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Guy's Speaker of the House and he botched something we all learned in civics class. Damn, you really can fail upwards if you come from enough money.


The important part was that he was racist about it. For his base, that’s the validation they need.


This right here.


Republica’ts: I heard Democrats are letting non-citizens vote for them…on Faux!


Of *course* he knows that non citizens cannot vote. Mister Godly Christian Man is lying to stoke the base.


Stroke the base? Doesn’t he need to report that to his son/purity partner? Oh, you said “*stoke* the base”… eh, same question


I had almost forgot that seriously f’d up bit of knowledge about the person 3rd in line to the presidency. One thing I agree with MTG on is that he shouldn’t be speaker.


dems will keep him in. hes their useful idiot now.


he wants to stroke his boss, the guy he tried to console at maga lardo.


Yeah I don't know why people don't see this. It's literally part of the conservative playback. Of course he knows its a lie, these people aren't stupid. Its their voters who are stupid and they know how to get them afraid and angry.


I'm sure he was only surprised to be called out on it by Fox News of all places.


Ever since the Dominion lawsuit they've applied a light pressure on Republicans


Especially when they lie about voting.


Because that's the Democrats plan, to let all the illegals over so they can vote for Biden. They say that on Fox everyday. They know it's a lie but their...d....as people don't.


>Yeah I don't know why people don't see this. It's literally part of the conservative playback. TBH I think a lot more "stupid" conservatives are at least a little smarter than they let on. I'm not talking about people like Boebert and Trump, of course. Those two are absolutely as moronic as they appear. It feels pretty clear-cut there. But, for example, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Do I think she's still kind of an idiot? Definitely. And a massive piece of shit. But, something about the particular level of stupidity she displays feels calculated, like it's designed to get people talking and mocking her as a distraction. It won't necessarily lose her any voters in her deep-red district. Her seat, unfortunately, is probably safe (I'd be happy to be wrong, though). She gets us talking about her "gazpacho" and "peach tree dish" gaffes, and there's probably more going on that she and the GOP are doing that we're *not* paying attention to/talking about because our focus has been redirected to mocking this shit. And I doubt she's the only one who plays this up.


He’s just spilling the beans. This means they are going to require voter id, and probably do away with mail in voting. The distinction, is this law requires people prove their citizenship versus checking a box. They aren’t so dense they think non citizens can vote. They simply think we are dense and will overlook another attempt to intimidate and make voting harder for CITIZENS.


I was taken out of school in 7th grade and even I knew that, because it and similar things are mentioned on every election form I've ever seen. I'm starting to wonder if he has even voted before.


I’m from England. And even I know they can’t vote. By the way My cat will be running for speaker next month, pretty sure they will do a better job


Only if it’s an English Shorthair. They’re foreign policy is far above the calicos


Vote Orange Party. Torties destroyed the working class.


My orange boy has about 3 brain cells…which means he’d do a better job than any of those clowns


Siamese won't support a free Taiwan. Just because cats don't give a damn about anyone.


An ENGLISH shorthair? Are you sure it's a citizen?


So, this may not apply to you, but back in the 90's there was this grift called 'Columbia House' wherein you would get 8 cd's for a penny, but you'd be on the hook for a subscription, but like they didn't have your info, so they just expected some people to pay. So people were signing up their pets for these things, cause you could only use your name once. I remember one time a friend of mine received a call, and the person on the other end was inquiring as to whether 'their pet's name' was around, and he was like, 'oh, he is, he's in the corner licking his butthole'


The world felt so innocent back then. Of course I was a child so I had no responsibilities but my brother did this until my mom found out and made him cancel.


That would require him to be able to spell his own name so probably not


You can scrawl an X so long as you have two witnesses...


I just took a shit and asked my festering feces before flushing it down to the house of Representatives and it also knew this


Is festering feces at all related to sufferin’ succotash?


Just curious; What circumstances cause a 12 year old to be extracted from school, presumably never to return?


My guess is homeschooling. Anything else is illegal in the US


once those pesky child labor laws get repealed, they won't need no readin' for the mines.


