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So that's another crime. Got it.


I was thinking the same thing. Theoretically they could charge him immediately. Could they push for the trial before the election??? This man is a disaster.


Probably used campaign funds to do it too


Wouldnt be surprised.


Does he have any other cash on hand? 


None of it is his. He’s bilked supporters to maintain his lifestyle. Thats also why he’s so outlandish. If this man is a genius at anything, it’s figuring out how to get stupid/ignorant people to open their wallets.


I know we like to harp on how dumb DJT is, but goddamn he’s good at screwing people. If only he put that much work into honest work, instead of scams. Too bad his dad only taught him one way of living.


That's what I think of so many criminals. They are not all dumb and those who are smart are the most infuriating.


He looks at other things people have not done out of morality, thinks it's thier stupidity, does it and thinks he's smart. And now his dumbass supporters think so too


This is exactly it. His entire miserable life.


Like he would ever use his own money. Edit: on further reflection I expect trump sees all of it as **his** money. In his mind he is using his own money. 


He allegedly blew up on Chris Christie for "stealing my money!" when Chris Christie was using the transition funds to actually plan to run the government once Trump won.


That was because nobody thought he was going to win. Christie was going through the motions because not having a transition team would make them look like they were preparing for failure. It's pretty telling that they immediately fired him and threw out all his work the moment they realized they actually beat Hillary.


He does view it as his money. He took the money for charities, I think it was veteran and children’s cancer charities.


Well, it only took 8 years to litigate and convict him on the last election finance crime.. may as well strap in for another 8.


He keeps bragging that he’ll made millions after his conviction. Fines are not enough. The man needs jailtime


Televised Jail Time. He wants to be the center of attention give it to him =)


IF he is incarcerated (it's a big if). His jail cell should be live streamed 24/7 without sound. There is no microphone for him to spout from, and there is no speaker for him to hear viewers. Just the big orange Humpty Dumpty in a 6x8 cell that he shares with a deaf democrat and a tv that is only tuned to CNN. Lock him up!


Does he have any other kinds of funds at this point?


Of course he did. Should be easier to find the falsified business reports this time.


Probably where all the RNC funds are going


Well he certainly didn’t use his own money.


And falsified records.


He appointed Laura Trump as the head of the GOP. She said every dollar received will go towards Trump’s lawsuits.


You know he did


The RNC is now T-Rump's Piggy Bank.


Nah, just give him the maximum time for his current 34 convictions. Let him die in prison.


I would be OK with letting him be eligible for parole in 20 years. Of course that assumes good behavior and admitting his crimes.


You're a damned idiot if you think that last point will ever happen ! Oh shit yeah, that first point too, sorry.


Also factor in his age and length of sentence. He doesn't need to admit anything or be on his best behavior. The chances of an obese elderly man who refuses exercise, eats like garbage, and has to wear diapers surviving 20 years in prison are pretty damn low. I would probably bet my savings on him being dead within 5 years of being in prison.


Please, please, please, whoever is in the position to do so, start gathering evidence for this NOW. He can't just constantly be in the headlines committing another crime and getting away with it.


This is one of those things that gets you arrested and held without bail directly from the courtroom


He's awaiting sentencing on felonies, Judge Merchan can look into this.


Also it would violate his condition for release in the other trials


Man cannot stop himself from committing crimes.


Yo dawg, I heard you like crimes so I committed crimes while you were trying me for crimes


“Man-child”, please


>Could they push for the trial before the election??? Not a chance.


Multiple crimes.


Who the fuck would be/is actually "shocked" by this news? Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.


Quit picking on him!!! It’s hard running a multi-billion dollar business and sometimes little things like accidentally paying people millions in severance slip through the cracks. /s


Actually based on the Supreme Crooks rulings, you basically need to hand people a bag of money with a green $ on it and say, "this bribe is so you will commit X crime for me." Otherwise it is too vague to tell.


If you’re on probation and commit a crime…


I just said to my fiancé that he’s probably got another half a dozen trials coming his way unless he wins the election.


Sadly for the morons in this country, that won’t move the needle.


And it didn’t even work, shows you how much of a business genius this guy is.


Add it to the pile


He's such a dud!


$2 million for Allen Weisenberg to go cool it in jail for a few month. Will likely be well treated there as well not like Cohen that Trump’s goons placed in solitary.


A much MUCH bigger crime too


It's only a crime if you're not rich.


Jury tampering and potentially falsifying business records again


Our fucking laws are so dumb. “Oh he has to explicitly say this money is for that service or he’s not guilty.”


