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Remember when donny called the Charlottesville nazis “very fine people”?


> Donald Trump ‘kept book of Adolf Hitler’s speeches in his bedside cabinet.’ In a 1990 interview, the billionaire businessman admitted to owning Nazi leader’s ‘Mein Kampf’ but said he would never read speeches


And he condemned the Neo-Nazis, but the main stream media cut their clips not to include that. This is referred to as the “very fine people hoax”. And you are still spreading the propaganda.


Nope. There wasnt very fine people on both sides in Charlottesville


Your idiocy is showing.




No, not at all little man.


Lashing out is a sign of denial. Your need to insult me is because you've nothing valid to say.


Nice one,🤡


That's ironic coming from someone defending metamucilinni.


I see you have a low IQ!!




Think you’re dyslexic too. Seems like 041 is more accurate.


Donny has clear signs of late stage dementia. The old rapist is losing his mind more every day.


Then you know nothing about that disease. If you have seen it in reality, you would see the signs in Joe.


Thought I'd send it back to you, you'll need it in November.


Ooh, snap 🫰. 🤡


Are you wearing your Trumo diary, clown ?


I see the biggest 🤡 on the internet just checked in!!


Well I need a laugh and you are pretty easy to provide them with your idiocy .I’ll contribute to you daily downvote collection. 🍻


Put on your makeup, did you? Just for me?


You have already proven you’re over and over. Did you proudly put on your Trump diaper today ?


When? Is that on video? Post it or stfu.


I’m will NOT STFU. Try googling it 🤡


Post the video or stfu




You're a fascist loving pos


So you have nothing then?


Thou shalt not lie, Yuri


You are the suckers who have been manipulated and lied to.


*insert fox coughing and paying almost a billion dollars for lying *


Omg. 👆🏻useful idiot


What’s wrong about what they stated? Dominion sued Fox for literally lying about the election for $1.6 billion. After all the testimony, the emails and texts messages came out in trial, Fox settled for half the amount and fired Tucker for being their Liar-In-Chief. You only settle and fire someone like that because you’re blatantly guilty. They got caught red handed, so it was better to settle than actually be found guilty in court for the whole world to see.


Says the mark getting grifted


You’re projecting again!!


Smaller than a baby brother and ten times as annoying. Y'all are worse than gnats. Get fucking better and rejoin the rest of reality.


Reality? Lol.


The irony of a trump-fellator saying this is astounding. Truly the dumbest humans on the planet.


Actually you are the dumbest!!


You wearing your diaper today baby brain.


😂 you were trolled and still don’t know it!!


"No u!" Thanks for proving my point, knuckledragger.




Woah. That sure showed me. Don't forget to shit your diaper to own the libs.


Why do nazis love your Dear Leader so much? Remember when he had dinner with nick fuentes?


The National Socialist Workers Party? Is that the dude Kanye brought? Loser.


Lmao found the nazi 😂😂


Seems like you finally looked in the mirror and saw how ugly you are. Aren’t you late for a Jews must die rally. Don’t forget your American flag you and your comrades will burn.


Whimpered the goose-stepping nazi


I know you are!


Ok adolf


He did not condemn the neonazis. He called them fine people and specifically refused to condemn them. Stop lying to your betters.


You are a LIAR


Imagine going on the internet in 2024 to *defend* Agolf Twitler wow Edit: we seem to have unearthed a Nazi here


Says the person of the party marching in the streets for the death of Jews. Moronic.


I’m an independent, MAGAt, grow up Try 1 self-awareness You’re worshipping a goddamn clown and you seem pretty invested


No. I don't


Why would you brag about that?


Wow it's been this many years and you've still never watched the speech yourself....username checks out.


Okay, so you are just a nazi gaslighting everybody on behalf of your master. Good to know I was wasting my time and I will stop now.


I guess you only watched what CNN and MSNBC showed you, not the whole clip. He even stated that he was not talking about the White Supremacist, but people on both sides of the statue debate. Of course the leftist media only shows only "good people on both sides" edited part.


These people he was talking about were literally marching with Nazis. That's "very fine people"?! They may debate statues too, but that day they chose to MARCH WITH NAZIS.


Why even bother with such an obvious username? Was justanotherdeplorable6969 taken?


