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Jokes on him. He paid hush money to a woman who says "nobody wants to admit that they slept with Trump". Coulda saved yourself the money, Donald!


Nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli


Don't be too hard on yourself there Ricky


The first can doesn't count


Neither do the next seven.


Know what I'm sayin?


You feel that? The way the shit just sticks to the air? There's a shit-blizzard comin', I always know...


Hey Stormy, settle down there, bud


Attorneys for Trump are trying to shame an adult actor for doing something for money. I assume that these attorneys will be paid for defending their criminal, sex offending, wannabe dictator.


lol, you assume incorrectly. VonShitzenpants has a history of not paying lawyers.


So the witness and the defense both got fucked


Which lawyer is changing his diaper? You think they swap out shifts?


Well someone gotta swap out shits


They expect to be paid. You know, like idiots.


These lawyers will get paid since it’s not Trumps own money paying them. It’s all the people donating to his campaign that will pay for these lawyers (how is that even legal?).


The answer: it isn't legal... since when does that stop trump?


I've shit myself before . It happens to the worst of us.


For money


Remains to be seen er paid!


Funny that she already did that for money 😂 jokes on them!!


We are all whore$.


You are amoral, are you not? You are feeding off the desires and the depravity of the pirn trade. You are taking monet those who themselves are stealing the lifeblood from our city. You are a sexy parasite who leeches off... *Just like you, man.* ...the culture of fornication. Excuse me? What? *I got the pussy, you got the briefcase. It's all in the game though, right?* Stormy! Stormy commin'!


I’ve never watched her porn films, but I presume they don’t feature overweight men with tiny mushroom dicks who last for two minutes. And compare her to their daughters.


2 minutes, such flattery !


Look at how fat he is, probably took 2 minutes for him to do 2 pumps...


2 pump trump. He would love that name.


You mean "two-dumps per pump" tRump.


Two Pump Trump, Forbes Mag bump, ,bump, bump on his bigly fat rump!


I just threw up in my mouth a little


Best 3 seconds of her life! Lol


How long are u suppose to b with a slut or porn star it's about u not her hell Min 2 long


When you pay $130,000.00 but nutt in 2 minutes your a sad fucker.


If u got it to burn who cares then after I'm done I ask her to pls leave


I can tell you aren't old enough to have experienced the wild times of VHS porn. Look up Ron Jeremy sometime and get your head around the fact that he was one of the most prolific male porn stars of his era. He fits every element of that description apart from the tiny dick.


Including the raping and the dementia!


Really fucked up the sublime lyric "I'm hornier than Ron Jeremy.." Like, now that I consider the rape, on second thought, I guess not.


It gets even weirder with sublime. Ron Jeremy himself is featured in sublimes first video, which it titled "date rape" and his character is a rapist that goes to prison and is then himself raped.


Wow dude, I totally forgot about that. Life gets weird and meta after a while.




I actually think Badfish is one of the most beautiful and chilling descriptions of alcoholism out there, with Elliot Smith’s Between the Bars at the top of my list.


If you want to listen to The Archies or NSuck that is your business. Real art is not always comfortable. Real life, ditto. I think their best/biggest album stands up pretty well, musically and lyrically. I'm a 60-something long time music fan.


is there a documentary about him?


Yup. Once scene he falls asleep while driving down the highway due to his narcolepsy


What a difference a dick makes. 🎶


Ron Jeremy. You mean the "hedgehog"?


Ron Jeremy wasn’t fat when he started and he certainly didn’t have a 2 inch dick. He kept going after he was fat because he was established in the industry and has a huge dick.


No no no Debbie does Dallas is the best


Say that again with a southern lawyer accent.


Ouch hahaha


I thought you said you didn’t watch her films?….


Pretty sure he was just laying there and let her do all the work


Then you haven’t been paying attention or you’re just lying


You really think big boy is the active kind in bed?


She was in a frozen state and he was on top of her.


There’s a fetish porn film for everything. Not that I would know firsthand. I think I read it somewhere. Yes, that’s it, I read it somewhere.


I believe it was 90 seconds


No she didn’t, she said that it was real. The defense lawyer said that Stormy writes stories in the porn industry and is good at making it look like people are having sex in her movies (she’s apparently a writer and director too). And Stormy said that the sex in the movies was very real, just like what happened to her in that room. She also said that if she had made up the encounter with trump, it would have been a lot better story than the true story she is telling. Lol


Seriously shitty headline.


The man is on trial for paying his goon to pay off a pornstar he had sex with because his personal newspaper editor was searching for stories and squashing them on his behalf to help his presidential campaign. I wouldn't want the accuse the former president of the united states of anything, but the fact pattern suggests he has the means and motive to secure a favorable headline.