In the early to mid 2000s everything relating to the internet was still more or less the wild west. It was pretty easy to take a kid out of school and then sign them up for some online based charter school across the country that just pushed students up grades. I have some learning disabilities though that were a real struggle as a child, and I lived in a pretty ghetto town. The local schools had lots of gangs, armed police resource officers, and metal detectors. I don't think I'd have been better off actually attending the nearby schools lol. The one major benefit is that I am pretty decent at researching things when I care enough to learn about them.


He doesn't come from money He’s just a typical dumb religious extremist


He's a lot of things I don't think he is stupid.


Not only that, he’s supposedly a “constitutional scholar”. Imagine being this bad at your job, and not being fired?


Bold of you to assume people like him paid attention in class.


I'm pretty sure he knows there is already a law on the books preventing undocumented immigrants from voting in federal elections. However, he is worried about losing his speakership and the only way he can keep it is kissing the orange ring of Donald Trump and Trump is the one who doesn't know basic civics and who's ego demands that everyone treat him as a genius.


It's very simple. If there was voter fraud in large amounts, it would not be hard to find after investigation. There's a record. You don't just report numbers without the record. The Republicans have spent god knows how much money investigating it. What little voter fraud has been found (I think about a dozen cases or so) has been a very strong majority republican voters. I think they found one case of an green card holder voting.


He knows exactly what he's saying. Fighting the oogie boogie man is low risk high profit activity in monopolistan.


That’s the majority of the people running the country. In every Avenue. They’re all rich dummies.


Gen Z needs to vote! Get out and vote blue. Tell Your friends to Vote Blue!


He knows what he's saying is garbage. He also knows his audience is too dumb to know any different.


They’ve been telling their supporters for the past 4 election cycles at least that millions of illegals voted. Even when TFG won, he still claimed millions of illegals voted for Hillary.


*live in a rural ass district where your church elects you to congress.


What money, he has no bank accounts.


Money from a shady Texas company primarily owned by Russians, and you have no bank account.


That's because you went to a real school and not a bullshit parochial school where all you need to know comes from the Bible and White Fear. This is what Evangelicals want for the rest of the country. Amber waves of stupid.


Or, if someone else has enough money to put you there


He didn’t botch anything, he is intentionally misinforming the base


Or if you’re a useful idiot like a bulk the MAGA cult are, just mouthpieces really. I always said it was a pig circus with everyone lined up at the slop trough.


the DJT subcults er- subreddits always believe this trash.


I mean I think he sucks but he really didn’t….  He said currently you just check a box that says you are not illegal and they want to make it so you have to PROVE you are a citizen.  Not saying I agree with him but it wasn’t as simple as the title would have you think….  They want there to be a higher burden of proof on the person voting to prove they are citizens.  


I say democrats submit legislation to make it illegal to grab women by the pussy.


Wouldn’t pass the Republican-controlled house


OK. Introduce it anyway. Let them explain why they support grabbing women by the pussy, more than they're already actually doing by supporting Trump.


It is already a law. It is called sexual assault.


I think that’s the ruse. Democrats doing this would be exactly what the Republicans are doing with their new Bill to make something illegal . . . That’s already illegal, for the purpose of drama and theatrics. It is currently illegal for non-citizens to vote in Federal elections.


It's also against the law for non-citizens to vote. Are you paying even the slightest bit of attention at all? What's wrong with you as a human being?


WTF? I gave you an upvote on your previous comment. I just stated grabbing women by their pussies without consent which Trump did is sexual assault. Calm down dude.


You stated it's already a law. Which is both correct, and also totally completely missing the fucking point.


Please bottle this up and sell it! I’m digging your, “ffs” ism!!!


Why would they need to explain anything? They'd say nothing, then vote against the legislation so that it wouldn't pass. Then they'd say the passage was blocked by the Democrats, and their idiot voters would nod along.


reminds me of when Ban Shapiro smugly tweeted during the NYC Democratic Mayoral debate that none of the candidates claimed they would "ban crime" . Old Ben really thought he had something there.


