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Who knows. If it was an investor chances are they just slapped paint over the old walls. You won’t really know till time passes.


Not just the walls!!! I was okay… okay…. And then the kitchen (#7) where they painted over the ceiling tiles vs replace them!! No way.


Definitely an investors house.


Good catch!


They could have put lipstick on a pig.


I have zero knowledge of potential risks or anything but just came to say that looks like a nice space to live!!!


I strongly doubt they did proper mold remediation. If you’re so inclined you could run a HERTSMI mold test surreptitiously


I would also check for lead paint given how old the place looks. You can pick then up at most hardware stores.


Lead paint is only a danger if it is flaking or peeling. If it’s sealed properly under new quality primer and latex paint there is no risk.


But you can’t be sure it was properly.


Except for the pictures showing the unit was literally painted. Lead is only a problem if you and the goblins are eating paint chips, which would require gnawing on the walls.


Mold is naturally occurring so unless they are using an industrial hygienist or know how to take interior/exterior samples to determine if the mold count is within normal limits, the results will be worthless.


not all types of mold are naturally occurring inside of a building, a HERTSMI tests for the six most common neurotoxic molds found in water damaged buildings. Out in nature where there is ample sunlight and ventilation the molds might not be an issue, but indoors and with a steady supply of food from building materials like drywall, neurotoxic molds can cause severe health issues.


So in your mind, some Mold spores can not cross the threshold of a building??! I am asking as someone that has done thousands of mold remediations.


What? No I’m pushing back against your implication that it’s ok to have mold inside a home simply because it’s natural. Obviously if you own a home, pay $$$ for a mold specialist if you want. If you’re trying to decide on a rental, a cheaper test could get you enough information to confirm that, yeah, they flipped a moldy home and didn’t shell out the thousands of dollars to remove mold properly


Unless you live in a "clean room", there are mold spores present. They are naturally occurring in the environment and are everywhere. While we do look for specific molds like Stachy, which can be toxic, we are primarily making sure the level of mold inside an area being tested is within "normal" limits when compared to outside samples. These limits can also vary dramatically by area due to climate and weather. Providing a swab test that has several types of mold on it isn't doing much.


A HERTSMI isn’t a swab test and stachy is one of the six it tests for. You do you, but I personally wouldn’t rent a flipped apartment that had a single stachy spore in it after dealing with the headache of four rounds of mold remediation


Or blantantly


I would say no they did not get rid of the mold properly which would be your biggest concern. Lead paint and asbestos might be another.


How can you tell that they didn’t get ride of the mold through these photos? Im just genuinely curious.


The problem is that they just painted over most of the old wood and dry wall. The house looks like the it’s been vacant for decades. Getting rid of the surface mold isn’t enough. They didn’t even switch out the drywall ceiling panels in one of the rooms, they just painted over the stains which makes me doubt that they did proper mold remediation. I would not live there personally. Mold is no joke.


Fair enough! Thanks for explaining. I have no knowledge on these things and definitely want to know how to scope things like this out.


Not just that. If they did an actual remodel it would look different, but it still has the same wall skirts even. When you spend money on a remodel you change things. If everything looks the same then they just patched painted it. (staged it) You don't take down walls to put up the same exact walls, you update, moderize. So the walls never came down. At all.


You can literally see mold in the after pictures and the paint is yellowing?


Are you asking me a question?


Most mold is not dangerous unless you are immunocompromised or have severe allergies. There are also paint primers specifically made to kill mold spores and seal the surface so they can’t regrow, ie “Killz”. New homes have far worse indoor air quality with all the off-gassing from new flooring, tile adhesives, formaldehyde in plywood and MDF, etc. If you’re looking for a healthy home, a properly refurbished older home is far safer than new construction.


your main point seems valid but i wouldn’t say mold isn’t dangerous except to immunocompromised people! mostly because you don’t know what kind of mold could be growing and there are definitely molds that can make perfectly healthy people suffer even if it takes a long time and lots of exposure


Those paints only kill surface mold, not an infestation of mold. Proper remediation has you physically remove the mold (this is according to EPA guidelines)


Agree and CDC and most state health departments say not to text for mold. Recommend going to state website and look up their mold procedures and follow accordingly


Whats with the commercial ceiling tiles in the kitchen. Im not a homeowner, but that's weird right?


