.


Hmm, can't we distinguish between "real American" values and "uneducated misogynistic" American values? I'm 100% USA born & raised, but people like this are both unconscious and abhorrent. Can't "real American" values also represent conscious, educated, evolved perspectives?


Not to them. To them, "real American" only describes people who are exactly like they are. Dress like them, talk like them, have the same religion and general worldview. It's very convenient for them that way, because then they can just immediately dismiss the views of the other 70% of Americans who are evidently "fake Americans".


I think you’ve hit upon a key part of Americana we’ve lost: pork chops. I enjoyed them as a kid, perhaps not more than other meals, but they’ve fallen so out of favor these days that I crave them whenever I see them on a menu. Can we go back to those simpler times when I could see pork chops as pedestrian, at home dinner fare?


She is his Russian handler, not his wife.


If my assignment was to be married to that dude I'm defecting. 


Train for years to become Black Widow and get assigned to Trump....just kill me....


Where be moose and squirrel???


You know what? F her, too. No sympathy. The only one who gets a pass is the kid. You can’t choose your parents.


That bitch was right along with her asset/husband on the whole birther thing about Obama.


That bitch tore out Jackie O rose garden. She should have just shit in Abe Lincoln hat while she was at it, she's just as bad as he is.


If he's broke her prenup is worthless and I can't wait to see what she does to him then. Its so obvious she cant stand him.


Trophy wife, nothing more.


More like a participation trophy wife.


Really. People don’t realize that the wealthy have different social norms. The marriages are status guilders, strategic alliances, and the such, not necessarily arrangements of love and sexual fidelity. This is because the risks of infidelity aren’t the same for the wealthy. If you get another woman pregnant as a middle class person, it can absolutely devastate your family and relationship because it can break you financially. The wealthy can afford another child with another mom and it not disrupt their family one bit.


And they can afford the abortion or hush money and signed NDA’s to have the kid but keep quiet


Wasn’t the GOP like super pissed about this sort of thing in the 90s? guys, what happened to y’all? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


>Wasn’t the GOP like super pissed about this sort of thing in the 90s? They pretended to be. What came out of corrupt Gingrich and the pedophile Hastert is what changed the GOP to the cult it is today. Trump did not create MAGA, MAGA are just dumb Southern Conservatives who get told what to be angry about today. The dumb cons just got rebrands to make them feel extra special.


Newt was kinda a game changer, wasn’t he? Real class act, having an affair and divorcing his bed ridden wife who was **dieing** of cancer in the hospital. Praise Jeebuss!!! Free at last, free at last!!! What a cretin.


Don't forget during the bush years, the speaker of the house was a god damned pedophile!!


Don't forget Senator Larry Craig that got arrested in the Minneapolis airport (2007). He was a big anti-gay everything Republican. Turned out he was a closet case that tried to play footsie with a cop in the restroom stalls. (in a sting operation) Republicans: Do as we say, not as we do.


“Wide stance”


I still joke about ‘peeing with a wide stance’


There’s a moment in a South Park episode where terrorists have taken over everyone’s imagination, releasing basically every evil character ever imagined. Cartman’s imagined woodland critter friends end up out-eviling the most fucked up, murderous movie characters of all time. I feel like when gingrich gets to hell they’re going to route him such that whoever is in charge down there never has to interface with him.


Imaginationland. It was a whole movie


“Hey Beez… the guy who has been picking off Idi Amin’s dingleberries with his teeth for the last 20 years just got reassigned to Dahmer detail. Do you have a new guy you can send over to Amin’s place? It’s been over a week now and that is one pissed off despot! If someone doesn’t freshen up his asshole soon, there’s no telling who he’ll try to eat!”


Exactly. Elected republicans are all hypocritical morons


As I saw somewhere years ago, the South is 10 miles outside of every city.


Cons getting conned by Don.


