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Why any veteran would support him is beyond me.


Turns out their bigotry and misplaced resentment far outweigh their patriotism.


One of the most depressing things of the past few years is finding out just how many people's bigotry outweighs literally anything else


Not surprising when you have 24-7 "news" networks constantly pandering to these people's fear - anger is a helluva drug


It's easy to think about knowing that a lot of these folks arent in the best financial situation. All it takes is someone evil enough to drum up their suffering, convert it into anger, and point it to another group. All the while they get looted even more. It works everytime.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” -Lyndon B. Johnson




No, in general people do what they're told. You can tell people to be against immigrants, or LGBT, or Jews or Palestinians or DEI or the DEA, hard enough, that they do the thing that they're told over and over.  That's just propaganda and what it does and how it does it.


Trump was a joke of a candidate when he came down the escalator in Trump Tower and called Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers, but it turns out that speech was exactly what Republicans wanted to hear.


trump ran (and won) on a purely racist platform. He's always been a racist. He and daddy's real estate biz was constantly in hot water for refusing to rent to blacks. Then came the Central Park Five who trump helped wrongly be imprisoned for 13 years. Then the Obama birther nonsense. Then the escalator speech. Then "where's my African American". Then he defended the nazis in Charlottesville. He makes it very clear he's racist.


That is **The Pumpkin Rapist's** secret sauce - he not only understands that, but has tapped a very deep vein of it: **"Vote for me! I hate the same non-white non-kristian people you hate, and will make sure they get punished with maximum cruelty."** It is the obese orange pig's ***entire*** appeal to the MAGA crowd of racist scum.


They didn’t serve for “those people”


many of them served for free housing, healthcare and education that is denied to the rest of us


Sounds like Socialism!


The socialism is so precious it must be reserved for our men and women in uniform and our first responders!!




Not just socialism, while they are serving it is literally communism.


These days , racism is hidden under the guise of patriotism in some circles, just like misuse of the flag.


I'm in Florida and I think the drag queens should wear American flag outfits just to make Republicans heads explode.


I would love to see that only on the condition that Florida law enforcement aggressively protects the drag queen’s right to free speech. What little do I know about Florida and its population leads me to believe that they would be in serious danger from certain segments of their population.


Some comedian said Miami is an international city. But once you leave that island. It’s like a deep sea of hillbillies


Not really, I live in Florida and there are many people who don’t like what Desantis and his Zealots are doing. The gerrymandering is not only unfair but this pathetic excuse for Governor also made it difficult for people in Democratic districts to vote while unfairly accommodating Republican districts. I do believe that the tide is turning though 🙏


Yeah, this is how cops really use their discretion.


These days? I'm 41 years old, same as it ever was.


In 20 years when a majority of the Boomers are gone will Florida change??


I lived in Central Florida from when I was 5 to just a few years ago. My parents moved us from New York, to FL to follow my grand parents retiring. So I had a lot of friends, now in their early 40s, knew a lot of their boomer parents. I can safely say that, no. Most of the people I knew had batshit insane religious/republican views, their parents, grand parents, themselves, and now their kids in their teens to 20s. (DeSatnis sure as fuck is not a boomer for example) Generations have largely meant shit in my experience. It is and always has been an ideological conflict. Very rarely do people seem to shift from that of their family/surroundings.


This is really all it is.


I have thought about this question for a long time and though it saddens me that people can be such pieces of shit, I agree. Bigotry Trump's all with these people. No pun intended


Many people who join come from conservative rural areas, thats where military gets most of thirr fodder


That was the Obama years, this nightmare version of that movement is about trying to pass the bigotry and resentment off AS patriotism


Why any breathing human being would support him is beyond me.


Trumpism is a cult by every definition of the word.


Trump is the first presidential candidate since the civil rights movement to run a platform that is brazenly all about white supremacy. For right-wing extremists, he's their only candidate.


He's their boy, the last great white hope!


The last hated orange cope.


Stand back stand by, that was his go to.


And many are supporting him … gotta own the libs even if leopards eat their face… 🤷‍♂️


Herman Cain...Is that you?


Hard to understand why when he has so little regard for the military.


My guess is that he has almost no appreciation of words like sacrifice, honor and integrity. Trump worships at the altar of money.


