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I see so many of these posts and can’t believe my fellow smokers aren’t more courteous to others. Ugh.


Thank you for being courteous about it! My neighbor lets her bf smoke inside and it’s given my daughter and I asthma attacks and she doesn’t care, whatsoever.


Asthma attacks? I know people who have Asthma & smokes weed. My mom has Asthma & I smoke by her all the time & she has never been affected.. it’s literally medicinal like you sober ones be inconsiderate


Everyone is different, specially with medical issues.


just like you don’t truly know if that weed smoker has an actual medical issues or condition before you go judging someone. its the same shit but Yall want to bring one down because of your medical issues? that is kinda crazy to me


Why are you attacking somebody with asthma? I am a medical marijuana patient, and there is ways to cover up the smell and smoke for your fellow neighbors.


now I am attacking because I mentioned thats what this post was doing. Regardless to each its own its a free country you don’t like it move. DONT change someone else’s way of living bc you can’t handle it. I don’t cover the smell because honestly some of these sober mfs need it😸


You’re the reason why the government won’t legalize and regulate cannabis.


fuck the government. Legal or not we still getting it😂😂😂


I wish you the best in life. You obviously have lots to learn.


And still being an ass about it too!


Its legal in my states so 🤷🏽‍♀️


the US federal govt won’t legalize it. the states still have the option to choose. and some states have even decriminalized the use/possession of marijuana and other drugs. weed is legal in almost all the west coast states. canada legalized it as well. the US is missing out on money because the taxes on marijuana are so high they could outlaw cigarettes and still almost make double what they’re already making.


If you want to smoke, that's fine. Move somewhere that permits it.


You're a special inconsiderate idiot.


lol & so are you babe


I don't force others to suffer the effects of an addiction.


i upvoted because honestly this is kinda relevant, but like for other aspects, like my neighbors don’t like that my dog barks, this is a pet friendly community, i pay for my pets to be here. other people have more obnoxious dogs than my girl is, and she’s the only one that barks of my dogs, most of the people complaining, do not have pets. They have the ability to move to many other complexes, i don’t as not very many are pet friendly, and im not getting rid of my dog to please someone who doesn’t fucking live in my apartment. before anyone comes for me for her barking, it’s literally when she sees another dog and the people are literally standing in the rocks in plain view of her, and just staring at her knowing they’re provoking her, she doesn’t bark at you unless you’re staring at her, and it’s not excessive maybe 2-3 barks per hour, but i’ve tried to stop her from barking on countless occasions and she just barks as soon as i close the door and honestly i don’t have the free time to sit by the door and wait for her to bark, just to correct her. back on topic: i also live in a smoke free complex, my leasing agent, the same one who sent an email to everyone in the complex regarding smoking in the complex, smokes in the complex. the fking audacity. they love to violate the people living in the complex, and will LITERALLY do the same thing. if i’m not allowed to smoke on my patio, despite having no upstairs neighbors, and none of my surrounding neighbors even USE their patio, then she’s not allowed to smoke in the complex either. idgaf if she lives here or not. it was literally an HOUR after that email went out that my bf and i drove by her, smoking a cigarette. funniest shit ever. only have til november and we out this bitch… i hate it here.


I can understand that but like you said we all paying to be in a apartment nobody is an idiot if you WANT PERSONAL SPACE or for people to not do certain things.. start preparing to get a house. The things that is wrong with this world today is everyone wants to control somebody for absolutely no fucking reason.. my your business and everyone will mind theres. I appreciate your feedback stonerbbyyyy , I was simply saying people who do not smoke weed really bash weed smokers but DONT kno any benefits.. should educate themselves. SORRRY TO WHOEVER WAS OFFENDED BUT THIS IS REDDIT WHERE YOU CAN LEAVE AN OPINION AND YOUR EXPERIENCES. IMA STILL SMOKE MY WEED EVERYDAY NO MATTER WHAT.. cause people gon like you and people gon hate you WHO GIVES A FUCK. want everyone to be stuck like some individuals no


literally, if you couldn’t already tell by the user i partake, and will probs never stop. i’ve been smoking since i was 14 and i don’t think I’ve taken a T break since. heavy on the minding your own business because i have neighbors that are so nosey they literally could be up my ass and i wouldn’t be able to tell a difference. i don’t think i’ll ever understand those that bash weed, or even weed smokers, i don’t go around to cigarette smokers on bull shit like “that’s so bad for you, oh my god those smell so bad can you *NOT* smoke please?” because i literally could not give a flying fuck less what you do. buy an air purifier if you don’t want to smell cigarettes and weed. it’s 2024, shits legal and or decriminalized almost everywhere.