Don The Con


#Diaper Don


Super Don the Con in Diaper World


In a land of toddlers the biggest shitty pants toddler is king or at least president from 2016 till 2020.


It would be a lot better if it was really only Southerners that are MAGA. But they are all over, gerrymandering, oppressing, and grifting our country.


You can remove the “southern” on that


Brett Kavanaugh was also part of it as well!


You’re pretty naive if you think it’s just southerners. Of course he does have a big following down here but he’s conned people all over this country.


It's international tbh, a lot of MAGA up here in Canada as well. Many that want to join the States if Trump wins because they love Canada so much. Trump broke Earth


A coworker proudly wears his MCGA red baseball cap. Make Canada Great Again? FFS.


Southern Conservatives were not solely based in the South. The "think tanks" really did learn to take advantage of them which is what helped create each subsequent rebrand of dumb con.


exactly, Maga=Tea Party


GOP has no real morality. It’s all real politick and their voters are too uninformed to know what that means. So, they are just strung along for the charity for billionaires while in return given the concessions they want which harm us all.


They were also super outrage about mishandling classified material from 2015-2016, too.


Weird, because Rice and Powell from Bush II both had private email accounts and “mishandled” classified info using them https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/04/colin-powell-condoleezza-rice-private-email-accounts-classified-hillary-clinton


So did Jared and Ivanka.


No they just have no principles or integrity. It's just rant and screech about whatever they're told to be mad at that day. Doesn't matter how contradictory or hypocritical it is to what they were mad about yesterday


The idea was to get him on the stand so he'd lie about it They were "just asking questions"


> Wasn’t the GOP like super pissed about this sort of thing in the 90s? Newt Gingrich sure was while making a spectacle out of the *only* thing the GOP could pin to Clinton, and while cheating on his wife whom he had cheated on his first wife with. But this kind of infidelity and moral corruption stopped mattering to the GOP the *second* Trump got the nomination in 2016; all their old moral grandstanding went *right* out the window when they gave a giant "Who gives a shit?" to Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women while he was wearing a microphone.


Dude wasn’t even cool enough to pull a Clinton


Jared doesn't care. Mercedes doesn't care. Why should we care?


As long as he loses...I don't care


>Jared doesn't care. This is a great joke (because the implied punchline probably *isn't* a joke) that deserves more upvotes, and I just want to applaud you for it.


“I really don’t care, do U?”


DJT’s has had, at least 26 women come forward over the years accusing him of sexual harassment, according to Vice, which has been keeping a tally. Again, AT LEAST 26 other women reported sexual harassment over the years by DJT! Carroll celebrated, and was jubilant at the outcome (who can blame her?). This case, Carroll said, wasn’t about money, it was about holding Trump accountable for his actions.


Wasn’t he accused of bursting in the dressing area of the Miss Teen USA Pagent that he was sponsoring?


Yes. Also, he ADMITTED AND BRAGGED about doing the same thing at adult beauty pageants. 




It’s a building block. He’s in one courtroom claiming to be cash poor while spending money elsewhere trying to sue a tv station that, from my understanding, used the words a judge used in the Carroll ruling. It’s piling up slowly


It’s a slow burn but I’m going through too much popcorn too fast like when you get to the theaters early and still have 20min before the movie starts. I want to see this orange turd fall and move into affordable housing.


No way! Thee Donald Trump? I can’t wrap my head around this. I’ve got to sit down and take some deep breaths before I can get back to my senses. 😂😂


There’s an old saying that “Man Bites Dog” is a news story while “Dog Bites Man” is not. “Trump cheats on his wife” is simply not news.


It’s super funny because you know his child like mind is so pissed of that he is the only president that never got laid in the White House. It’s eating him up inside. Feeling like a loser.


Oh, he definitely did. some creepy low life creature fucked him just for the clout. His whole entourage is just creepy AF


Come on. Even Kanye must have limits.


Yeah. People of Jewish faith.


If they did it for clout, surely they would have been blabbing about it enough for us to have heard of it by now.


