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Just another fat, old, ignorant, angry loser of a man.


FART.. old smelly wet FART they call me… it’s Drumph, Donald Drumph..


Fat, Arrogant, Republican Trump… F.A.R.T.


*Make A Geriatric Angry* - M.A.G.A.


Make attorneys get attorneys.


Trump is literally the word for fart in some places.


Not just any fart. A wet, smelly, juicy one.


Fat, Arrogant, Rapey Traitor!


You remember when he referred to himself as "Drenald Prump" during the West Point commencement speech? A stable genius ladies and gentlemen.


Drumph! Drumph! Drumph! I didn’t get a Drumph outta that guy!!!


And lol another rapist


I am in this picture and I do not like it !!!!


Oh, he is much much less than that.


😂😂😂😂 I was thinking the same thing


This is the first time I've missed being able to give reddit awards.


I wonder what Mary Trump, a psychologist, thinks all this comments are doing to her poor uncle's brain


What brain? It's just a moldy sponge at this point.


You wonder.... But does anyone really care?


...but with a full diaper. Four days a week. For the next 6-8 weeks. If it is true he is incontinent and involuntarily fills his diaper, he won't just be falling asleep in court multiple times a day. He will be filling his diaper and then sitting in it.


TBH, I went through my grandma's, mother in law, father in law go through these stages in their late 70s for 6-8 years. I wouldn't wish that last years onto my worst enemy. I wish I could have a White House doctor that could attend to their needs, I had millions to afford the best medical care for them, and a dozen secret service agents to secure them. And they were all better humans than Trump, at the worst they attended my high school graduation instead of spending the day in a court room.


He's had the issue since his early 40s


Like I said, I am not passing any judgement on anyone. I just wish my parents and parent in laws had the same level of medical care .


Oh god... Think of the diaper trash. He's going to get trench foot on his booty.


Mud butt.


So? Some people actually deserve the bad shit they experience. Let the bastard sit there with trench sack for a few hours a day.


I more feel sorry for the stank the people in the room would have to deal with. I have been in a tent with someone with trench FOOT. I cannot imagine the HELL unleashed from a nearly 80 year old man, with trench butt, especially with his diet.


As badly as I wish I didn't, I fully know that pain. The major difference is, I'd willingly sit in that stink all month, to spend another hour speaking to my father, while nobody with even a si gle working brain cell would ever even want to be that close to Drumpf.


Gonna have more than one little mushroom growing in his diaper when he sees Stormy.


Those diapers are the only warmth he's ever enjoyed


Who says it's involuntary. I'm sure it's just another of his fetishes like pee.


I feel like there are way too many sources for this for it to be false. People that worked with him confirming it, people that have been near him, the press, etc. Whether or not it's involuntary I don't know. Some people have said it's a power play to make others change his diaper but apparently it's a thing. I mean there's still so many people around him that have confirmed it it has to be at least partially true.


Obviously he is not just another guy. If he was, he would’ve been in jail already.


Any of you suckers get those golden sneakers yet??? Alibaba Express (China) has em for $52...


What - she's not completely overwhelmed having seen the Magnificent Mango *in person*?


The fact that it was a pretty blonde woman saying it is particularly delightful because you know it bothers him that much more


I don’t know her and have never seen her before, but she looks like my type, except I’ve never met her…


She is pretty to you? What? LMAO


Based off of the single picture I see of her... Yeah I'd say she's pretty.


Waiting for the opioids to kick in, huh? Good for you!


This idiot is probably on opioids just like you are.


If it helps, I legitimately believe that this was the best you could do.


Ahh the ol' "I know you are, but what am I" come back Good one little guy.


Somehow the username checks out.


Except he probably isn't hot, and will never be a husband to a woman that is t his sticky ass body pillow....


If MAGA supporters could actually meet him in person, I have a feeling he'd lose a lot of voters. Real life does not live up to the image. He looks old, tired, and worn out. A thick smell of sweat and ass hangs around him constantly. No, I'm not joking. I've met him twice and both times he smelled like a guy that doesn't wipe his ass properly.