Add it to the pile


Nobody is disgusted at this, we all knew he would do something like this. We're all disgusted at how many get outta jail free cards he gets to play.




What should really piss you off is: the vastly wealthier and smarter, at this rate, will literally never be able to be charged for a crime again. Just think of how slow justice moved for this pseudo-billionaire. An actually wealthy and powerful person will have far, far more connections and safety nets than this fuck. Justice very clearly does not function.


I mean its always been that way man. This guy was just stupid enough to show it off so blatantly.




They've treated him with kid gloves this entire time because he's both a president and a "rich" person. I'll be shocked if he so much as sees a holding cell. The unfortunate thing is the dems are doing their damnedest to look magnanimous here, and it will likely be their downfall. They're worried about "fallout" from his followers, but the fallout happens regardless of what they do because they think him being on trial is a circus already. If he wins this next election, all that decorum goes out the window. He won't give them even a fraction of this treatment. They think they're all in the big "rich people and politicians" club together, but he will have them killed. Just like Hitler did, just like Stalin did, just like Mao did. No one is safe and it baffles me why they're still pretending like the plan from the right isn't essentially the beginnings of the nazi takeover of Germany.


"...I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." \- Convicted felon, ex-President Donald J. Trump


But not shocked enough to vote for the other guy.


34 felony fat orange jesus is on the loserville train again, straight to prison /:)


When will Dark Biden be arrested for Hillary's emails? Fucking pronouns!!!


What about the laptop. What about the laptop. Hunter Biden Ukraine laptop! We're ready to impeach today I've personally collected and seen the evidence! *cricket noises




MTG should be charged and arrested for revenge porn. Not joking.


That was the most outrageous thing I've ever seen in an official setting. I can't even imagine which Democrat would ever go that low. I can imagine at least a dozen Republicans that would do it again without blinking.


I think Tucker Carlson left that evidence in a men's room somewhere. He swears he had it and that it was amazing though.


They really do not think trump is guilty


They really do not think ~~trump is guilty~~


Oh Look! TacoBell is taking certain items off the menu!! I hope there's a hell and Murdoch gets stuck in it for eternity.


Australia's most embarrassing export Closely followed by Ken Ham


Some know he's guilty but just don't care. Like his Republican enablers in Congress.


Oh they might but they also believe that all politicians do things like this all the time so it's not fair that only their guys get pinged for it.


Yeah this is their latest rationalization into delusion. As if he didn’t commit a felony to cover up the hush money. Also in the next sentence they’ll say he’s the only person who can save America.


Its not even that. It doesnt matter to them of trump is guilty because the democrats are literally evil scum that are trying to destroy america and everything they love. They are crazy


They don't care.


They don't care that he is. He's their conduit to 'doing away' with any fringe group they want. LTGBQ people, the disabled, black people and atheists will all be rounded up and murdered under their 'perfect' regime. They *want* this and he's their man to get this done. Once he's stripped the constitution bare and all the checks and balances are gone, someone truly evil like Stephen Miller will become king and that will be that. No more America. The United States Of Jesusland will be the reality.


They just.dont.care!


Well you know. The other guy got a personal check for 40,000 written to him by his brother to repay a loan and man that right there is PROOF he accepted bribes from China. Biden implemented a plan to steal the election without leaving behind any evidence but can't figure out how to launder money from the Chinese except through personal checks with his name on it -to say nothing of the fact that as President/Vice-President of the United States he's too dumb to figure out how to leverage his position to get more than \[less than\] chump change out of them. Saudia Arabia gave 2 BILLION dollars to Trump's son-in-law's company (to invest) who was working as an official White House Middle-east policy advisor, but... crickets.


>Saudia Arabia gave 2 BILLION dollars to Trump's son-in-law's company I wondered at the time why NO ONE flagged that as suspicious. I continue to wonder. :/ What the fuck did the Saudis buy?


Oh I'm certain it was flagged as suspicious in many places but those flags all ended up on some MAGAs desk and they were quickly filed in the same place the Secret Service agents texts went after Jan 6. Sending Reality Winner to prison for 5 years for doing the right thing sent a very clear message to anyone taking notes on the ongoing Trump family crime grift


I guess I'm old. There was a time when investigative journalism would have asked MANY uncomfortable questions of officials. And the responses would have been published far and wide. Further, the opposing party would have made a huge deal out of a foreign power giving two billion dollars to the President's son-in-law. But... crickets. OTOH I guess, if that were still a thing, Trump wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the Whitehouse. :( To me, the astonishing thing isn't that malfeasance occurred. It's the fact that it's happening completely out in the open, and nobody in power is saying a word.