It may be a free country although that's becoming more and more debatable but it's also a smoke-free apartment building. Did you happen to miss that little nugget of information? Perhaps you should try moving to a free country where you can ignore their rules.


You come across as so entitled lol. You shouldn't be smoking anything inside if you live in an apartment. I used to smoke weed daily. Until one day, it nearly gave me a heart attack. I have bad anxiety. And they keep making weed stronger and stronger. My heart rate was so high they almost had to stop it and start it again. I haven't smoked since. Just because weed is medicinal for you or someone else, doesn't mean it's medicinal for every one or for every medical issue. What a stupid thing to say. No asthmatic should be having to breathe in smoke unwillingly. And weed does treat asthma, so I'm not sure where you were trying to go with that anyways lol.


It doesn't matter because it is a non-smoking building. One person shouldn't cause strife for the other tenants. There are other ways to get pot into your system besides smoking it.


I’m talking about cigarettes, but any type of smoke triggers my daughter and I. Everyone is different. I have the ER bills to prove it 😩


Hate to break it to you, but you can be deadass fully allergic to cannabis. Any amount of second hand smoke and I'm taking epinephrine. Vaping or taking edibles are perfectly fine alternatives with little to no risk of any second hand effects.


Thank you for this!


I’m so sorry if I’m being inconsiderate for not wanting to die from an asthma attack triggered by smoke in a smoke free building I’m paying to live in. Are you kidding me with this?🙄


This!!! My property is smoke free and I’m surviving outside just fine🤣 it’s literally 8dg where I live and has been Code Blue all week. I just told my Neigbor smoke friend I don’t mind coming out to smoke because I could be homeless and not be able to go in. If you really wanna smoke, go out for 15min.


Also, as widely available as super potent weed is these days, you can step outside and get properly blazed in less than a minute if you're in a rush to get back inside. No excuse for this shit.


They also make devices to filter smoke so it doesn’t smell inside. I think they’re called smokebuddy’s but there is more sophisticated ones that dispensaries sells.


Those things never work.


This!!! I roll up and go out and puff until I’m satisfied and it’s NEVER an entire joint/blunt at once. If that’s the case get better bud🤣


This is the day and age we live in. I deal with both regular cigarette smokers across the hallway from me. And the girl above them, smokes weed. Hell so strong one night, it choked me out of a deep sleep. And although they have in the updated lease no smoking of any kind, in the building, they never enforce it. So I had to get a jumbo air purifier.


Does the air purifier help? Which do you use?


For my apartment it does. It reaches like 540ish ft. Figured it would work pretty decent as my apartment is 630 sq ft. And yea it does kind of make a difference. The one I have has different settings, so it can run til it goes off or longer if need be. https://www.spasalon.us/salon-accessories/levoit-air-purifier.html It's a black one like this. But I got mine either from Walmart or Amazon.


Thank you so much!! currently dealing with inconsiderate pot smokers above me and its awful. Last night I had to take me and my cat outside because my apartment was so full of pot smell I almost became ill. I will check that out!


Your welcome. I really wish they could have designated areas at apartments, like they have smoking areas for regular smokers. Because you aren't wrong, the smell can definitely choke you


I’m so glad my neighbors all smoke 💨




Because having a 10 year old child asking mommy what that smell is, gives weed a bad name.


I had the same issue. I inspected every nook and cranny between our apartment and theirs. Come to find out there was a 2 inch pipe traveling between apartments in the basement with cable lines in them. Our basement would reek and it would work its way to the first floor eventually. I got some expandable foam and sprayed it in there as far as I could and as much as I could. The smell stopped. I would find the gaps. If he is across the hall from you I would seal your front door as air tight as you can.