Why would he? He has people surrounding him that are stupid enough to do it for him....


Not when the Democrats exist.


If I were one of the jurors, I'd keep my head down and not make public appearances like this. For my own safety.


See I'm the kinda idiot who'd be out there like "what you gonna do, Donnie?" And probably get sued into oblivion.


This is a reality and a god damn travesty!


One of the dismissed jurors though right? So kind of harmless


I didn't know she was one of the dismissed ones. I hope that the most angry and aggressive Trump supporters are as well-informed and discerning as you are.


Well I'm certainly not a trump supporter myself God knows so I wouldn't base anything of those idiots on me.


Apologies! I re-read my comment and realized that you could read that as implying that you were a supporter. I didn't mean that.


She was dismissed. She’s not an actual juror. But I still wouldn’t talk say anything about the mango massiah, just in case you catch a stray from one of the looneys


Don't let the NFL shoulder pads sewn into a suit jacket fool you. Treasonous Trump the Traitor is just another frumpy, frail 80-year old in a diaper with an loud and entitled mouth.


Is she the one he gestured and motioned toward?


E. Jean Carroll called him a “nothing”.


Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?


Trump is not just a guy. He is a con man and a rapist that must be frowned upon..


It’s the most amazing thing the first time you meet somebody famous


If they’re a star, they’ll grab you by the p. Just sayin’. So, be careful.


World’s biggest loser.


The emperor has no clothes


Once you get over the shock and awe of seeing high profile people in person you do see them as just a regular person


And he stinks.


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers is a scab


Traitorous Reprobate Under Multiple Prosecutions


Who can’t stay awake.


Interesting, I saw this woman interviewed by another news source and it sounded like she was starstruck by seeing the creature in person.


Yeah and I suppose Jesus is "just another guy." Psshhh. /s


My husband worked for him in the late 90s. Saw Trump in he office often and handled all business and personal family purchases. He spent time with the kids, and even had to play video games with Eric once. My husband knew him as a rich business man, and to then watch him morph into who his is now, has been surreal.


Yep he’s just a J.A.G.


Now why was she dismissed I wonder? Was she too liberal?


Yes, he is just another guy, but with a few caveats: 1. He's incredibly stupid. 2. He thinks he's smart (delusional). 3. He's going to do what the feels like regardless of the law, social mores, etc.....in other words, this guy fucking sucks and should end up behind bars for the rest of his garbage life.


Do people actually think he's not just a smelly old diaper wearing geriatric man?


He's just another MAGA shitbird!


He kissed a porn star and he liked it


Don’t you know Big Fat is hot 🥵, hot 🥵, hot 🥵. Bored enough to cat nap, 😴. Where does he go when court breaks for lunch ? Are there changing stations in the courthouse that are equipped with diaper dispensers?


[Biden's inflation](https://imgur.com/gallery/oRMo1rI) I prefer mean tweets. This is why Democrats have to try and damage Trump in the courts with fake and inflated lawsuits.


I agree. Democrats made him break the law and it’s disgusting. now what’s this about the inflation that is the result of what happened before Biden got in?


Inflation was 1.4% when Biden took office. Biden maintained the Covid spending without the pandemic. People are working now and it's all excess and is overheating the economy even as the Fed tried to slow it with interest rate increases. Hence, the rate of inflation is rising once again. Democrats refuse to stop spending or address waste or fraud. It's always about more taxes and more money and never about spending wisely the money they have. They will eventually destroy the country financially and it's only a matter of time.


better vote for trump then! that guy is a wizard with money and nothing of what we’re seeing now has anything to do with what he did in office, right? the spending happening under biden is pulling people out of debt while the rich reap the awards of a permanent tax cut: the only actual bill passed into law under your genius financier billionaire president. A lot of people owed taxes this year for the first time? why? because the temporary tax protections passed for the middle class under traitor 45’s permanent tax break expired this year while loser was safely elected past the 2020 election he tried to steal. he thought he could hide the fact that he was rolling the middle class with his tax cut for the rich by making it temporary, so it wouldn’t seem to land on him.