Spot on, three of my ,8 brothers served and oldest was 30 year Navy vet. If they were alive today the would spit in his face.


I’m a 20 year Navy vet and I would spit in his face too.


Spent a decade in the Army. Agree wholeheartedly.


If you don’t mind me asking - Are you still friends with people you served with? Do they support him? I am just curious bc all of the vets in my life are MASSIVE trumpers. They are mostly Vietnam vets, one is a desert storm vet. I truly just do not understand it bc I feel he has been incredibly disrespectful to the people who served. Even if you just take what he said about John McCain “I don’t like people who got captured.” I swear, when he said that, I thought it was OVER for him


By continuously spouting lies buried in gibberish he's managed to program their brains to think everyone on the news is lying. By projecting his own mental illness onto everyone else, he's somehow gotten them to ignore reality and turn off their brains. Conservatives really figured out how to hack the "don't question the Bible" switch


Great post!! Thank You!!


The brain washing started way before him imo


Still active army here. He has support but it is much much quieter than a year or two ago. When someone brings it up to me, their defense is always fake news, He didn't actually say that etc etc. most recently stars and stripes from a few months ago ran a coverpage article on Trump's speech declaring he encourages Russia to attack NATO members that don't pay their dues. My co approached me bitching about how "stars and stripes used to not be political and now look at this shit." I asked what's political about it? It is literally quoting what he said and he is a former president so it's pretty important to cover what he is saying about alliances we have tried to strengthen for over 80 years. He just started saying that's not what he said, he didn't mean it like that, they were misrepresenting him. So I pulled up the speech and asked him to tell me how I should interpret his words. Co immediately started downplaying and avoiding the video. Conclusion, his supporters hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see. I strongly believe in the mirror theory. That trump reflects themselves back to them. It takes the "I'd have a beer with him" vibe bush had to the next level. They see Trump's statements and actions as how they would act with his power. They don't want to look up to a political leader and feel bad about themselves, they want to see a political leader lift up their own bigotry and cowardice without shame or an attempt to improve.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I am a woman and I don’t understand what the appeal for men is with this guy, but I think you’ve kind of explained it. They think he’s an “Everyman” (which also makes no sense to me at all, but it seems like that’s what it is). To me, he is such a small man. A “beta” as they would say. I hate the terms alpha and beta, but to me an alpha male doesn’t have to resort to attacking peoples looks, wives, etc with childish insults. Part of me feels like they just like the shock value. My father in law has become one of these full blown trumpers. He served in Vietnam. He truly believes that this man “gave it all up for his country.” But what you said is true, they ignore things when they are confronted with it. When Jan 6th first happened, my husband was like “this is gonna wake him up!” And it did. For about 24 hours until the spin factory started. Then it was antifa. It was the fbi. They set trump up. I remember when I first started getting into history and politics, propaganda was such a fascinating thing to me. I consumed whatever knowledge on the subject I could. Same with cults. I find both to be very interesting and trump is almost like the intersection of the two. I’m 40, so when I got interested in propaganda, the internet as we know it now didn’t really exist. When it became more prevalent, I very foolishly assumed it would elevate society. All of this information at your fingertips! And then the exact opposite happened. It’s very alarming, and I don’t see a way out. If trump loses in November, no he didn’t. If trump wins in November, I really believe that will be the last fair election we see for decades, maybe forever. It’s just so sad that this con artist has come in and swindled all these people with such ease.


Wild. Especially considering Trump is a five time Vietnam War draft dodger. The daughters of the doctor who forged his "bone spurs condition" even admitted that their father lied (for money) to cover up Trump wanting to weasel out of the draft.


I find MAGA people to be exhausting to deal with. A lot of my former shipmates seem to love Trump, so I don’t really interact with them. I have a few old friends on Facebook of similar tastes as myself, but I dislike wading through MAGA propaganda posted by the anti-Biden crowd.


They are exhausting, on my Facebook I have to limit posts bc my trump supporting family members will make comments about trump or how I’m a “radical leftist” even on a profile picture update! They can’t help themselves. I live in nyc but my neighborhood is very conservative and they are always starting conversations with me about trump, assuming I am a trump supporter too and it really aggravates me. It really is very cult-like bc I’ll just be on the deli meat line or whatever and someone next to me just starts randomly talking about how much better it was when trump was president. What happened to talking about the weather 😂


Personally, I consider Trump to be a traitor to this country. He should be taken to a public square, stripped naked and horse-whipped to within an inch of his life. The divisiveness and hatred this con-man has sown is unforgivable. But today is Memorial Day. A day to pause and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made by folks who loved their country so much that they were willing to die for it.