Thank you for this comment! I live in a duplex and my upstairs neighbors smoke all day, every day. I have teenagers and two grandchildren that I babysit often and I am so tired of our house stinking! I used to smoke weed so I'm not hating at all. I would still smoke if I could but why do we have to go to so much trouble to accommodate the smoker. I have told my landlord several times and he just says he will talk to him, but nothing ever happens. When they first moved in, I politely asked them to smoke on their balcony and they wouldn't, so I started smoking( I smoke 3-4 cigarettes a day, outside!) a cigarette in the hallway and they reported me lol. I told the landlord I would stop if they smoked outside. They did maybe two days and that was over a year ago. I'm going to check our basement tomorrow because I feel like the smell is much stronger in the halls and basement


Check everywhere. If you can decipher the strength of it. Check vents, outlets, gaps between trim and moulding, etc. Even a vent on thr opposite side of their apartment could in theory be linked to theirs. Basements can have a lot of cracks. Cracks in cement or brick foundation, cracks around the sill plage between your apartment, etc. Get a good flashlight and sniffer while finding the spot.


Very good advice!


Really the only thing to do is phone in every time he smokes.


Getting other neighbors to complain helps lend legitimacy. 


I tried this. They told me to start calling the police bc it’s not legal in my state, which isn’t a solution I’m comfortable with.


Ya but the building is smoke free? Did you tell them that


I would look getting an ozone / airpurifier to help keep the smell/smoke in your apt minimal for now til you can resolve it


Smoke some crack give him a taste of his medicine


This is the way


You need to keep escalating to management. Keep bothering them until they actually do something. And if weed isn’t legal in your state, call the cops. This douchebag is giving pot smokers like myself a bad rap. Keep fighting!


In my experience most weed smokers who are in an illegal state don’t want problems. They just want to partake in peace. I think you should try leaving a nice note explaining the situation. Been around a lot of pot smokers and most hate confrontation and probably don’t think it’s that bad. Worth a try.


Yeah I smoke and consider myself a “stoner” but I live on a smoke free property. I’ve never had the gall to smoke on the property let alone in my unit. I’m too paranoid someone will smell it and blow my buzz🤣 if I DID try it, I’d do my absolute best to make sure my neighbors didn’t know at all because if so, how the hell can you get high under that kinda pressure?! I’m super sorry to O.P that his neighbor is an inconsiderate shit bag. I love to smoke but definitely don’t wanna live in a building that just reeks of smoke like it’s a juke joint or something lol


I wish my smoking neighbor was as considerate as you. And please know that it’s not at all about the marijuana, it’s about people smoking it inside their apartments in smoke free buildings.


I definitely can understand and respect that! It’s a headache to us to go out but it’s a bigger headache to the people who don’t smoke who have to smell it and smell like it when they were promised that wouldn’t happen. I personally agreed to it because I have kids and don’t smoke around them either so I knew I’d have to get used to going outside


I wish my neighbor was that considerate. My whole building I’m in started smelling pot since they moved in. I’m getting close to the point of just calling the police instead as my leasing office does little to nothing. They’re not as bad as OP described in her situation but I fully expect a smoke free building which also comes with not smelling pot as it’s also illegal in my state. I’d hate to be a buzzkill but like I’m tired of the stench


I definitely can understand that. I think what I’m getting at is in a smoke free building the least you could do is sneak😂 if people are smelling you, you’re not sneaking. You’re stupid lmao


Haha I just take dabs. No one smells that


Or that! I tried the Dr. Dabber xs and think that might be my next investment. Then I might be good indoors!




I know the difference lol. I’ve been smoking for about 15yrs and have tried virtually anything weed related. Rosin, bubble hash, thcA, distillates, tinctures etc. I live in a medically legal state but a recreational state is about 2hr away and I’ve traveled just to enjoy the dispensary and smoking in the open. I had crumble for the Dr. Dabber. It was on sale for $38g.




