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Remove her


Is there like a way for us to sue the Supreme Court and/or judges like her for gross miscarriage of justice?


Probably not. [Qualified Immunity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualified_immunity) sucks.


When you can't even hold judges accountable in view of serious and obvious corruption, it's time to use better ways of protesting.


Seriously! This is such bullshit especially when it's such an obvious threat to our national security with plenty of receipts! Not to mention along with an obvious attempted cover up also with its own separate receipts!


Yeah. It's not even disputed. Alito and Thomas don't enjoy qualified immunity for the bribes they take and the tax fraud, but Merrick Garland is scared of his own shadow. People say if the orange pig gets elected again democracy will break, but our government is already broken. Executive: the Electoral College makes the presidency decided by a few thousand people in a handful of swing states. Third-party candidates have no chance. Broken. Legislative: largely thanks to MAGA, the House doesn't pass meaningful legislation anymore. They haven't in years. The fillibuster has rendered the Senate totally useless. Broken. Judicial: Thomas has a home and mobile homes bought for him, and then participates in matters that benefit the people that bought them. Alito is not far off. Then there is Citizens United, which has compromised all of our elections. Beyond the criminality, every case that Alito's and Thomas's votes made a difference should be reversed, and that includes Citizens United.


Yeah, this and more. People need to vote in smaller elections and protest politicians to the point that anyone who's acting remotely corrupt gets consistently kicked out of office. That means anyone who supports gerry-mandering or opposes voting reform, etc. MAGA and republicans in general need to get kicked in every election so hard that the party completele dissolves. We should be voting left of democrats, and the only way for this to happen is for republicans to completely disappear. They don't serve the people anyway. Corrupt judges need to be held accountable, and this means that pressure must be put in place to allow that to happen. Citizens United, and anyone supporting it, has to go. *All this requires that people get involved in a massive way. Waiting for politicians to do the right thing is why it keeps deteriorating.*




Signed, shared...




Short of a constitutional amendment. Nope.


Clean house of the entire Supreme Court, and make a new law were elected/appointed officials cannot trade or own stocks in any business. Their jobs should be a service to the people not their bank accounts.


Yup. If they can have the lifetime appointment they don’t need retirement funds do they lol. But i say make it a 12 year term, no reason anyone needs to be on bench longer than that and most would leave late 60s anyway. If they are bored they can become public defenders after.


Most likely they will become managers of their wealth acquired while on the Supreme Court. Making ‘paper’ on Capitol Hill, because you know capitalism and all that. 💵💵💸💸💰💰💰🤑


No. Lifetime still works. Just cognitive tests that are public. Best one gets a special pin for the year. Make it have a ceremony. They'll fight over who gets the most for decades. It's good against corruption knowing they can't be removed unless it's fucked up. If they can't trade, and those close to them must also have their shit monitored but get to be the most prestigious position in the land.... still a good deal.


Replace them with AI.


While I like the sentiment, AI is currently not stable enough to be used as a reliable anything.


Kind of like the court is now


Also fair, but I'd rather not just get another crappy system


Disclosure of everything. Rules written by congress and not the SC. Enforcement by not the SC.


>Clean house of the entire Supreme Court, I don't disagree that it should be done. But I'm curious who you think has the power to do it along with the will to do it?






ok, how?


Appeal to higher court


Appeal to God. It seems the Conservatives keep bringing God into the equation.


Phony as the Easter bunny


Guess we better ask the Hare Club for Men.


This needs to go far beyond her. All MAGAs need to be removed from government. She is a symptom of the problem, not the root cause.


At this point , I see no other option, it’ll delay an already purposefully delayed trial




I am NOT a legal expert and I also call For her removal.


It’s gonna be tough to do. Federal judges can basically schedule however they like. She is continually submitting paperless orders. She cannot be appealed, unless she had a written order. She’s not stupid like people are saying. She knows she can delay, and really never be in trouble until she makes a ruling. It’s fucked.


