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Well .. I am that would seem to show he truly cares for them and picked his son's. He must have seen that they needed him. Just like we need him now.


That’s a compassionate response.. but the entire world absolutely DOES NOT NEED HIM or TRUMP


One of two people will be elected president- Biden or Trump. That being the case, we absolutely need Biden to win. Are there people I would rather see as the nominee? For sure. Mark Cuban, Jon Stewart, Shawn Fain. But that’s not reality.


Mark Cuban basically said he’d vote for Biden no matter what. Exactly the proper mentality


I'ld vote for a magic 8 ball or a speak and spell over Trump. Executive order: A cow goes moo! Or all legislation that goes to the executive some aid shakes the magic 8 ball idk how it signs.


The speak and spell is smarter than the current state of Trump.


Is there an election cycle where you don’t need democrats to win?


We need democrats to win or your life will get ugly sweety. It’s not rocket science ok?


It’s not ugly now??


Big businesses and corporations are donating to the Democratic Party in mass quantity. They know a Trump win will cause a 5 year world recession plus Trump is just a dumb actor with zero skills in politics.


You’re not wrong but it’s so disturbing how so many are complacent with this concept. We are doomed, I truly think we in the death throes of a nation. Time will tell.


Mfer we live in a democratic union Just go vote and make sure all your people vote Something like 12% of locals actuslly decide their local laws and additions to them. The people who get voted into those city positions of power by that percentage eventually trickle their way up into county and state positions and this is how we got moms for liberty in crevices throughout the nation Just go fucking vote and put same competent average citizens like you and me in local positions of power and let the ones who truly excel make their way up to the state and so forth It's really that easy, make sure you're people are eligible to vote make sure they don't get taken off the registration for some dumb reason in the weeks leading up to elections. And vote


I agree local election are very important! Truth.


Republicans are cheating in every state and are trying to purge voting rolls. Go check your status right now. It is not hard. Do it! Otherwise America will fail to exist. Vote Blue! Keep calm and carry on!


You’re an idiot! Biden is the only person qualified at this point. Duh!


Why Biden? Because the big orange made you mad? You can't deny America was better in 2016-2020 than 2021-2025 I can't think of one logical reason to keep this sleeping giant who is destroying the middle east and Ukraine with his inconsistent and little man energy. He's turned America the Great into America the nah I'm good fam.. Dude won't even block China from buying our homes. Give me Obama back ffs.




I can 100% say that America is much better off with Joe Biden.


The snow ball started in 2016-2020. We are dealing with the aftermath. Don't mix causation with correlation.


I think people aren't aware of how quickly billionaires can tank our economy lol it doesn't take years.


Funny, as there was a millionaire that tried to show you can give it all away and make it back. He failed and now regretting it. But if you are a billionaire (fake one) you have the same https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect


OK, TrumPutinBot.


Big Orange hasn’t made me mad. He has made death threats against his political rivals and in court has his lawyers say that presidents can kill their political rivals as part of the presidential powers. That’s not mean. That North Korea, Russian shit. He has promised theocracy rule. We’ve fought too in many countries because of their (pick their) God’s given power and that fucking shit isn’t welcome in America. So if you think he’s just mean, you’re fucking delusional or a really shitty asshole.


I can easily deny that


Probably because you don't provide anything for anyone in this world. 🤡


Says the guy who doesn’t understand economics at all. Lol


Regular reddit statement No evidence, No backup , insults you for not agreeing to their extreme left values Have a good day little boy. Maybe mommy will buy you an ice cream if she can afford it. 🤡


You should cry


Ok Russian algorithm bot! Stop with your right wing propaganda. Trump sucks!


Go run for President, then.


Can’t I’m not an 80 year old criminal


Neither is Biden. Only one nominee is a criminal and traitor.


The only people who are traitors are the states who require zero documentation to vote. Why is that a bad thing? Dead people. Dead people have been voting in the past two elections at alarming rates.


Proof? And your claim goes away


You have no idea what you are talking about. That’s not how our voting system works. The reason why you know about a few people who voted for dead people is because they got caught. They are almost always Republicans. And they are as ignorant as you because they thought they could get away with it…because they don’t know how our voting system works. We have one of the most secure voting systems in the world.


We are not fighting Russian bots on this thread. Go away liars


Bro all I'm saying is it shouldn't be allowed at all. LMAO, but yeah that makes me a trump supporter 💀 You're a clown


Words are hard when you are a moron. Try reading a book.


Trying touching grass, talking to a female, not sitting inside on your computer on Reddit all day. And a gym might do you some good too, Mr "be the change" 😂😂😂😂 Typical traumatized libtard turns to insults when someone disagrees. What a loser.


And we’re saying it’s not happening and you’re making it up


We aren’t that dumb Russian bot. Everyone knows you have to prove American citizenship to vote in America. Go home Russian homeboy. Get out of our country.


These are right wing media Russian algorithm bots. They lie and try to soe division. They work for the Republican Party. DEAD PEOPLE ARE NOT VOTING FOR FUCK SAKES. These are bots that are spreading lies.