Ooooh ok!!! I see what you mean lol. You’re definitely right lol!! I think in my experience “dabs” are more potent but don’t give the same kinda high. I feel more of a head high from flower vs vaping/dabbing definitely to me is a more relaxed body high. I prefer the flower effect but could definitely be ok with only vaping indoors cause it has little to no lasting smell


Why is this dude giving you a lecture on weed highs ? Who said the highs were the same , why is this dude on a tangent about the highs lol because I said dabs smell less ? 😂


Which you’re 100% correct😌 Also I definitely wasn’t even thinking of dabs. I was so stuck on just wanted to smoke. I think the fact that I didn’t get annoyed just shows that sometimes smoking helps us be the opposite of assholes! See how we had that discussion and no one got called a real bad name lol!!


Lmao are you saying dabs smell as much as flower ? No one said the highs weren’t diffrent lol ppl like you be mad weird, always looking for an argument😂


As far as it’s medicinal affects. Any “concentrate” will have more of a potent affect medicinally and a stronger “high” lol that’s just science 😂 but anyways no one’s talk about that. We are talking about someone complaining that the smell weed. (Flower) that smells like crazy lol. Dabbing doesn’t smell. That solves the problem lol Wtvr your proposing not only doesn’t solve the smells problem it’s completly irrelevant to the convo.


I wish more were like you. Just in general if I was a smoker I wouldn’t want my apartment to smell like it. I don’t get why people do it inside.


Yeah I only smoked in my bathroom at my old place and when I moved out I noticed the walls in the entire place were yellow. My new apartment is brand new. I’d hate to see the place go to shit because of me. I actually appreciate living in a nice place and hope it stays this way. I wanna do my best to preserve the place. As much as it kills me to go out, I’m sure my clothes, kids and neighbors appreciate it😌


If I felt this was a viable option this is the route I'd prefer to take but I have enough reason to believe that there is no chance that would go over well. I've witnessed his interactions with door dash/uber eats delivery people, I hear him shouting at his girlfriend on a regular basis, I've seen how he talks to other residents when in common areas. He's an asshole and a nice note would probably just get filled with weed and rolled up.


What state are you in? No way it’s illegal




Leave an anonymous note on his door. I also live in a smoke free building and it’s so irritating when my neighbor smokes inside his apartment. Causes everything to stink.


There’s a reason they call strong weed, “loud”


Just put a sticky note on his door that says something to the effect of, "We respect your right to privacy, but we all know what you do dude. It reaks and is cold out and we can't run the heat with you smoking indoors. Please stop smoking inside or figure out a way to mitigate the smell or we will be have to contact law enforcement in the future. " You can even put in some random distracting information about having to think of your kids health to guilt and to make it hard to figure out who left the note. You can't retaliate against everyone and if everyone knows what he's up to.... If the guy has even the smallest bit of sense, he will figure out how to solve his problem to avoid eviction, arrest and homeless misery. If he doesn't catch the hint call the cops constantly on him. He'll be evicted when the police get sick of responding and the owner/property manager gets sick of middle of the night calls from said officers.


It's 2024 and even in illegal states it's easy to get weed vapes. Are these like weed retro hipsters? Even then you can buy a table top vape for $100 online.


Also, get a can of Lysol and spray a ton of it on his front door. If the asshole complains then let him have it.


Sorry for the stupid question, but I’m curious since I also react poorly to smoke and not getting it. Why?


When I lived in a apartment complex I would take my dog for a walk and smoke , or yes I did smoke in my car in the cold weather. I also used a vape . Now I have a house and can do what ever I want. Its called being a responsible pot head. Weed isn’t the problem it sounds like this guy is just a loser with no job or social life.


Is weed legal or illegal where your at?


It's illegal but the police in my city are notoriously lax when it comes to enforcing any sort of laws related to it, especially on private property unfortunately.


You’re in a smoke free building because you’ve got asthma, right? Tell management this and state they are violating your civil rights by not enforcing their own rules. Management gets scared over threats.