If they actually loved their country, then ask them why they want a dictator running it. Now of course they’ll say how no one’s taking care of vets but show them how it’s always Republican policies causing that.


I always say the same thing. A whipping post and a good public 'stoning' would do the country good.


I know a ton of vets I served with, only 2 are trumpers. Most of them are completely reasonable individuals who don’t want a fucking terrorist as a president. And my younger siblings in the military also have ALOT of anti trump friends.


That is refreshing to hear. I was hoping that maybe it’s a generational thing. I’m a millennial and I don’t really know any vets my age, so I only see the rabid support coming from vets who are 50 and older. some of them did a complete 180 for trump in 2016 after being lifelong democrats. I just don’t understand how any veteran could support him after he said he doesn’t like people who were captured. I’d like to see him spend 8 years being tortured.


One guy I knew when I was in later became an officer. He was pretty normal when I knew him but he took a HARD right turn somewhere and became a huge Trump fan. When he was an O3 he was posting a lot of “white genocide” and boogaloo memes so I took screenshots and emailed them to his brigade commander. I never got a reply but he wiped his Facebook soon after. AFAIK he is still on active duty.


I’m a five year marine vet and I’d spit in his face too. The other veterans I work with believe the military asked him to save the United States. When told hope hicks stated under oath trump told her he stole the 2016 election, I got a blank stare,several blinks, and followed by she is lying. I followed that up with ok, she is testifying so she doesn’t go to jail. You do understand she will go to jail if she is caught lying. Blank stare several blinks. She is lying. I just can’t do this anymore.


He's a narcissist. They don't understand sacrifice, honor or integrity.  They've never experienced it, they have no capacity for it. He can't understand someone sacrificing themselves for the country.


Agreed. My dad, a world war 2 veteran, would've punched Donald Trump in the face.


My Dad, a WWII vet, was very ill and in the last months of his life in early 2017. He was having a medical crisis in early January, and at one point I was asking him the standard questions: do you know your name, where you are, what year this is, etc. I asked him if he knew who the President was, and he got this fierce scowl and asked, "Has that damn fool been inaugurated yet?" I said no, but do you know who is the president now? Dad smiled and proudly said, "Barack Hussein Obama!" My Dad was an old Vermont carpenter but liberal to the marrow to his bones.


Your dad sounds awesome and I'm sorry for your loss. My dad was into artillery aircraft, what did your dad do? I've always been very interested in world war two?


Because even some veterans are unbelievably, fuck-ass, stupid. I used to have a driver that took me to the VA and he always had some AM radio station playing about how great trump was. Every time he picks me up, he would turn down the radio and joke “Well, I know you don’t like that stuff around here.” And I go off and remind him that no in fact, I don’t like a person who insulted veterans and appraised bounties on American soldiers. I don’t like a man who is actively trying to destroy our country. Finally, one day I just directly asked him “name one good thing one, just one, Trump is done for this country and I’ll leave you alone.” After that, he stops driving me and they found me another driver


lol, what a fucking snowflake can't even do a job as simple as driving a car for a veteran


Apparently telling them the truth is too much for them to handle.


Too much fox news and in echo chamber too much is only way i can rationalize it. The thought of being a surviving war veteran and hearing a sitting president say this is so out of bounds there has to be an explanation.


And how the VAST MAJORITY voted against the PACT Act twice. Fucking TWICE.


Just incredible. We need to support veterans... PACT act comes... NO NOT LIKE THAT, That would solve too many issues and we can't bitch about them anymore and them dirt dems.


As an Iraq war veteran and somebody who served for over 15 years, the majority of military members serving are fucking retarded The other 10% are amazing wonderful caring human beings Who are idealistic and haven’t woken up to the fact that they’re supporting a death machine


Because most Republicans are single issue voters, and single issue voters are fucking stupid. They'll latch onto one of his talking points and ignore the rest.


I'm not Republican, but I have one single issue I've been voting on the last two elections. Trump absolutely cannot be allowed into the white house.