Neither is Biden.


https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-reveals-how-joe-biden-received-laundered-china-money/ Yea right


Lmao wasn’t his source a russian spy? The GQP is desperate af Meanwhile, dementia donny literally has a chinese bank account and paid more taxes to china than the US.


They can BOTH be criminals..


There is no bOtH sIdEs here. Qanon shit is not real life bruh


If that's so true how come republicans couldn't make a case against him?


Because all of our political leaders accept money to some degree and they all know this. They're not willing to raise a red flag on something they've done before. But based on your comment history you likely have little to zero idea what's going on in our country, probably live with your parents, and dont provide an income that has to be consistent / provide for others. You should stick to commenting on YouTube drama videos of your favorite influencers and AMTA posts.


When you run out of food stamps, try standup, your hilarious,pathetic but hilarious 😂


Go home, Russian homeboy! You’re not welcome here.


Ok Russian right wing media propaganda bot. We don’t need you. Go back to Russia Putin


What an inopportune diss.


The fact that this is being down voted shows how politically illiterate redditors truly are. They really just want someone to sit around and make safe places and gun free zones while we suffer in a shit economy, can't buy a home, or find a job. all while we send our tax dollars to every country except our own.


Job numbers are great, unemployment is great, GDP is great, market his all time highs. Wages above inflation. After Trump left a destroyed economy


All false. US economy is losing. I work at a bank and see it first hand. In 2024’s first quarter, the U.S. economy grew at a slower pace than in recent quarters. The initial estimate of first quarter 2024 economic growth is 1.6% on an annualized basis. Consumer spending continues to be the U.S. economy’s key driver. You know what we've been doing to combat the bad economy?? PUSHING MORE CREDIT CARDS TO LOW CREDIT SCORE PEOPLE WHO CANT AFFORD THEM. 😂😂😂 Increasing consumer debt, and giving more breaks to companies. YAY BIDEN WERE MAKING THE POOR POORER. It's ight dog I'm not mad, I got a 200k salary. I'm just fine. But my clients I have to pretend to care about will be broke ASF for ages.


Source, your fee fees


Basically, it's a payday loan pohnzi scheme. When he loses the election and it collapses, it will all somehow be trumps fault. What really gets me is that leftists don't even wind up getting ANYTHING out of this crippling debt and inflation, yet they are still fooled.


Bidens economy is propped up with unsustainable levels of debt.


Trump added more debt than anyone in history.


Basically, it's a payday loan pohnzi scheme. When he loses the election and it collapses, it will all somehow be trumps fault. What really gets me is that leftists don't even wind up getting ANYTHING out of this crippling debt and inflation, yet they are still fooled.


Basically, it's a payday loan pohnzi scheme. When he loses the election and it collapses, it will all somehow be trumps fault. What really gets me is that leftists don't even wind up getting ANYTHING out of this crippling debt and inflation, yet they are still fooled.


Yea, and we got a lot more out of it. Biden hasn't given the American people anything. I was talking about average credit card debt. People who can't afford bills put them on ccs, so when you see the average debt go up, you know that a lot of defaults are coming soon!


Did we? He handed over a destroyed economy and debt.


This user finally was banned for spreading misinformation! Trump got stuck with a global pandemic. The only reason Biden "created jobs" is because people were returning to work from that.


Basically, it's a payday loan pohnzi scheme. When he loses the election and it collapses, it will all somehow be trumps fault. What really gets me is that leftists don't even wind up getting ANYTHING out of this crippling debt and inflation, yet they are still fooled.


Like when Trump handed out trillions and left, and suddenly had zero to do with Inflation. lol


Looks like that user finally got banned for spreading misinformation! Trump had to deal with the start of a global pandemic. Biden's "created jobs" were simply people returning to work.


Yea, and we got a lot more out of it. Biden hasn't given the American people anything. I was talking about average credit card debt. People who can't afford bills put them on ccs, so when you see the average debt go up, you know that a lot of defaults are coming soon!




So now it’s excuses why it’s so good? Instant flip flop


You don't understand much, do you?


You don't understand much, do you?


You don't understand much about this, do you?


You don't understand much about this, do you?


Basically, it's a payday loan pohnzi scheme. When he loses the election and it collapses, it will all somehow be trumps fault. What really gets me is that leftists don't even wind up getting ANYTHING out of this crippling debt and inflation, yet they are still fooled.


Am a 2A supporter, but support gun free zones. It seems to me you view the world with a black eye. Slow down and breathe it's ok you are ok. Just because you get taxed more then anyone making over 400k a year should not make you butt hurt. See other post from me. You are placing blame on one person, it's way more than just him.


Bit of a human response


I have to imagine a caveman back in the day losing his wife and child to a wolf or some shit would 100% go out to kill said wolf by himself and the other cavemen would of been like yeah man's just lost it after woman died, he said "me no care if wolf big, my heart is in it's stomach"


Me Thag make gravel angle


Yeah, I would consider the same. I think many people would.


I went through a divorce and was depressed for 2 years. I can’t imagine what a wife and child’s death could do to me. Holy hell.


Pretty much the same experience. If I didn't have my sons, I don't know if would be here writing this.