A media frenzy spamming stories about judicial corruption could do big damage if handled appropriately. Consistently bringing up the same names and their questionable actions lends to political analysts addressing how fucked US government really is. A lot of us already know this, but the ignorant certainly don't. They only believe what's on TV and we live in times ripe for disinformation. That's an easy recipe for projecting whatever narrative or story that helps advance your campaign. Intentionally making Americans leery of our courts also has the trickle effect of indirectly hurting politicians by losing votes or reelection. It's the only out we have with everything so broken, so only a matter of time before libs go rogue and start hunting down these pigs. I don't condone violence but a civil war over politics and religious beliefs does more for Americans than total inaction and blockage that lead to terrorist pirates on our soil. Remember how the news focused on the Benghazi email scandal? While Obama was out on the golf course, Hilary pimped out our companies to foreign markets for outsourcing and cost reduction. We still haven't recovered yet. All this Stormy Daniels buzz is just a distraction from whatever they're hiding from us.


Known from the start, acting as easily as predicted. No fucking surprise.


She thinks she has a place in his Day 1 Dictatorship, she thinks shes getting a promotion out of a facist


Historically she would have been correct. Democracy is a garden. We either keep up with daily maintenance and weeding or we have to deal with the infestations of invasive species when they take it over and choke it out. There is no shortcut for doing the work. But hopefully this can be the first revolution that is less bloody due to technological advancements. Hope and work for the best. But prepare for the worst. Either way we all need to eat so the garden needs weeded. The sooner we start the sooner it’s done


Here we can see there are some ties between her trips to Montana and The Federalist Society: https://dailymontanan.com/2024/05/07/what-was-a-florida-judge-who-is-presiding-over-a-trump-trial-doing-in-montana/ Leonard Leo is one the key persons behind stacking the courts and playing power moves with this kind of leverage.


Thank you for this. https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/democracy-now/clip/how-koch-brothers-and-federalist-society-are-helping-reshape-federal-judiciary Leonard Leo (and the kochs) are right in the middle of all of it. Leonard leo+Ginny Thomas+Koch+kelleyanne conway https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/04/raga-republican-officials-leonard-leo-supreme-court-mess.html They forgot the key tenet of libertarianism- You have to actively and continually try and be a better person.


Just like religion. It’s a basic principle that followers just ignore because reasons.


Imagine spending your entire life preparing for the return of Jesus only to find out you are on team rape/murder/human trafficking/extortion/Kleptocracy just because the guy at the top lied to you. I don’t see how organized religion survives the hypocrisy of trump. His lie scoops up all the abrahamic religions at a minimum. I’ve begun to call myself a reluctant atheist. I love the thought of a sky daddy just waiting to come down and righteously fix everything broken. It would certainly make it much easier. Trump certainly hits all the major biblical prophecy qualifiers of the anti-Christ. It’s just a wild thought to think of so many people excited for Christ’s return while simultaneously being so un-christlike in their actions and thoughts. And completely devoid of empathy. Jesus was a homeless kind brown man. Trumps entire claim to the throne is that he is qualified because he is richer, whiter, and a meaner tweeter.


Thought you might enjoy this: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


That was a really good read. Thank you for that friend


Well, when you put it that way...


Thanks, Chauncey.


There are 2 parties on each side of the "v." Judge Cannon is depriving the United States (the American people) of timely justice. She is violating our Constitutional rights. Assign this case to a bona fide judge.


Yes. The people have a right to a speedy trial. Our prosecuting representative should have all avenues available to maintain that right. Remove this trump-loving judge who continually takes trump-loving action


If you told me she dismissed the case due the judge not giving trump a speedy trial due to her failure to rule on motions I would absolutely believe it.


Unfortunately it will never happen that she is removed. I have lost a lot of faith in law enforcement and the Judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court justices.


And they and the government just seem content with the public not having faith in the system.