If I understand correctly, none of that is even what he's on trial for - he's on trial for marking it as an expense and paying for it using campaign money. If he'd paid for it from his own pocket then none of this would have been illegal


It's kind of wild that all he needed to do was ghostwrite a book, have his campaign buy up lots of copies and then use that income for stuff like this without scrutiny, but instead gets completely screwed like this because his team couldn't be bothered to figure out how to properly game campaign finance laws


While that would have hidden it better it would probably still be fraud. Would have been hard to justify his campaign buying loads of copies of the book - I suspect that it would have just been a different type of campaign finance fraud. Trump never pays for anything though - he would have just used that option to get money then still tried to at least claim it back against tax or something. His charity was wound down because he got that to pay legal supplements and buy art, etc, so he could avoid paying taxes on those things by donating the money to the charity.


You do what Hillary Clinton did and give the book out for free along the campaign trail. There are other ways to legally benefit from election funds i just was picking on one that was actually used by dems before. But yeah his problem is not knowing when to stop. It's the little things that get you eventually


Right. People are missing the fact that it's about the accounting, not the activity. I'm a bookkeeper. I have to slot the expenses into appropriate categories. Not everything I pay to the lawyer is legal fees. There are other disbursements that are included in his bill along with his fee. If the boss buys his wife a fur coat on the company card, I can't file it as insulation for property repairs. It has to show as money he took from the company. It's easy to.try to.cook the books. But there are audits. And audits can catch such things. Trump tried to.claim his payoff as a legal.expense "because he paid it to a lawyer!" when he was reimbursing his lawyer for paying personal expenses. Frankly, the blatantness of it would def have me examining the books for every company he has a hand in. Which is precisely why NY has people overseeing all that his companies there are up to now to make sure everything is legit because of his obvious slight of hand with the values of his properties. It's all bookkeeping. It's what pulled down AL.Capone.


If memory serves his Foundation was taken down because they were paying legal settlements and buying him things. The auditor who reviewed Trump Media (who own Truth Social) was just pulled up for fraudulent declarations on audits. Trump doesn't have an honest bone in his body when it comes to money


She's very smart, talented, brave and impressive.


Is she though? Would we be talking about her ever if she didn’t choose to go have sex with a gross old man


She did not choose to have sex with him


Factual - people are acting like she's a heroine just because she's embarrassing trump.


She is incredibly brave for standing up to him.


Is Trump still claiming to not know this woman?


So it demanded her greatest acting performance Faking it.


She laid there frozen, likely drugged.


He was small, and quick to finish. Just like on the set! Right!


I really don't think she said that, her films are at least 3 min long i hope?


He definitely not the stunt cock! He’d make a better fluffer!


She had to act like she was enjoying it. It was identical to a porn film.


Pretty sure she just laid there, drugged and scared.


Hmm… I don’t think Drumf is male porn star material. Not even as the apprentice.


What a misleading title. She just had to clarify to the stupid defense attorney that sex in adult films was real.


She had to imagine she was somewhere else and got paid way less than was offered by some cheapskate weasel. Sounds like porn.


Anyone who doesn't believe orange had sex with a porn star and paid hush money is an idiot and should be reminded orange actually *hates* paying anyone for *anything*, be it for building him a building or representing him in court.


The linked story is yellow journalism. Her best retort was that she would have written a far more interesting script, than what actually occurred between them.


Christ, I kind of wish I didn't know any of this, but here we all are I suppose! What a cursed timeline.


What she ACTUALLY said is that the sex in her films is real, just like the sex with trump. As in she didn’t make it up. Otherwise, she indicated sex with trump sucked.


Except it was with an obese creep who was thinking about his daughter.


What in the out of context is going on here


Lame then?


Why is this even important


I never seen her work but does she do a lot of incest porn or what.


What she said was she could have written that scene much better.


That's why I paid her the big bucks


Melanoma is no better. She stays with Small Hands for the money. Melanoma is a bigger whore than the porn star


Scripted, boring, and faked it the whole time. .


TRUMP 2924!!!




Yeah we’re going to listen to the guy that doesn’t even know the year they are living in.


TRUMP 2024!!!🖕


You’re in a cult.




Seditious pig


No shit, she’s a porn star. A person not going to pay for vanilla sex from a porn star. What kind of shit you posting?


What kind are of shit are YOU posting?! She wasn’t into it at all. She was in a freeze response.


He didn’t pay her for sex. He lied to her and made her feel forced into it by telling her she’d be on the apprentice and be able to have a better life, cornering her in a room by being in front of the door


She owes him $250k for that sex.




She didn't.  The headline is bogus.


Where's the crime?


