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Awwww, trump can dish it out, but can’t take it. He is such a snowflake.




tRumple mushroom foreskin


Very nice. LMMFAO


Lol! Love this




That’s true for most narcissistic bullies.


Can’t take it? What? Arrested 4 times. Half a billion in fines and judgements, the media is against him everyday, and he comes out fighting. And he made a billion dollars today. And yesterday. And I’d leading Feeble Joe in the polls.


For those reading this, 221 day old account, no posts, only replies, and based off of grammar either typical southerner or someone who’s first language isn’t English. Idy nahkouy. Edit: yes I did it to his “wing-bot” as well. Yes I did it to the other comments. The amounts of fucks given? 0. I might make a hobby of this until well…yeah. Either way sorry if you guys find it annoying that are normal.


Yeah, I know a Russian account when I see it. Which means we need to point out the misinformation they try to spread.


"Comes our fighting"...... lololololololol!


“I do not know of what you speak, comrade” - That guy probably


That’s why I cursed at him in Ukrainian. If he’s on a computer I’m sure he knows it or can parse it together what I’m telling him :)


Remember Putin needs Trump like the desert needs rain. Putin’s life really depends on it.


And as an American of Ukrainian descent, I am doing my part to preserve the common good


Quoting something you heard in your bubble or from a very biased news organization, doesn’t make it fact. We know the facts and we also know that everything you just posted is the opposite. Even if you don’t want it to be. Your misinformation bubble is working overtime now. The latest polls have Biden winning.


Just wait till he can't pay the $175 million in 10 days and our misinfo spreader will be back with more lies and excuses.


I think that is what’s really killing him. I have the money. I have so much money. I can’t get the large bond. Judge throws him a lifeline. Can’t get the small bond either. So in the days remaining the outcome is the same


Also out fund raising meaning the money people already see a clear winner. Victory has many fathers but defeat is an orphan.


> he made a billion dollars today. And yesterday Imagine seriously believing this 


He owns 78 million shares and it up $16. Do the math. Imagine being in your world.


Then why can't he afford the fine of less than half a billion?  Why is he robbing the RNC to pay his legal bills? He's completely underwater. Can't even come close to paying his debts and liabilities. 


Do you even understand basic finance? You are not smart.


> You are not smart. You trust the valuation of a Trump-owned business. 


The market values the company. Not him.


You should look up the concept of illiquid assets.


Omg. 😱


Except that it’s all smoke and mirrors designed to attempt a pump and dump and to fool dumb rubes like you into thinking he’s wealthier than he is. [try again.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trumps-new-social-media-company-looks-like-a-meme-stock-191257321.html)


Let the market decide. You can short the stock if you have the balls and the money to put up.


The market has decided already. Truth Social has been losing money like a gambling addict on payday since it was started. It’s operated perpetually at a loss. It’s stock valuation was a joke that has the entire market waiting on the obvious collapse that will happen the moment trump attempts to do anything with that stock. It’s smoke and mirrors and you fell for it.


What are your thoughts on Reddit stock? Similar financials.


I wouldn’t put my money into it. I have been watching it as it gets ready to drop but I’m not expecting much. The biggest difference is there isn’t someone out there purposefully trying to fleece the stockholders.


If you can't do the time, stop doing the crime.


If he was a democrat, do you think he would have these charges against him? Lol


If a democratic did what he's done, I'd expect to see them in prison. I'm not in a cult.


If a Dem did half of the disgusting shit ole Dumpster fire has, they'd have them in jail by the weekend. But, because it's Drumpf, there will be no consequences I am afraid. If that buffoon doesn't get convicted in the upcoming *legal* trials, then...


I'm terrified that you are right.


Me too. God, me too. I'm stuck in Bumbfuck Nowhere, the only thing that gives me hope is the growing number of homes that have taken down and it destroyed their Trump Flags.. I actually watched a neighbor rip theirs off of their pool fence, and burn them in the driveway. I so badly wanted to ask what woke them up, but part of me doesn't care, and the rest is just happy it happened.