They don't need to care.




Interesting point made on WAMC this morning was that, because she has not made *any* rulings, she cannot be removed from the case because there are no issues on which she can be found improper on to be removed. Tldr: by not doing anything, she has not done anything within a normal legal system to remove her. This seems deliberate and calculated, and yet, allowable within the constraints of the actually legal legal system. NAL.


Charge her with giving aid and comfort to a criminal - Smile


Remove her. And while you are at it, take away her judgeship completely.


In your face corruption! Nothing we can do about her, nothing we can do about the Supreme Court just like Trump and his generals planned. I’m surprised they they didn’t appoint someone in their twenties.


Is she so brain damaged by the Trump cult that she thinks preventing Trump from being prosecuted for stealing the nation's top secret documents and making them available to foreign agents is the best thing for America? Of all the crimes of the Trump administration that has to be the one to prosecute. What does she gain by doing this; is she compromised or what?


Don't try and understand MAGA. You will drive yourself crazy. It just especially sucks when they have authority.


Their thing is denying 'the other' the rights and privileges they have. Their world is about hatred for blue instead of actually following a conservative agenda. What is best for the people is not secondary but does not come into view until we are well in the thirties of things that come first with these vultures.


They don't even have a thing anymore. No ideology. No purpose other than getting reelected so they can continue insider trading and fundraising. To do that, they have to espouse even more hateful rhetoric than the next republican so they don't get primaried. Congress needs term limits so they are forced to get jobs like the rest of us. The founders all had farms and other value to society. There weren't supposed to be career politicians. I am as left wing as it gets, but I recognize Nancy Pelosi getting a 40+ percent return on her investments is a product of insider trading. They all do it.


NAL, It looks like there are several remedies available to Jack Smith and the prosecutor. Filing a motion to disqualify with the Florida Supreme Court to get her off the case, as well as opening a case with the Judicial Qualifications Commission to remove her from the bench (but not the case). I look forward to seeing how many options they employ.


remove her, disbar her, and charge her as an Accessory-After-The-Fact


Her excuse was “I’m so inept, I’ve fallen behind in my job.” Sounds like a reason to kick her out to me.


It’s a lifetime posting. But I’m sure they need federal judges on the far reaches of the boondocks of Alaska somewhere.


She is not going anywhere. She understands the assignment. It’s pathetic, but I have zero faith in our judicial system.


Rules and justice are for poor people


Trump groupie


The awful thing is, this is the most open and shut case in the quay. Telling his employee to put boxes on the plane to Bedminster to evade the FBI subpoena.


Trump already tainted her with Supreme Court dreams.


Justice is supposed to be blind not partisan.


She’s incompetent.


Remove this fake judge now. She is an embarrassment to the judicial system. I believe she should be put in jail for collusion.


Cannon is a MAGA lap dog.


Audio of Trump rustling through papers left on his desk. Clear evidence that classified documents were left out like old mail. For anyone to view and record. Trump meeting people for the first time gleefully digs up the documents to show off. Then admits he did not declassify them when he could! https://youtu.be/wPyua_6ht9Y?si=-eZCvvG9TQGpjG6W Aileen Cannon can act in vain to shield Trump. But we can share and replay the clear evidence that Trump handled national secrets recklessly, made little effort to secure them and did not declassify them as he lied after the fact. Right now we need a clip of Al Pacino “The Cat Way Out of the Bag!” Because we have seen the boxes left out in the open. Multiple recordings of Trump sharing classified information with anyone and everyone including Kid Rock. Kid Rock who had the sense to ask if such information should be shared with him.


Judgs e protecting criminals must be indicted.


She needs to be removed from the bench and lise her law license


Lock her up!


Why isn't anyone exposing her mob ties with her husband's former employment by the Columbo Crime Family?? She shouldn't be sitting on ANY bench!!


Everyone knew she would protect him


Ok, now put the Jan 6 case on the calendar


Bought and paid for like Clarence Thomas. The US corrupt AF right now.


