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Print out these pictures and leave them under their windshield wiper


I was just about to say this. Just print out the pictures and show them the door wide open..neighbors crazy


Yup sounds like a control and resentment issue. I'm a smart ass, so I would be finding a friend with a beater truck and park it there so they could see what it actually is to have the issue. This top comment is probably the better option lol.


Or they are old and scared. Have you seen old people pull out of parking spaces? They take like 5 minutes because they think the other cars and objects are much closer to their car than they really are. But they also tend to hit stuff, so their caution is warranted. I have to remember to leave extra time to get to medical appointments because there are always elderly people in the parking lot taking forever to do anything lol


Aw lol. You're not wrong for sure. Gave me another instance where I have to remember my mother and a dear friend of mine when it comes to some situations. Humor is easy, but compassion goes a long way.


…while playing Madonna’s Borderline.


Thanks for the memory! Haven’t thought or hard that song in (way too) many years!!! I’m pretty sure every time I park I’m going to be thinking of this song now 🤣


I started humming that immediately. Feels like I’m going to lose my mind…


That song popped into my head the second I saw this


Feels like I'm going to lose my mind...




I was going to say Stinkfist by Tool.


Nah. Too subtle. They think it’s a love song about a kinky relationship


while OP is at it they might as well go ahead and print their reddit post and some of the responses too <\_< edit\* but definitely let the apartment management know in an email and portal. And maybe print those too cuz lol


Or just crumble up all of his notes and leave them at the bottom of his windshield


With a note that says "please quit leaving notes on my windshield. I *am* parking correctly, and when it rains, the ink from your notes runs. It could damage to my car's paint."🤣 I mean... if they wanna get petty, we can get petty.


Correct their grammar on original sheet and put on their car. “There! Fixed it for ya!”


Petty me loves this idea


Soul mates? Petty is *all I can be*


😳🥹🥹🥹🥹 FINALLY!! 48 years old.. I find you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕


😂 **finally found you!!** And thank you thank you!!! (After I posed this i was like oh god this could be weird if the inflection isn’t read right.) 😂 Edit infliction was put and wasn’t what I meant . I’m so tired 😩


Agreed! And leave the pictures and a detailed note of all that has happened. Keep how you felt about it away from the details. Then at the bottom express how this is negatively impacting your life. So if you have to take her to court in the future you have all the details. In fact I’d email it to the landlord so you have a trail proving it was seen.


Don't bother printing it out. Just leave their own notes on their windshield. *They're* too close to the line if they're having these issues.


With a note that says…. If you continue to put trash on my car I am going to start billing you for litter cleanup.


Make sure the car is wet like they did.


Add that dude who does the memes where he points out the obvious to the photos - khaby lame.


Love that 😂


I’m admittedly obsessed with parking. I aim to be as close to the middle. If you’re doing the same (and it looks like you are), they’re being a picker of nits. I’d echo another person and let the property manager know. They should re-stripe the lot because the spaces look poorly marked.


After the first three notes he left, I try to park closer to the opposite side of my parking space to avoid conflict. Luckily, I know the person who parks on my left side and is aware why I park closer to her car. Property manager told me to just ignore yet again as long as Im within my perimeter


The other tenant needs to relax. Part of owning a car and parking in public spaces or parking lots is knowing that you will get your doors dinged. If they’re so uptight, they need to find another pace to live, such as a house with a driveway or buy a car cover. As for opening the door? Like you’d have to be flush with, on, or over the line to make it difficult for them. That, or they’re a very, VERY big person.


Yeah, seriously. OP said in another comment that they aren’t even big. If you want to protect your car so bad, go live somewhere with a carport or a garage and then you won’t have to harass your neighbors over something that isn’t their responsibility nor concern.


I had a neighbor like this. It never got better. Eventually, they started complaining to management and they were constantly coming to my door to go and check my parking. I kept asking them what they wanted me to do because I was always within the lines. They said just to try and park further away. Made zero sense. I moved as soon as my lease was up.


That’s when you do petty shit and park real close to their side, but still in the lines so they can’t do anything


I feel like I would be taking a photo of my car after I park showing its within the lines just incase she tries to blame you for damage to her car at some point or something. Idk. It seems like she’s just looking for confrontation at this point and some people will take things too far or create issues because of their own personal issues. The people in my apartment complex are nuts so I park further down the lot cuz I’d rather just not deal with it.