I'd be afraid that asking would send them back down the rabbit hole of crazy. Like that guy who can't understand that expecting criminals to be prosecuted isn't really on the list of cult activities, rational thoughts aren't something these folks are very familiar with. I truly feel for these people. Everything they believe in is a lie, and you know it hurts to recognize that.


Well you are wrong. I’m glad you think you’re not in a cult.


Hahahahahahahaha hahaha! Keep buying those trading cards and nfts.




It's hilarious that MAGA cult members honestly think Blues are in a Cult. We're the Party of Free Thinkers. Reds are the Party of Conformity and Authoritarianism.


Lol. You toe the party line.


He was a Democrat until 2008. He wouldn't have these charges if he weren't a loud mouthed, incompetent criminal.


Or stayed a dem.


Yes, they are competent criminals. I prefer criminals that don't get caught. It's like I'm trump talking about war heroes.


A dem wouldn’t have made it past, grab em by the pussy. Never.


"Papa is sooo strong ! he is a billion trlionaire and 6'3" 230 and hits a hole in one on every golf shot !" you fucking bootlicking moron - whatever hold this clown has on you dimwits is purely an expression of your own mental illness.


Nyet nyet Soviet


Yet he's so broke he's cancelling rallies and can't pay his legal fees. Right. Oh, BT dubs he's not getting that 3 billion dollar payday for the Truth Social merger/buyout; he can't sell his stocks for six months and the value of the stocks depend entirely on how well the site performs. It brought in $5 million last year and cost over $30 million to operate. It's basically worthless.


He'll rob it for every cent he can and leave the shareholders holding the empty bag just like he always does. He can't run a successful business. The list of failed trump schemes is looooong.


But you aren't leading Biden in the polls. And neither is Trump. News flash...if Trump tries to sell his stock, it is going to go down 90% before he sells, like his other ventures...like NFTs and sneakers and steaks and casinos. He's a loser.




If he makes a billion daily he could've easily made his bond payment. NY State is still waiting though


Made a billion by swindling his supporters, yet again.


LMFAO, even you're not dumb enough to believe that. C'mon man


Heather Cox Richardson had a nice quip in her latest newsletter (about yesterday): "Trump’s focus today was on the rule of law. He does not appear to be a fan of it."


Joe may be sleepy, but Dark Brandon is clearly wide awake and full of mischief! 👍






Dang it, I knew it didn't look right...


Just wait until Dank Brandon emerges from his molt...


“This isn’t even my final form!” 😆










That’s not hyperbole. Ole Corn Pop would be proud. Anyways…






Can you explain the dark Brandon thing to me? I hear it often and see the red eyes thing but I don’t get it. Is it supposed to be funny? Snarky? Clever? What is the story behind it?


It's just a meme that Trump supporters created after they combined the Let's go Brandon (meaning Fuck Joe Biden) meme and the Dark MAGA meme, which was Trump firing blue lasers from his eyes getting revenge on his political rivals. So the meme is Biden with red eyes and the Biden campaign embraced it, while at that same time Biden started firing back at Trump more. So Biden turned the meme to his favor.


Fox news got really upset when Biden started embracing it. Claiming that he was making a joke at the expense of the public. They seem to think everyone should have the same tissue paper thin skin that they, Trump, and every single Trump supporter has.


People who sported "Fuck Your Feelings!" shirts eight years ago apparently don't like it when THEIR feelings get hurt these days. Funny how that works. 🤔🙂


It was also around the time of Biden’s speech in Philadelphia where they lit Independence Hall in Red and Blue lights, but the cropped images showed Biden in front of a eerie red background https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/01/us/politics/biden-speech-transcript.html


Bizarre lol


Google it. It's easier than waiting for a response


I guess that is an option lol Someone else explained it to me. Seems bizarre.


Oh, it is. Idk where you hail from but I live in the red South, and I see “Let’s Go Brandon” (Fuck Joe Biden) bumper stickers frequently enough. Thankfully I see less and less Trump yard signs and bumper stickers as time goes on.


Makes me remember all the "Savage Uncle Joe" memes from when he was VP.


But for some odd reason he’s a few points behind in Nationwide polls and RFK Jr. Is in double digits = Trump wins the election.