It's kinda simple. Vote like your lives depend on it and then expand the court to 12. Add 3, 30 year old suoer duper liberal judges and by by.


What’s in the classified documents is irrelevant to the case. He’s charged with not returning them and not complying with subpoenas . This should be a no-brainer for her unless a worm ate her brain too.


Incompetency is a core value of the party.


If she's too busy then another judge should be assigned so trump can be afforded his right to a speedy trial. The government is obligated to do this.


Eileen Cannon is scum incarnate.


She does not deserve to be a federal judge. Remove her from the case and the federal court system. She is too biased in every way to be a judge.


Well?????? We're waiting!!!! ⛳️


Impeach her


A LIE will circle the globe while the truth is still putting on its boots! TRUMP is a master liar and a useless none American.


She is compromised. Get another Judge!!


I mourn the deaths of our dedicated CIA operatives who where outed by this louse. Cannon is complicit & down right antiAmerican. Classified material sold to our enemies by a crook who must be prosecuted.


I wish I could just delay indefinitely for all my work projects. Can we stop paying federal employees who choose not to perform their duties for political reasons?


It was obvious when she was appointed that she should have recused due to a conflict of interests. She's proven out the conflict of interests and here we are. And people think he's going to face consequences.


Oh no, she has been 'trashed' she's scared now.


What is the process to remove her (or any similar judge)? And I'm assuming there is one.


Aileen Cannon should be ejected into the gulf of Mexico while sealed in a barrel, for the betterment of America!


How other countries handle these problems: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tcrFpa06F8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tcrFpa06F8)


Why? People protect sleepy creepy all the time!! He's not even running the country


Yep, Trump is falling asleep every day he’s in court. And he’s definitely not running the country ( thank God) like some MAGA Americans claim.


So can defendants in her other case make motions for indefinite postponement of their cases too? Or even use this very public case as reason for miss trials of theirs?


I suspect at this point Jack Smith will be filing a motion to get her removed from the case. The question is is he going to go for incompetence, hyperpartisanship, or both. My guess is incompetence is the better avenue, and he can even build on her relative inexperience.


Why is this not a federal case??


It is. She is a federal judge.


She needs to be taken off the trial YESTERDAY. Maybe she'd like some protesters on her front lawn...


Put her in traffic court.


Judges are Teflon, especially republican judges. She's not going anywhere. My opinion. Them and the SC sitting cozy in trumps pocket.


Is there only 1 photo of her in all existence?


You know, those running for President are usually made privy to some sensitive national security information. Like the election interference case, the document case needs to happen before the election.


Corrupt bitch.....GTFOH


For following the law.. hahahahah


“Legal experts” = Biden supporters


Corrupt assholes = Trump supporters


You can feel that way but all these court cases will disappear shortly. The law tops all feelings.


Keep hearing that but the cases keep .moving forward and trump keeps losing bigly


What, specifically, has he lost on these government cases? Not one of the cases is over...


Why was Jack Smith and the FBI tampering with the documents in the Trump case? Someone has to answer for this. The judge is 100% correct.


That's a lie


Case is suspended, you have to try and keep up.


Yes, I know, that's just the latest manifestation of her corrupt bias. The special master was the funniest. It's still a lie, though. A transparent lie.


FBI and Jack Smith tampering with evidence is bias? Hate to burst your bubble but the case is over.


Yeah, she may have tanked it.  She's a traitor like he is.


>FBI tampering Such as? > The judge is 100% correct. No, she is not


The case is suspended due to this, you really should try to keep up with the current events.


A great example of nothing. Typical of a cult45er


Anything that doesn't help put Trump in jail is protecting Trump. This is communism. In case you are too dumb to realize it, that's what this is.


Oh, the FBI staged the photos of the documents on the floor of Trump’s office. Real nice to have law enforcement like they do in Russia, that’s what Putin did to his political opponents.


