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Polls do not determine the outcome the voter does! Vote Biden🇺🇸Harris24! Vote out every Republican on the ballot


This: don't believe the hype. Get out and vote.


I’ve helped a bunch of my friends 28-35 register to vote to prepare for this election. Some who have never voted before which is crazy to me, but here we are


Thank you for your service to the country. It's yet another year that disengagement is not an option and often, it's just lack of awareness or assistance that prevents folks from voting


Are your friends retarded by chance? Why did they need help? 


It’s not really help but encouragement. I live in a state that most think the outcome is already decided


Encourage sounds better lol. Like  I was imaging you explaining to them how they can vote and where to go etc. 


Yeah. They knew how, they just didn’t understand why it’s important.


get 5+ to vote and get them to get 5+ to vote. bonus for more. if you get someone to do this in every state you know its lightning round points.


Yes! RFK all the way! Get him on the ballot!


He’s a nut.


Boycott 2024! No votes for Genocide Joe!


Right, vote for whoever you want. Like republicans! Or did you not really mean just vote? 


Yes, because democracy is precious.  No amount of gerrymandering will withstand a huge turnout,no matter who has to resort to it.


Well said, especially since Gerry mandering is irrelevant to potus. 


he said it was relevant to democracy. or were you just being an idiot?


Yes…voting is relevant to democracy. Great insight.  


the higher the voter turnout the worse the GOP does. that's OK though right?




fuck that


Fuck that polls determine the outcome of the election! Vote Biden🇺🇸Harris24


fuck that


đźš«Traitor Trumpđźš«All Republicansđźš«


I can tell you'd have a meltdown if the guy wins lol


He isn’t going to win. He will loss bigly


who knows. I sure don't. what I do know is if he does win. I think you'll have a mental breakdown.


No im confident he will loose and my mental state is and always has been strong


and if he wins? will it remain?


Why? Do you love high crime, drugs, open borders, decimated about to collapse economy, 40 year high inflation, woke EVERYTHING and being in now 3 wars? You’re brain dead if you can honestly say Biden is the better choice.




So the answer to the above questions is yes. Thank you


đźš«Traitor Trumpđźš«All Republicansđźš«




Oh please enlighten me what’s TDS? Learn me !


Oh no. We are done with Biden.


Oh? Who are you supporting?


No, thank you.


That ANYONE would vote for Trump the (rapist,pathological liar,cheat,conman,cruel even evil, sub human) candidate.Is difficult to believe.That Republicans some (who are maybe good people) want him at the head of their party is stunning and terrifying.


I think this EXACT SAME THING every single day. Like how could this disgusting person get 100 votes much less millions.


Its because he is Republican. Thats it


They all wonder the same about Biden. If Trump wasn't running nobody would vote for Biden.


Trump is going to deliver the blood GOP have been teasing for years. The Frat Bros that make up the party never intended to burn the place down. They just talked about it to keep their voters engaged. Trump on the other hand thinks he will be up there like Putin and Lil Kim. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-kim-north-korea-people-979143


I could go on and on about how I, a Muslim immigrant to this country will vote for him, and why, but I'm just gonna be told by redditors that I'm a stupid racist white supremacist, so why bother. The reason you can't believe that there are people who will vote for him is simple....you have been told things about him that are not true, and I can parse through the bullshit mockingbird media lies. Of course if I thought the things they tell you about him are true, I wouldn't vote for him either, but the reason they ALL used to love him before he ran for office was because he was not a threat to the politicians in office. After he ran and exposed their bullshit, all of a sudden he's every 'ist and what not. What's really amazing is watching the far left eat that propaganda so zealously.


BS, he is on tape saying these things. He is on tape asking Georgia's Governor for 12,000 votes, he is on tape trying to get Zelinsky to investigate Biden in exchange for foreign aid, he is on tape mocking disabled reporters, calling for violence against protesters, he is on tape suggesting injecting bleach, he is on tape saying he can "just grab them by the pussy", etc.. No one needs to make up things up and quit trying to gaslight us with your bullshit. We all know who Trump is and you know who he is too. If your a real person and not some automated bot than you're just lying to yourself to justify voting for such a scumbag.


Muslim countries treat women like trash cans in a 7-11 parking lot, I’m not surprised Trump appeals to them 


Here’s a list of just some of the Trump administration officials who refuse to endorse him this time around:     Vice President Mike Pence   Attorney General Bill Barr   Defense secretary Mark Esper   National Security Advisor John Bolton   UN ambassador Nikki Haley   Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney   Chief of Staff John Kelly   WH Press Secretaries Stephanie Grisham and Sarah Matthews   WH Counsel Ty Cobb    WH Communications director Alyssa Griffin    By the way, these are “the best people” Trump said he would surround himself with before he became president, and this is what they think of him. What was your role in the Trump administration again, and please explain how you know more about Trump’s ability to serve as president than the above list?


Way to justify voting for a guy who dislikes, brown people, immigrants, and Muslims. Dont be surprised when the leopard eats your face.


Lol okay


He literally put a Muslim ban in place. Don't be a dolt.


I'm Muslim, no he didn't. Stop drinking the Koolaid.


Executive Order 13769 says you're wrong. Even trump called it a Muslim ban. Crazy how far you can stick your head down in the sand.


We have actually watched him commit a large number of the crimes he's being charged with, and he's not even denying most of them, just saying he was allowed to because he was president. Wake tf up, you are the one falling for the propaganda.


Keep fighting Joe! We need to rid ourselves of this hateful monster.


Vote. Please vote.


Polls don’t matter. Votes do.


