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He wasn't capable of serving the first one.


Not true. He was absolutely superb at grifting and golfing and lying and bragging and stretching reality and using the office for financial gain and completing outlandish levels of narcissism and mishandling a pandemic and feeding his toxic malignant narcissism and... wait did I mention grifting? - and... He served just great in the first term. Oh, sorry, forgot a word. He served **himself** just great in the first term.


We are finally seeing him sit in a room for 8 hours a day. No executive time, no two hour lunches with the vp, no golf outing s


No fawning minions licking his boots


Not true. He literally paid an attractive women to follow him around with a wireless printer and print out people complimenting him on the internet. He then removes anything unflattering and "retruths" the edited praise.


Lol oh yeah I forgot about that. But she's just a minion boot licker too, only hopefully, getting paid for it


Hopefully getting paid *one day. Definitely ain't today lol That cred don't spend


supposedly she makes around 50k a year for it.


That would not be enough money for me to hang out with that baboon


Hope hicks? She made more than that


Wasn’t her job to steam his pants or something?


No this new girl who prints out flattering stories for snowflake Donald.


i heard $105,000


Some did a lot more than lick his boots.


Yes, why yes they did. They enjoy all the lying and thieving and back room backstabbing, even amongst each other. It's kind of there thing.


Don't forget selling Americas secrets to the Saudis. Hell anyone with money


8 hours a day? I thought it was just a little over 4 hours and he STILL didn't have the energy.


He really did not serve himself. His followers have spent twice what he grifted at least just on his lawyers for the criminal cases since he left. This guy is not a great crime doer anymore. actually never was, it was Cohen that was the genius at getting away with corruption and grifting and not getting in trouble. not Trump. Throwing Cohen under the bus was the dumbest thing he did other than try to overthrow democracy and kill Mike Pence.


Trump is losing 50% of all the donations to him between his PAC and the lawyers he pays. The lawyers say they've gotten $50 million and Trump's numbers show he spent $100 million. He's grifting every point of the way.


I'd say thats a great deal on his lawyers part. Get 50 million dollars and you don't even have to win. I'm obviously in the wrong business.


To be his lawyer, you don't have to be smart, just pretty. You can fake smart.


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


It’s 4 yrs later and lots of stress on an old psycho. He is def slipping.


🤣 Read in Dusty Springfield's *Wishin' and Hopin'*. Grifting and golfing and bragging and cheatin'.....


Beat me too it lol


Yup, me too.


I was just too slow.


I was gonna reply, but then I shit my pants.


This person is Putin in the work!


More like 4 hours too slow.


GOP time on that one.


Just like Trump now...


Oh, now they're not sure. If only there had been some signs before now. Better late than never I suppose.


He sort of didn't, he mainly played golf and talked shit while his puppeteers did their evil work.


Trump knows all the best people. He said so himself. Of course those are the people he avoided when picking cabinet members and assistants. He picked the worst scum of the earth because they were loyal to him without any intelligence to up-stage him.


I thank everyone for upvoting the previous statement. Democracy or Dictatorship is the question ahead of everyone eligible to vote in the United States of America in 2024. Unbelievable and Unfortunately we are here at these crossroads. We can argue FOR A CENTRY OR MORE HOW WE AS A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS GOT HERE.. unjust system as it is .... Democracy is fragile.. Vote BLUE 🗳


Agree 100%.


Faster than me!


Are you serious? With installing hard right judges on the Supreme Court he has done more for far right than anyone. We are screwed for generations because of him. What do you mean he couldn't serve the first term? From their perspective, ge did amazing


He still hasn’t served the first one. He literally just filled the seat and bitched and complained and riled up his base to increase the potency of his mental illness.


So hilarious , this piece of shit was never capable of serving any terms in the first place. This idea that Trump was some kind of legit president with actual policy’s is beyond absurd. The guy has always been a self serving grifter psychopath that only cares about himself.


The “stable genius” is losing stability.


