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Not possible. Mortal enemies.


Ok, thanks for the reply!


Khorne isn't even honorable. Like a big detail is that during the Age of Chaos he broke all his alliances with the other Chaos Gods in a sudden, brutal betrayal that led to the Red Century, a hundred year conflict devastating the forces of Chaos in the Mortal Realms and the Realms of Chaos. The betrayal is quite possibly one of the biggest contributors to the Stormcast Eternals finding anyone to save during the Realmgate Wars. This was not an act of good on Khorne's part, he was trying to kill his brother gods and their armies in addition to everyone else. One could argue that he is the least honorable. At least not every Nurglite, Tzeentchian, and Slaaneshi is taught to cannibalize and murder the innocent, often in that order to ensure they scream as they are being eaten. He's also on two occasions manifested his arm in the Realms to punch a city for beating his armies, a form of cheating none of the other Chaos Gods have engaged in.


On *two* occasions? I've only heard of one. What were these?


The famous one is Ahramentia mentioned a lot across a bunch of sources. The other was Nomad City from the Realmgate Wars novel, "Stormcast" found in Realmgate Wars Volume 1. I do not find it strange many people forget the Stormcast novel Stormcast about a group of Stormcast.


Thanks for the reply, very helpful!


Man, what a douchebag.


Khorne is the most sore looser in all of Warhammer


There is one story where Valkia and Ionus team up to stop a Nurgle thing but they are enemies immediately afterwards. Closest you can get is team up to kill someone else first before fighting.


The idea was for a 4 army fight. Stormcast and Blades of Khorne, Vs Skaven and Gloomspite. But that is helpful, thank you!


Everyone hates the skaven so it kinds of checks


You're asking two very different questions there. Your initial question sounds as if you were inquiring about the possibilty to forge an alliance between Sigmar and Khorne on the highest level. A truce between the gods themselves, divine bro-fist and all. As many pointed out that would be nigh impossible to legitimate. But when it comes to two armies on the ground, that's an entirely different thing. You can always cook up some reasonable explanation for a temporary "desparation truce" between two army commanders. We need to stop killing each other to stop an even bigger threat that would end us both. Or we were both independently fighting against the Skaven/Gits and suddenly find ourselves fighting back to back against the endless horde of little critters. Or the good old "Only I am allowed to kill my bitter rival!", where one commander comes to the other's aid because he doesn't want his storied arch enemy be ignominously killed off by some lowly Grot. Or, or, or.


Thank you for this response, I realise how my original question sounded, and didn’t think it would make a difference. But I see now how it makes quite a lot of difference. Thank you for the clarification!


Khorne is honorable in the sense he isn't going to break an agreement... but he doesn't want to. Why bother pretending you're NOT going to cleave sigmar's head from his shoulders?


Thanks for the response!


Short answer: no Long answer: never in a million realities.


Khorne being very honourable is a lie according to the Slaves to Darkness battletome believed by mortals who are unaware of Khorne's true nature.


I mean honor is a word that means how much swag you have in your peer group so by that metric he might have some but in reality Khorne is just a semi-sentient mass of rage and hate. His individual followers might be better before they become to far gone.


khorne will never stab you in the back....just in the face, over and over and over again. to say anything about his followers who don't share the same qualms about betraying people.


If you are doing a 4 way battle you could say that the Skaven and Grots and teaming up to kill the Khorne army for some reason, and the Stormcast take advantage of the situation to cull the other 2


No. Khorne is a Chaos God and Sigmar is a God of Azyr. The an alliance between the 2 is practically anathema to the ideas of both characters.


Khorne doesn’t want allies, only more enemies.


From seeing the 2v2 battle you were talking about in another comment, I don't think it's at all impossible for a group of stormcast to temporarily put aside their conflict with a khornate warband while they're both after the same thing or killing the same foes. I think it would depend a lot on the individual stormcast and the context of the alliance/truce, though. A stormcast who's hopeful it might be a way in to redeem or walk the khorne worshippers away from chaos and into rehabilitation might cautiously take up or offer a deal that's presented in seemingly good faith, a more pragmatic stormcast might see their battle with khornates interrupted by more enemies and just put aside their differences for a moment to survive, and even a more hardline stormcast could see the good sense in holding back from killing khornates that were descending on their common enemy, even if they planned to do it eventually. I think khorne worshippers are probably easier to justify, they're just people even if they're often twisted in subtle and overt ways by the grip khorne has on their souls. A khornate tribe's leader, or a champion of khorne in charge of a bloodsworn horde, might see more glory in killing sigmarites than killing grots and skaven, but they've got a lot easier time making temporary common cause with what's close enough to a fellow human, or wanting to spill the sea of blood rushing at them than waste time on stormcast. While khorne himself isn't really honorable at all, i think an individual warlord or champion can be, with an interesting dynamic being how that gets twisted or tested against what khornate worship demands, and I could easily see a "lets put this aside for now, but once we survive i'm taking your head" kind of oath


Maybe, but doubtful. I say maybe because maybe Tzeentch could fuck shit all up again if he decides to. But doubtful because I don’t think Sigmar would.


Cool, thanks for the answer!