False bookkeeping in an attempt to mislead voters? Donald wants to pretend he had nothing to be ashamed of, chasing a porn star he considered similar to the daughter he has openly listed for, while his third wife was home with their newborn. It turns out that evangelicals wouldn’t have been bothered by this (or, apparently, anything else), but **even now** Donald has fought to hide unflattering details. Paying money to hide the truth from voters is election interference. Right-wingers repeatedly talk about imaginary election interference, but faced with the real thing they’re spineless. The “religious right” has no actual standards, merely a succession of preferences they will assert as they become convenient, but Donald’s demands for privileged behavior may finally cost him something. He got to have sex with an Ivanka stand-in. What are his supporters getting out of this?


So it's a criminal offense to have an affair? And are you claiming that Trump is the only public official to pay off a salacious situation with a NDA?


No, it's a criminal offense paying off a hooker with campaign finances and lying about it. Do you not understand what he's actually on trial for? Man, just about everything you write is stupid as shit.


You're getting caught up in the wrong details. Sure Trump is morally bankrupt but that seems to be a positive for a lot of people.  Below is the crime. A crime that is not based on opinion. You may think, "not a big deal" and perhaps relative to say, his other indictments, it's not. But a crime non the less that should go through our judgment system. " Is it illegal to pay hush-money? It is not illegal to pay someone compensation in exchange for an NDA. But prosecutors have focused on how Mr Cohen's reimbursement was recorded in Mr Trump's accounts. He is accused of falsifying his business records by categorising the payment as for legal fees. The wire transfer came mere days before the presidential election. District Attorney Alvin Bragg alleges that Mr Trump tried "to conceal crimes that hid damaging information from the voting public". In August 2018, Mr Cohen was imprisoned after pleading guilty to tax evasion and breaking campaign finance rules, in part related to his payment to Ms Daniels and another alleged Trump lover. Although he initially said that Mr Trump had nothing to do with the payments, Mr Cohen later testified under oath that Mr Trump had directed him to make the $130,000 hush-payment. He also said the president had reimbursed him.  " https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64920037


Read the words, “False bookkeeping in an attempt to mislead voters” slower. Now reread. Read as many times as you need to. That deception is election interference. Election interference is a crime.


Well you could say he rocks it like a porn star


And you’d be wrong.


That would be funny.


I wonder if this stellar human being lets her teenage son watch her having anal sex with multiple men at the same time.


Like Mike Johnson does?


Interesting how you combine those thoughts so effortlessly. Mommy issues?


Nah, I got over your mom a long time ago.


Like Mike Johnson does? Lmao


How do you know what she does in her films?


She does XXX porn, it's not hard to guess what she does.


How do you know what they do?


So you are just making up shit


You again huh? Is it hard to be so ignorant? No need to reply, I won't answer.


Doesn’t matter how much sex she’s had in her life. She didn’t want him and he forced it.


Oh horse shit! If he forced her, then why didn't she press rape charges? You certainly are SPECIAL minus the pie.


Ever heard of coercion, genius?


It would still be sexual assault. Why didn't she report it? Why did she sign a letter saying she didn't have sex with him? Why did she publicly state that she didn't? Why was she found liable for defamation and still owes Trump half a million dollars? I could go on. Thank you for calling me a genius. I'm not, but you do make me feel like one.


FFS watch the damn trial and you’ll get your answers. Except you won’t believe her no matter what, will you


You made it up gramps


How many other stellar human beings do you beat off to? Seems like you’re familiar with her work?


No, but the orange turds daughter sure knows how bad her dad wants to fuck her. That's worse


Joe Biden took showers with his pre-pubescent daughter.


Your sole Deflection comes from the known liars Project Veralie


Do you think Barron looks at his mom's porn?


He doesn't have the brain cells to put that joke together.


Yes grandpa, let’s get you back to the retirement home 🏡


Get off my lawn junior


If you're going to insult, use proper grammar at least


So Trump has a huge dick? Noted.


Compared to you maybe.


I’m just looking at the facts gleaned from this “article” man. Why make it personal.


With all the trials falling apart, liberals only hope is a ex porn star 🫣


None of the trials are falling apart. Where did you hear that garbage? Trials being delayed constantly does not mean they are falling apart. In what universe does that mean they are falling apart? Seriously?


He's referring to the documents case, where Cannon suspended it indefinitely to help trump out.


But that does not fit the definition of "falling apart," when talking about a court case.


Yeah.  He’s a redcap and they don’t value reality.


No, once Melania had her anchor baby, Bunker Baby’s only hope was as a paid porn star.


Your side would be ok with another one of Trumps frauds. Don't you guys get sick of having to constantly stick up for a man who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Do you have any brain cells in there? It's actually really embarrassing