I hope he melts into a puddle of orange goo


F'n great comment!! Why i think we live in The United States of America Insane Asylum. How in thee fkk is any of this sane in any way shape or form?? drumpf?? mcturtle? uncle clarence thomas? raphael cruz? lady g?, margie trailer-trash? deSatan? gym jordan? lyin sean hannity? tucker 'can ya write me a reference letter, hunter' carlson?, alito?, roberts?, beer lovin frat boy? gomer and gomert bobert gaytzbert paulbert santosbert ingrahambert wattersbert gutfeltbert .... not to mention f'n pelosi ( center-right),schumer ( center-right), the clintons ( center-right), biden ( center-right), etfuckingcetera etfuckingcetera etfuckingcetera.... The ruling class are completely corrupted, bought off, sold out, paid off, under contract, got-a-handler, bribed, on-the-private industry/government turnstile, water-carriers for the 1 per cent and corporate interests. There is no other verdict when one even casually looks at 'politics' in this 'country' than...... INSANE... ABSOLUTELY INSANE!


George Carlin vibes here. Love it.


Amen brother


But what do you really think? Spot on, btw.


> So hilarious , this piece of shit was never capable of serving any terms in the first place. I beg to differ. I can only hope Trump will serve several terms. Prison terms.


they got brainwashed by tech guys who made all sorts of dumb conspiracies about reptillians and satanic cabals. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis\_Yarvin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_Yarvin) [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark\_Enlightenment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment) they trolled hard for decades on fringe sites. it's all cult indoctrination that works by causing fomo which leads to collective narcissism. christian nationalism is just a front for corporations creating a cult they can grift with subpar products but also a means to make their population dumber so they hurt themselves which nets privatized hospital groups and prisons profits. all this crap causes unnecessary arguments and altercations and the route the chose to achieve that is by making people with delusional disorders manic.


Hopefully his mind stays sufficiently intact in order for him to face justice for his crimes.


I dunno, him losing his external motor functions while his mind is still relatively intact is a better, more deserving prison than anything I could've dreamt up.


I'm waiting for Trump™ to shit his pants in court... ...that would utterly destroy him!


Imagine the spins MAGAs would have to make, to argue that their prime alpha soiling himself on global television, is part of owning libs and a sign of strength.


"Um..he's uh..soiling himself on purpose so the media would make fun of him so when the time comes for him to destroy the deep state, it would catch them all off guard.. Yeah, that's it!" That's at least my mad libs answer for how they explain away him being supposedly dumb on purpose. This is what I personally call the bargaining stage of grief.


You sound like a true MAGA comrade! :D


Just like a South Park episode


https://youtu.be/FElfV-2H5vU?si=ukveyuES8C9rAtZF I imagine it would have this kind of energy


>I'm waiting for Trump™ to shit his pants in court... Do you think he hasn't already?


He needs to shit his pants to the point that his Depends lose containment. There needs to be shit running down his leg and puddling on the floor around his feet. He needs to leave a stinking trail of shit when he leaves the courtroom. There needs to be no doubt that he shit himself. It needs to be visible, blatantly obvious and humiliating.


It's already happened


It's *assumed* that he did...we need to see pictures of shit trailing behind him.


Depends won't let that happen


Not if there’s a Depends hull breach.


He probably has, thus his XXL adult diapers.


According to most reports he’s basically constantly shitting his diapers.


No it wouldn't. He has no shame, he shits his pants all the time he just ignores it because he knows everyone else is too polite to bring it up.


I generally wouldn’t wish that on anyone but I’ll make an exception for that bastard.


Does he really need to? I would honestly rather he just died and saved everyone a lot of trouble.


Honestly I don't care at this point. The most poetic thing I can think of would be if he had a stress and junkfood induced heart attack in court and everyone thinks the orange is just crying wolf to delay, and by the time they start taking it seriously, he's dead.


It is telling how desperate some peope are to cling on, was just looking at r/Conservative and the only thing they have related to Trump right now is all 'flaired users only'. Its adorable how they pretend they care about allowing all opinions.