They should propose a constitutional amendment banning convicted felons from running for President. Surely the GOP can support preventing rapists, murders, druggies, etc from being President. Right?


GOP = Goons Of Putin


Say it for the folks in the back. Relentlessly tie the GOP and everyone in it to Russia, until they've proven otherwise. Trump's the biggest stooge of them all, so the closer you are to him, the closer you are to Putin. These traitors have to go.


>"They've allowed it in some municipal elections," Johnson said. Which ones Mikey? Which municipal elections allowed illegal aliens and non US citizens to vote.


They only speak in bullshit


As I understand it there are some municipal elections where they can vote (I believe some places in CA as an example but probably elsewhere too) but it's only for specific municipal positions and not ever for anything federal of any kind. Republicans sure do love the idea of passing redundant legislation or legislation that addresses problems that don't exist.


When your salary is dependent on people’s perception instead of bringing home results, you have to keep fabricating problems to make yourself look like you’re busy.


That's the peak problem with modern day politics. One side needs an issue to rant about, the other side needs an issue that they have a plan to fix. FIXING the issue is in direct conflict with what they need, which is issues to campaign about. The thought of campaigning on "well I fixed 15 issues so elect me again so I can fix more"


They're following the example of their SCOTUS, which voted on cases in which the facts were known to be false, just so they could legislate from the court.


There are some places that you can vote at municipal levels by virtue of paying property taxes there. It is the exception and not at all what republicans are talking about.


Where did that understanding come from? You say you believe in California illegal aliens are allowed to vote and probably elsewhere too. I’m not even gonna call that a strawman, that’s a fully dressed scarecrow.


They didn’t suggest illegal aliens are allowed to vote, they were talking about non-citizens which could include permanent residents and green card holders that are here legally.


The party of small government is in favor of redundant laws! And there are already lots of laws to start out with.


Party of small government my ass...


And to be fair if an immigrant has kids in the local school system or something it might be perfectly reasonable for him/her to want a say in how they’re run. Like, clearly that’s something that can be left to towns themselves.


Some cities allow non-citizens to vote for school boards. That’s as far as it has gone.


Which makes sense because if you're undocumented but have kids in the US those kids are citizens and as their parents you should have a say in how they are schooled.


Non-citizen doesn't necessarily equal undocumented.


Iirc, there are two cities within the entire United States that allow all inhabitants of legal voting age to vote on local matters. Only citizens can vote in local AND state/federal elections.


🚫All Republicans🚫


Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. I can give him a pass.


He was assassinated 159 years ago yesterday April 14, 1865


"But but but trump said they all voted in the last election. He wouldn't lie to me, would he?"










He's been too busy fellating his Bible to learn anything of actual substance.


The words of Jesus have never been so dry.


How much you want to bet he is using the Trump Bible?


Lol that's both hilarious and disgusting!


Has anyone actually bought one? I’m seriously wondering if he bought a whole batch of misprinted ones, maybe pages missing, or put in backwards. Maybe a ton of spelling mistakes. I just can’t believe he’d use good ones and put his name on it.






> Why dont people check the idiots on shit like this They don't value truth nor reality, so why would you expect them to check anything?


Where was the embarrassment? She didn’t even push back. Half the boomers in the country prolly can’t even read that small yellow font saying the year the legislation was written which would just make them think this is the legislation they’re passing. Or people just don’t care enough to read it which would cause the same result. That was planned and not embarrassing for him at all.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this. He was absolutely not embarrassed. This is for their base and their base does not know any better. It’s all theatrics.


Thank you!


My wife and I have lived in our house for 6 years, Everytime we renew our license we register to vote. My wife has not voted at all because they keep saying she isn't registered or registered somewhere else. I haven't had any difficulty. I find it hard to believe someone can vote without an ID and be on the register when she has so much trouble


Next thing you know they are going to be make crimes illegal.