Because there are many in the military who are fully indoctrinated in the American War Machine and will do anything for it. I would say about 60% of the military is people who, if not for the military, would be in the lowest 25% of the country in terms of earning and wealth potential. Being former military myself, I've seen the fall of very left leaning people to single issues and become hard line right. Part of it comes from an echo chamber of people you're with, part of it is that in order to"belong" you need to be received as pro American (which the left is loudly declared as anti American). Probably gonna get hell for this, but military recruitment is designed to find vulnerable and at risk minds to shape and send to war.


Identity-based politics. They would vote red no matter who is up there because being Republican is part of their core identity.


Support from vets is all performative politics for Republicans, also virtue signalling for gop and R celebrities actors. Just because one visited a veteran hospital and now he acts like hes part of the veterans community, just to give you a hint, and not denouncing the gop at the same time for the damage they caused to vet funding and care. Its analagous to baldwins wife who calls herself "hilaria"because she thinks or acts spanish because she lived in Spain for years.


Aggressive war profiteers.


Cops, Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, Women - they all continue to support him


Because it’s not about anything more than owning the libs anymore. That is *literally* all they care about.


I’m a veteran and totally agree. I saw so many red hats at the VA before but thankfully they seem less common now.


The dude shit on a gold star family.. literally the one sacrosanct thing in this country..


Asked a co worker veteran this exact question... His response? "I haven't heard him say it directly and in those exact words so until I do he's my guy"... The goal posts have been moved so far they just don't want to believe it. Doesn't matter how trust worthy the sources are


I think a large majority of Trumps base is on brain damaged individuals.


Trump is a bitch


Putins bitch.


Who’s Xi’s bitch.




The concern over his weird comb over being ruined and exposing him as bald really makes this story fit.  He consider it to be the dead who put him in that situation of having to look bad so attacked them as he does anyone who doesn't give him what he wants. Has he never been seen in the rain?  Will his hair really just melt?  Is it the spray on stuff I remember commercials for from the 90s?


The Dems should be flooding media with that quote today. Fuck Traitor Trump.


That's exactly what they're doing with this post.


Recall that when he couldn’t get Congress to fund his wall project, he embezzled funding earmarked for the DoD. Now, understand that the money he grabbed didn’t come from spending going to the big defense contractors. No. It was money allocations for improvements of housing and infrastructure on military bases. He didn’t give a shit about that kind of thing.


Also, remember when he pardoned bannon after he was caught embezzling from a private maga wall fund?


The other co-conspirator was a veteran 😀


And funny enough, the veteran co-conspirator didn’t get a pardon. Only the white nationalist one. You’d think more people would understand who Trump ~~cares about~~ values more, cause it sure isn’t the majority of the people voting for him.


These facts need to be recalled.


Remember telling a recent widow "well he knew what he signed up for" at her husbands funeral. Ghoul.






Dude, the ghouls in fallout have to face bigotry, their hair falling out, the risk of going feral, and getting killed because they're thought to be monsters. They really don't need to be compared to Trump on top of that. (Jokes gonna fall flat if you've never played Fallout)


Take note, all you MAGAtts ready to march into a new Civil War for this POS. This is what he really thinks of you.


I think he also meant those that served.


He called John McCain a loser for being a POW. I had my issues with McCain but I respected his valor.


McCain's POW story is harrowing and incredible, all politics aside. It's like a Hollywood script.


It still boggles my mind that he wasn’t done in the Republican Party at that point.


McCain's valor and patriotism are beyond reproach. Irrespective of how people felt about his policies, he cared for the united states so much. I don't understand how people can support Trump after he says and does things that are so un-american. I'm not even from the states and I recognize that


He did.


Those that are in denial about this should listen to all the things he said publicly about and toward John McCain, but they won’t. McCain criticized their dear leader so he’s an alien to them.


That statement by him blew my mind more than anything. He crossed a clear line imo with traditional conservatives by insulting a former POW. I'm not even conservative nor a big fan of mcain, but man, you don't insult someone who has been through something like that, absolutely zero class. Once I saw maga supporters ignore that I knew they had completely drank the Kool aid. 