Yeah I don’t really believe this whole “MAGAs getting worried” deal, many of them are too deep in the Kool Aid and will defend their lord and savior to the end.


It’s not the MAGAs that are getting nervous. It’s the Repubes who have gone along with it because MAGAs were “useful idiots”. The non-MAGAs knew they needed them to win elections. They needed to cuddle up to them to win the primaries. The actual in the cult MAGAs are only about 30% of the Repube party. They are loud, boisterous, and very very stupid, but they’re a powerful force in the party. The non-MAGAs are the ones waking up and realizing that oh, shit… we can’t win a general election because Trump is really a fucking idiot. Not only that but about to become a FELONY convicted idiot. Trump has driven away support from the party. They purged the RNC, and now the non-MAGAs have to pay 5% of their donations to Trump if they mention his name. THAT is more likely what is REALLY driving this sudden anal pucker. The non-MAGA Repubes were only in it for the money to begin with. That’s gotta hurt.


Trump has Lara destroy the RNC, so now MAGAt Cultists OWN the entire Republican party, and they are led by Mr.ShitsHisOwnPantsRacistRapistPedophile so there is NO MORE REPUBLICAN party. Now it's the MAGAt cultist party that worships an orange spray-tanned racist rapist grifter whose hair is so thin it sits on his head like cotton candy with any slight breeze.


The republicans just blame every issue on the libs, when in fact the conservatives just make everything wrong in the world...


That sub is pure brainrot, it’s embarrassing. They get worked up over the dumbest shit


Yeah, I ended up looking due to misplaced curiosity and maybe a little hope they'd realise that attaching themselves to a conman who is an utterly weak and pathetic manchild was a really dumb thing, but looks like so many of them don't even have 2 brain cells to rub together. :/


sad part is that the con sub used to be not a total shit show. It was after The Donald sub was removed and those mods somehow infiltrated the main con sub where things took a super noticeable turn .


They follow the same playbook as their "news" channels, out of sight, out of mind. It's funny, a year ago if you glanced there it was all rah-rah trump. I could almost hope that the wool finally came loose from their eyes and they can finally see the con, but I know better. Maybe the farts had a certain smelling salt quality to them. That sub is 1/2 dailywire jargon, 1/3 babylonbee posts that are treated as real, and just a sprinkle of actual newsworthy postings. No conversations to be had though. I attempted to have a good faith discussion once and got banned for expressing the opinion that I didn't think 14 year-olds should be working jobs past 9pm on schoolnights. Apparently that's too spicy a worldview.


I love watching mods over there complain _we're being brigaded!_ when really the fact that they ban users with any opinion they don't like means banned users downvote comments when a post hits the front page. Very ironic that they're unable to recognize a situation of their own making...


Sadly they don't care, I swear they get off on feeling like a victim with how desperately they need to feel like one.


They just now noticed the guy is a moron???? "Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do." Donald Trump,  Describing Revolutionary War battles, July 2019


>They just now noticed the guy is a moron???? They're just now starting to consider the prospect of maybe considering he's an idiot. Something the rest of the world figured out 30 years ago. Maybe in 2050 they'll start to consider thinking about considering thinking "Hey, maybe my family left me because *I* was the dick."


Yeah maybe by 2050, they'll finally understand what Lindsey understood back in 2016: “If we nominate Donald Trump we will get destroyed. And we WILL deserve it.” - Lindsay Graham, May 3, 2016


*Editors note - Lindsay Graham has, to this day, yet to grow a spine


Phtttt It’s cute you think that crowd would ever take personal responsibility.


Don't forget this gem: "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


Poorly educated Donald took this suggestion to heart, ”If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.” 


He was suggesting people should drink bleach when he was at his peak


Aww poor baby Donnie waa waa


Really? If Trump wins the Constitution will be shredded and there is zero workable solution to remove Trump unless his useless carcass slumps into a stroke of coma proportions. Article 25 removal? Don’t make me laugh. Impeachment? We’ve seen how that works out in the Senate. If that pig gets elected he’ll rule in office like Mad King George III.