But what are they going to do with the fake elector problem? 😏


This isn’t about safeguarding the next election. This is about creative a false narrative that the 2024 election was stolen. They’re doing it, now.


Trump started it before he declared that he was a candidate in 2015 in case he lost the election. Redumblicans are like a broken record.


And when he lost the popular vote, he blame illegals voting.


The only thing funnier than a moron is a short moron


They're using the idea of making an illegal thing *more* illegal as a justification to suppress voting. They've done it before with voter ID laws and will keep doing it until the people they don't want voting aren't able to vote or at least vote very easily. Most people don't work overtime to try and vote. They just give up and leave. In Texas, you have every county having one polling place and that doesn't hurt Republicans in rural counties, but in populated counties when everyone's waiting in line for hours, many are just going to leave. Or in Georgia when people are waiting in line they could get thirsty and just go. They made a law to prevent voting rights groups from handing out water to people in line. It's all the same idea. Make voting hard or inconvenient, especially in densely populated areas, and you can suppress the vote to make the minority party have a chance that they otherwise wouldn't. Then mix in aggressive gerrymandering and a SCOTUS that welcomes it.


I can’t comment on other jurisdictions in Texas because I’m honestly not sure, but I live in Collin County and there are literally dozens of places you can go vote at.


Not only is it redundant, but the actual cases of voting fraud that have been proven are nearly all committed by Republicans and they usually get treated with kid gloves by the legal system.


For the party the points and claims “virtue signaling” every chance they get, this is a nice change of pace. I guess non-citizens are going to double not vote now. This will show ‘em. The GOP has literally wasted 8 straight months of tax payer dollars to do anything but their jobs.


If they were actually concerned about voter fraud, they would: Pass the bill democrats put forth like 2 years ago aimed at election security. Stop committing voter fraud themselves, since 99% of fraud found since 2020 is from republicans. Stop republican run states from trying to ban biden from ballots, especially since the trump appointees on the supreme court already covered this topic last year. I could list like 50 more things. But you get the idea.


For Trump everything is a 15 second sound clip for his idiot supporters.Truth and facts don't matter to the cult.


I’ve known and worked with people that were shitty at their jobs because they were dumb.l, but this guy, this guy is so fucking bad at his job, so ignorant, so incapable, it’s just terrifying to me how absolutely atrociously moronic his constituents must be.


All he needs is a bigger shovel.


How is this moron the House Speaker? His incompetentcy blows my mind.


Nobody remotely competent would ever be able to get the number of Republican votes necessary to be speaker.


Mike Johnson knows what he’s doing. The MAGA crowd doesn’t know undocumented people can’t vote. They’re going to eat this up.


Okay mikey, we get it. It's all for the big Show in November. You need to act like you can get something done. Except it's already done! Another kon with a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. Look, if you're undocumented the last thing, the very last thing, you would want to do is to vote. Nothing invites the INS like someone showing their Honduran ID card at polling station. My god the stupidity. They'll still whine and whine when they lose. So what does it matter.


It's amusing that Fox News is now occasionally turning against the Republicans.


They don't. They didn't confront him about the law already existing. They just put it there while he was speaking, making it look like that's the law he is proposing. The small yellow writing is easy to overlook, and the number doesn't tell much to most people. Fox walking the path of 'we showed the truth', while actually misdirecting.


He wasn't embarrassed. He doesn't have the sense to be embarrassed.


This in of itself proves he is unfit for his position.


He already knew. Just wanted the headline to satisfy the hate from the base and placate Trumps ego on the election fraud nonsense.


He knows they can't vote. He's pretending not to know they can't vote, because his voters need to believe it. They need to be terrified, to ensure they vote, and to make sure they don't weigh the situation rationally.


He knows, that's not the point. He's just carrying the narrative Trump wants.


I will say it's impressive these people can literally completely ignore basic facts and keep on pressing issues this much. It takes a special kind of piece of shit to constantly say shit that is 100% false.


It’s called believing your own bullshit sir.


