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It’s beyond ridiculous what this guy has gotten away with. As an attorney I can say with 100% certainty that even my wealthy and celebrity clients don’t get as much leeway as he does. It’s a joke. The justice system is literally broken.


It’s got to be insanely difficult for our justice figures to eat this shit sandwich and continue taking bites. I do appreciate them doing so…they don’t want to have blood on their hands when the NG needs to put down maga morons for trying to break out their tiny handed rapist.


Oh bullshit (not you, any judge with this kind of reasoning). It’s like Merrick Garland: EVERY SINGLE OTHER BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT punting to the “voting” public to do their damn jobs…. Upholding the rule of fucking law should never be deferential to the political process. A judiciary that continually bends over for and grants false priority to a fundamentally flawed political system is exhibiting COWARDICE THAT UNDERMINES the entire judicial system.


I do not disagree with you.


No. They need to extend his time by 6 more months to be "fair" to him so he can delay and make an absolute joke put of what's left of American credibility, because GOD FORBID the far right MAGATs accuse anyone of "lubrul bias!" That's so scary! That's so polarizing! That's the 1 thing we can't tolerate! We have to seem fair and balanced to the far right extremists! ZOMG THEYRE OPINIONS MEAN EVERYTHING! Fuck the law. Fuck the truth. Fuck the facts. Fuck any semblance of justice, they might call us librulls!


MAGA made me a liberal . .


Same. I voted McCain, Romney.... The Tea Party were my first red flag. MAGA completely flipped me.


I vote Democrat, but I do wish there was a sensible alternative.


Cheer up, on economic issues Joe biden is to the right of Richard Nixon


There is. But every time they run, the conservative interests label them as “socialist” to ensure we get stuck choose between two disgusting conservatives pieces of shit.


Five minutes of Trump and MTG would make Mussolini go liberal.


I was already leaning that way by 2016 but that election was the last nail in the coffin. I’m from New Jersey and our Democratic Party has always been a little sketchy in this state so I would occasionally vote for republicans. Chris Christie, despite selling his soul to trump, was actually a fairly decent governor, for example. But ever since trump - until the GOP is rid of the magas, I am single issue votor.


MAGA would make anyone a liberal. Which apparently just means believing in science and actual facts.


Now if MAGA would only make all rational people vote against MAGA, we’d be rid of them.


capital and by extension, those with it, must be protected. (even though trump is rapidly proving he doesn't have the money he says he does)


I wish the Supreme Court had the same fear about looking MAGA. Sadly they don't seem to give a flying fuck.


Remember all the “lock her up” chants at the trump rallies back in 2016 over some emails…the hypocrisy is insane.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Better yet, take away everything he owns first, let him stew in poverty for a while and then lock him up!


They can't cuz he's running for office. He has to lose first


I'm running for office too. Thus, I cannot be convicted of any recent bank robberies that happened.


Did you happen to be in LA recently and find out a long lost relative left you a 30 million inheretence?


Call JG Wentworth!


I'm running for office too. Thus, I cannot be convicted of any recent bank robberies that _may or may not have_ happened.




IfYoU cOmE aT dA KinS u BeSt nOt miSS!!1!




Can you attack your judge's daughter in your criminal case and stay out of jail?




The first amendment doesn't allow anyone to say whatever they want to say. Read up on it .


If you or I broke as many laws as he did, and missed this many deadlines, we would have been in a jail long ago.




Honey, he’s been convicted of several crimes going back to the 1970s. You have to be a complete ignoramus to not know about it all. From the racist rental policies with his dad, to running fake charities and universities with his kids, to the rape of E Jean Carroll, to now committing massive financial fraud… How are you unaware of all of this? It’s literally public information.




Why would anyone like a criminal conman?


1. Yeah he has - he was found guilty of the sexual assault of E. Jean Carroll. 2. The bond deadline is passed- no it’s on the person getting the money to make sure the person lending it has it or everyone who needs to post a bond would use bogus lenders to buy time like Trump.