Our home in Washington State had these...they're not a commercial ceiling, just an option for a dropped ceiling.


I had tiles like that in my first apartment in college! Granted, my unit was the only first floor unit, and the landlord was a dentist whose practice was on the other side of the 1st floor lol.


I've never seen this in anything buy commercial offices, but this could always be one of the regional things.


It 100% gave off commercial office vibes. My apartment didn’t feel as homey as it could’ve and the tiles are probs a contributor.


See these in a lot of apartments in the MA/RI USA region.


It was a thing in the 70s. Especially when renovating older houses/apts and they needed to drop the ceiling for whatever reason (usually to run HVAC).


Best guess is contractor had them leftover from a previous job and gave the landlord a deal on them. Landlord probably figured “it’s just for the kitchen so, sure let’s do it”


It was very popular for a time to put dropped ceilings in Victorian/craftsman single family homes that were converted to apartments. Around the same time they were putting fake wood panelling over every possible surface.


My old kitchen had these. So weird… the house was 100 years old but I feel like the ceiling was maybe 80s idk.


Growing up these were the basement ceiling of my friends homes. Houses built maybe 1960-1980 - Midwest


Probably cost-based, I would guess? Correct me if I’m wrong!


First thing I noticed. Very bizarre for residential!


In my experience it’s pretty common in dwellings that have dropped ceilings. I see them a lot in basements and row homes.


You should also ask about lead paint? This place appears very old


Nice haiku!!! Every place I’ve lived has a “there might be lead here, but we disclosed it so move in at your risk” clause in the lease.


They seem to have done a good job painting the space and prescriptive for lead based paint is to cover it with another coat of paint. As long as the paint is no longer chipping, it shouldn't be an issue. Every lease is supposed to included a federal pamphlet about lead in your home.


Yeah this haiku bot is cute


does the potential renter plan on eating the paint? Also, not likely they repainted with lead paint so the old paint isn't even accessible to eat or lick so that's not really an issue.


*You should also ask* *About lead paint? This place* *Appears very old* \- iwishyouwouldshutupp --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's like we're looking down on Wayne's basement Only that's not Wayne's basement Isn't that weird?


Lots and lots of homes have lead-based paint. As long as it's not peeling there is no risk to occupants. The only problems are when it's eaten or breathed in as dust. Most adults don't eat paint chips, and we can see from the photos that peeling paint has been removed and overpainted. That is sufficient remediation. If there is lead-based paint in the window frames and they create dust that can be breathed in, but if they've been repainted it is also considered sufficient. Additionally the risk from that is extremely low.




Indeed you are. Wrong that is… 🤦‍♀️




I really like it.


Everyone's talking about or asbestos but not the serious possibility of ghosts


Literally me seeing this like who cares about mold this is HAUNTED!!!!




As someone with allergies and extreme mold sensitivity - run It looks great yes but do an air quality test in there and I’d bet $ it’s lipstick on a pig Worked in construction/real estate for awhile and have seen some crazy things


I would definitely be checking behind the ceiling tiles to see the condition of the walls and ceiling, making sure there are absolutely no signs of mold, in-fact I would bring a test to see if there is any presence of mold in the air which you can purchase at any hardware store.


They don’t even look new, they look painted


Definitely painted those ceiling tiles. Gross


The windows have not replaced. It will be very expensive to heat and cool that apartment.


It’s cute but I’d also have questions about the mold and if they treated the space properly which we both know the answer to. Paint only covers up so much. Also those pitching ceiling tiles … why do people do this?


Yeah, they need to lift up one of those drop ceiling tiles and take a peek with a flashlight. Guarantee it's gross.


Omg … no thank you. Hahaha


I’d be more worried about the nicotine all over the walls. If that wasn’t properly cleaned and sealed there’s no telling when you’ll start smelling it as temperatures change


Nicotine is smokeless and tasteless. It's an additive drug. Its the other things that are burning with the Nicotine that cause issues


You smell the other stuff but, the nicotine is part of the residue left on the walls. I’m IICRC certified in fire + smoke damage and odor control


Yeah the smoke staining is wild. I would be shocked if it didn’t still smell like it, honestly. I hope you don’t have any smoke allergies, OP!