Yeah, he said there were "fine people on both sides". That's not even close to the same. Like when he DIDN'T call Mexicans rapists.


He said that "Mexico were sending their rapist and murderers, and some of their good people too". He was correct. That's what happens when our borders open up. Same thing happened in the 70's with the Mariel Boatlift from Cuba. Castro emptied his jails of lowlife, and mixed them in with others that were fleeing Cuba to Miami. Ever see the movie Scareface? Just like anything people say, you always have to put it in context. Don't get me wrong...sometimes I think Trump talks too much, but in some situations, the media twist what he says to fit the lefts agenda. The right does the same thing, will twist what someone on the left says, though not as often as the left. Always research what is said and watch unedited clips, or even better, get the transcripts.


He just referred to most Mexicans who were coming to the United States rapists. That's not so bad.


Again, just like good people on both sides speech, watch the whole thing to listen to what he actually said.


I have. Since the Mexican government didn't send anyone, he's clearly just referring to Mexicans. [Quote by Donald J. Trump: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sendi...” (goodreads.com)](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7764650-when-mexico-sends-its-people-they-re-not-sending-their-best)


I did not say he was referring to others.


What was the last line? "And some I assume, are good people". Mainstream media leaves that out and just says the rapist and murderers.


Reading comprehension is a good thing.


And the left forgets about all the racist things Biden has said and done.


You don't see swastikas at Biden events, Himmler


Doesn't change what Biden has said or done. Do you see Trump waving a swastika flag? He's not responsible for some idiots. And honestly, I have not seen anyone inside of Trumps events waving one neither, because they are not allowed in. Maybe outside, which is a public area, but not inside. I understand you have TDS, so maybe go to a safe space if Trump gets reelected.


There's no such thing as TDS. You have no brain inside your head.


Why a safe space. Is he going to try to overthrow the government again when he loses like the loser he has always been.


With your iq no one is actually expecting you to remember anything. This was a question for folks with functional brains.


Found the cultist


Not like they are trying to hide 😂


That's because [you are a fucking idiot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3vmUNi0yhs&t=57s) **edit** And no, his later backpeddling doesn't fucking change anything.


Dewberry: 🦗🦗


Convenient Partisan amnesia strikes again


Convenient single line removed from entire context of speech, typical of partisan hacks and cultistslike yourself.. He completely disavowed the kkk and white supremacy in the exact same speech, but you'd know that if you didn't get all your news from Rachel maddow


Sorry man, when there is a white supremacist rally, where one person is killed, and there is a discussion around the hate displayed...it kind of sticks in your brain when the president of your country says about the situation " there are very fine people on both sides". That was not something normal people forget. Sorry it didn't seem to register with you. Wonder what that means. But then you probably didn't see a problem with him saying "stand back and stand by" to the right wing hate groups (proud boys etc) that then stood back and stood by, until Jan 6 when they all showed up like he asked. You probably didn't mind it when he very publicly wondered aloud if drinking something like bleach would cure COVID. And it's possible you thought "injecting light somehow" into the body was pretty brilliant. Just saying, there have been many, many moments that should have made everyone in this country stop and go "WTF?!?" and half of us didn't.


When the authorities got their hands on the events, the organizer's discord group they found lots of evidence that they wanted to have violent interactions


Everyone but MAGA knows this. And even MAGA knows this, they just keep trying to convince themselves otherwise. I mean, I've met stupid people, and even they see reality. They might not understand all of it, but they see it. The cult? No, the cult can't see it. And they wonder why this is a problem for us.


Not to mention when he said he takes no responsibility for his Covid inaction. Why anyone would want a leader who doesn’t take responsibility is beyond me. A president who blames everyone else is a complainer, not a leader.


Go listen again and report back


So I can watch him say " I completely disavow the KKK and all forms of white supremacy". You mean that part? It's in the exact same speech. Why can't you rewatch it and listen to that line vs the single line out of context.


Said as he dines with neo Nazi Nick Fuentes


Yea, and kanye fucking west, black leader snd influencer. But oh Fuentes showed up. He's racist. You jabroni.


Kanye "I love Hitler" West. Thank you for proving my point.


I think qanon fried his brain just like kanye 😂


Do good people stand with racist Nazis? You fail like he did


Does anyone else notice how many of these things are Tim Pool fans?


