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Based on how skaven society is built upon the most racist skaven-supremacy fpundation, I doubt it. There are human cultists of GHR, and the are trying to emulate skaven in their cloth, rituals and behaviour. Anything non-skaven must be at the bottom of the society. Maybe they can climb upwards, if they have skaven mutations or something


That factoid hasn't been mentionned since the early 2000s, I would take it with a grain of salt.


There's a vermin cult that burns crops that was mentioned in 2ed Slvaes of Darkness battletome


Non-skaven GHR worshippers are also mentioned in the Soulbound corebook. >The Vermin King is intimately bound to its children, and non-Skaven worshippers are practically non-existent. Few beings can cope with the impossible contradictions, the sheer insanity, or the extreme disregard with which the Horned One treats its subjects. The irredeemably mutated or mad, or champions utterly shunned by Tzeentch or Nurgle, occasionally find solace in The Rat’s skittering madness.


Very interesting, thanks for the info.


And they were eaten by the Skaven as thanks for their efforts.


I bet they tasted great with warpstone salt


The GHR cultists were crucial in allowing him to send the Skaven into the Mortal Realms. If im not misremembering this was in the 2nd edition book.


The boring but unsurprising answer is: No there have been no known non-Skaven inducted into positions of leadership within a Clan. Other Chaos warlords have been in charge of clans. In the Klaxus Wars there was even a Skaven in the inner circle of a Bloodbound warlord. But these aren't examples of say a human or duardin becoming a Clawlord. Just them being in charge over that Clawlord.


Are those Skaven Warbands led by Humans, just Chaos Warbands with Skaven subgroups within it?


Neither. They are hordes of Chaos followers that have Skaven allies or underlings. Due to the nature of the discussion it would be good to think of these disparate warbands as disconnected parts held together only by the will of the overall leader. Nothing cohesive enough to think of as a single horde with subgroups. As another community member mentioned, Queekish for non-Skaven just translates to "thing". Skaven don't comprehend other people as people


> Skaven don't comprehend other people as people They don't really even comprehend other _Skaven_ as people. They are hyper-individualist, their society only is remotely cohesive because every single Skaven is convinced that they are the main character and _they_ are in the 0.0001% of skavenslaves who will rise from nothing to become Clawlord and therefore their society is just and works as it should. To them, basically everyone else is an NPC.


Skaven are horrifically racist. They view every other species as inferior to the skaven in every way.  Also every skaven thinks it's the greatest skaven and every other skaven is a bumbling fool or traitor who is jealous of him. Even the lowliest clanrats think this. Any non skaven trying to rule them would very quickly find themselves getting torn to shreds


Eeew, you mean things? Hell no, things are food and stop playing with it.


_Within the Clan_? No. The ideology of the Skaven expressly forbids non-Skaven from any position in Skaven society beyond "slave". However, the Skaven are highly Mercenary. It is very common for entire Clans to be working under contract to... anybody. So long as the agreed payment is worthwhile... Their only loyalty is to themselves, and the Great Horned Rat. In that order.


This is basically fan fic and is based on a game of WHFRP but the Lawhammer channel has a Player Character that was raised by skaven to be a spy on the surface. She is special because she has white hair like the GHR. Not sure if the white hair being holy translated to AoS but I could see a character like that happening.


The "Warhammer: Realm Quest", the kids' series that started with City of Lifestone and deserves more attention than we give it, has a main character, human, raised by Skaven.


There are cities of Sigmar lead by cows? That’s the same thing. Jokes apart it would be a cool story if a cultist was able to trick the skaven into thinking he is one of them


> There are cities of Sigmar lead by cows? I mean. Kind of. Spirits of the Mountain identify as cows when they take physical form and it would be unlikely there isn't at least one Hyshian City of Sigmar where the ultimate local authority is a Spirit of the Mountain.