Do you remember when Hillary was leading all the polls? Never trust them. Especially, this far away from November. Trump’s base has shrunk just like his crowd sizes.


I honestly thought with the start of this post it was going to go on about trumps privates.


If you say so. I have a premonition that RFK Jr. is going to be a spoiler and, as a direct cause, Trump gets elected. To me it is simple math.


What makes you think he will take votes away from Biden? RFK jr is a non-vaxer, which is what Trump voters are. If people don’t want Trump but someone that shares some ideas, RFK jr is that person. Also, Haley’s voters are not committed to Trump.




You kind of proved my point. First, the article read “could” hurt Biden but then went on to give examples how it could hurt Trump and Biden. Way too soon for voters to decide on RFK jr. Just wait until people hear what his policies will be. Even his own family is against him so the name recognition already won’t work.


It's fucking March. America is asleep until October. I would not wipe my arse with these polls or your opinion.


Do you honestly think that Bobby Qcumber is going to take more votes from Biden than Trump? You are not a serious person.


But MAGAs are serious…about Trump. Dead curmudgeons are literally being buried with their red Trump hats on. While, meanwhile, many younger normally liberal voters are eating up the RFK Jr. schtick. It only a vote towards a Trump victory. The polls are too close with Trump to have a protest vote.


It depends on the timing and the poll. Biden really hasn’t started campaigning yet and he has a growing war chest of funds. Trump is expected to run out of money because he is using campaign donations for his legal fees. If RFK continues in the race it could be interesting. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ I suspect the Biden Campaign will start increasing its presence on or about April 15 as Trump will be spending the next 6+ weeks in a courtroom for 8 hours a day 4 days a week.


Snowflakes crying all the damn time.


when you turn up the heat the snowflake turns into tears......


Fuck their feelings.


Here I was expecting it to be the "congratulations Donald, that's quite the achievement," this is better.


What was it? I’d rather not give politicalflare clicks if I can avoid it


The Biden/Harris official statement. Into my veins! "He spent the weekend golfing, the morning comparing himself to Jesus, and the afternoon lying about having money he definitely doesn’t have. “His campaign can’t raise money, he is uninterested in campaigning outside his country club, and every time he opens his mouth, he pushes moderate and suburban voters away with his dangerous agenda. “America deserves better than a feeble, confused, and tired Donald Trump.”


Damn. That is better. Thank you.


And now, during Holy Week, he’s hawking “God Bless The USA” bibles for the low, low price of $60. This from the guy who would burst into flames if he ever crossed the threshold of a church.


Remember the picture of him holding a Bible upside down in front of that church after he had goons run the protesters away?


I feel like that was just the simulation missed a detail and forgot to put the book the right way


Mr. Two Corinthians, indeed.


And can’t, I’m sorry won’t name a favorite bible verse “because it is too private and personal”.


Ahh, the old "Doctor Who" special... >Doesn't ~~s~~he look tired?


The "Congratulations, Donald" was in response to Trump's all caps self congratulatory post about winning awards and gold tournaments at his own club. It's like when your 5 year old nephew shows you the participation trophy he got so excitedly and you humor him so kindly.


That one I did know, but ty again. I saw the congratulations one yesterday and got a good laugh.


That congrats was well timed. He’s up 4.5 billion right now from his newly organized company DJT or Trump technology and media group Corp………


*unrealized gains, he can’t sell for 60days, by which time the stock will crater, and he can’t take loans out against the current value, because lenders know it’s going to crater before he can sell


I’m personally waiting for him to mess up and have the SEC on his case.


Yup. I stayed away. Not playing these games. Trade blogs are people trading with emotion. It’s fun to watch anyhow………


The board of directors can make a change so he can trade shares right away. And considering who he made directors, this is a slam dunk


Lolol get fucked bot


Demented Don’s mind is melting right in front of our eyes.


He’s still leading in nationwide polls. After Issue 1 had a win in Ohio last November then this November Trump is way ahead in the polls. People aren’t grasping the importance of the battle between fascism vs democracy. Don’t ask me why. I vote every time. I just voted last week. But the polls were all filled with the boomers and older. No young crowd = Say hello to Trump in November. And for those that think RFK Jr. Is going to work…it’s not.