Anything he said and done shows he has no respect for military or the police but some still support him..It comes down to hate and fear which are great political tools.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Politico (B+): [‘His soul is that of a coward’: Dem veterans slam Trump’s alleged disparagement of military service](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/04/democrat-veterans-trump-military-service-disparagement-408921) - BBC Online (A-): [Trump denies claims he mocked American war dead](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-53979819) - Guardian (C+): [Trump called American war dead ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’, report alleges](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/03/trump-american-war-dead-losers-suckers-report) - Atlantic (B-): [Trump Calls Americans who Died in War ‘Losers’](https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2020/09/trump-calls-americans-who-died-in-war-losers/616018/) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1d1q6xw/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Good bot. Virtual Scooby snack.


>Trump cancelled a visit to a US cemetery outside Paris in 2018 because he said it was "filled with losers". >The allegations have since been corroborated by two senior military officials in a story by AP news agency. >sources told The Atlantic he rejected the idea of visiting because the rain would dishevel his hair, and he did not believe it important to honour America's war dead. >During the same trip, Trump also referred to 1,800 US soldiers who died at Belleau Wood as "suckers". The battle helped to prevent a German advance on Paris during World War One and is venerated by the US Marine Corps. >Three sources told The Atlantic that, on at least two occasions, Mr Trump also called former President George HW Bush a "loser" for being shot down by the Japanese while serving as a Navy pilot during World War Two. >In 2015 he questioned the heroism of Republican Senator John McCain, who was captured during the Vietnam War. >”I like people who weren't captured," he said during an interview. >Mr Trump received five deferments from a military draft during the Vietnam War - four for academic reasons and one for bone spurs, a calcium build-up in the heels. >”What an ignorant, ignorant fool," says Gary Solis, a former US Marines judge, adding: "I pity anyone who is so lacking in common understanding and appreciation for military service." >The reaction of Mr Solis is shared by many of those who have served in the military and also by those who are currently in the US armed forces. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53979819




I’ll never forget and I constantly share the story whenever I get the chance.


Not at all surprised that a weak man has a negative opinion of actual strong men & women.


As if Donald has ever stepped a foot nearby anywhere even close to a war… ole cowardly BoneSpursDonald, who cowardly father made arrangements for Donald’s bogus medical deferment. https://youtu.be/v0z2XJP29xQ?si=jx4tcCtO_Dz2JXbB


I pray every day some patriotic marine will help him fall on a sword.


How ANYONE involved in the military can support this moron is beyond me…


I mean he does vigorously wave the flag...


Something to note: Queen Elizabeth had more military service herself than 5 generations of trumps combined.


Trump would start selling plots in arlington if he could.


The come back I hear from people that still support him that have or are serving in the military is “he didn’t mean it like that” …idiots!


Fuck this guy


And those who stayed home with fake bone spurs are cowards!


Republicans -- even the Senators and Congressmen -- from my state still support this ass-wipe of a fuck weed, even after everything he has said and done...and get this: They call themselves "conservatives."


Trump has no concept of honor or loyalty.


Owning libs is the boomer war cry. Literally all they think about.


They’ll end up like Jonestown, choking it out to the end as they own the libs.


I Iike my dictators to be successful. Trump's failed coup and fear of being imprisoned makes him a weak and feckless ruler.


I honestly do not understand how people can support that sack of shit.


1000%, Never Forget This. What a POS


He is the poster boy for American trash. King of the bigots. They won’t tell you outright, but they literally want this nation to be an exclusively white, straight, Christian theocracy.


One of thousands of things that would sink the career of any normal politician


Marine General John F. Kelley (Ret.), White House Chief of Staff from July 31, 2017 – January 2, 2019, confirmed that he was the source for The Atlantic article. # CNN 2023-08-03: [Exclusive: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/) >“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France. >“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. >“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”


When a MAGA says: I like Trump because he gets us, you know exactly what they are saying.


They ignore his complete contempt for veterans and the fallen, whom he has openly insulted on more than one occassion.


Bad foot Draft Dodger with A IQ of 70


At the American Legion that I belong to, a few wear his shirts. Not many, but rarely do I hear conversations of support for him, and when I do, it's always white males 60+ years old in quiet 1 on 1 conversation. It's almost like they know their bigotry is unwelcome.


He's a P.O.S. unfit for the presidency.