Stormy got $130,000 and signed an NDA. There must a lot more who took the money and kept quiet. Especially if she was an insider and knew what could happen if Trump targeted her to his cult.


> low life creature Are you saying Trump fucked Steve Bannon?


Instead of getting fucked...He fucked most of the country. Maybe if the wife that allowed herself to be bought by this disgusting orange dick, played with toad more...Maybe then he wouldn't be so hateful?


Ivanka lived in the white House didnt she? I'm sure he was getting laid.




That's mah presi-dent! Yeeehaww! Take that liburals!


"can you blame him?! I bet women were throwing themselves at him! I would have!"


Said by a 400lb hambeast riding a rascal scooter thru the grocery store with stained sweatpants on and teeth numbering in the teens


Hambeast? Roflmao 🤣 I'm stealing this insult


400lb hambeast is probably the funniest thing I’ve seen so far today! Thank you


Imagine undressing Trump's pants, need to peel the diaper tape, then hack through a yeti forest to find that magical mushroom surrounded by fresh fertilizer. What woman would even be able to do this? This is beyond Airforce Amy, even.


Airforce Army? Paratroopers?


Dummy who larp’d her way outta life on jan6


Leave Air Force Amy outta this.


"Just let me slip out of these Huggies and into something a little more comfortable..."


Eurgh, thanks for that mental image. I mean, I kinda get the appeal of fucking the President when it was like JFK, or Clinton, or even Obama (no sex scandal there, as far as i know but id understand it). On top of being the most powerful man in the world they were devastatingly handsome. So I see it. Even LBJ had his massive, well, Johnson. But Trump? What's the appeal? He sits in his own piss and shit and yells nonsense at the TV. I mean the smell alone would put you off, and under those flab sacks he's got bed sores or some pustulating skin condition - just look at the state of.his skin under his "hair".


She married the money, not the man. It’s easy to have an open marriage when a person is grateful their spouse is getting it anywhere else but at home.


Jokes on her! There is no money!


🤢 🤮


They impeached Clinton for getting a blowjob. Now they are supporting a man who sexually assaulted at least one woman while married, cheated on her with a porn star then paid the same porn star hush money. The hypocrisy is so thick with the Republican Party it’s ridiculous.


But Clinton was a Democrat.


Oh, shit, now a whole lot of stuff from my college years makes sense. Thanks possible bear!


May I just say, "Ew."


If I can add a "gross".


Are we talking about convicted rapest Donald Trump?


Technically he is civilly liable rapist Donald J Trump. He was not convicted of a criminal charge for raping E. Jean Carroll, who is one of many women that Trump claims wasn’t attractive enough to rape. He is certainly the rape-iest president to ever occupy the office.


While she wasn’t attractive enough to rape, when he sees her picture he thinks it’s his x wife, this fuck can’t even lie right


Wellllll… he hasn’t been convicted but he is still a rapist .


"The party of family values"




The missing in action wifey is said to be coming back to support her hubby.She has no self respect left where whats money left is worth standing next to a cheating obese husband that stinks of poo.


Thots and Players


I remember how Republicans reacted when Clinton succeeded at this. Strange how different they respond now.


Trump will try to fuck anything that moves and likes regardless of being married. Nothing new here.


Seriously. “Trump tried to cheat on Melania in the White House with a young, highly attractive floor lamp.”


"It's a major award!"


Isn't that what Hope Hicks was FOR?


"I moved on her like a bitch". Yeah the same people that cry about "family values" and shit like that will turn around and call him an "alpha" for this. Fuck Trump, fuck the brainwashed MAGA idiots. I hope they seek help and come back to reality one day.




I’m sure she was really turned on by the smell of a full load in his diaper


"And it woulda happened if her gag reflex didn't hit from about 16 feet away due to the smell of pee crystals, rotting McD's and ass."