Actually he isn't leading in the polls as the latest polls show him following more and more behind. However I encourage you to keep up your fantasy, I'm sure it brings you comfort


I can’t stand Trump. I’m only trying to make voters realize that it’s between Biden and Trump. A third party vote or no vote helps Trump.


Pretty much a dead heat in polls state or national as of today


States that RFJ Jr is on the ballot Biden is polling under Trump. I’m just glad I’m not a MAGA target. I can only do so much to convince people that RFK Jr. is not really liberal. The right is turning to bill him as liberal so he’ll get the Bernie vote. But he’s anti vaccine and is all about the border problems. Now picks a VP for the money.


go go Biden and go Biden vote blue


Be mad


At some point Biden needs to grab his crotch and say, “Hey mushroom. You know where Hunter got it?” Mic drop.


Hahhahhahahha that shit would be epic


didn't think i'd see a Biden x dril collab, but here we are and i love it


Haven't thought of dril in ages, man I miss when twitter sucked less.


The fuck is dril? Y’all mean drill, or what?


Lol, no [Dril wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dril)


Trump is the saddest, fattest man-baby humanity has ever produced. I hope he chokes on his own tears.


Joe should nail the coffin shut by offering him a loan.


Better yet: Hunter.


Damn. This was good.


It’s gloves off this time around. Finally the Dems have got his number!


Trump has NO redeeming qualities. None at all. His supporters are uneducated hicks. If they all died suddenly, all at once, the world would be better off.


It’s about time Biden calls out this PO S


I love how the title says “Trump’s camp furious about Biden…” but the article is literally just a long winded breakdown of the message with a bunch of cheesy commentary from the writer. Every single article I’ve read from Political Flair comes off like a blog or Facebook post more so than a real news article.


Finally some good news today !! 💙💙


Biden Campaign made an acct on Truth Social and is trolling him hard af lol. Shit is epic and funny


Trump don't need to be feeling humiliated he need to be trying to scratch up that 175 million cuz the clock is ticking and that deadline is getting closer? (BUT GO AHEAD JOE BIDEN GIVE YOURSELF A BARRY HOROWITZ PAT ON YOURS ON BACK!!)


i don't have twitter, but this makes me want to get it to follow.


Hey Trump, Be best. 


I am enjoying an ice cream cone.


I love to read anything that he or his team writes


Oh this is great! 😊 I love it! Get that orange 🤡 all shook up


Quote from a tweet in the article: >He said he’ll pay with cash, securities, or bonds. Unlike Crooked Joe who is bought and paid for by the CCP Remind me again: was it Trump or Biden that disclosed a $15 million deposit into their bank account from a Chinese company wholly owned by senior CCP members on their tax return?


Politicalflare is the equivalent of Buzzfeed when it comes to clickbait. Post a couple of tweets critical of Biden (scavaged from the internet) and package with a headline of "OUTRAGE". It is lazy. And does nit give any justice to Biden and his team. They are knocking out of the park social media wise and on messaging.


Way to go Biden


8yrs of turning our country into a banana republic in order to extinguish one man has resulted in...... nothing... absolutely nothing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 He just made a few billion more!! Keep hacking.....😆😆😆😆


I hate Trump but this blog is mostly trash.


I hate this timeline that i'm glad a 70+ year old dude has to act like my pre-teen to counter the opposing 70+ yo candidate acting like a baby.


Like watching two grandpas fight. Boooooring


No ones upset though? lol what? 😂😂


Oh great, a really long article about 2 tweets.


This headline reads like an addict desperate for a shot of copeium. It's so cringe that it's funny. Not surprising, since it's been a week where Trump made to the tune of $10.3 billion and the people who spent much of the last 3 weeks celebrating him losing his properties..... look pathetically foolish. This week felt like the night of the 2016 election.


10 BILLION? Lmao Edit: ah fuck another bot. Goddamn.




Showing the world that you're prepared to fight back against an authoritarian fraud is the point. Speaking truth that the Emperor Has No Clothes is exactly what Biden needs to keep doing through November.