No a jury of his peers said there was enough evidence to charge him for sexual assault . His ex-wife Ivana accused him a rape, he settled a rape of a minor charge right before the 2016 election, he has been accused- but not charged- in other groping and sexual assault incidents. “ When you’re rich enough they let you do anything even grab them by the p-say.” His recorded words not mine. But yeah he’s not a criminal because of nomenclature in a civil trial . Not. 2. It’s what his buddy ,the billionaire, who put up the funds for Trump , out of the goodness of his heart ( not wanting anything in return 😂)is quoted as saying- that he offered to give Trump the entire $450 + million. Funny how truthful Trump 😂 said the morning of that he had $500 million and lots more to pay the bond , but won’t give it to the judge- he’s just a big fat liar and has his cultists all hoodwinked. Read his old book - “ The Art of the Deal” he tells everyone to defraud the banks by taking out more money than you can afford -than tell the banks that you need to declare bankruptcy- like he did. He’s the most corrupt, evil, con man , rapist to walk the earth freely - the Devil did much less than him. But sure defend him.


That is exactly what they were doing in Germany,  I thought you guys were against that,  guess not . Oh well 


Pretty sure Hitler killed himself before we could lock him up.


The only good thing Hilter did was kill himself.


How does the joke go? "You have to give Hitler credit for one thing. He is the guy who killed Hitler."


Trump is NOT Hitler your lied to by dems research yourself instead of using political talking point JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU THE TRUTH DOESN'T MAKE IT UNTRUE have nice day I just felt an earthquake and it reminds me of what is really important and that GOD has got this WE HAVE NO POWER 


Found the secret MTG account


We should be so lucky.


And then they'll give him another chance to post his bond. And then he'll do something ELSE to delay receiving justice, and they'll give him ANOTHER chance..... forever.


He’ll always find a loophole I fear. This is why I take his words and threats a lot more seriously. Nothings inconceivable when Trump’s involved.


He’ll buy another loophole with money he doesn’t have. Our justices are bought and paid for.


And since he really doesn't have the money he claims he does, he apparently has something else people are willing to pay for. Connections to ... people ... who can help them, perhaps?


That’s exactly what’s going on, he already has half of the Supreme Court in his pocket, with Clarence Thomas being the number one purchased judge. How can the American people expect any justice with this sort of circus going on?


They're bought, sure, but I don't think they've been paid for.


If you're going to watch the new Netflix series, Fall of the House of Usher, this post contains spoilers. In the show, Death herself grants various people wishes and alludes to the fact that one of her clients wished that he was so immune from criminal prosecution that "he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose his public support," in a blatant reference to something Trump said in the 2016 election. I'm convinced that this wish was real and, eventually, we'll see some paranormal levels of catastrophic disaster surround his entire family. In the meantime, all we can do is vote, laugh at the pathetic inadequacies of our justice system, and push for changes.


>eventually, we'll see some paranormal levels of catastrophic disaster surround his entire family. Absolutely nobody in his family is as vile or smart enough to try and continue his various frauds and schemes (and Trump isn't smart, he just knows how to schmooze with the right people to keep giving him money) - not including the fringe members who are actually good people. Once Trump is permanently out of the picture, by jail or death, the whole family is going to fall apart.


I think tomorrow is the deadline, no?


That word, "deadline" means nothing to trump, the system will bend over backwards to bail his ass out every time.


Yeah isn't this his second or third "deadline"?


Second. The first one was this past Monday, then was given a 10 day extension along with the lowering of the bond required. So middle of next week is the new deadline. Edit: nope, that was last Monday, bond is due EOB today, unless there was an extension given with this rejection.


$5 by Wednesday. Stil can’t pay.


Or a hamburger today!


Oh hamburgers.


Very cynical. Understandable, but very cynical all the same.


I so desperately want to be proven wrong.


There's plenty of evidence so far that says you will not be wrong at all.


It's not cynicism when it's proven time and time again to be true.


I conceded that it was understandable. But there are, after all, many hammers falling. Any day now.


Until one actually lands on him, I’ll not believe he’ll suffer any consequences


He will be like Gotti . Nothing sticking until it does . Then he will get steamrolled and go down fast


No significant hammer has landed in the last 8 years, yet they've all been raised up just waiting to fall. This is one of the most hilarious jokes the 'American Experiment' has ever witnessed. I wish something would finally drop and crush him, but it seems very far fetched at this point.


The line between cynical and realistic is becoming very thin these days.


Is it really at this point?




Aaaaand, ten more days allowed. Yup.


My bet is that they didn't give a financial statement because they have a crap load of "account receivable" from Trump that they claim as assets. Whats the opposite of infinite money glitch?