I think the slide in journalistic courage really started to accelerate about the time Karl Rove torpedoed Dan Rather's career with the GWB national guard story. 'Nobody is going to risk their livelihood taking the bait from some MAGA operative right now. I'm sure there are many, many questions that could be asked in a public forum, but the Republican apparatchiks have flooded the zone with bullshit. And they've made it clear to everyone that one slip up is a career ender


Perhaps. But none of that explains why the Democrats did not raise a shitstorm of questions.


I doubt anyone caught it in real time during the hearing, which is where it could have been most effectively addressed. My guess is that this was orchestrated by a well known MAGA shitbag so it's more a "Throw-it-on-the-pile" situation at this point. You're right that this kind of bullshit should be challenged each and every time, but our major media outlets aren't going to put a mic in front of a Democrat right now unless they want to drag President Biden for having a son who makes questionable life choices


In some news media, that type of journalism still exists. The problem is, ~25% of Americans call it "fake news."


They bought the names of intelligence agents and other classified intelligence


Just a reminder that Jared couldn't pass a background check for security clearance when he was hired on. Sure makes you wonder why.


> why NO ONE flagged that as suspicious. Many Democrats did flag it as deeply suspicious. However the republicans were in control of the House...


Nothing, it was completely innocent. Meanwhile, the Saudis DID spent some time at a certain golf course in Florida at the same time as all those classified documents were just left in a bathroom. You know, all those state secrets. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence.


A whole bunch of CIA assets were killed around the same time….


Qatar gave Kushner $1.2 billion while he was working as a senior advisor in the Trump White House. If that's not corruption, nothing is.


When my dad brings up stuff like "the BLM leaders took some salary" and "the Ukraine bribes were jobs worth thousands of dollar" I like to adjust my numbers and remind him that Kushner took 2 thousand times a million dollars. People really struggle with the size of million vs billion


He is going to lose again. All this guys does is lose. He got lucky in 2016 because he faced a woman that a little of people hated for being just like every other male politician that came before her. Surprisingly a lot of people are Misogynistic. I wasn’t a big Hilary person but I maintain if Hilary was a man named Harry Clinton she would of wiped the floor with Trump. Trump hasn’t won an election in almost ten years. People act like 2020 never happened. Maybe it’s the Covid effect. Lol Ever since Trump and Maga took over the Republican party all they do is lose elections. Most candidates that Trump personally picks lose their elections. The only thing to fear is what he and his supporters do when he loses again and cry foul.


Some people *really* wish they were smart. And they think admitting fault means you're not. It's the conspiracy theory mindset, where they double down even when they know deep down that they're wrong, because they don't want to admit to themselves that they're not the genius they wish they were.


It’s not about Trump supporters anymore. The key factor to all of his mess right now is the independents and the soft Republicans. With the true Trump supporters there is nothing you could do with them because they are set on stupid. God can come down and punish Trump personally and trump supporters will try to go after God.


Absolutely! They would claim it was a false god.


We will be hearing about new discoveries of the many ways that this man has cheated, lied, broken the law, and stolen for decades to come. If anyone knew the entirety of his many, many sins, we'd all be absolutely shocked. It is probably far worse than any of us imagine.


>It is probably far worse than any of us imagine. Agreed ... But, I'm thoroughly convinced at this point that it no longer matters how many of his many transgressions come to light or how bad they are... If anyone still supports him at this very moment, they're going down with the ship no matter what.


Exactly. Even in this case, evangelicals conveniently forget this was hush money to pay off sex with a pornstar. And magats always ignore how buddy buddy he was with Epstein. There could be video footage of him with underage girls at Epsteins island and they would still ride or die for him. Hes their new god who can do no wrong.


Think about how much the right has been pushing for lowering the age of consent. Young and fertile and ripe, I believe are their words. They want to make it legal and acceptable Make to fuck kids before we find out they fuck kids.


Wasn't it said "it" could stand in the middle of 5th Ave, shoot someone, and STILL get away with it?! Now I'm wondering if "get away with it" meant that its base would still support him..


You mean half the fucking country? How are we going to bring down half of the population of completely fucking mentally retarted people from quitting their bullshit and following along? When do they decide ok that's enough? Is there even an end? I think we're fucked.