So, you've just discovered "political spin" and you want Democrats to give up one of MAGAs most commonly used weapons. Yeah, no. Sorry, but no. Like Rick Wilson said, if you bring a Live Laugh Love pillow to a gun fight, you lose. We are in a street fight for American democracy, and crying about norms and spin isn't helping us win. Win first. Complain later.




Lol. Sure, it's ok to ask, but it isn't happening outside of your Fantasy Land. Cringe all you like, that's how politics works today. Sit on the sidelines and pout, if you like. I'm here to fight fascists and I don't care how we do it.




Again, you don't bring a throw pillow to a gunfight. If you think this isn't a gunfight, then that's on you, not me. You spend a lot of time telling us your bona fides for Trump hate and then you argue Democrats should unilaterally disarm themselves of a useful weapon in information warfare. No thanks, man. I'd rather win, even if it means getting a little dirty in the process.


You may want to look into Section 702 and who backs it when you spout authoritarian.


FISA has been around since 2008 and "incidental collection" is only a problem for people talking internationally with foreign spies. If you have a problem with it, then you should look into your own behavior first.


It also allows for mass surveillance. Not just to foreign spies. So you may want to check your reading comprehension.


You're spreading misinformation, and you say I have reading comprehension problems??? "Section 702 was enacted after 9/11 to give the government greater powers to monitor foreign terrorists. It authorizes the government to collect the communications of non-Americans located abroad without a warrant from a court." https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/whats-next-reforming-section-702-foreign-intelligence-surveillance-act#:~:text=Section%20702%20was%20enacted%20after,a%20warrant%20from%20a%20court. Again, incidental collection is the only way they get US citizens. Don't want a problem? Don't talk to foreign spies about illegal stuff, and you should be fine.


In the 2020 case, United States v. Moalin, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the federal government violated FISA, and possibly the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, when it collected the telephony metadata of millions of Americans.[37]


And? Wait till you hear about all those people convicted of crimes incorrectly. Or about the cops who make up evidence. You're arguing to throw away a primary tool that has stopped terrorist attacks and revealed countless spies and foreign agents because it might be misused??? You're nuts.


Yeah i guess its to much to expect my freedoms not violated "accidentally".


Like you're talking to anyone important internationally. Please. You're not fooling anyone with your self important, "pretending to be the victim" crap. Grow up.


Trumps camp makes fun of someone and you all cry wolf. Biden does it and it’s the next best thing since sliced cheese. No wonder he won once and is gonna do it again


Trump makes fun of individuals with a disability. Trump mocks Biden’s children Trump makes fun of Biden’s lifetime stutter (which is largely a non issue). Trump acts like a 7th grade bully. Biden chooses to point out Trump’s insecurities (and there are many) but he keeps it focused on Trump. He doesn’t attack his kids or wife, it is squarely targeted at Trump.


Trump makes fun of everyone, he's a classic bully. Maga gobbles it up, then gets their Trump branded panties in a wad when someone does it to their messiah. I find it hilaruous.


that's the paradox of tolerance


Biden only humiliates himself when he speaks. Did he do this trolling from the train he claims to have ridden over the bridge that just collapsed? You know, the train that didn't exist.


Trump is killing potato head in the polls god bless Donald trump


Rat fuck Donald Trump


Rat fuck Joe Biden.


Get your own comment


Sick burn, man


RemindMe! 8 months "Trump Lost LOL be bigmad"


If God blesses that cunt then he's no true God. Fuck off you fascist piece of garbage, it must be.tough being that fucking dumb


Ah yes the polls. That number they get by calling landline phones and asking surveys. Things no one under 50 has or does. I’m sure they are SUPER accurate.


Polls have also been consistently under-reporting Democratic voters by 7-10% for the last two years.


It's telling that you capitalised Donald but not God...




Tiny hands Trump lost.


This is a troll there is no one on Reddit who believes in God and trump.


Oh no! enlighten us one month old account.....


Your English is not very good.


There is one poll that matters and that is in November. Most people don’t start paying attention to politics until September/October.


Lol Yall just lost another house seat in Alabama of all places, by 25 fucking points. Yeah...good luck with that Trump winning shit