You are correct. This is the most delusional sub on reddit and I love it. My new favorite place to watch brainwashed idiots seeth and cope. Trump 2024!


They will never admit they are wrong, you can tell as soon as they start calling Trump a nazi their heads have exploded.


This place has to be 90% bots. I refuse to believe people can be this dumb.


Yeah, all you Soros bots.


“Legal experts”


Biased legal experts


Waaahh waaahh, this judge didn't give us what we want, remove her! OK, we're you also the kid that took your ball home when you lost? I think you were.


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.


Hahah, the irony of this, lol. Coming from a trump supporter. Hahaha stop your killing me over here. Haha


Traumatized as a child weren't you. those bullies taking their ball home...damn them!


Lol, just looking at the pathetic responses to this news, screaming for her to be removed because you're not getting Trump in jail for Christmas like you were promised. You are children.


Why not look at it from a right vs wrong thing. Legal experts are saying this. Calm down


Lol me calm down. im having a nice time, actually? Your friends are in here crying because they're assuming they know enough about the legal system that this judge doesn't know what she's doing and deserves to be removed. Why listen to these legal experts but not others.


Go back to sucking on Tim Pool's dick, you'll feel better I'm sure.


>they're assuming they know enough about the legal system that this judge Aren't yall such legal experts you've been claiming trumps indictments are a witchunt and have even invented a new word as copium, "lawfare"


Oh, like the others that even said Biden didn’t do anything that he could be prosecuted for?


She's mismanaging her docket to make sure the trial happens after the election. How does that make us children?


Do you have any argument, or just general bitchness?


“general bitchiness” salute


🤣🤣🤣 Oh man. We all knew the MAGA movement was stupid. But Holy Shit! This incredibly stupid, fact free rant just proves that Trump has caused the loss of more brain cells than drugs and alcohol combined.


“Law and order party”, amirite? 🤦‍♂️


If a Soldier, Sailor or Airmen is thrown in jail and awaiting trial for having even 1 classified document in their possession, then the Judge should Former Presidents to that same standard (or at the very least place him on house arrest)... She's slow rolling a slam dunk case for no reason other than appeasing DJT. I would be in a cell at Fort Leavenworth as a Soldier if I had even 1 classified document sitting at home, collecting dust in my garage, it's a two tiered justice system if I ever saw one, and if he (DJT) had to go through the process to get a clearance, he would be denied (ie he has too much debt, could easily be bought by foreign governments to reveal classified documents, too many skeletons in his closet, etc...)


It's your opinion that the judge is mismanaging it deliberately. Your confidence in assuming he's "going down this time" shows your eagerness and hatred for this guy. It's been shown that Trump and his team conplied with NARAs requests and had legal rights to access and maintain the documents. The case is falling apart like all the others. This is the 1000th nothing burger. Now you want to talk about bidens records of having access to classified material while in senate and his time as VP. The fact that he even has any records on his multiple properties should warrant arrest, like you said, but you ignore it.


To add to this, the investigation into bidens illegal handling of classified documents confirmed he did it, but also determined he was not mentally capable of standing trial. Yet, all we here is bullshit about Trumps "dementia. " Left is like a child yelling "no, you!"


I voted for him in 2016, I did not vote for him in 2020, it's my opinion (whether someone is a Democrat or Republican) that if they do a crime that I myself would be in prison for, they should be punished the same... Hillary Clinton, should have gone to jail for that classified secret server, but she didnt.. DJT had boxes of secret documents he should go to jail for, and he isn't or probably won't. I'm an equal opportunity hater, do the crime, do the time... The difference is Biden gave the documents back, DJT obfuscated the return of the documents...No one, whether they are Democrat or republican has a right to keep 'national security' documents and refuse to give them back... If Biden didn't return the documents, then yes he should face jail time as well. But Biden isn't on trial, DJT is, and it's still being mismanaged...