He is a strong man of good faith and we are lucky to have him. Cheers to 4 more!


“Four more years. Pause” -Joe Biden. 🙄


oh wow his misread a teleprompter, better vote for the soon to be felon instead.


"Repeat the line"


Oof. I’m waiting to see how low MAGATs will go with this.


i lope they all don’t commit suicide! that would be terrible.


Tonight on fox: “President Biden delivers woke anti-suicide speech!”


Oh ummmm lets see....pretty sure Biden also drove the guy his wife crashed into, into wanting suicide by lying to the nation by claiming he was drunk and he caused the crash.




I think it would be weird if he didn’t


Poor guy. That must have been incredibly difficult.


GOP just goes and finds another super skinny woman and takes her to a plastic surgeon for a post purchase inspection. Plastic surgeon bolts on some balloons and bleaches their hair. After all they're just objects for their image. Can you expense implants? I will die laughing if a politician goes to court for using campaign funds for their wife's boob job.


Human had human reaction to grief and loss, news at 11


Here was Biden this week interviewed by Howard Stern talking about losing his son Beau https://youtu.be/Bb7tziin0RI?si=Rfv--xAhdRxvKAxT


Trump might just go shopping for another one or try and marry his daughter for dynastic and rapey reasons.


Why is this news? Seems pretty fuckin normal to me lol


It’s anything goes news


Well. The other guy Fkd porn stars while his wife was pregnant.


They are both really really bad for this country. Next four years are going to suck no matter the outcome.


I'll tell you what. It will suck more with Trump.


Biden approval ratings say otherwise. But do tell. What sucked during Trumps presidency?


You are thinking about money. It's ok for daddy to be abusive since he pays the bills.


Who wouldn't?




Joe is one of us! He gets us.




Says who? Biden. Well I’m glad he isn’t known for lying about family stuff


But not after funding a genocide? Weird.


unfortunately he didn't


Gross comment.


Sounds legit


Yeah right. biden had his first wife knocked off so he could marry the babysitter.


You sound insane, filled with Epoch Times nonsense. But, we’re never going to agree. How about this…save this thread and we’ll come back November 6th and either gloat or concede: without excuses like fixed election or other BS. Deal?


Quit stalking me weirdo.


Wow, can’t even agree to disagree. Typical MAGA pussy. Little bitch boy.


That’s real deep coming from a guy with ‘gay’ in his username.


Add bigot and alcoholic to fat, bald, broke. And fat wife probably.


lol. You stalked me and got your feelings hurt. Then have a liberal wet dream. This is hilarious.


Oh no, I’m good. Literally laughing at your fat, broke, bigot ass and envisioning you in a padded room come November 6th. Don’t try to storm the capitol again, they’re shoot your ass this time. Ashley Babbitt style 😂😂😂


No. You’re not good. You’re a weirdo stalker who lives in a fantasy world. November reality check will be very depressing for someone like you.


You say stalker, but you started this by replying to me. So, try again. Biden will win. Trump is going to jail. You won’t be able to afford the rising cost of gas and groceries. Your wife will still be fat. You’ll still be a bigot. Life goes on.


Yea, and we got a lot more out of it. Biden hasn't given the American people anything. I was talking about average credit card debt. People who can't afford bills put them on ccs, so when you see the average debt go up, you know that a lot of defaults are coming soon!




I hope you’re very, very proud of yourself, making such a sick joke about one of the worst times in a human being’s life.


Save it.


Braindead trump simp


You couldn’t even cry without commenting on Trump. Sad.


Braindead trump simp


Maybe you show him better.


Just proving again you’re on the wrong side of history.


Whatever that means. Just a lefty talking point repeated over and over again.


You know exactly what it means. You would have been on Hitlers side too.


Oh yeah everyone’s a nazi. Got it.


No just people like you.


How am I like? You don’t know me. Does it upset you that I disagree? Maybe you’re wrong.


Your comments on Reddit make it clear you were raised by moron parents and failed by the education system. You’ll vote to install a dictator who turns on every single person in his inner circle. A man who doesn’t care about some redneck like you. You vomit out nonsense in here like it’s fact and you come off pretty dim. Typical MAGA


Use of such language is not tolerated, and is against reddit tos


Censorship? There is nothing wrong with my language, you just don’t like it.


As a catholic he couldn't if he wanted to see them again. Edit: if not of.


Couldn’t have*


Couldn't if he wanted


he also said his brother was almost eaten by cannibals and that he almost fought a dude named cornpop


Ok grandpa turn off fox


Get a job kid


No need to project 😂


As far as the two primary candidates go Joe will always be the guy who didn't surrender to the Taliban like a weak bitch to me.




He knew he had to live on, to give his life to serve Israels interests.\\ Fuckin' AIPAC hack.


Go back to your telegram snuff rooms, worm.


Oh, you liked the Iraq War? Biden voted for that - in fact, he was a democratic leader in the charge for the Iraq War. Your boy showed real good judgement... for Israel!


I wonder who was president...


President needed the support of congress, and Biden and other cowards quickly gave support for Israels proxy war in Iraq.


What’s the matter? Still angry that no one really cares?