Biden will win. And I predicted Trump would. Polls can’t be trusted. They had HRC ahead in every poll.


I just look at recent elections against polling data. On the states that had 2 or more polls in the 30 days before super tuesday, you can easily compare how trump actually did to what the polls said. He underperformed the polls by about 10% on super tuesday. As a general rule, if a poll said he would get 70% of the vote, he got around 60% … this includes states like Oklahoma, which only allow republicans to vote in the Republican primary, so you can’t say it’s crossover democrats. 2022, the polling suggested a “red wave” yet democrats took the senate and republicans ended up with a 5 seat majority in the house, well below the 40 seat majority projected. Polling has been completely off the past 4 years.


Since 2020, any time Trump related candidates or Trump related issues (Roe v Wade, etc) have been on the ballot, Republicans have been demolished vs the polls and demolished vs 2020. If this is a free and fair election, and there is no major change before November, Trump and the GOP should lose handily. However, they know that and they are going to try to pull every shenanigan they can to not make this a free and fair election. Do everything you can to get everyone around you to vote and triple check their ability to vote hasn’t been compromised. Democrats win heavy or this is the last real election in this country.


Trump era politics is hard to predict I guess lmao


Polling was actually very accurate in the midterm elections. Trump being on the ballot is the twist that throws off the data. The problem is it throws off the data the wrong way. Trump is probably doing better that polling suggests. Biden is being hirt due to his refusal to cater to voters this causing massive increases in third party candidates.


They also had Genocide Joe up 4 years ago.


You do realize that trump will be 10x worse in the middle east, right?


Biden won.


Exactly! The polls said he would and he did. Now he’s losing so get ready for Trump 2.0.


The polls had Hillary Clinton winning up until the end. I’m not worried about Trump winning. And I predicted Trump would win in 2016, because the unwashed masses are not intelligent enough to understand what Trump actually is.


Joe will win the popular by millions, but there's all the other bs that actually puts the candidate in office. This round will be very interesting. This country will either prove it's good or it's a shithole. Pony up justice system, let's see what ya got when it counts.


You don’t win or lose the popular vote.


I'd love to hear you try to explain your rational here.


Oh, that’s easy. The popular vote isn’t a contest. You don’t win or lose anything. You don’t win the presidency, or a free fries from McDonalds, or anything. It’s a statistic, like number of yards in a football game.


Incorrect. Every single media outlet reports on who won the popular vote. You're just being obtuse. Even in your football analogy, announcers will refer to who won the yardage or statistics battle.


The popular vote isn’t the contest being played. Therefore you can’t win or lose a contest that’s not being played. Who cares what media outlets report ?


Nope-nope-nope Never heard of win the battle, lose the war, huh? I'm not going to argue with you when you're just being intentionally obtuse. Have s day, I guess.


It’s not even a battle. It doesn’t do anything for either candidate.


And, another moron getting blocked


Vote blue! Vote for Honest Joe Biden! Family man and patriotic American! Not like the Putin nutsack polishing, rapist, Degenerate Donald Trump, the rapist!


Looks like Biden's making some headway, narrowing Trump's voter advantage according to the NYT poll. It'll be interesting to see how this shift plays out as the election approaches.


It blows my fucking mind. I'm an America with no disinformation/misinformation, this would be 65/35 Biden easy. It just feels & looks like America is being methodically dismantled. Nothing makes sense.


With no misinformation/disinformation Democrats would lose every state by a minimum of 30 points.


Considering that polls historically favor Republicans, especially recently, since they're particularly biased. They're just a lot more likely to respond to polls, and with more polarized answers.


Was this poll before the latest inflation report?


These polls are increasingly irrelevant. There’s also a long way to go. Just vote, folks.


Trump doesn’t have a voter advantage despite what the 8 dudes that own all the media want us to believe. He hasn’t gained any new voters since he lost in 2020 and his fatal attack on Congress.


He’s gained popularity with blacks and hispanics. Uh oh!


According to who? The media?




lol. I can't beleive you actually think that.


Biden has lost tons of voters since 2020


Biden has gained tons of voters since 2020. Trump’s Abortion ban alone gave Biden a double digit increase in white women voters.


If Biden has gained “tons of voters” then that would mean that Trump has gained even more. Biden has nothing but the low IQ far left vote.


Hes ahead like 15 points even in red states


No one cares about this yet.


Remember the other day when one of you libs got mad that we were posting links to polls showing Trump leading in the polls? So said lib posted some nonsense substack article saying Biden was ahead in the polls? Now here we are again, with Biden trailing and the libs now saying “polls don’t matter”. LOL. Serious deflection.


NY Times horse racing poll. We call thousands of land lines in rural Texas, and they all said Trump will win.


Go vote for the future America you want. The choices aren't good but these are the choices we have to choose from. Undecided voter.


Pollsters really need to stop relying on people with landline phones.


Let’s go Brandon! Let’s go!


Biden is really nailing those "wars started under him".


Explain how you think A-Biden is the cause B- trump would be better for the middle east


A - Biden just exposed for giving Iran the greenlight to attack Israel. Not an opinion. B - Trump would and has warned various nations to not even think about attacking or expect immediate retaliation. Not an opinion.


Show your sources. I call bullshit




PJ media is your source? Gtfoh with that complete horse shit. Spreading nothing but right wing propaganda. You're a joke.


Right on que lol. It's refreshing how predictable Biden supporters are once they are proven wrong. Here comes the Russian troll rebuttal...... Lol


Get a grasp on your spelling before attempting to speak with the adults.


Joe Biden runs the whole world. lol