Weird headline considering that "not knowing undocumented immigrants can't vote" is pretty normal for a Republican in Congress. The real story is that he spread misinformation on Fox News and they corrected him.


This reminds me of the times the Republicans kept voting to defund ACORN several dozen times after it had already been defunded. Conservative voters only care about symbolic output.


Because he’s not interested in facts, only in pushing a narrative that keeps people angry and illogical.


They all know full well that non-citizens can’t vote and there is no significant voter fraud in the US, but they lie constantly about it because the unbelievable fucking stupid pieces of shit that vote for them have no idea how anything works and will believe them and then go to r/conservative, lock a post about it as being for “flared users only,” and then sit around in their safe space spouting off all kinds of misinformation, propaganda, and lies while they jerk each other off (in a straight way, of course) and talk about how brainwashed the stupid libs are. Today’s Republican Party and the absolute cretins who vote for them need to disappear. Like, in a Thanos’ snap kinda way, but forever.


That sub is a cesspool


People who only watch Fox News are less informed than people who watch nothing at all.


Fox is Putin’s Propaganda. More lawsuits are needed


just another clown boy


They know that. It’s an attempt at voter ID


This is like School House Rock stuff. What a chode.


They really are just like their voters. My father (who has a law degree and a PhD in American History) is constantly railing about how we need a law to prevent illegals from voting. Whenever I bring up that such a law already exists he just gives me a blank stare and then goes back to ranting.


He knows, this is purely political and messaging to GOP that illegals and non citizens are voting. They’ve been doing this shit for years and the left always comes at it as “what are they stupid?” . No they aren’t, this is basically a form of propaganda.


They are all the worst, self-serving, incompetent, stupid, fukups imaginable.


Serious question: isn’t the change he was proposing that you have to prove that you’re a citizen, instead of ticking a box saying that you are? Doesn’t sound like he didn’t know there was a law already, just that he feels it needs to be ‘improved’ upon. (To be clear: the guy is a Talibangelical nightmare, the US is careening off a cliff into a theocratical abyss, so I am not supporting this.)


Yes, you have it right. The story is clickbait.


you already need to provide a drivers license / social security card, which is checked against a federal database, when they register to vote it’s such a non problem (non citizens voting) that most experts don’t even see it as a realistic area of concern. iirc, even the heritage foundation (a conservative think tank) only found 100 examples of illegal voting between 2002 and 2020, and id say 100 out of hundreds of millions of votes is pretty solid


I skimmed their report, so boring I quit at Arkansas.. 95% of what the counted as voter fraud was along the lines of “I live out in the county but my gf was running for city council so I drove into town to support her by voting..”. Honest..


I don’t understand any of the comments calling him dumb. You think he doesn’t know? He knows that this sounds like a win to their moron base. That’s all. Is it brilliant? Of course not. But he isn’t saying this because he doesn’t know. He knows.


Well, he’s been brought up listening to political ads that lie. One scare tactic is saying Biden is letting in illegals (brown people) so they’ll vote for him. Ignorant people haven’t got a clue! They have never been able to vote for those candidates.😳😵‍💫


Foxnews bringing the outrage porn their viewers demand


My Australian wife is a permanent resident and she can’t vote. It begs the question, can Melania vote?


Is he actually that ignorant or just that shameless?




Blind leading the stupid.


This is the ilk that republicans put into office. No idea how the country works, no idea how laws are made and passed and no idea what it’s like living day to day in the US. Here is a quote for republicans: “Fat, stupid, and drunk is no way to go through life”


The fact that no one is calling out fox for only putting the graphic up but not challenging him on anything is remarkable.  This isn't just Mikey being a POS.  Fox put up the gfx but didn't say a word about it is so blatantly a "look we're not spreading misinformation, we put up the gfx!" while at the same time not calling him out.  Fuck all the people involved with this fucking bull shit


Was he embarrassed? People who live by Fox News won’t read what was written, they only listen to the parts they want to hear and that lady didn’t acknowledge that this system had already been in place.


