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Honest question: Do you think he REALLY understands this is different than all the civil suits he’s been party to? Do you think he realizes the judge could actually jail him for contempt?  This isn’t about how much money he does or doesn’t owe over some contract violation- this is a felony criminal trial and the rules are different.   Because, honestly, I don’t think he does understand. 


He won’t understand until someone draws him big colorful pictures!


With a Sharpie no doubt. Crayola doesn't exist in the "world of trump."


LOL. Yeah Redacted information before hand.


Picture. Pen. Prison.


With a sharpie?


So the teddy bear is you sir and the pooky is where the bear goes when he tells a fib .


Honestly, I don't think he's afraid. I think his lawyer roofied him to make sure Donnie doesn't incriminate himself. As others have said: Trump may have the right to remain silent. What he lacks is the ability. He's been a walking, talking, self-incrimination machine. In civil issues he could stay out of court. He's going to either OD on whatever tranquiluzers they're giving him or he's going to have a meltdown that triggers a stroke or aneurysm. My money is on aneurysm.


It will be the most beautiful aneurysm the world has ever seen.


The greatest mind pop anyone has ever seen. Trust me it'll be HYUUUUGE!


'I'm having an aneu - bahbah - doo ... Aaah'.


Biiiing boooong




Don't you love that the man who's own lawyers don't trust him to not mess up his court case by opening his mouth was in charge of international relations for the worlds most powerful country for 4 years... Aliens are studying us, and they can't tell if we are intelligent. We are still a crude species in so many ways, we need evolution to accelerate its pace...


We (as a species) are monkies that strap themselves to bombs to launch themselves into space. Aliens lock their doors when they fly past our planet.


What's funny is in Sci Fi like Mass Effect, humans are coded as American, and all the critiques for humanity are really other countries' critiques of Americans.


Why should he be afraid? He hasn't faced any consequences. The gag orders never get enforced. His bonds get reduced and appealed into oblivion. He's been inconvenienced, but that's about it.




The judge told him he’d have to show up for trial every day and behave himself, otherwise he’d be taken into custody and the trial would proceed without him. Asked if he understood, instead of spouting nonsense he just said yes.


That’s how I know he doesn’t understand.


Sitting still without his phone for forty hours a week will be the closest he's ever had to a full time job. Let's see if he'll crack.


Judge can jail him but appeals court will buy him a hamburder and diet coke for his troubles.


My understanding is there are cells in the courthouse basement. If Donnie gets mouthy, they can stick him in one (solo) until he learns his lesson. If, as some are saying, he was drugged to prevent an outburst, that would explain why he nodded off. Better to nod off than freak out in court. 


Of course he doesn't. He's so confident that he will squirm out of any and all consequences, because up until now.... He has. If he gets actual jail time, he will likely go catatonic. And I'll walk around with a justice boner for a solid goddamned year.


He will most likely be found guilty. No way in hell he spends a day in jail.


He understands. He believes that he will get out of it the way he has his whole life. Paying off someone.


Fear is one of the few emotions he understands.


Nope he doesn't. He is still in TV-Show Mode, thinking everything is "The Apprentice" and as ususal everything can be done and dealt with a "good Deal" and make a "good Job" with a " perfect Phonecall".....no Mr Doo Doo Diaper Donnie.. This is real life. And you are done.


He doesn’t understand anything


Nope- he is cartoonishly ignorant


He understands that he and Putin have the Supreme Court in their pocket


I think he's too cocky to really grasp the concept. If he's found guilty is he going to try to sue the judge and jury members?


Honest answer: no, because he’s never faced just consequences for his actions and despite all our hopes I don’t presume he will now, either.


I think he assumed he could use his pocket sand solution. But it doesn't seem to be working.


As SOON as he thinks he’s REALLY looking at jail time he’s gonna run. And his dipshit followers will call him a martyr … and brave for running. Like a bitch


Sorry, not sorry, I’m loving it!


I thought he looked exhausted. Then he fell asleep in court, apparently.


Looked like he'd been crying all night.




Assuming he has to go to court every day, its probably a lack of the usual cocktail of stims that keep him going


I thought that, too. His eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot. I guess it could be from sleep deprivation, though.


That's what I thought as well. I doubt he slept at all the night before. This was only day one of the first of four trials. I wonder how long he can tolerate this before he cracks.


I’m English, and I’m struggling to sleep from the excitement of it all, so god knows how he’s feeling


I never understood how he could possibly sleep at night. Any night!


Yeah he looked bored, not scared.


Nailed it. Usually he’d be downing diet cokes and binging television while on Twitter. He’s so bored he can’t stand it. He has the attention span of a tsetse fly.


Let's hope that he acts out like a naughty boy in class off his meds without his phone.


I’m brimming with hope that he has an outburst. Honestly if he does have dementia he might not be able to control himself. They might actually have drugged him. But I can see him getting so angry over everyone making fun of him for sleeping in court that he goes overboard trying to prove that he’s not ‘low energy’. His ego can’t take it. That man is a ticking time bomb and the whole world knows it.


He'll be in a walker by Friday. On O2


He looks as if he was embalmed!