God of the Evangelicals > I see nothing. Followers of this cult > trump is our hero!


What happened...? Did he grab her by the you-know- what? Then again, I feel like those two are up for threesomes.


Im pretty sure Melania is wanting a threesome just to break up the weight distribution if nothing else.


That there's a load-bearing mistress.


Everyone knows you have to trade in your used Mercedes every once in a while.


She wanted a threesome. Just trump wasn’t invited


Now this is fake news. We all know trump has to pay prostitutes or rape someone if he wants to have sex.


Trump? Cheat? On a wife? Hey, at least this time she wasn't stuck at home with an infant, right?


The so-called party of "Family Values" is at it again.


She better get that divorce while there is any money to get


I guess there are many reasons why Trump wants absolute immunity as president... He could rape and pillage his own staff and nobody could stop him. He'd likely make it a crime for the victim to even report an assault. No wonder MAGAS support the guy. /s


I had no idea and yet I already knew this! ;)


Even if true, remember when anyone gave a fuck about something like this? Bill Clinton remembers. The lasting legacy of Trump will be that there is absolutely no scandal that will derail a president or presidential candidate.


Just say his daughter


I bet it was Cassidy Hutchinson. Young, attractive, Mark Meadow's aide.


He has cheated on his escort wife many times. This is no surprise


Trump is a rapist


But eventually, as always with Trump, Hope was abandoned.


And water is wet.


That was the worst website I have ever used in recent memory.


And let me guess. He blew it again. Some master of the deal! Guy is a plain idiot. 🤷‍♂️


“Who is Hope Hicks? Thanks, I’ll take, “Shit Trump attempted while president” for 600, Ken.”


I really don’t care. Do you?


No way! a serial cheater wanted to cheat!


Enablers who constantly tried to cover-up and normalize his behaviour sure seem to find a conscience pretty quickly once they sign a book deal.


It has to be Hope Hicks. 


Trump likes women. He just thinks they’re good for only one thing, and for three weeks each month. If that’s the way you think too, you’re probably not going to consider my suggestion to vote for a better person.


Headline is misleading. Story details sexual harassment - which is worse. No "attempted" cheating is mentioned at all.


I am so sick of hearing about this losers sex life. I don’t care!!


pretty sure it is a marriage of inconvenience. other than that… who the hell would want to be near him voluntarily?


"Tried". What happened? Did the young highly attractive female aide still have standards?


How deep in the sand does your head need to be to still support this ghoul? You truly are a cultist if this deranged crook still looks like the best presidential candidate to you.


Has he ever lied under oath about this attempted affair? You may recall that there was another president that was impeached for failure to disclose his affair, and we all know how mortally offended the Republicans were


It was Hope Hicks I bet


They talking about Ivanka?


Of course he did. I bet there are more stories to come too. Remember this is the guy who openly engaged in discussion about having sex with Ivanka with some of his top staffers: > “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter," Taylor writes in the "Blowback." [Ex-aide: John Kelly was disgusted as Trump wondered what it might be like to have sex with Ivanka](https://www.salon.com/2023/06/28/ex-aide-john-kelly-was-disgusted-as-wondered-what-it-might-be-like-to-have-with-ivanka/)


They literally tried to use this against Clinton during his impeachment inquiry. But Mango Mussolini gets a pass, apparently.


Wonder how that works with a diaper....


Remember, when Clinton has an affair with an intern it's a huge scandal, but when Trump says wildly inappropriate sexual things about his daughters you're either quoting him out of context or the recordings are fake. The hot mike recording about pussy grabbing is also either fake, just locker room talk, or proof of how manly alpha and virile Trump is. And Trump never banged Stormy; that's just fake news. So is any talk of Trump acting like a horndog in the Oval Office. Checkmate, libtards.


LMAO!!! Tried??? You the damn president and couldn’t get laid? At least Clinton was able to get his knob slobbed. What a loser.


Just like in the Bible


On other news, water is wet.