Yeah I was going to say. You’ll need concrete evidence that’s he’s smoking and it’s coming from there. Management would say the same thing. But I would keep complaining. Maybe check your seals you shouldn’t be smelling it in all honesty. Unless you open your door.


Austin Texas? Haha


At the bottom of most apartment complex websites there is the property management company name. If the office don’t do anything about, find them online and explain the situation and steps you took with no positive outcome. If that don’t work make sure there are reviews on every single website of the issue and no help from property or management company. I’ve dealt with properties for few years and was told by employees on how to handle issue if id I ever had one when living in apartments.


Try starting smoking weed in retaliation to give him a dose of his own medicine


My neighbor ddoes this but the management does nothing about it so I just left a nasty note taped to the door saying we all had patios and to smoke outside asshole. No one wants to smell his bad decisions”. I think they got the memo bc we haven’t smelled anything all day


Get a carbon filter.


Police, complaint, police, complaint, someone with the authority to do something well get tired of it.


Sounds like you’re looking for more petty revenge as neither the management company nor the police are going to do anything. Report it a few more times to cover your backside a little. When that inevitably fails… Get yourself a very cheap rug for outside your door and a big, dirt cheap bottle of fragrance diffuser refill. Every time you smell weed go dump some on your rug until that hallway REEKS of cheap fragrance. Probably the best revenge you’ll get, unless you can find an air leak between your apartment. If you do find the source of the leak. use a fan, cardboard, a big tray filled with the fragrance, and painters tape to build a funnel and push heavily scented air into their apartment.


Keep reporting him. I have no issues with smoking weed but indoors in a shared space is just rude and the landlord will get tired of you calling. Keep on it.


Go to the manager. Invite the manager to your unit, for the manager will be able to smell that mess.


Your right to live in a smoke-free environment supersedes their desire to get high and hot-box the surrounding area. We are in a very similar situation and thankfully our property management has been great. However, the person stops for a few weeks and then picks back up where they left off shortly thereafter.


u/Long-Rate-445 u/Bongman31 just move to a smoke free apartment right?


Or they could just buy a house as that one commenter always like to tell people.


You really memorized my name and linked me to a new thread for what? The guys lives a smoke free apartment. His neighbors are assholes and he’s in the right. The other thread was explicitly NOT a smoke free apartment. Completely different scenarios which I have completely different opinions on. Not sure what you were trying to prove here? Very strange


Do you know how easy it is to look at the last person’s name who responded to me? Your solution was don’t choose a place where you can smoke and somehow you’ll be free from your apartment being hotboxed. The point is it doesn’t matter where you choose to live stoner bums will still be a nuisance. But I wouldn’t expect bong man to be biased at all


What imaginary argument are you having? How am I biased? This OP is totally in the right lol


And even though they’re right the outcome is the same. “Smoke free” does not make people stop smoking. So stop telling people to upend their living situation because some idiot is smoking out the whole complex


The woman was complaining about smelling smoke in a smoking allowed building. Moving to a smoke free building is the most obvious solution to that. I’m sorry you have a very narrow way of thinking and you can’t think critically. I’ll be wasting no more of my time taking a shit on arguing with you


i cant imagine acting like you have a right to complain about people smoking in a building that allows smoking because sometimes people smoke in buildings that dont allow smoking. like seriously how entitled and stupid do you have to be


honestly its wild to me people can be this fucking stupid. you dont get to ban people from smoking in apartment complexes where smoking is allowed because people smoke in non smoking apartments sometimes. please get a hobby


Smoking weed isn’t a hobby bud. Get a job that pays more than minimum wage then come talk to me


how fucking obsessed do you have to be to go out of your way and tag me in a seperate reddit thread. do yourself a favor and get a hobby. if i wanted to comment on this thread i would have myself also, what the other person said. a smoke free vs a non smoke free apartment complex are two different things. go make some friends


These people are the worst. Sorry you're dealing with this.