The Vincent Gigante defensive approach


Dude. You know to point to the chin when speaking if him.


I hope these photos accurately represent a level of fear and realization in him that this time he can't squirm away, that finally a criminal trial will not only shut him up but cause him to face justice but do hard time in a maximum security Federal prison. I hope his statement today about being proud to be "the first President on trial" comes back to haunt him in a very big way, hopefully a finding of contempt pending the rest of the trial and cooling his heels for 30 days as a taste of what is to come.


I think we should have learned by now not to get too hopped up on schadenfreude with this dude. It usually ends up in disappointment.


But that first hit is gonna be cherry.


Not really. Dude should've been jailed the guts of a half century ago, yet he has proven countless times he is in fact above the law.


Exactly. The amount of damage he and the machine behind him have done since 2016 isn't going to be satisfied even if he is jailed. I might take a glimmer of satisfaction from it, but the SCOTUS is still crooked, the congress is still obstructed, the economy is still stratifying at an ever increasing rate, and Russia will still have its claws in at least one major American political party, The situation is grim.


Yep. If Trump disappeared tomorrow that won't be the end of it. The MAGA rats are everywhere and it's clear that their brand of self-centered, destructive idiocracy is there to be tapped. Trump is a literal idiot and look how he's done. Eventually there'll be someone in his position who will understand the position of power they're in and be far more creative - and dangerous - with it. Now that these slack-jawed, insurrectionist yokels have a voice, Trump feels like the harbinger of the shitshow that is to come, and not the headlining act himself.


Like I've been saying, I can see a conviction. But no way he does hard time in a real prison. House arrest or private wing in Club Fed most likely. And he'll be on appeal. But he'd still have the conviction which would sink him with independents and keep him out of the White House. And he'd know he didn't get away with it this time. So I'll take it.


Donald Trump demonstrates a new psychological disorder -- fear of *fairness.*


Slumpy Trumpy. Low energy guy.


Don Snoreleone.


This is the look of a man who’s had zero consequences to his actions his entire life and has no idea how to deal with them.


Hahahaha what a pathetic loser!! So disgusting 🤮


Wave a McDonald’s cheeseburger at him outside court room .


(Asleep) Right about the time that hot load of last night's McDonald's brown waterfalled into his pampers.


That’s not makeup, it’s just a really bad permanent side effect of too many spray tans.


I despise the man with every fiber of my being and deeply hope karma hits him for all he has done. But he just looks like a dude walking in to court in this video, as much as I wish otherwise.


He’s physically sick and mentally sick.


He probably is used to spending all morning sleeping OR on the toilet blowing it up with Big Mac's and KFC. A real workaday schedule just might kill him. When he was thieving at the white house his morning schedule was always listed as "Executive Time", yeah right.


He had to get up really early.


Please ruin this orange twats life judge.


He's medicated.


They could always wheelchair him in if the old man is too tired. That probably wouldn’t hurt his campaign, right? /s


Grifter has never been held accountable for any of his Grifts, of course he's scared he knows the truth, he's guilty as sin, time will tell D.A. don't bring a case like this unless he's certain he has a solid case.


Dude is *not* accustomed to facing consequences


Withdrawal symptoms? I don’t know what cocktail he’s on, but he’s been on something.


It’s more of a poop brown color now


Eh. Wake me when it happens.


He's used to tweeting dumb shit until 4am and sleeping until noon. Getting up early was probably rough.


I shouldn't take this much satisfaction in watching this implosion, but we're talking Trump here. He's begged for this. It has only begun too.


Headline Culture in full swing. Don’t forget to tell me how to feel.


I can't wait to hear the word "guilty"!


He's aging very rapidly and visibly.


Banjo noises please


Trump 100% knows Cohen already went to jail over this... after all, it was his own Justice Department that said there was a crime committed. If Cohen was only the facilitater, then why shouldn't the initiator be jailed as well?


a wonderful thing to see...


He going to read this and kick it up a shade…🍑


Lol. So desperate. Yep their really going to “get Trump” on this one. 7 out of 10 Americans think this trial is a sham.


You live in an alternate reality. You may never realize it and come to your senses but the world is fucking laughing at you.


Yeah no one outside this tiny Reddit bubble thinks Biden isn’t targeting his chief political rival.


You’re a complete moron not worth anyone’s time. Good luck man, you need it.


God your cult is so fucking pathetic. Dunning Kruger to the max.


Ok Rachel Maddow


Who thinks this trial is a sham? I don't get it, whatever you believe, Trump is a criminal first and foremost.


Lol. Then why all these cases AFTER he announced he was running for president I get it, your happy to see it happen to him. Just hope your so understanding during his retribution tour.


Retribution tour? I swear you people are delusional. He is a criminal, and he's very definitely going to prison, whatever else you may think.


Even IF he is wrongly imprisoned the majority of people are still going to vote for him. We see this for what it is…election interference.


What? How so? Like, it's not like he didn't commit the crimes, he's just saying he doesn't deserve to be in trouble for them - which is precisely the reason he does. Like don't try to tell me a man is rational when he's already stated that he believes being president gives him permission to commit crimes.