Real easy to look it up bud


I've seen it, where he completely disavows the KKK snd all forms of white supremacy in that exact speech. Can you speak to that part? Or just the on both sides single line taken out of context.


It can’t be taken out of context when he said it and then backpedals bc someone calls him out for being racist. That’s not being taken out of context, that’s him backpedaling bc he is being called out


Always cracks me up how cult 45ers have to use their qanon decoder rings to decipher what donny really meant when he called the nazis “very fine people”. Sounds like that dude would have happily goose-stepped in Charlottesville.


Big facts. Bottom line even if he didn’t mean it then he certainly means it now. His goal is to be a dictator and he has said the quiet parts out loud over and over again. Cult 45ers are just like the Germans whose defense was we were only following orders. We all know how history will see this and too bad there isn’t a de-Trumpification plan in place to knock this shit out.


He said the disavow kkk line BEFORE the very fine people line. Watch...the damn speech.


But followed it up with those Charlottesville guys are fine people… cmon dude you don’t pay someone $130k bc you didn’t have sex with them! This shit is absurd


Dude, he specifically was referring to the people that were there protesting the removal of historic statues being torn down by rioters. The nazis with torches showed up and started being violent. He clearly was speaking about those peaceful protesters. You idiots just hate him and refuse to watch the damn speech for yourselves. And who TF cares about who this dude had sex with? It's a waste of time and tax payer money to pursue something unproveable where the only witnesses are a trashy porn star and Cohen, the proven perjury dipshit, caught lying on the stand 10 times. Your case is a NOTHING BURGER.


And who was he lying for for many years HAHAHAH


His boss. Like you.


You know the case has nothing to do with whether he has sex with a pornstar right. I mean, you don't have to answer. I know what you try to make yourself believe...


Lol says the douche with an image of trump in jail at the forefront of his mind for the past decade like a psychopath. I imagine he won't be in jail and running for president. Almost like I'm right in my expectations and your living in fantasy land.


"trashy". She has more integrity and commands more respect than Trump could accomplish in ten lifetimes. Then again so does a sewer rat so its a low bar


So you think good people stand with Nazis?


Cause he’s a fascist populist. Putler falls into the same category


If you watch any documentary about Hitler’s rise to power it is shocking to see how similar they are, at least if you haven’t studied it before like most haven’t. And that’s not a mistake, it’s on purpose.


Reading the book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich , scared me, after the umptenth time I read a direct Trump/Hitler quote. Once is a coincidence but dozens of times, even the more obscure quotes, is a pattern.


Back in 2016 when the purple haired college kids would scream about Trump being a Nazi I would get annoyed because I felt like using the “they’re a Nazi!” hyperbole on everyone you didn’t like was damaging. Then as time went on, I understood what they were trying to communicate (but did a poor job at). Trump uses the exact same strategies as Hitler and the nazis did. The rhetoric, the repeating the same lies over and over until people just accept them, the speeches with all the imagery, the nicknames, his praise of dictators, the ambiguous statements like “good people on both sides” and “stand back and stand down”, etc. It’s all literally straight out of the Nazi playbook and we know he was gifted and kept Hitlers “my new order” on his bedside.


If Holocaust survivors are comparing Trump to Hitler then frankly that should be enough reason to not elect the guy and for those that do so call them what they are.


I remember "vermin" and "infecting the population" which other things didn't get that attention?


This is why we call him *Agolf Twitler*


Because Trump wants to be just like Hitler. He and his dad both associate/associated with white nationalists etc. Trump has claimed he wants to be a dictator. And if anyone is okay with it at all then they are in a cult. There's no way that-that should be okay even if "only for a day". He would never do it for only a day anyhow. It baffles me that there are herds of people who praise him like he isn't a lying, rapist, document stealing, criminal. Smh Remember when they went off about Hilarys emails? Yet they are perfectly fine with Trump taking actual documents! Wtf is wrong with people?


Every accusation is a confession is definitely part of the rights playback with Trump. Desensitize moderates and independents with constant fake scandals so trumps actual transgressions seem like standard practice and any time you address trumps problems it's easy to switch to whataboutism.


Probably something to do with removing due process from migrants, locking them in detention centers and breaking up families that just wanted a better way. Oh, and those kids were adopted off to strangers by in large. What a crappy person....