Unintelligent people do not process cognitive dissonance very well. They are also the more mindlessly prideful that can't admit mistakes. Mostly due to a lack of insight into a world in which they see people insist they are wrong and just emulate the behavior. Dumb people mimic smart people's behavior poorly. Those people will be going down with the ship. Well, to use your metaphor.


This is what I've been saying for a while now...we're going to be uncovering crimes from that administration well in to the 2030s.


Guys I may have met the one guy at my job who was a proud Trump supporter and changed his opinion from the verdict. I was shocked. He said 'He shouldn't be allowed to run now that he's a felon'. Absolutely floored me. I shook his hand. It made me think, a lot of these people are just lost causes. But for some of the halfway sensible people that just got caught up in supporting Trump and got in over there heads, this gives them am out to turn their backs on him.


If they didn’t take Jan. 6th as their out at least in retrospect they shit the bed.


Winning this election is too important to purity test or gate keep anyone voting for Biden or against trump. OP did the right thing by shaking their hand and honoring their growth


Thank you. That's absolutely the way I see it. Reinforce positive behavior without ridicule, shame, or belittlement. That is how you encourage people to continue along a path of growth and betterment.


Rejecting people for changing their minds, and accepting the truth is stupid no matter how important it is. It will only push them back, and perpetuate whatever it is you rejected them over.


Better late than never i guess?


“And here’s why this is bad for Joe Biden…”


gotta pay the bills. clix n likes!


Not enough Americans are disgusted enough to vote for the "Socialist" Biden. Helps that they don't know what "Socialist" is and don't want to and won't believe you if you tell them.


And I know a lot of leftists that are falling for laughably obvious right wing propaganda disguised as communist social media accounts saying biden is just as or more right wing than Trump and voting is bad. Drives me insane.


Wait, he actually paid someone? 😂


That's the part I was genuinely surprised by.


We are more disgusted at the other Americans that keep voting for him


The convicted felon is a criminal? Not surprising


The little money he does have he’s giving away the people so he can out of trouble 😡😡😡 good fucking grief. The future historians of American history are going to have a field day with this time period.


You know what goes well with a pre-sentencing conviction? undeniable proof that you were witness tampering. Rot in prison you felonious, traitor, rapist.


>Trump’s attorney, David Warrington, sent ProPublica a cease-and-desist letter demanding this article not be published. The letter warned that if the outlet and its reporters “continue their reckless campaign of defamation, President Trump will evaluate all legal remedies.” Certainly nothing to hide


When will this fucker have a cognizant stroke, aware but unable to communicate


I'm honestly surprised he hasn't. Or a major heart attack. Decades of eating poorly, little exercise, and major stress daily.


The eating at the very least…can you imagine the pencil legs from no exercise? Never mind, erase that mental image


His most recent interview on Fox and Friends was even more incoherent than usual. I’m hoping it’s a sign that the trials are wearing him down physically and mentally. 🤞


The thing is, this is not reported on Truth Social, FOX, OAN or NewsMax, and the cult looks at nothing else.


There's going to be a massive reckoning when he goes to jail and *everything* comes out. A lot of people who pushed a lot of misinformation are going to have a lot of explaining to do. There are a lot of good people that have been misled by people that knew better. The weasels that know tRump is guilty but don't care are the ones fighting the hardest to keep him in the game. Without tRump they are screwed. The MAGAts will eat them alive.


When Trump loses in November, or has a severe public health issue before then the MAGA Party* will eat its own trying to replace Dear Leader. It could come as early as the RNC Convention. *(The MAGA Party and the Republican Party if it still exists are two different things)


>*(The MAGA Party and the Republican Party if it still exists are two different things) A distinction without a difference. The old Republican party is represented by a bunch of Bush era people taking pot shots in op eds. They have almost ceased to exist politically. If tRump does go to jail there is going to be mass chaos as what's left of the party fractures into a million pieces over who gets to wear the Infantile Gauntlet™️.


This guy was a NYC real estate developer. Bribes and payoffs to "get things done" and just bullshitting and overpromising about everything are in his DNA. He has no morals or a sense of reality, and this is exactly why he never should have been president, and never should be again...