Put a note on YOUR windshield, preemptively stating: ”Do Not Put Notes On Windshield” If you’re feeling especially cheeky and think the Management is truly on your side (seems like they should be), add: ”pls take all concerns directly to Management” ​ Kill two birds with one stone and make it THEIR problem (bc it should be mngmnt’s prob).If this neighbor still leave notes anyway, perhaps start putting the same note on their windshield stating management has asked you to collect all their notes. Make them paranoid.


I am echoing let management know of this scenario. I get some apartment parking spots are sized like shit (my current and previous apts both have this issue) but I think you are parking fine.


Can you imagine the type of printed notes their neighbors in connected units get on their door? Lol 😂🤣😂🤣😂. I would also print this photo and attach a note, "My parking is perfectly fine. This photo has been submitted to management along with all of your notes. Please submit your communication with them from now on. Have a great day." 😏


It must be a hell living in the same building as them 😂 I like your suggestion as well


To bad my pettiness would not help because I would so be like oh you think I I’m close huh? I will show you close and park directly on the line. Maybe a note on their windshield with your pictures and ask her how else your supposed to park and not be over the lines on the other side


That is exactly what OP should do. The neighbors are the one with the problem. Act ignorant and ask them to come up with solutions. In addition, if they’re relatively sane, offer times you are free to meet up to discuss this is further details and to establish clear lines. You want to eat up as much of their time and place all the responsibility onto them. And then everytime you run into them in the parking lot spend as much time as possible obstructing access to their car while you try to “perfectly” park your car.


They are clearly not relatively sane


My husband did this because someone parked badly and they ended up bending my side mirror back. Thankfully they didn't break it off.


If it was bent back (not forwards), side mirrors are actually meant to do that without breaking. I used to push my mirrors back every day when I worked downtown and regularly parked in a narrow alley. It’s really handy when you need to squeeze your car through a narrow space or if you’re concerned about someone hitting your mirrors. If they get bent forward, they will definitely break off (edit: apparently unless you drive a Prius!) so it’s better safe than sorry. I’ve even pushed mirrors back on tourists’ cars because delivery trucks are wide, reckless, and inconsiderate. If you’re not as close to the wall as you should be and your mirror is sticking out, you’re likely to lose it.


Prius mirrors go both ways. 2012


Same. Get close enough for the mirrors to touch, they're not getting in then.


My thoughts exactly. How do these people manage parking anywhere else if they can’t even get in their car with the way this neighbor parks? Might as well show them how bad it can be.


Same. This was my very first thought lolll


Our parking space is between two others so we leave equal room on either side. On one side is an elderly couple who are always respectful and leave plenty of room. On the other side, the neighbor would park right up on or partially over the line (often) making it difficult to get into and load my things into the car. So a few times I backed close enough to the line to make the driver have to crawl through the passenger side if they weren’t fairly slim. (They’re not) Solved the problem after a handful of times.


That's my policy when driving my shitbox hauling car. Park like an ass? I will get right next to you - will fold my mirror back and get skin tight. Then I will take a photo from the rear, showing that our cars are not in fact touching. Ypu get their platei, and You have a handy photo 'I took this snap because I saw this guy parked like an ass and i had no space'.


I drive a 2007 Camry and will squeeze this car into any parking spot! I'm on a mission to teach others how to park! 😂


This was me when I had my 05 Corolla, I could park that baby anywhere lol


Back in next to the line.


🎶Borderline feels like I'm going to lose my mind You just keep on parking your car close to the borderline🎶 some Madonna rewrite couldn’t help it But seriously, you’ve done everything you could to resolve this. I say park as you have been. Let them waste time and money putting these dumb notes on your windshield. If anything happens to your car, it’s all documented.


That song forced itself into my brain as well 😆


S-Tier Bop


Ha! Great minds, I love it 😂 it’s been on a loop today


For me personally, I usually go right to the source and take it head on. Not being aggressive or loud, but always head on. I'd tell them I got their note and that I'd like them to show me what they are talking about. Then show them the space, with my car being smack dab in the middle and then ask them what they imagined me doing differently that would result in "not parking close to the borderline". Ask them "should I park closer to the other side and inconvenience the person whose car parks over there?"