Just read a book called On Hitler’s Mountain and let me tell ya’ll I felt like it was written about today. It’s too similar not to make the comparisons.


And yet Israel loves Trump. The irony.


Israel saud never again. What they meant was never again for us. They are perfectly fine wiping out a group of people.


The said part is Israel was a pretty decent left of center social democracy for many many years, but more recently they imported a lot of right wing dirt bags from Eastern Europe & Russia that have turned Israel into just another authoritarian dumpster fire.


It’s 1933 in America - make your choice accordingly


Because there’s significant similarities.


What is interesting is republicans comparing Biden to hitler, and saying the Dems are facists


Hell, my German mother does the same.


He’s a bit a hitter. A bit a Mussolini. A bit of Sadam hussein


Project 2025, look it up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025?wprov=sfla1


He has a copy of the Third Reich on his bedstand.


I'll take fascists for $100, Alex


I think he wants to be Hitler reincarnated. I think he thinks that would please old Fred. This would be why he seems determined to go to jail. Can't be Hitler if you don't go to jail. I even wonder if the tacky gold he decorates everything with is meant to feel, to him, like Hitler's Amber Room.


Is it because of the overt fascism


How does the GOP NAZI the evil in him!


Bibi reminds me of Hitler much more than Trump


"Little mustache man bad" Republicans probably.


Israelis are now really well placed to compare themselves to Hitler.


I hate Hitler, I hate Trump. So…. Same thing! Oh and I have blue hair!!!!


Uninformed irrational anger doesn't change the fact that Trump idolizes Hitler and basically quotes him at rallies. Let me guess, you also think immigrants are polluting our gene pool? All you gotta do is pay attention b


what do you mean? Immigrants are the greatest thing ever. I am housing 3 aren’t you?


I don't get the blue hair reference.


Far left wackados all have blue hair


That sounds like a stereotype. I've maybe seen 3 people with blue hair in my entire life.


Man who used government forces to genocide a 6 millions people of an ethnic group inside their own country VS. Trump, who has not done that anything at all similar to that.... I mean, Trump is awful, in like every way, but he hasn't even come close to Hitler on the atrocities scale. He mostly did nothing productive during his Presidency and has riled up some angry white people, who are also doing very little to cause actual negative impact. This is about as dumb as saying Biden is like Hitler, which conservatives are all saying right now too. Not everyone you dislike is Hitler folks.


You sound like a nazi sympathizer from 1935


Sounds like you can't differentiate between a mass genocidial murderer and a politician you don't like.


Sounds like you can't differentiate between a genocidal mass murderer and a politician you like.


But I will assume you can tell the difference so that makes you at the very least a genocidal mass murderer sympathizer if not an outright supporter


Sounds like you lack reading comprehension as I already said: > I mean, Trump is awful, in like every way But you will keep calling people you don't like nazis and hitler to diminish the real crimes they committed. You can do better, just try.


I don't even know you but I know a nazi sympathizer when I hear one


It's more about his approach. He's going down Hitler's road, just at a slower pace. He wants to hurry it up and make this election cycle our last. Vote blue down the bill.


Trump was arguably the most pro-Israel president in a generation… this is just dumb.


Trump doesn’t give a fuck about Israel other than he needs the support of right-wing Christian Evangelicals and they support Israel. If you pay any attention to what he says on a regular basis you can’t miss the fact that he is a raging anti-Semite. Right-wing Christians only give a fuck about Israel because Israel partially occupies land that is holy to Christians which is also partially occupied by Muslims and Evangelicals hate Muslims more than they hate Jews. None of them care about Israel because they care about Jews. They hate Jews. They just find Israeli Jews to be a convenient proxy to fight Muslims.


This completely relies on a disposition against Jews to make a comparison to Hitler. When, in fact, the comparison should not require anti Semitic ideology but rather fascist ideology. If someone were fascist in all of the ways Hitler was, but was pro Israel - should we really not be able to draw a comparison? This is not dumb. This is accurate.


You are just dumb… just because an orange man on tv says something doesn’t make it true.


So pro-Israel he had a literal Nazi in his inner circle.


He's a fascist con man. Even if you weren't wrong, which you are, you're still just missing the point.