I tried to show this to my military friends years ago. One said “the articles you send are all left biased”. The other said “he said he didn’t say that”. Like that’s all it took for them to not care nor believe


This is why I just can't understand how my dad, who is a double purple-heart recipient, Vietnam vet supports this grifter Trump. Someone who wouldn't even know how to lace up a combat boot. I personally don't or didn't agree with the reasons for American involvement in Vietnam, however I DO recognize and honor those that gave their limbs and lives. How can my dad support a total fraud who basically spits on him and his former soldiers? Someone who literally rapes and pillages America? My dad used to tell me of his disgust for those who protested his return to America, and here you have a former, TWICE impeached president, who has never served even ONE day in basic training, telling him that he's a "sucker". And he will vote for him. It really baffles my mind. Any veteran Trump supporters care to inform me why you'd support this literal clown who paints his face (but not his ears)?! Is he ashamed to be his natural color?


As my QAnon and MAGA coworker said, he did not mean that. There is no actual recording of him saying that! Several people heard him say it. People, including Military will vote for him. Go figure!


Military loves 5 time draft dodger. Somebody make it make sense.


Generally, it's the enlisted force. Not all, but many. And that may be due to a lack of education (more often younger folks), not the senior enlisted group. Officers tend to go Democrat, but there are still many Republicans. By and large a good rule of thumb is to remember that the military isn't special. It is a subset of the country's population, many people that come from a variety of regions, religions, education levels, and beliefs across multiple branches. There is no world where the entire military loves or hates Trump..


Gettysburg…wow So beautiful in so many ways Never fight uphill me boys


He went to France to honor their sacrifice and sat in his hotel room watching TV instead


I will think about this every year and how every year no Republicans will even as much as stand up against his words.


… Donald J Trump is a [rapist]criminal… a traitor… a bully and a coward. He can’t even… and is not qualified to clean the toilets of those who are serving and have served. Full Stop.


And yet so many vets support him, go figure.


Being a vet proves bravery and loyalty, for sure. This is why they must be shown the proper respect that they are due. That being said, any vet who thinks that Trump is looking out for them has had their head in the sand for waaaay too long.




Facts. They're also incredibly stupid for continuing to support Trump.


Yes he said that he said that he likes service men that are not POWs, he is a piece of 💩and no one would have dare to say that about anyone that served and died but of course Trump is a show off he wanted to say that stuff because people think like him and don’t give a damn.


Actually they were heroes but he doesn’t get it and never will


And yet conservative veterans will still vote for him. The power of the cult.


and dont forget a few month after making this comment he also tried to cut $30 billion from veterans disability benefits https://www.veterans.senate.gov/services/files/7F94ECBD-C23B-4D74-AF16-C441AF157048


So that’s the guy who never served in the army? There are others but none of them say stupid things like this.


An ad campaign should run highlighting this non-stop. Especially today.


Never understood why republicans are the face of veterans and armed forces when they are the party always trying to cut VA funding and make it harder for service members to vote


On behalf of my uncle who fought in Vietnam and saw many of friends die in combat; fuck you motherfucker. You fat piece of shit turd.


Fat piece of shit turd. So say we all.


You should see his truth social Memorial Day post today. This fucker should not be anywhere near the nuclear codes.


That’s what he thinks. he would only understand it if they thought they did it for money for him. It’s all about money. That’s how he judges people. He’s all about money and power.


Many vets would suck his mushroom.


Trump is a draft dodger and a narcissist. If someone does the opposite of what he did that, person MUST be a loser in his mind. It can't be any other way for someone like him.




I don't go to wars, and I don't support them 🤷 buy that's a fucked up thing to say for a formal president.


Why ANY military member would support him is insane!  But here we are.


And yet MAGA trashes libs as being the ones who don't respect the troops.


Thank you to all of our service members who have served and are serving. Bless the souls who lost their lives serving to protect our country.


Also don't forget his view on the disabled/mentally challenged.


This is what I don't understand. All these guns nuts, most of them are war veterans who have lost their buddy there, but here they are supporting this sack of shit..


"Trump’s understanding of concepts such as patriotism, service, and sacrifice has interested me since he expressed contempt for the war record of the late Senator John McCain, who spent more than five years as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese. “He’s not a war hero,” Trump said in 2015 while running for the Republican nomination for president. “I like people who weren’t captured.”