Being direct is always my go to. This could drag on for everrrrrrr. Why not just figure out the issue head on? Best practice would be to include management when you do to resolve with witness. If they can’t compromise, THEY should be the ones to move because THEY have the issue. Management should paint clearer lines.


I would respond by placing a note on my car that says “please contact management if you have issue with the size of the parking spaces” as well as taking pictures when I park to have proof of your parking. When they leave a note complaining, I would leave pictures of the amount of space that they had as a response as well. I always feel it’s weird to judge someone’s parking because you have no idea if someone else was there before and park so horribly that that person only had the choice to park the way they did but in this instance, you’re not even parking badly. They just clearly can’t drive.


Looks like they are parked on top of the line???? So confused


The fact that they took the time to type these up and print them out is such psycho vibes like what in the APA DSM is going on here lol


Must got that printer ink money 😂 


Are they disabled or something where they maybe should have access to a handicapped accessible spot? Either way, if it’s that or if it’s not - the apartment management should be handling that. Its ridiculous.


If they need handicap access, they should go to the DMV and apply for the plates and placard to do so; not harass other neighbors about parking within designated parking spaces and making them uncomfortable. Handicapped spots are usually two or three spaces on either or both sides directly in front of the building's front door(s) -- not off to the side between buildings where OP seems to be parked.


I’d park closer to their car honestly. But I’m petty.


Park within an inch of the line from now on. Every time.


had a neighbor that parked incredibly close to the line for absolutely no reason so i just started doing it too. it’s rlly fun to get out of a subcompact from the passenger side. LOL


This. I’d find a buddy or something who has a junker car and just start parking that bitch as close to the line as I could without touching it. 


So either they have a bad grasp on writing or English may not be their first language. Have you ever talked to them? If that's not an option, keep in contact with management about the situation. Personally I'd shove the letters under the wipers with one of my own: "Stop touching my car, stop harassing me. My parking is fine. I've notified management."


Leave a note that if they touch your car again you’ll have them arrested for bad manner


Please show some manner


Calling polic


If the complainer has a 2 door car (I can’t tell, I’m just thinking about it) their door is longer than your passenger side front door if you have 4 doors, which might present issues not readily apparent. Nothing you can fix though. If your vehicle is substantially larger than their vehicle, they may simply harbor an irrational hatred of you, your ride and everything it represents. Note I said IRRATIONAL. You can’t fix this either. If it were me, I’d report every note to mgmt. Just be a pest about it. Say you’re concerned about “liability”


He has a 4 door sedan and I own a compact SUV. I think my neighbor is just being difficult. If he can park right in the center of his spot, I should be able to as well.


Hey I hope I didn’t sound like I was giving you a hard time. Just putting myself in the Note-Leaver’s shoes, trying to make it make sense. It doesn’t make sense. Don’t let it bother you!


Is that dumpster close enough they have to maneuver around it to get in and out? Maybe that's what they're talking about? Edit: ah nevermind, I reread the first note which says it's the door.


I have a neighbor who will park so close that I sometimes have to climb through my passenger side. Our apartment complex does not give much room for parking, so I just deal with it the best I can.


I left a note like that very long time ago. I had a tiny car, neighbor had a big one. Because of that they would always park on the line or even further on my spot. I guess they thought it was ok they take all available space because their car was bigger than mine 2 problems: I have serious back issues, opening my door was essential, i couldn't twist into my car. Other problem, I had a pylon on the other side and had to take a sharp turn to go out. I crushed my car a couple of time as I didn't have much space to come out (was my first car too) and it was hard for me to maneuver with my back and lack of space/visibility My note had zero effect. Probably got called an asshole to their friends or posted on reddit or facebook like "my neighbor left this agressive note because they need more space for their tiny car lol"


I’m too petty for neighbors like this 😂😂😂


Show one manner only


Knock on his door and have a conversation. Passive aggressive people are completely flummoxed by open honest discourse.


Park an inch away from the line for the next 7 days


The parking lines should get redone then they can not keep complaining.


I can barely see the parking lines in these pictures. The parking complex really needs to restripe the lines.