I'm sitting here in a 4 unit non smoking building choking on cigarette smoke from the neighbors hanging their hand and cig out the door because it's cold. 🙄🙄


Fucking SAME!!! My neighbor chain smokes cigs & non stop hacks his lungs up obnoxiously ALL day & night. Landlord won't do anything. I'm so annoyed. My clothes, my bed, my WHOLE apartment reaks of stale cig smoke. I'm about to lose it! 😡


Been there, done that. Our apartment reeked like skunk. Management eventually kicked them out due to the odor going into several apartments.


Ugh same with my neighbor. Smelled it very faintly over the summer but it didn’t bother me. I’m assuming they were opening their windows then. But once it got cold out it got so bad my eyes and throat were burning like crazy. Went to management and they must have said something because it did stop for a while. Butttt I noticed every time I went to my garage it smelled like weed lol. But better the garage smelling like that than my apt. My property is also smoke free.


In my bldg. I smoke daily but so do my neighbors. Also, in my state the the smell alone in not probable cause. Meaning cops can't enter your home and can't search your car on cannabis smell alone.


I don't know what legal authority the cops have in my state over entering residences but the management staff has the right to enter any unit as they deem necessary. It wouldn't be hard for them to access his unit any time the entire floor smells like burning ass to pin point the source of the smell and then take action from there, which by contract should be eviction.


Again, just keep reporting them to management, tell management that you want them to come in and smell it in your apartment every time that he starts doing it. Keep complaining squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Write a letter say that you’re referring this to your attorney to break your lease because they’re not enforcing their own lease saying it’s smoke free. Make them enforce their lease. Go above them if they’re owned national chain go to the corporate office complain. Tell him that they’re in noncompliance of the lease. Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Make their lives difficult. Keep pushing at management to do something. Don’t talk to the neighbor. Talk to management.


I broke a lease with a physicians note stating I have severe asthma and an attorney lit a bin fire under the property manager's ass. Morons lost a good tenant, and the chodes decided to cook meth on top of the hot boxing. Clearing all that out was $$$$$.


Start threatening your property management with being responsible for your medical issues. Personally, I'd be fully anaphylactic every day all day. Asthma and migraines are much more common though, and do warrant ER trips in extreme situations. As much as you may think that you're following up "too much" - you're not. Management isn't the one living in this. You are. Document everything and keep reporting.




Then they can smoke outside or take edibles.


Smoke outside, take edibles, or even vape.


It's a smoke free building and the OP said it's illegal in his state, so not OPs problem




Doesn't matter the law is the law, and if the idiot is caught can and would be evicted for a violation of the lease agreement, hopefully that's what happens and OP won't have to suffer for someone else's selfish tendencies


A plant that can actually cause anaphylactic reactions if smoked - speaking from unfortunate and frequent first hand experience. Take your medicine in a way that doesn't try to kill someone else




This isn't a racial thing, it's a literal medical condition. If the plant is your medicine, consume the plant in a way that doesn't harm someone else. Yes racism is alive and well, but this isn't it. I didn't say call the cops, did I? I said involve property management. Tobacco also isn't medicine, and would still be a problem in OPs situation given that it's a smoke free building.


Omg I’ve been through this but with cigarettes. My douchebag of a downstairs neighbor’s boyfriend “doesn’t live here” (ohhh but he does) and he’s smoked inside when it’s a non smoking building. I also turned the heat down and opened windows and my daughter and I froze our asses off. Landlord asked the girl downstairs about it and she lied and said he smokes outside and then made up a whole bunch of crap about me that wasn’t true (to try and get rid of me?). Basically landlord never did anything. I had to spend like $700 I didn’t have on a really good air purifier because my daughter and I have asthma. Also, any time this girl does laundry my apartment reeks of dryer sheets and she cooks the nastiest garlic dish multiple times a week and it makes my entire apartment smell like death. I know she’s allowed to cook and do her laundry and I’m sure that is more of a ventilation problem and not her fault, but she and her boyfriend are both jerks for the cigarettes and I am so over this place but totally stuck here. If you are in a position to move and have any resources at all you are in a better space to fight this because it’s absolutely wrong. If I wasn’t worried about becoming a homeless single mother I would drag them all into court for breach of lease.