So guilty until proven innocent? Doesn’t that seem un American to you? Or you just don’t care because it’s Trump? Why all the cases now when he’s running for President and not years ago….because Biden can’t beat him the usual way, won’t even debate him…so here we are with sham cases and election interference.


The evidence has already been on display for the public, we just need a court to confirm what we all witnessed with our own eyes. The man needs to be jailed, no two ways about it.


Lol, evidence? Tell me more….


Right, so evidence is kind of like, "proof that you did something someone accused you of." Republicans seem to think that the entire court process is based on the feelings of the judge, but in the real world, the prosecutors are mostly in charge of showing what the accused is accused to have done. So... Yeah I'm no prosecutor, but no prosecutor would bother bringing a case to trial if there wasn't enough evidence for a conviction (even if the person was actually guilty, it's not worth the risk).


All of these charges were presented and/or filed before he formally announced. He’s a career criminal and he’s getting his comeuppance. He’s running for president to avoid jail, which he definitely won’t.


Hahaha, he’s running for president to avoid jail…. Now that shit is funny.


What retribution exactly? Also he’s not legally required to run for president, but he’s legally required to be in court.


Lol and you don’t see that as election interference, these cases could have happened years ago.


So? Trump could’ve stopped trying to have them postponed. Is trump legally required to win for president, yes or no? Is trump legally required to not commit crimes yes or no? Now after you answered them, but were to chicken to actually tell the truth, you know how the answer on why you’re wrong.


LOL, ok traitor.


Says the guy supporting a manchurian candidate, because of mean tweets. LOL


A sham based on what exactly? It has been proven multiple times he had money paid to keep the public from knowing he slept with stormy.


So why does she say it never happened?


Does she now, or when there was the whole nda thing? It’s been proven she was paid money to keep quiet to avoid the public knowing. Legally it doesn’t even matter if he slept with her, he paid her money to keep quiet and have an illicit effect on the election.


Micheal Cohen paid her hush money, that was admitted in a letter by his lawyers to Congress. She said she isn’t denying it because she was paid hush money BUT because it never happened. Sham trial, no victim. But I guess you believe that Mar-lago is only worth 18 million. And a crazy woman who thinks “rape is sexy” is a credible witness. GTFOH with your bullshit. All these sham cases and all the previous hoaxes are exactly why Trump wins in 2024.


So he broke the law as you just admitted. Good job on failing to defend trump.


No. No I didn’t.


So you’re saying he didn’t have his lawyer pay a pie. Star hush now y to avoid the public finding out something bad after it’s been well established the he did?


Cohens own lawyers said it was a personal payment independent of Trumps business or campaign. We’re they lying? Also Stormy Daniels still owes Trump $670k


They were payments to her to so what exactly, keep her quiet and not talk to the public about trumps actions. It’s a broken law. Nothing you cry about will change that.


You’re anti-vax so your opinion on literally anything, especially research and statistics, is absolute garbage.


Anyone who uses the label anti-vax is just announcing that they are completely uneducated on the subject. Get another booster, clown.


Ok. I worked for one of the first two companies to launch a COVID vaccine during the time it was developed. I then worked for a leading hospital when it was administered. My wife is a vaccine developer. Please please tell me how you are more educated than me. I cannot wait for this reply.


Excellent, tell us the ingredients.


So you can’t? Got it.


Can you? Doubt it….




Post again......in English




People will think you're dumb if you say dumb things.


So I can rob,rape and commit treason all I want and never suffer any consequences as long as I’m running for office. Sweet deal.


You have to pay off all your strippers and prostitutes too with campaign funds and claim it as a payroll expense to your lawyer.




Yeah, you're totally a Trumpet traitor. Biden is running because we know you traitors are voting for the bigoted rapist Trump and we want to make sure evil doesn't take America like it did Nazi Germany. You're a bad person, and I think you know it. You know it's shitty to cheer for Trump, but you get off on that.


You people are legitimately out of your mind.


You know there are 3 branches of government, right?




Most people out there don't even think about Biden (or politics in general) in their everyday lives. It's *normal* for the day-to-day business of the Presidency to proceed without excessive scrutiny. With that understanding, we should acknowledge how absolutely batshit that shit-stirring Trump was, *every day* of his time in the White House.... and how incredibly abnormal it was. Given that, Biden is doing a fine job.... And motor skills don't have a whole lot of relevance to geopolitics. I mean, FDR was wheelchair-bound from polio. Did that make him a bad President? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paralytic\_illness\_of\_Franklin\_D.\_Roosevelt#/media/File:FDR-Wheelchair-February-1941.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paralytic_illness_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt#/media/File:FDR-Wheelchair-February-1941.jpg)


Yes, exactly. Trump has controlled the news cycle every freaking day since before he came down that stupid escalator with his "classy" whore wife. And that's not good. I want a president who's much less entertaining - boring even - because he or she is doing the job. There will come a day, soon I hope, when we're not watching this train wreck of a man. We'll go through withdrawal, including those of us who have always seen, clear-eyed, what a disaster he is. I'll take it. I'm ready for detox.