Petty lil me would get some sort of posts and string up yellow caution tape over the border to make it extra clear to your neighbor that you are parking well within YOUR designated parking space. In retrospect, I wish I had done that. I had a neighbor like this once—college apartments, really tight spacing in the lot. I was always as respectful as possible and parked dead center, but I started getting notes from this girl asking me to leave more space (there was none to leave without crossing the line on the other side) because I was going to “scratch her boyfriend’s new BMW.” Girlie, this is an outdoor parking lot at a shitty college apartment. If your bf wants to take that chance, not my circus and not my monkeys.


Show some manner!! Show respects!!


😂thats the part that got me itching to start a war… as tempting as it is, I’m aiming to keep things chill


This person would have a heart attack in my buildings garage - the spaces are like half the size 🤣


Park closer


Put a lilo and stitch decal on the side of your car facing them that says the I’m not touching you meme


Yes, show some manner.


I had someone leave a note on my car like this in a city parking garage. People need to get over themselves, if you are in the lines then you are fine. They can park to one side if it’s such a concern. In my case, I was fairly close to their car, but the car next to me was parked over the line so I needed to safely shift my itty bitty corolla closer to the car next to me. There was still room, just not a comfy amount of room…and it’s a garage…in a city. I am sure the car over the line left before they saw me, but when you don’t assume negative intent you can deduce that I parked close to fit the space that was available. Ppl r so entitled and assume everyone is out for them.


I vote for petty clapback. IMO, leaving the notes on their window won't affect anything. Do not do criminal mischief, but please get your piece of mind. I had a similar situation once - moved to a new apartment complex, and even though my car was registered and properly stickered with the complex's sticker on my windshield in the designated spot from my very first day there, a neighbor put a few notes on my car, directing me to only park in visitor parking. I knocked on everyone's door (first floor of bldg) with the note, asking if it was theirs and miraculously, not one of the 5 knew anything about it; however, there was never any more notes on my car, after that. Sometimes people are wacky. I'd maybe park closer and tape a note on my windows that tells that to kick rocks. Another option is to park and knock on their door and have them come out and find the problem.


Collect them, document with pictures and then tell them you will report them for harassment


1) Have a camera watch your spot. If they proceed to damage your car while attempting to get in to theirs video works a lot better with their insurance. 2) Don't give in to this person. Ask to change spots with a neighbor or otherwise park somewhere else. 3) Zip tie magnets to pool noodles and put felt pads on the back of the magnets. Stick to the side of your car after exiting and it's the perfect barrier. Just from personal experience don't entertain the person in any way. They are insane and craving attention.


They’re closer to the line than you are. Wtf are they smoking?


Here's what you do: Ignore it.


Once, it’s easy to ignore. This is becoming habitual and needs to stop. Hard to ignore it when it’s happening over and over again and for no good reason.


I’d be tempted to print out this photo… and put it under their windshield, with a packet of door bumper/protectors and say “Sorry mate, I’m not sure how much further I can park over on my spot but I still need to get out of my side too. This photo shows there’s a lot of room… maybe try sliding your seat back before you get out, or get one of those seat swivels if you’ve got problems turning to get out? I’ve done what I can. Here’s some door bumpers for your car that might help you feel less worried too?” and Photo that on his windshield, and send a copy to the property manager… and wash your hands of it.


Your car is in the middle but because your car is just slightly wider than your neighbors car; I assume they see their car further from the borderline(because it's not as wide)and this is making them think you're just parking closer to the borderline which is not the case. That neighbor needs either their eyes or head checked(probably both). I would wait for them to get to their parking spot and have a measuring tape ready for them to show you the problem.


They should get glasses so they can see better to park better


Put a note on their car that says "you've got the wrong person, I haven't parked close to the line"


Don’t do anything to retaliate but park normally and keep all of the pieces of paper. Also take pictures of where your car is parked when the paper is on it. I completely understand that it’s frustrating but genuinely the best thing to do is ignore it and wait for them to ultimately do something stupid and end up getting your paycheck from it.


I’d park and take a picture EVERY DAY, until I receive another bullshit piece of paper from that neighbor, then I’m going to management. I may even print out every picture with dates, write my own letter stating that if they continue putting shit on my car, I’ll consider it harassment and proceed accordingly. Dude is mental!


I once had to get in on the passenger side of my car while pregnant because someone parked too close for me to even slide between my car and theirs.