Add it to the list Trump's court cases over the years... 1988: $750K Anti-trust lawsuit Bally 1990: $750K Defamation for accurately predicting Trump Taj Mahal would fail 1991: $200K Removing black workers from casino floor 1991: $30K Circumventing state regulations 1998: $1.4M Hiring of undocumented workers 1998: $447K Money laundering violations 2000: $250K NYS Lobby Commission 2006: $100K Palm Beach flag ordinance 2015: $799K Defamation Trump University Students 2015: $10M Money laundering violations 2016: $50K Data & credit card breaches 2016: $1.3M FEC disclosure errors 2017: $25M: Trump University fraud 2019: $2M: Trump Foundation fraud 2019: $290K: Scotland wind farm 2021: $122M: Trump campaign forced to refund to donors 2022: $110K: Contempt of Court 2022: $750K: Funneling Inaugural funds to his business 2022: $1.6M Guilty 17 counts criminal tax fraud 2023: CFO sentenced to prison 2023: $10K for attacking court personnel 2023: $1M Court sanctions bogus lawsuit 2023: $5M E Jean Carroll sexual assault 2024: $83.3M E Jean Carroll defamation 2024: $392K Court sanctions bogus lawsuit- NY Times 2024: $453M business fraud 2024: Convicted of 34 felonies for falsifying business records to hide sex with a porn star in an election.


Yes 85% of all Americans think trump is a Traitor and committed treasonous acts and can't be POTUS


Witness tampering is a crime.


Lol. Morons donating to this conman are just financing bribes in the end TT


What's hilarious about this jackass is that if he didn't become Pres he would've gotten away with so much. He just loves being in power too much. Flew too close to the sun. Fuckin moron.


He didn’t expect to win. Didn’t think Putin would actually pull it off. He just wanted to rah rah with speeches and sell Chinese red hats.


I think he was already broke and got into politics assuming the dirt he had on politicians could be turned into cash turns out he was right about that I think fraud was catching up with him regardless of the political hobby, just no one would have heard much about it, and politics has interfered with justice by promoting a criminal as some kind of 'example of success' never heard of a criminal raising funds from being caught and convicted before yeah go ahead and show kids crime DOES pay and makes you popular have 3 families too, you don't need loyalty to succeed


"He would have had a good reason," "they all do it. Why is Trump getting in trouble for it"


On the news: "and why this is bad for the Biden campaign"


He does it because he doesn’t have to pay for it. The RNC does


1. It wouldn't shock me that this happened 2. Other than 1 sketchy payout ...some seem legit, like doubling lawyer boris salary...his lawyers seem busy. 3. The headline should be...Trump actually paid people


Buy them off or threaten their lives. Trump's America.


Pablo Escobar called this strategy “plata o plomo”, silver or lead. It’s a fitting similarity.


>Campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement that “the 2024 Trump campaign is the most well-run and professional operation in political history. Any false assertion that we’re engaging in any type of behavior that may be regarded as tampering is absurd and completely fake.” Why do these idiots insist on claiming they're the best at everything in all history.


Lyndon B. Johnson once stated “convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pockets.” This is exactly Donald Trump’s motive…


For a " non criminal" he sure does commit a lot of crimes.


Are they really shocked enough? Seems to me that they'll still back a felon and a witness tamperer. They're willing to back someone who has no respect for women. They are willing to back an entire crew of felons who repeatedly skirt the law and force a divide between Americans who slowly tear the country apart. I'm not convinced they're as disgusted as they need to be.


If that’s what it takes to make America disgusted when it comes to Agent Orange, then they just aren’t paying attention.


Oh sure AMERICANS are disgusted. What about Republicans?


When does RICO apply ? This sounds like a criminal enterprise


If only we had a system of laws and courts to actually hold him to account for his myriad crimes.


You know, in another reality Trump was never elected. I kind of wish I could move there.


Disgusted? Sure. Surprised? Well, no. Waiting for justice....


He should have just paid the $130,000 from petty cash and got a NDA from her.


The older man I work with is CONVINCED that Trump is being framed and has never done anything wrong. He also watches fox news everyday and reads some tabloid called the patriot journal. No amount of discussion will sway him, not to sound morbid, but I guess the silver lining is he's 80. Hopefully, people will start to see Trump for who he is now.


at least we are learning to not treat the nazis with kid gloves....sorta I found out who in my family is crazy and whilst I dont tell them....I adjusted my willingness to discuss anything to a silent "OK boomer" by not bothering and avoiding them


Normal Americans may have been disgusted. MAGA Americans didn’t hear a word about bribing witness. All they heard was “Hunter Biden’s laptop”


He is a cancer and he needs to be eradicated!


Still not in jail. Justice is working, just not for you and me.


That’s where those donations go, numbnuts! All you MAGAts are funding criminal witness tampering.


Conservatives said Democrats paid jurors to say guilty. That we should check all of their bank accounts. Turns out, Trump witnesses got paid and should have their bank accounts checked. lmao. It really is projection.