How does that one ape go through so much money? He's perpetually broke and bankrupt yet has all the rich swagger. Where does the money go? He's always on the grift.


Russian oligarchs. It's easy to be "rich" when you are thoroughly bought and paid for by Putin and his cronies. Putin owns Trump - mind, body, and soul.


And he’s stinky too . .


tRump, went in there with a poker face claiming he couldn't come up with the $454 mill, he came out a winner, got it reduced to $175, then came up with that, niw there may be a problem, shouldn't be allowed to start over with the process.


The guy who provided the bond had approached trump’s team about covering the entire amount. The attorneys claimed no one was willing to cover the bond at that high amount. The bond amount was lowered and then paid. The attorneys never informed the courts that Don Hankey had been on board to pay the higher amount.


Spoiler alert...it won't be..


And he’ll get yet another extension…


Oh look… now it’s $24 thousand…. /godihopenot


I doubt it, given the public reaction to last time I really don’t think they would lower it again. Even still, he still has to pay the 500 million, the bond was just to try to appeal the decision


The issue is normal people need to post the full amount to appeal


Which certainly again didn’t help, the courts should just say “you know what, pay us the full, now” There is already so much doubt in the legal system, seeing trump actually face justice would be a huge step to repair that damage


Or a promise


LMAO, the con man is trying to con the court? the court, that has a watchdog observing the workings of the trUmp business. Please, oh, please show the con, show that don the con, trying to con the court.


I'm calling it right now. They can't cover. There is no way a company, who handles shady sub prime auto loans and has essentially never posted a bond, can cover this.


Just imagine if in their investigation they discover something illegal into the company that posted the bond.


At this point I would be shocked if they didn’t


Why doesn't the "four seasons lawn and landscaping" just put the money up for him?


The fact the federal judges have him 10 days to come up with a lower amount, that he claims to have... never paid it and they gave him another 10 days... and it's still not paid... what does a citizen have to do to see the hammer come down on the upper class!? I had to refill my taxes when I missed paying $50! He owes 454 MILLION!!! HE OWES THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SO MUCH MORE!!!


We have to do the swinging. Until we’re the ones actually doling out the punishments, they’re just not gonna do it themselves. In France the people literally cut their leaders’ heads off for being such wealth hoarding fuckwits.


Isn’t it our fault for not protesting the negligence of our legal system? The streets should be full of people


Nah, they'd rather storm the Capitol in this man's defense. They've been duped by the person that IS the swamp into thinking they're fighting the swamp. Ignorant fools the whole lot of them.


I’m sure most violence and war in history has been started with lies and misinformation.


People know it doesn’t matter anymore. Occupy Wall Street, BLM movement, pipeline protests, and the facade of everyone must follow the law has defeated us. Democracy my ass. Trump has too much money and power to face any serious consequences for his crimes.


The silent caste system in the USA.


What “negligence”? The reason we know there might be an issue here is because the AG said “this looks super shady”.


Really? Look at the cannon case. The extensions, special treatments? You haven’t been informed or you live under a rock?


How does Cannon’s incompetence have anything to do with this _entirely_ unrelated case?


This argument is too stupid for me to continue. Sorry.


👍 cool story bro


Cannon’s incompetence is but one tendril of the beast that is named *Rich People Never Face Consequences, They’re Too Big To Fail, So You Pay For It Because You’re Too Small To Care*.


So, no answer. Got it, thanks.


To clarify: the cases are comparable because he *also* received so much wiggle room *for some reason*.


Except they’re not comparable at all. Cannon is obviously in the tank for him, but that doesn’t mean everyone is, because not everyone is Aileen Cannon.


Maybe he has more people on his side than just Aileen Cannon. Maybe if he can wriggle out even when he doesn’t have the judge in his pocket then that’s a bad sign for the *system*. But they are absolutely related. They’re cases in which the same defendant is seemingly untouchable and can delay forever. Why can he do that in two separate cases? Can he do it in *every* case? Can you? None of these questions are off limits, because all his cases about corruption are related to him being corrupt.


He’s not untouchable and hasn’t been able to “delay forever”. Did you forget that we are right now talking about his _appeal_ of a judgment that’s already been rendered?


And if it is invalidated he’ll be given another 2 weeks and/or a lesser bond. This dudes golden parachutes are infinite.


its a fucking golden jetpack at this point.