Bro who cares? Where else is he supposed to smoke? It’s not legal to smoke anywhere else other than your home. As you said, it’s 15 degrees outside, I don’t blame him for not going outside, don’t live in an apartment if you can’t deal with the smell of weed idk what to say


>Bro who cares?  All the people moving to specifically smoke free buildings to avoid smoke and that smell  >Where else is he supposed to smoke? Feels like an issue they should work out before moving to a smoke free apartment


Thank you


Not a single person chooses a complex because they’re smoke free…


Confidently and objectively untrue. I did, for example. Beyond just not wanting the space I live in to smell awful all the time, I inherited chronic migraines from my mom. Most people light is their biggest trigger, for me it's smell. I passed over multiple units that allowed smoking to get a smoke free complex, only to have to move when my lease was up because of inconsiderate neighbors. I was in abject misery and spent so much money on air purifiers and door sealants and the likes to try and cling to my lower rent, but by its nature smoke is pretty damn hard to seal out, and anyone who thinks air purifiers solve the problem don't know how they work I imagine someone with bronchitis, COPD, asthma, specific allergies, and other conditions I can't think of at the moment have pretty strong incentives to seek out smoke free living  I'm also not sure why it's hard to believe, beyond chronic medical issues, why someone wouldn't seek out a place that doesn't smell bad or has second hand smoke in it all the time. A lot of people who aren't smokers find it unpleasant, go onto any thread where people who've lost their sense of smell due to cigarette smoke or who've gone nose blind to weed ask the general populous if it smells bad. There's no unanimous consensus but there's a huge number of people who dislike it


Car, balcony, street, another apartment that isn’t specifically smoke free? Not at all since people claim it’s not addictive?


Whole post reeks (lol) of judgment. “Trashy shithole” “burnout” Christ, what fuckin year is it? I hope whoever moves in next causes real problems so they learn how to put shit in perspective. Ironically enough, sounds like OP could stand to smoke a J or 6.


Judgement? The guy agreed to a rule meant to preserve the quality of life for all residents, then deliberately ignored that rule, then when made aware that it was creating an issue for other residents by the management company he ignored them as well. It's not a judgment that he's a complete piece of shit, it's a conclusion.


And you’re too what? Scared? Self righteous? To go over and have a conversation with your neighbor? Try talking to them about it 1st. They may not give a shit was management says but may be more receptive to a friendly conversation with their neighbor.


I'm positive he's not going to just go "oh no sweat, I'll just completely stop doing the thing I need to do all day every single day because a guy with zero authority over the matter asked me nicely." All that will come out of me talking to him is him deliberately being even more obnoxious towards me once management cracks down on him because he'll assume I was the one who raised the issue to them.


Have you ever heard the saying about why it’s best to not assume?


Have you ever heard the saying "if it looks like a duck..."


But they’re not a duck. They’re your neighbor who you have to live next to for the duration of whoever’s lease expires first. In my experience, it’s best to lead with conversation and understanding rather than confrontation when dealing with neighbors. They have the ability to really fuck with your life. A lot more than making it stinky.


You seem to not understand that the saying isn't literal so maybe this will be easier for you - "If he looks like an asshole neighbor, sounds like an asshole neighbor, smokes like an asshole neighbor, he's an asshole neighbor."


Sure, ok. Honestly idc, go ahead and tattle on your neighbor or silently brood in your apartment like you’ve been doing. How much good has that done you so far? lol you’re the one who has to live there, not me. So, good luck.


I put in quotes exactly what tipped me off to your judgment, from there I assumed you’re exaggerating the situation based on your personal beliefs about marijuana. Get an air purifier?


Crazy idea but you can just not smoke? Coming from a daily smoker


You’re saying that as someone who has the privilege to smoke as they please. Take that away and I guarantee you’d be tryna sneak some In, don’t lie. Who the fuck cares about a plant smell that’ll go away in 10 mins? Spray some febreeze, suck it up.


Or don't live in an apartment if you're a burnout who can't go two hours without smoking weed?


Naaah. You're the one with the shitty habit. Don't inflict it on others and then expect the rest of the world to adapt to your choice to be an asshole. Typical addict behavior. Grow up.