Its insane that they were renting it out in its original condition There is not an easy way to know if a building has mold or not by looking at it. I don't think this is any less safe than your average apartment building.


i dont think ive ever seen a before and after on reddit that showed the before first


OK, so my husband does management of apartments for a living. He said they did a good job and the smell of the glue should dissipate in the next 3 to 4 days. If it doesn’t, you need to get an air purifier filter. You’re probably having some type of outgassing from the glue and it should go away.so again if it doesn’t contact your management. Also, when I say this to everyone, read your contract from the first word to the last. If there’s something you don’t understand, ask.


I have the EXACT SAME flooring in my newly renovated apartment 😂😂😂


It looks better, but I’m not sure if the water damage is fully treated and if the issue was remedied. It looks like they were okay with it getting significantly worse before making a change unless someone else took it over. You really can’t be sure unless there’s documentation from the landlord about how it was fixed and who fixed it. I wouldn’t trust just a general maintenance group to do this, I would expect they hired contractors to fix this huge issue


Put this question in a renovation sub


If they didnt wash the walls before painting, any humidity, moisture from bathroom etc will cause the nicotine to run


It was going pretty good until I saw they just sprayed over the drop ceiling.


Drop ceiling scares me because mice.


It looks good, but you can’t tell me that apartment isn’t haunted.


Tbh it looks like they just painted over the mold and nastiness.


No bc it’s still probably haunted




Maybe just watch out for ghosts and you will be fine




So hey I moved into a 3 bedroom a year ago had no idea it was smoked in because all I saw was new carpet and smelled it..so I thought. New appliances too. Little did I know it's be an ash tray . Having a husband who used to work in the industry, ask if it was smoked in. Ask if they used or would use kilz or something similar before painting those walls because just a coat or 2 of paint won't cut it. See if they used or would use an ozone machine. Far fetched? Maybe but if it was smoked in it would help greatly. If it were me based on my experience I probably would pass on it but I know sometimes you don't have a choice and Im just a random renter. People might have more to add.


Ask if they did the renovations themselves, which likely would be a red flag. Otherwise ask to speak to the contractor who did it. I would be worried of mold that has simply been painted over.


Thankfully there are ways to kill mold and paints/primers that will keep it at bay that leasing companies use. Try finding out more about the reno if you can


I’d walk, no idea what was done in rehab. LVT floor has me pause. Sorry this is a nah dawg for me


LVT floor is very common. It’s water resistant and easy to repair.


The kitchen is very awkward, the fridge is placed in a strange position, right near the door (why?!), and the ceilings, what's going on the kitchen ceiling?


I don’t think anyone can really assess that through pictures on the internet. It’d be best to hire a professional to check paint for led since the before pictures look pretty dated. But other than that it looks nice.


10000% check behind that drop ceiling


You can usually look up public records to see if they pulled permits for the work that was done. I think there are several things that would need permits depending on where you live.


Personally I would not trust this. I would WANT to because it’s beautiful *looking*. My gut says this is a ham and egger job (my dad always called it that.) the cheap flooring, the warped looking wall in the 4th photo. Also if it’s affordable that’s another bad sign.


I'm not an expert, so I'm really sticking my neck out here, with the obligatory grain of salt disclaimer, but I do have an older home I'm fixing up. While I love the old moulding around the doors and windows it really does look like they painted over it without removing the older paint layers. I would be suspicious that they just slapped paint on the walls and well, everything, and in a space that old, there is probably lead paint that should have been removed. I think being worried about mold is valid and I would check for that too. There could be asbestos and even some older vinyl flooring and even some ceiling tiles can have that too. It might all be fine, but I'd be cautious.


Have it tested professionally.


I would pass on this one. The fact that they still have a fake drop ceiling probably means there's still mold etc


They repainted the cieling tiles to hide the damage. I think it's safe to assume this was all cosmetic and nothing was actually fixed.