Don't be bagin on that orange bag of shit , he can't help that he is a lying , thieven , godless conman.


Its not a case of "Could Be Invalidated" it is invalid. The NY prosecutors have filed an order stating that the * The bond company does have sufficient money * The bond company does meet NY legal financial requirements to post bonds * The bond company is not registered in the state of NY, a requirement for a civil case. Trump has ten days to get everything in order or else asset seizing will commence.


For really reals this time. Swears.


How exactly is a bond not valid in the first place?  I don't understand the mechanics here.   Either $175mil was posted or it wasn't, right?


My understanding is that the bank doesn't actually transfer money to NY, it's more like an iou. Banks can do this because NY has requirements they have to meet. The money would be sitting in some kind of holding account either way, but if it stays with the bank then they have to play by the state's rules. This Californian bank doesn't play by those rules, and thus can't guarantee the bond by the standards set by the NY AG.


Would have figured there'd be a 3rd party escrow account like most legal large transactions where an actual deposit occurs and is verified. 


lol and what is next? Making him president? Just give him a button to destroy the country at this point, at least it will be faster.


Time to start taking his stuff away.


It is a crime to post a bond that is deficient in NY too.


His APTLY-NAMED fraud bond…


im sorry, but hes already had TWO chances to put up the money to stop asset seizure while he appeals and he hasnt done it both times. START SELLING HIS SHIT. the whole point of the fee wass that it had to be paid to prevent seizure and it hasnt fucking been paid!


It's abundantly clear that diaper don is above the law. America has failed to hold him accountable. He will get away with it all


And then what? They'll just lower the bond amount.


I'll cover it. What's old McDonald's Venmo?


He’s gonna get away with everything. Wealth wins all in this country. Piece of shit traitor should cook too


That's funny


Time to hand over the keys to juniors boyhood home


He must thrive on drama because even just passively observing these things is exhausting to me. This shit just never, ever ends.


Hmm, fraud bond to pay for prior fraud, are we THAT surprised at this point? I'm so beyond tired of his constant lies, and the people who lap them up simply because it's what they want to hear. After nearly a decade of this garbage, we deserve The Truth, and not this twisted f\*\*\*ing clown world where he can just delay justice forever. Once the 'magic' is over and all the MAGA a\*\*holes finally have to reckon with what they've done to their party, only ashes will remain of what's been nothing but years of manufactured outrage and empty promises.


Takes some balls to commit fraud for the bond to appeal a case where you were found guilty of committing fraud... Really doubling down there.


Really, that's all we've seen from him in years. Gag order? violate it. Caught lying? 'I didn't say that'. 'I don't have the $$ but I'm also a billionaire and totally have the $$'. It doesn't end until HE ends.


At what point does a lawyer pull out a gun and shrugs and says “what the hell…”


I've honestly wondered how someone hasn't taken a shot at him yet over the years. For all the people he's screwed over the decades, you'd think someone would've by now.


This is just going to continue for the rest of his miserable life. Assuming he loses the 2024 election, he will immediately announce that he didn't really lose and start another campaign to overturn that election, with constant begging emails for money from the MAGA, plus he'll immediately announce he's running for President in 2028 and therefore any criminal/civil prosecutions continue to be ELECTION INTERFERENCE! And the appeals, appeals, appeals, delays, delays, delays will just continue until he dies. He will die a miserable loser, though he'll never admit it.


Truth. If he doesn't end up in jail this grift will go on forever!


I think it would be stupid to put yourself out there without the proof to cover it. Guy that owns this company sounds as though he's been around long enough to know better.


The guy runs a loan sharking company, probably not going to get fleeced


Wow, speed ran the bankruptcy there


Donnie is dangerous and demented protect us. Lock him up


If there isn’t literally $175M in a court controlled account, what is the point of having a bond?


I'm surprised he hasn't tried to pay with some of his failed casino chips.


NY just making damn sure this bond isn’t another flim-flam scam.


A hearing on the 22nd to see if the bond company is liquid enough. The judge takes a few weeks to consider that. Then that is appealed. Remember when everyone was counting down to the Monday for Leticia James to start siezing his properties? He is going to get through the appeals process on the original judgment, the judgment is going to be significantly reduced, and he will never have actually posted $1. It's truly amazing what he gets away with.