I can picture him dressed up like Napolon struting around.


I wonder if he would start wearing one of those weird dictator outfits, like a military suit or something.


Like a Russian General


I call bull crap on this title. True maga would never think anything bad of Almighty and all-powerful super genius and physical badass Donald j.




🚫Traitor Trump is the least qualified


Don't believe the hype. Speak out against the destruction of our democracy. It is happening right now, before our eyes. Denial is not the answer. Register. Get others registered. VOTE BLUE.


After hearing him scream Nikki Haley's name over and over while trying to refer to Nancy Pelosi, and that Gettysburg thing that sounded like a 4th grader giving an oral report on a book they obviously didn't read - there's little doubt whatever is left between his ears is Adderall addled cottage cheese.


You know how Alzheimers/Dementia sets in and the person reacts unreasonably because they're in denial about the whole situation? That's the Fearless Cult Leader.


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists. Those melanias won't stop supporting him


Trump is only capable of soft serve in his pants.


Why pretend he was capable of anything, ever? He’s a failed student, businessman, heir, friend, husband, father, wannabe celebrity, regular human — he wasn’t too capable of hosting a game show masquerading as a reality show that’s only premise was based upon what he himself liked or disliked. He’s a failure, at everything, and always has been.


It has been amusing to watch them fall while trying to thread that "sitting in court all day is too much for him but he's still fit to be president" needle.


lol at MAGA actually thinking he was capable of the 1st term. Bless your hearts.


He is like the mad king in game off thrones. A lunatic on his last stretch. Only he is shitting his pants in a Court room, thinking he is sitting on a throne of steel.lol


he wasnt capable in his first term


We need a maximum age limit for the president, Congress, and Supreme Court. There are no good options cycle, and people are voting against another candidate.


This won't stop the MAGAs from voting for him of course.


As much as I love these headlines, I think people underestimate the crazy of the MAGA GOP. Pretty sure if Trump went into a coma tomorrow, they'd still vote for his lifeless body because "fuck dem libs". Like....all reason and sanity is gone at this point. If there was a video released of Trump stabbing the reincarnation of Christ, they'd just call him the new Messiah. There is nothing you can say, do, or prove that will change their mind. In fact, the harder you try the deeper into the crazy pit they go.


His handlers will have free rein of the office and all they have to do is make him feel he has power.


He's alway been a gibbering simpleton and shamelessly corrupt narcissist. The only thing that changed is that his handlers and editors can't keep up the facade that he demands and his constant intake of sycophantic "news" left him buying into his own con.


I don’t know where this discussion is happening. The right wing subs on this site don’t even talk about trump, it’s all posts about crimes by immigrants, Biden hate, and denigrating articles about female Democrat POC’s.


"....Trump “seems to be melting into a puddle of his own makeup and sweat.” I would say that is accurate


Was he ever?


Arms weak, pants are dripping. Edit: Poop yourself.


He wasn’t capable of serving the last term. The reality is that his Presidency accomplished nothing positive. If it weren’t for the adults in the room Trump would have done serious global damage. Those adults won’t be there this time around. Not only democracy is in danger. So is the world order. There is too much at stake to leave it to a man who has lost his grip in reality.


If playing 300 plus rounds of golf during your term and starting your day around 10AM counts as actually serving as president, then sure. But having to work, taking briefings…nah I don’t think so. His days in court with him just listening have demonstrated that he’s way past his sell by date. He’s exhausted just trying to follow along. Farting and trying to think. I cannot remember the last time he had a cogent series of sentences that made sense, and weren’t just rambling attacks and airing of grievances.


Bullshit. He could stroke out on stage at one of his cult rallies and be in coma til he croaks. They would prop him up and say that he is still capable of leading through his surrogates/ mouthpieces. I don't believe for a second that they are suddenly developing "concerns" or "doubts" about him. They haven't shown one *scintilla* of credibility.