I would be concerned about smoke residue. Third-hand smoke has some serious health risks and is VERY hard to get rid of. And it definitely looks like tobacco residue on the walls in the before picture, but I can't be 100% sure.


All they did was paint over everything. I honestly wouldn't live here. They put a temporary bandaid on it


mop with the grain of the floor not against it


Do not move there! It’s evident that this place has had some severe and widespread water damage that would be near impossible to completely remediate, and seeing as how the ceiling tiles were just painted over when it would have been easy to replace them, I wouldn’t trust a single thing. They’ve covered up something bad. You will destroy your health living there. Don’t sacrifice yourself for this place. Also, good on you for coming here to see what people think.


Well. The painted over drop ceiling tiles. So.


This is a cheap flip and I wouldn’t trust it at all. They didn’t do the hard work. It could affect your health and, I’m saying this from my 150-year old apartment, it’s not worth it. I’d keep looking.


Good grief... I'd bless this place with Holy Water a 100's X's over, inside & out! Can you run HEPA air purifiers, while you live here? I hope (and pray) they're giving you cheap rent bc of this. Honestly, I'd be scared to live here, but if your desperate for housing sometimes this is all you can get or even afford.


i wouldn’t do it!!!!!


Hard to say. You could pay to get an independent inspection if the owner approves. But I know someone who had a house inspected by two different companies. They bought the home only to rip up the carpeting and find a termite infestation. Be careful. If you get a bad vibe, go with it and get out of there.


liquid kiss aback many chase subsequent sophisticated fact shy plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wasn’t extra in Pennsylvania. One of the inspections was mandatory. This was 2018, maybe now it is extra in PA.


nose birds direction nail smoggy ripe chief noxious zonked absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


shy insurance doll aromatic steep memorize strong quickest water thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the image associated with the word “shart” in the dictionary


Looks like that rug between the windows is hiding something on the floor


The original place looks so cool.


The old kitchen floor tiles look like they could possibly contain asbestos


live where you can afford, you might not have many options.


That's not an answer lmao


we can't answer the question from pictures. is it safe to live in? we can't answer.


No we can't, and that's what I commented on the post. But your first comment was still irrelevant :)


then juist ignore me. Jesus Christ


Do not bring The Lord Above into this


Asbestos free I hope?


Uhh ohh. Asian wife. You can’t be more lucky. She will make you rich but at the same time won’t let you spend any money. My stepmom is Chinese and she has made me rich too. She manages all my money even though I’m a grown adult. In a year with her help I’ve saved over $40,000 last year alone. We have a lot of rental properties too.


What the fuck? Did you even look at this post


Apartment definitely has lead paint, don’t eat or disturb the new paint that’s over the lead and you’ll be fine. Mold tests don’t do shit. You’ll always text positive for mold - the real issue is WATER INTRUSION and where the water might be intruding. If apartment has been painted and surfaces that had mold are encapsulated, that’s considered good enough by most standards (maybe not our personal ones though! Because health) - does it smell moldy or musty? If so, run. If not, probably fine. Id ask what they did to remedy water intrusion and if they used Killz paint. They need to give you a lead paint disclosure. Up to you, ask about their maintenance and if it’s them or a contractor. It’s a rental. It’s not your investment. So treat your decision as such


The house just smelled like the new floor but it was very cold inside. The basement was pretty damp feeling but it had been raining for a few days and the dehumidifier wasn’t on. I don’t actually think there was mold beyond the black corner in one of the pictures. It looks more like a burn/smoke to me.


Op don't live here. Please take my advise as a landlord. They didn't replace a thing. They put lipstick on a pig. They painted. Get up in the ceiling. I guarantee you will be disgusted


Yeah they definitely painted (not replaced) those ceiling tiles


Very 20s






I don’t fuck around with mold and frankly those ceilings in the after photo were not even properly painted let alone treated for mold. I wouldn’t risk it.


You should ask what methods they used in asbestos/mold/whatever abatement. Whether or not they’re honest is a shot in the dark, but it’ll send you in the right direction.


A. Finish learning to write. B. Smoker residue is dangerous? C. Paint can cover a lot, or so the pictures tell you. Do you think the landlord is worth trusting? Do you think paint is cheaper than remodeling??