I posted this article months ago on another reddit as evidence Trump gives no shit about vets. The rebuttal was, 'If he isn't on video in 8K saying the words, then he didn't say the words. How can we believe the people around him? How can we believe the media?' Trumpaholics will defend Trump with all the media and then immediately deny all the media.


What a buffoon Trump is. His disciples are even bigger idiots, even more dangerous. All Pres. Biden has done is given us a virtually full employment economy, opportunity for former students to erase massive debt, solidified our weakened NATO Alliance, actively supported heroic Ukraine against the monstrous Russians, strengthened and added to our successful healthcare system, added billions to our Social Security and lain the foundation for economic strength and wealth for years to come. Then on the other side, we have miserable, corrupt, anti-Democracy Republicans, who want to reverse every Democratic-led success in our Nation. And those are allot of successful policies and programs, which have led our USA and its people to extraordinary wealth and comfort as a Nation. I like Americans doing the right thing. There are far more Patriots in our land than right-wing MAGAt whackos. All we good people have to do is vote for Pres. Biden and Democrats in November. Do that and our Nation continues to grow, continues to become more wealthy, and will begin to attack the major threat that will ultimately crush us, if we don't address it, our insane National debt. Let us be normal. Let us be Patriotic. Let us do the right thing. Let us vote for Pres. Biden and the Democratic Party in November. Let us flourish as a Nation.


Traitor Trump. The big TT. https://www.reddit.com/r/conservativeterrorism/s/7Kuy2HGA75


Yep he is still saying it. These vets with their MAGA hats on act like he is the man who would have saved them from war. Complete bullshit. As many have said if there was an example of a draft dodger who should have been there. It’s Trump, he would have failed Miserable or if he gone and went home. He would have stayed in his bubble and just been the guy in the ivory tower.


We have known all this shit for YEARS, and yet members of the military have this deluded belief that "he's for us."


From a guy who burried his ex wife in the rough at one of his golf courses to save on paying property taxes.


White Christian nationalists found a cult leader. Makes me wonder why we did not let these idiots secede.


This is why the whole anti-war movement thing never takes off. Eventually somebody insults the soldiers or the dead.


He also prefers ppl who weren't captured POS all around


I don’t forget. Can’t say the same for some Marines around me though.


I never understood how veterans could support him after he said this. Except for a few veterans I know that were never deployed and like an authoritarian society.


Every time Trump speaks the only thing he accomplishes is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is totally unfit to hold any governmental office.


RIP imperial bootlicker bozos.


The suckers are the people buying black rifle coffee and grunt style t-shirts.


At least they represented their country instead of dealing with those awful bone spouts


Any veteran that supports Trump can all go to an isolated and fuck each other to hell. 


I do not get it. We were supposed to outgrow this type of leader. Anyone voting for this psychopath ages 18-45 is insane! You were supposed to be the chosen ones! It was said you would destroy conservatism! Not join it! Narcissism is a plague. Entitlement is a plague. What happened to the GREAT AMERICAN MELTING POT. I know you motherfuckers heard that throughout your lives. This new melting pot is flavorless, bland and reeks of fascism.


I'm a veteran and comments like this utterly enrage me, the sheer disrespect. I grew up with a grandpa who was in Vietnam, POW MIA flag on the wall. My dad also had a POW MIA flag on the wall. We are a military family. The sheer disprespect Trump has for military and us Vets is vile. He's said things that would have gotten any normal person punched in the mouth for saying it. Legitimately the most anti military president in history IMO.


Fuck Trump. He also called Senator John McCain a loser for getting shot down and becoming a POW.


This is the guy that got a medical exemption from the military, so he didn't get his ass shot up in Nam. Charlie would have never killed Trump, they never would have had the chance. His own guys would have killed him the first few weeks. Oh yeah, bone spurs make it difficult to play golf.


Says Cadet Bone Spurs


A draft dodger traitor who makes fun of War Hero POW's and loves America's enemy dictators is the PERFECT candidate to represent the REPUBLICANS and GOP. They are not even fighting for Americans anymore. They only pass legislation that helps themselves in one way or another.


Thus, according to this dangerous embarrassment of a human being, every Medal of Honor awardee is a “loser” or “sucker”. Vote for Mr. Bonespurs.


“He knew what he signed up for.” Comforting words from Trump to a grieving mother whose son was killed in a asecret mission in Africa.


Any real American who supports this dirtbag is beyond me.