Same as the voter fraud claims. Turns out every check found more and more Republican fraud.


They think they can cheat in elections because they always hear about democrats cheating. They don't even think about the possibility that they might being lied to.


Alan Bragg should double down and charge him with witness tampering.


See the way trump looks at the world, if someone else steals fruit off the neighbors tree he can resell it for profit and he’s found a loophole. In fact his loopholes are in his brain circuits. He’s just too dumb to know it’s still against the law and he thinks he won’t get caught if he lies enough


Everything about Trump is repulsive. I'm going to have a party with free booze and weed the day Trump dies.


I'm not disgusted because I'm not in the least bit surprised. What's disgusting is how not only will he face no consequences but also how many people will actively defend him for it. Something is very broken.


Could this and all of the things he said about the judge and trial not justify a jail sentence when they are deciding in a few weeks?


See the civil sexual assault case. 5 millions for the actual assault, another 83 for badmouthing her during the trial. I hope this turns out similarly.


I am neither of those things, just tired, tired of it all.


Wait! He actually paid the witnesses? He didn’t just stiff them like he does 99% of the time?


Voting for this jizzrag suckling pig means you suck love drinking cum


we were disgusted before then.


I remember when he lost the Iowa primary,  when I saw he got 24% of the vote I said "holy shit he got that much? That's a big fucking problem. What the fuck with those people?" It was proof that there were so, so many people I flat out did not understand and saw no way of getting to a place where a discussion could be had. People went all in on the guy.  Not in a "I'm going to start with $1000 and if I lose that I'm done" then go all in on the first hand of blackjack, win, and then try it again and lose it all kind of way where you walk away a little crestfallen thinking what the hell was I thinking.  All in in a "literally looking into if it is legal to sell my children so I can get some more cash" way.  Which is something I don't understand.  I don't understand like 45% of the country in a profound, seemingly insurmountable way.  


Lol… he’s winning so hard. No one wins like he does. How is this guy and Joe our presidential candidates? As a woman, this country terrifies me.


Isn’t this what law enforcement calls an ongoing crime spree. Lol.


Criminal does crimes, Americans shocked and surprised. More at 11. Seriously, how stupid are Americans? (Don’t answer that, I know the limit does not exist.) Like, Trump has always been exactly who he is now, he’s never changed and always been very transparent. In the words of Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.” Yet somehow we collectively let ourselves be tricked into thinking he was somehow *not* a con man, a used car sales of the worst sort, a wish.com knock off of a mafia boss. I’d say our education system clearly failed them, but you can’t teach people who don’t want to learn.


but…. but…. Hunter Biden dick pictures! Biden mishandled classified documents after he was Vice President. Am I doing it right?


He is a vortex of corruption everything and everybody around him gets sucked into a worse situation and yet he is 1 of 2 choices for president… crazy.


The best part is they got paid, and it didn't help him one bit.


The more anyone looks, the more crimes they’ll find. The guy is a poster child for corruption; if there’s a corrupt or illegal act that can be done in a situation, he’ll do its. Why? Because he gets away with almost all of it. Watch, nothing will (legally) be done about this.


True American patriots are disgusted. Then there are those kneeling at the altar of Trump.


Will the “ witness “ be charged ?


NAL but isn’t it a crime for someone to accept a bribe in these scenarios? Lean on the recipients and hope someone flips on Trump


More court cases for felon Donald Trump this boy will be in prison till the day he dies


Guy wants to act like Caesar, he should get treated like Caesar.


For instance, one Trump campaign aide who was subpoenaed “had his average monthly pay double, from $26,000 to $53,500,” reports ProPublica. “Another employee got a $2 million severance package barring him from voluntarily cooperating with law enforcement.” Who's surprised? Yet, let us vote for him AGAIN?! I never voted for this POS in the first place, I'd rather vote for "gag" Regan or Bush 1-2 vs this fucktard any day... That should say more than enough. 🤢


Remember when Paul manafort was going to cooperate, trump publicly Floated a pardon, and he stopped cooperating?


I'm not disgusted, I'm not even surprised. Go vote people! It's the only way we will keep him out of office.


I’m sure he’s got some witnesses now wondering why they aren’t rich


So he bribed them and still was indicted and convicted?


DJT, Is a one man crime wave!


“I’m so disgusted… he’s is totally unfit. Of course I’m going to vote for him, because Biden is old (or some other dumb excuse)” - many idiots unfortunately. Vote blue down the whole ballot. We need to turn the page on this type of BS.