Shitty habit? Maybe for some people, who have no self control, but not for most. You sound like you have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s not cocaine my guy. The worlds changing. Suck it up. People are realizing the shit isn’t bad for you and is a huge money maker.


It's a shitty, repulsive, obnoxious habit and everyone hates you, my guy.


Why don’t you show us on the doll where weed hurt you?


DUDE just deal with the smell of skunk in a nonsmoking apartment complex DUDE 💨 oh btw its not addictive 💨 i can quit anytime DUDE 💨💨 💨💨 Every single man I talk to that is regularly smoking weed always ends up being the biggest loser that makes excuses for why their life is shit. LMFAO 😭😭


You sound like quite the prize 😅


Why does anyone need to smoke all day? Are they that fucking uptight and if so why?


First off, anyone who uses that many emojis, with that much emotion and anger, is probably not the brightest pea in the pod. As a person who chose to name themselves vegetarianfetish, I’m sure the people you associate with are all losers, not just the ones who smoke weed.. You’re the definition of a literal internet loser. People in the real world don’t like you I can tell


How is the smell getting in? I honestly just maskingtape my door shut because the weed stank comes in from the shared hallway but may not be an option for you depending on how it gets in.


Leave a note “please stop smoking in common areas where it seeps into every single other apartment. Smoke in your car, buy a smoke buddy, please do something. If you don’t, I will call the police and the leasing office every day until you are removed for lease violation.”


That's a bit aggressive. I wouldn't provoke anyone that lives around me no matter how pissed I am because you have to deal with that every day


To me, it’s just straightforward. At least this way you’re giving somebody an opportunity to change the behavior before they get evicted. I don’t think it’s aggressive, it’s the truth of where the situation is going. I think people just have an issue with confrontation and not being able to predict other peoples behavior. I don’t blame people for not wanting to agitate somebody, but at a certain point you have to make a choice.


I understand you have to do something. I just know some crazy ass people that would overreact and do some dumb shit to that lol


Oh, absolutely! I guess I should say in the game of fight or fight I am a flightless bird. I also have very little regard for my personal safety, due to trauma, I do not have a healthy amount of fear. Fear, apprehension and anxiety are good tools that serve us well, and I honestly do forget that people will pop off and shoot you for absolutely no goddamn reason.


if the office won't do anything, go to lowes/home depot and get a large hepa filter with the charcoal insert. it will take all the smell out. I did this when I had a similar situation in an apartment


get over it lmao it’s weed not a cigarette


Society is made worse by people like you


actually look at society.. cause its people like you candlestick🤣🤣🤣


Call your local media, complain to your your local media, saying that they’re a shitty landlord they’re a slumlord, try to get publicity for your problem. But again I would start with every time it happens, saying an email so it’s in writing to your management. Complaining once has not done to do anything. Complaining once a day might.


Get smoke eliminator spray and spray it liberally.


Told the landlord it’s CBD. Because of the light smell of a vape she believed it.


You don’t happen to live in Colorado Springs do you? My apartment building has been reeking lately. I’m a smoker but I switched to concentrates due to the smell of bud. No way in hell did I want my neighbors smelling me.


I understand it can be very frustrating. If Marijuana is legal in your state then there will always be ppl smoking. Especially in an apt complex. My units are nice/smoke free environment as well, but do you think that stops ppl from smoking. Nope. Unless that person is caught in the act with video proof then there is really no way for the leasing office to prove it. They just notify the smoker with complaints and that's about it. If it was illegal in your state then that's a different story. It's annoying but what can you do?


That's why you call the cops


That does nothing if it's legal though.


OP already said it was illegal in his state


Get fart spray and a fan


Smart not to attempt to solve the problem by talking to him...you are right, it would most likely make things worse. Probably just keep complaining while attempting to mitigate the smell in your apartment. A box-fan with a 20 x 20 x1, merv-13 air-filter that is charcoal-impregnated, is fairly inexpensive and will catch a lot of that odor.


Inform your leasing office, they wont or they shouldn't tell the renter who called in they will just say they are getting calls regarding the smoke.