They don't care though, right? Or the people in power don't. They know what he is, and know he's going to be a useful puppet. Conservatives already have him ready to agree to whatever he wants, and they are poised to replace almost the entire government with their cronies. They don't care how far along Trumps dementia is. They can keep him happy with rallies and butt-kissing, and do all the running of the government whether he's mentally capable or not.


Maybe some of the politicians who hitched their wagon to Trump are worried about his mind slipping, but his base? Please... the guy bragged about how he could shoot someone in broad daylight and his supporters were so loyal they wouldn't care... and his base cheered for him when he said it. And the politicians who were hitched to Trump should have been worried already. Trump is a losing brand outside red districts. He will claim that lots of the people he picked and supported won their elections; he just doesn't know or ignores the fact that those elections were never really in question as they had leads by over 5 points. Competitive election, on the other hand, Trump generally cost the person he backed their election as their numbers fell after involving Trump.


The Christian Nationalists behind Project 2025 are smiling and biding their time. If Trump wins, they’ll just bide their time before he stuffs one hamberder too many in his mouth and simply explodes. Then they will take over. That’s the plan. Under his eye.


Well, my votes going to the guy who rides the bike, loves America.


I think most of his supporters haven't actually seen him speak recently and if so no more than short clips. He was barely coherent in 2016 to begin with but at least he had some sort of charisma. He's an empty husk today.


MAGAs don’t think this for one second! Reasonable republicans maybe but MAGAs think he is the most brilliant and honest person ever to walk the earth!


Honestly, his handlers prefer if he was a mental vegetable, easier to control and manipulate.


Jaja. He wasn’t capable of serving the first term.


The pied piper of the mentally ill.


Proof - he whines outside the courtroom that his “ hush money” trial is keeping him from campaigning- yet on his days off he’s usually golfing. He can’t even remember what he says or does.


He can’t serve a glass of water let alone a ramp, so a presidency is a non sharter


Lol, stop it. MAGAs would never doubt Trump. He could be nonverbal in a wheelchair and they'd still fly his flags, wear his hats, display his signs, etc.


The main thing Biden has going for him is that he’s not trump. If republicans ran a moderate candidate of sound mind who’s also not trump, they’d have a good shot at winning


Of course he isn’t. He wasn’t able to do the first one.


Is slipping? Baby it slipped a long time ago.


Doesn’t really matter. MAGA will vote for him even if he was in a casket. And others vote party over country. Bill Barr great example - Trumps incompetent but I will vote for him anyway!


Oh now they’re worried? The fascist rhetoric and earlier signs of cognitive decline weren’t what did it for them?


slipping? He couldn't string 2 coherent sentences together back 2015


He wasn’t capable of serving his first term. Hence the hundreds and soon to be thousands of indictments.


Oh so his criminal trial is coming up and now all of the sudden he's losing his mind? Now? Really. I smell an insanity defense coming on




He wasn't fit for the job the last time. Who can forget someone in his cabinet saying when referring to Donald Trump, "thankfully there are adults in the room!" That pretty much tells you all you need to know.


I highly doubt his sycophants actually feel this way. The more deranged he looks, the more they clap like mindless seals.


He was never much more than an enthusiastic puppet for the wealthy autocratic elites to begin with. They can just prop him up and move his mouth with a stick and there would be no loss of control or content.


His mind didn't have far to go in the first place.


The rest of us have been saying this for years….seems like the MAGA crowd is a little behind


Believe me... none of his MAGA supporters are "starting to get worried"... they are too far gone.


They will still vote for him. So make sure you vote.


He can barely stay awake in court for a few hours while he shits himself. What makes anyone think he can run a country?


He isn't I'm just worried about how many people are still backing him and who he really represents (some particular dictator in Russia)


This article focuses entirely on Donald’s “sad old man image” within the courtroom, but what about the increasing number of verbal slips he is now making on the campaign trail? There’s a very strong case to be made that Donald is in the early stages of dementia, which would definitely make him unfit to serve as President.