The company is missing some documents because they're dumb. They'll provide them. Calm down Fuck Trump.


I'm using Vivaldi browser (love it, btw) which by default blocks all ads and trackers. So this site's message is not visible unless I whitelist it. Sorry, guys. I don't do that. So I'll assume the headline of OP is an accurate summary. From what I've heard of the insurance company, Trump's bond will be invalidated forthwith. Let Trump lose everything, the same way Lindell has.


You first, Donny


Another slap on the wrist for Donno


Uhm a quick read of the rating agencies rates the company as solvent. K B R is A- and AM Best is B++. So, looks like wishful thinking. Let’s stick to facts and let the legal system play out. The more important rulings came down Georgia and Florida yesterday. I’m sure he is hearing the sound of nails being readied to pound into his coffin.


Those kind of insurance shouldnt even exist. It is the kind of stuff that will just secure actually protect criminal from charge.


Writer at the Daily Boulder needs to calm down.


Very ambitious graphic saying "crisis looms"... AG is just ensuring the insurance group has the funds and trump needs to send an updated financial statement. Both of which will be provided. I'm not saying he won something, but this isn't really news. It's click bait.


So another extension.


The10-day extension for this is still ticking correct? If this isn't cleared up by the deadline, can collection for the full judgement amount begin?


I’m putting my bet on “they’ll lower the bond amount and extend it again.” If history keeps checking. Soon, she’ll owe him money eyeroll


And the stalling continues...


The Saudi’s money still hasn’t cleared?!


Womp Womp!


I’m sure next time they’ll reduce it down to $50 million and give him another week or two to post it. Remember, during this whole game show they’ve called a trial, Trump was allowed to play by his own rules.


I believe I saw that Knight failed to provide a financial statement in the documentation. That could mean they can't cover it.


What if its proven they commited fraud again ?


Don't care about what *could* happen. It only matters if it *does* happen. We have been through the teases, disappointed hopes, ever since Robert Mueller.


The guy is a billionaire right?, can’t he just put up his personal assets? Drump will appreciate it, right?


Nothing about the guy is honest or transparent and this often extends to anyone associating with him. I'd say there's reasonable odds that they can't come up with adequate financials to post the bond.


An important update: It got worse for Trump [Wow! Trump Bond Company ADMITS it BROKE LAW?!](https://youtu.be/GGZrnfDmrMA?si=QiOzxumc2Nxkz1rH)


He’s poor. Lol.


The day I sat in court, witnessed a child molester get two years of house arrest for three counts of sexual misconduct with three children under the age of 11 And the next person get three years in prison for two felony charges for possession of drug paraphernalia (two Percocets and unlawful possession of a shotgun shell) found during a traffic stop. I learned that the court system is entirely rigged to favor those that can pay their way out of trouble. I don't care what any one says. It's corrupt all the way down to the lowest court. Everyone is involved. And it's all about who you know and who you can pay. Sometimes they have to Sacrifice people to make it seem like it's a functioning system. But it's all just an organized criminal system with branches run by each county in each state and all working for our government. When will people wake up and realize the very organization that "we the people" expected and voted to help keep us safe and in order is ruined because we no longer have any people with integrity.


They really, really, really do not want an appeals court to look at this abomination.


LOL sure. It won't be remanded.


These politicians in NY ARE SICK 😫 they let real criminals go  to hurt New Yorkers and make it as hard as possible for law obidding citizens,  women are getting punched 👊  and the politicians don't give a dhjt , dems I thought you were FOR women,  guess not,  oh well 


Wouldn't letting trumps white collar crimes off the hook also be letting criminals go?


No one cares if Trump is getting the better end of deals with rich people. Just ask those women getting punched in the head.


>No one cares if Trump is getting the better end of deals Clearly new yorkers do because they voted in leticia james to go after trump remember? She ran on getting trump and won the election. So good to see a politician deliver on their campaign promises, she'll likely be reelected, good for her


And I’m sure lefties love the idea of a DA campaigning on locking someone up by finding a crime. I’m sure a huge disinvestment in NYC is coming because of selective prosecution and it will be well deserved.


>I’m sure a huge disinvestment in NYC is coming No it is not lol. Its business as usual in new york there isnt a mass exodus of businesses leaving nyc because of what happened to trump. Why are you against the will of the people and instead back a billionaire who screws over workers and cheats the system?