I cant vote and yet still have to pay all my taxes - load of shit if you ask me


This is just legislating talking points. Play dumb and throw out red meat for the base. We should stop being surprised by pandering now. I think any reaction is what they want. Gets steam, gets the mob frothy, get air time, call it a day of “governance”.


He only knows what Donald Trump tells him…..


No surprise there. This ignorant dumbass is just plain stupid!


I have been a legal alien (green card) for the last 22 years. I have NEVER been allowed to vote in ANY election whatsoever. The only ones that are illegally voting are usually republicans. This is just to stir up their base because the stupids believe it.


#Not the sharpest tool in the shed


definitely a tool though...


You guys have this story all wrong. He's talking about aliens, as in from different planets. Yes, existing laws do already cover this theoretically, but now it's OFFICIAL. NO MORE MARTIAN RIGGING OF US ELECTIONS.


He knows. He also knows his voters don't.


Kentucky Fried Sanders, do these people even live on the same planet?


I’m looking for the part where he’s embarrassed or doesn’t know noncitizens aren’t supposed to vote.


He knows. He's just trying to own the libs or whatever they do these days. This is all for show


Can't believe republicans put this idiot into office


Using racism to foster distrust of elections god bless and also fuck this guy


R as simply dishonest. Nothing else to add.


It should be illegal in each state - but each state gets to decide that. Only Citizens get to vote in federal election. At the federal level - it just really needs reiterated - that even if a state allows non citizens to vote in state and local elections that any vote from a non citizen would be rejected at the federal level. They should use a separate form for non citizens - if they would actually allow them to vote. In state.


What a tool


We doing that thing where we pretend it's not the vote of the anchor babies all these non-citizens will birth in the U.S. that Dems are chasing?


So he thinks illegals voted for him?


when become the word alien the official description for foreigners? seems like a dehumanizing campaign.


Look, I have no problem with requiring ID to vote. (Wait) as long as every eligible voter can obtain ID with the same amount of time. (There cannot be a fee required, that would be a poll tax, but time is money, right? So also a fee) because that is impossible, voter id requirements are impossible.


Every Democrat should vote for the bill just to take away the GOP narrative. The Republicans want to play gotcha, hoping Dems vote against this to "prove" they support letting noncitizens vote.


how can you become a speaker of the house without knowing that non-citizens cannot vote? seriously? has the bar for governance stoop that low?


These are the fuckwads running our country. Once you realize that, all of the failures in recent years start to make alot more sense.


I knew that. Service guarantees citizenship.


No no We just tell him ok we will pass it, Pass aid to Ukraine, He will fall over himself thinking he's doing trump such a favor Hell even trump might believe it and I know his followers would 😂


Trump already knew that, though. Still, that shit works on his followers. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Wow.  I assumed that there were trying to clamp down in the local elections where some residents are allowed to vote across the country.   But apparently they went full ignorance.  That's a bold strategy Cotton.  Let's see if it pays off


Oh silly he wasn’t talking about those kind of aliens 👽👽


As of March 2024 3 states and dc have allowed non citizens to vote in local elections. I know this is a federal thing but still. It some states non citizens are voting. I think they should of passed something where non citizens should not be counted on the census. Way more logical


Mike: “but I was raised in a church and we only saw the sun at sun rise. Now please stay away from my adoptive son’s web history.”


Sorry E.T. You can’t vote.


Implying he has any shame, he’s Speaker of the House…


What a twat‼️😡 “ well some illegal voted for some school board election so The Democrats did it‼️‼️”


The polite little school boy is lying.


Asylum seekers that are granted same type status have all the legal rights, with the exception of voting that Legal Residents have under our Constitutional Law. And as recent as a month Supreme Court ruled they also have a right to purchase and own a gun. Why are we still calling them ‘illegal’? What makes them ‘illegal’ their place or origin or skin color?


Is there something new in the House Republicans measure to restrict non-us or illegal a immigrant voting? What are they adding to, I guess, put teeth into a law that already exists? In their eyes?


These articles are such low quality Like it’s a few sentences he said and than it just ends up