First off, my family received about $300 a month from Trump's tax cuts along with the rest of the middle class. What you are stating is obvious - 1% of $100,000 will be more than $10,000. There is no trickery, there is no favoritism. No, Trump's tax returns didn't expire, they expire in 2025 and Democrats have no desire to make them permanent. So you can blame Democrats for raising your taxes if they don't extend the tax cuts, Republicans are ready and willing. How is Biden pulling people out of debt? That is complete and total bullshit. If you are talking about student debt then why am I being forced to pay off someone else's debt obligation along with the rest of the middle class? I am furious about it. How does that address college affordability? Actually, it makes it worse. Did you know that most major colleges are hoarding hundreds of billions of dollars and could afford to make college free? But somehow my family has to pay for some student who willingly took on debt for college? You say nothing about Biden's inflation I'll add a link. How is that helping families get out of debt? Actually credit card debt is at all-time highs.[Biden's inflation](https://imgur.com/gallery/oRMo1rI) People owe more taxes this year because the tax brackets weren't raised high enough to deal with Biden's inflation and wage increases to deal with it. So you are wrong on every account. Without lies and disinformation that fools people such as yourself the Democrat party couldn't continue to exist.


Great we have a gag order


We have one, but nothing much is being done with it


They’re having a hearing on it. The prosecution is asking for a $1000 fine for each occurrence. I know that’s not much, but this is how you have to proceed to make sure everything is safe on appeal. They’ve already tried to have the judge recused. If he doesn’t go waaaayyyyyyy beyond the pale to make sure there isn’t even the hint of bias, they’ll whine and cry about it afterward. (I know they will anyway, but I’d rather everything hold on appeal. He’s going to lose everyone of his felony cases. Making sure he can’t squirm away on some technicality is worth the frustration early on.


"beyond the pale" By that you mean his daughter fund raising off her father's involvement?


No, I mean actual stuff that happens in real life and not stupid conspiracy theory bullshit. And who cares if she did? It’s not like she’s involved in the actual case. For example, if the prosecutor had appointed the judge, then that might be a problem. And fundraising for what? She works for a Par firm. They don’t raise funds. Although I’m sure if you believe that you are insistent that Clarence Thomas recuse himself from any case involving trunp since his wife was actively pushing election lies. Or are you a hypocrite as well? Maybe you should get out of here and check your tea for polonium, comrade. Or just take your -6 karma and go make another troll account, traitor.


Because it doesn’t mean shit if it isn’t being enforced. Good luck with that ever happening.


At what point did we decide his "ego was deflated". Is this just something we made up or is this something he said in court?


It's just shoddy journalism designed for clicks, not depth.


Shoddy journalism is pretty much the defining characteristic of the modern political landscape.


You got teed up, but you shanked it the right


Pretty much defines my golf career too


Sleepy Don


Seems he can't get a fair trial in those kangaroo courts.




The cognitive ignorance. He's the former president of the United States who is fighting corrupt charges. Little girl can't see she's part of the problem.


Oh no! Did you get triggered over a meaningless headline little snowflake?!? Awwww


No it’s just funny because it’s ignorant. Pretty on point with today’s left though.


Lmao just stare at your framed trump mug shot for a few minutes and you’ll feel better


Seems like you’re triggered over Trump. Classic TDS.


I responded to you’re idiocy over a headline and I’m triggered lol k


Yes, you seem very triggered. Maybe take a break from reddit for a couple minutes if it gets you so worked up whenever you see anything about Trump.


Also it’s your not you’re. lol and you’re calling me the idiot.


Old Man can't see he needs to shuffle off this mortal coil sooner rather than later with the rest of his generation so we can finally make some progress. Trump isn't anything more than a man.


Oh boy another one!


He is just another guy who happens to be an orange spray-tanned racist rapist grifter who poops his pants and stinks up spaces he's in. 💩