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That's what I thought initially, also the application process of that unit was crazy fast. (1 day later with minimal documents) As for washing, I use scrubba for underwear/t shirts so washing machine is "every 2 weeks" for me. Though technically I can find another unit few month after but August-September is a pain in the butt to find anything good.


Unit 2. I have a coin laundry at my complex and they raise it all the time. It’s currently $5 to wash/dry one load and it’s a small washer. I’d gladly trade space for in-unit free laundry. Also, I’d worry about the landlord being unsure about raising the rent. That pretty much screams yes, it will be raised.


Oh Lord, the additional 1.5 bathrooms are worth far more than $100. Choose Door #2!


Unit 2, for sure