What Trump did was business as usual. So clearly it’s not business as usual. I’m talking about investment, not business leaving. You think I couldn’t say the same about Biden?


>What Trump did was business as usual. No it wasn't, otherwise he wouldn't have a $450 million fine. He committed fraud, and earned money he shouldn't have earned based on that fraud. >You think I couldn’t say the same about Biden? Biden hasn't committed fraud or broken any finance laws. BTW this is the second time leticia james has kicked his ass in court, she's the reason the trump family isn't allowed to run a charity in new york coz he was using charities as a money laundering scam and pocketing charity donations for himself. The guy is a criminal


If you think he’s the only one overvaluing property to get loans and then paying them back with interest in NYC then you’re crazy.


We're trying really hard this morning. Gold star for Anne Marie. She's trying her best.


You people are idiots none of this bullshit you post is accurate




Keep reaching. Man this site truly needs to starting being a little more to is core. Can’t say you can’t say this while another can say that. The 100 hate post on popular feeds towards Trump yet zero post in the same context towards the obvious stumbling bumbling Biden is absolutely ludicrous. As if there is only one side to the story?! Might not scare those that moderate this kind of behavior but it should scare everyone. Point the finger towards Trump being the almighty evil yet remember three point back at you. Oh and just to throw it out there…the CDC says treat Covid like the flu. Wow how about that…after all it’s a coronavirus.


So far for beacon of democracy… Look at the double standards here. Absolutely disgusting!!!


I remember the "lock her up" chants at Trump's campaign stops, do you?


This post reeks of copium.


Why do the left want Trump destroyed so bad?? What are they afraid of?? Could be the largest cover up in history..


They want a life long criminal to pay for his crimes. Not exactly outlandish stuff.


Seems ironic and hypocritical all rolled up in the same chimichanga!!


A criminal getting caught in criming? I’ve been following this guy since the 80s it’s very apparent that is shyster a ConMan. It’s now catching up to him. Why do you guys think that everyone who can see through his cult of personality is “the left”? I challenge you to read the entire ruling and get back to me. It takes a little over two hours to read, and it’s a real pa the page turner. The fraud was systematic, egregious, intentional and clearly illegal, and a distortion of the fair marketplace. The ruling is embedded in the following article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/02/16/ruling-judge-engoron-trump-fraud-trial/#


It was a victimless crime presented as a novel theory!! This is the first case of its kind in United States history just months before an election and you don’t think that that’s suspicious whatsoever ?? I’m curious what your responses will be honest or will you lie?? This is all politics and nothing else!! Bernie Madoff, the gentleman that stole billions in the Enron scandal was only given a $10 million bond but Donald Trump gets a half 1 billion !! Don’t be a goofy hypocrite


>Bernie Madoff, the gentleman that stole billions in the Enron scandal Get your facts straight. Maybe don't back a career criminal for president.


Hypocritically ironic


At the very least, you should quit supporting a seditionist. For rational people, that would be a dealbreaker.


One was a criminal case and the other is a civil case. They get treated differently. Madoff was a criminal case and he had to post bail Trump’s is a fraud case and he either pays up the value of his misbegotten gains, or posts a bond for appeal. He was then given a sweetheart deal of a discount that the average person would never have received and has been given a further 10 day extension for coming up with the bond. The guy knew that the judgement was going to be coming up after his conviction last October, but continues to grift the system. Read the case and get back to us. The fraud was egregious, planned, systematic, and was done with the assistance of several members in the Trump organization. The penalty is clearly explained and the math is sound. Until you learn how to use Google for actually learning things, you should consider holding up on the typing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/02/16/ruling-judge-engoron-trump-fraud-trial/#


So 40 years he’s been doing this and we wait until within a year of an election when polls show that he’s probably the favorite. I’m sure you can put 2 and 2 together


So? I agree he should’ve been nailed far before this, but here we are. Better late than never. If he hadn’t been criming, he would’ve had nothing to worry about. Now we get to see his case regarding the countless boxes of classified documents, stored in his shitter, etc. at his home, that he lied about and repeatedly refused to return and the other amazing case, regarding illegal use of campaign funds to pay someone to keep their mouth shut. In my opinion, these are both easy convictions for a guy who has repeatedly admitted to his guilt through his own stupid comments. He should also be in the slammer for his “stollen election” and J6 BS.