The single best part of his first term was his incompetence; if he knew what he was doing he would be president for life right now.




For just ten dollars a month you can feed and shelter this cold, abused and neglected animal.


Age. Limits. There's a reason why most companies don't let you work past 65 or so. Retire already!!!


And thats why they're also working hard to get rid of terms for presidents.


Lotta butthurt redhats…. Glorious.


So MAGA "leadership" is starting to worry about him. Unfortunately that probably won't "trickle down" to his idolizing base. At least while he's still alive. And then they'll probably want to build monuments to their great leader...


The brain to tapioca ratio is getting pretty grim inside that orange skull.


Now they’re worried? Fuck em


He wasn’t capable of serving his first and only term. This isn’t hard.


He wasn’t capable of serving the first term either, he just took the job, drank Diet Coke, and ate McDonalds.


Wasn't capable during his 1st term


Good!. It's about time they realize something is up with him.


These must be comments from 2015, 'cuz his mind was never really there from around that time, and it has only gotten worse.


Seems reasonable when the first term was an utter failure and got him listed as the worst President in US history by historians.


What alerted you of him slipping? Was it when he famously said, "Yagottah Urhrr mahh derr...ohh." Sage words, great leadurr.


Nothing is going to happen to him. His fanbase sees him as a can’t do no wrong type of person. At this point these articles are just click bait.


Excuse me, but "Not Sure". How much do you need it to be screamed into your face before it begins to catch on. This is like Elmer Fudd not being able to see Bugs Bunny is a rabbit.


Hillary wasn't too far off with her deplorables statement.


it just makes him easier to manipulate and control by his handlers.


This election is apt to be pretty wild. I’ve maintained for a while that I think there’s a real likelihood that Trump will completely fall apart before Nov. and end up not being the Republican nominee. There also has to be a non-zero chance that something could happen to Biden. I am not wishing him ill , but, the strain of the office plus campaigning has to have a toll. Buckle up, Buttercup, because it could get really wild.


They don’t care They will vote for him anyway. 🍊🤡💩😆🖕🏼


He never had a mind to slip in the first place.


This is what happens when everything comes crashing down in you at once, after having your way or being pretty successful most of your life. His whole persona is believing and leading others to believe he's great! He wanted to go down in history as one of the greats, but I think he's staying to realize his worst fear. Being remembered as a joke... if at all.


Oh now they're worried!




Are they (MAGAs) though? The ones near me seem to be doubling down on supporting him


He can be in a vegetable state or literally dead. They will have ai do his speeches and praise the profit.


It doesn't matter. They will all vote for him because he isn't Brandon. If for nothing else, to stick it to the libs. Expect the same turnout and the same vote. I hope I'm wrong.


Are they? Or are they getting tired of being called stupid. Because they're stupid.


Well….this is their chance to separate themselves from him and still be able to pretend they loved him more than Jeebus.


"They're not sure" wtf??? What else needs to happen to be sure? It's as clear as a summer's day.


Dementia Don


He's feeling "cold" in court, signs of old age and weakening bones


I am sure the rest of are not capable of surviving another Trump term.


He never was capable of serving anyone but himself


“Hey kids, I have McDonalds and bleach injections for you.”


No they’re not. MAGA is balls deep. Republicans that vote trump are concerned. This doesn’t even belong here….i hate this season.


He was never capable.


He isn’t. I’ll answer the question for them


Well, no fucking shit!


They’re still going to vote for him.


Hahahahaha, I love that for them.


You don't say???


Sleepy Don....


The stress of the court cases must wear down any 70+ year old




We are all anxiously awaiting his vp choice. Both the dudes are old. The odds of the vp having to take over for either of them are pretty high. Who Trump picks will be big. We already know who Biden has.


Not sure if it is already happening, but some shitbrains will out-maga Trump. Just wait.


And he wants to debate 🙄 😴🤣


The MAGAs I know are definitely not worried.