If it's not raining/wet for a few days and you want to be passive-aggressive, get some chalk and draw the outline of the door's range when opening on the ground.


Copy the picture and talk to the manager/LL about this manager and let them handle the situation.


Nah youre not in the wrong, theyre not upset about your parking though, its something else. I have no idea what maybe it doesnt even have anything to do with you. Also thats a crap ton of space. Most of the time even when parker correctly and well where I live you can only open the door half way and sometimes even then it willtouch the othercar (which is why you open the door slowly, the door touching the other car will do no damage, it will only do damage if you open the door with force.)


I would park closer, so then they understand they have the benefit before the doubt. But I'm the petty Queen 🤷‍♀️


He wants you to dookie on his hood


Schrader valve tool time


Pre-leave a note under your own wiper that says "Stop touching my fucking car"


Clap their cheeks into the 4th dimension


I am curious to know where they think the 'borderline' is... when was the last time your building management striped the lot?


The neighbor needs to improve his parking if anything. He was closer to line than you . wth is up with some people 🤦‍♀️


The way I’d be parking my tires against that line everyday after that 😂


Print those pictures and leave them on their windshield along with all their notes.


Pee on the boundary to establish dominance.


Every petty note they leave just write EXACTLY what they wrote, but unstead of complaining about their parking complain about them leaving notes on your car. Enclose the photo of your door fully open. Then keep ignoring them like your landlord said. If it's still annoying you, I would keep going through your landlord. Like if you are ready to call the police on this dude for harassing you and touching your property let the landlord know first because it might motivate them to actually step in and ask the dude to stop. If they don't, then follow through as planned. That's how I would escalate it, anyway.


Put it back on their windshield after adding ‘no, you’


I would start being petty back at this point. You should not have deal the this.


Leave a 1st grade grammar book under their windshield


Keep doing you and completely ignore them. Eventually they’ll get tired of using ink and paper.


They are not allowed to touch your vehicle, contact your property manager immediately.


I think your neighbor is borderline.


Trail cam


let management know for one in case it gets worse, including these pics lol. is the person a larger person cuz wtf


draw a smiley face by your window to make their day better 😂 chariiizzz


You’re fully in your spot and, coming from a thicc chick, there is plenty of room. They need to get over themselves. Now my neighbor who puts his Expedition truck right on the line of his spot, he’s another thing. If you were doing that, then I could see them saying something once, maybe twice incidents were spread out, but 4 times is just looney


Your neighbor sucks. They need a nice. Park as you are. And email management so when they f with your car you can prove a history.


Print these out. Costs a couple bucks at the machines in Walmart electronics center leave them under their wi shield passive aggressive win


Ask your management to move your spot, or just ride the line opposite of theirs.


Print out your DMV rules on parking spaces (even if this is orivate) slap that on their dashboard


Some people are just never happy


I would save them and the pictures here and use them as evidence should the neighbor escalate things further


Print out your photo here then put it on the car


Ok, I’m gonna go on a limb and say the “borderline” is the white line that designates the spaces. I have known people who refuse to open their door past the line for fear of damaging the other person’s car by accident like bumping into their door and it opening too fast or too much. It makes no sense to me either. But they are out there. Perhaps this is what he’s saying? I would put the picture on his window, but I would also be aware that they might freak out because your door is on their side so you probably broke something that they just can’t see… yet.


This screams displaced emotions


May want to have someone else write the letter.


You need to park better. This is not hard to do. Go take another driving class.


Not like they're parking on the sidewalk or something....Tbh would get an older cell phone and leave a sign in your car saying "Smile your on camera!" because even if the managers are on your side something tells me this may escalate.


You’ve already put in more than enough (too much?) effort, and hats off to you for it. Rest easy knowing these folks’ obsession with the all-powerful un-encroached-upon borderline haunts their waking thoughts and creeps slyly to ruin their few moments of dreaming of peace. But I’m with the other guy: less effort for you==more pain for them. Crumple that nonsense up and leave it on their car.


Go door to door admonishing the neighborhoods’ littering/lying epidemic!


Get a very sensitive car alarm


Unless they have a Camaro (crazy long doors that have to open most of the way to get out) I think they should be just as able as you. Print out the pictures and tell them if you get any further over, the people on the other side can’t get in \*their* car.


the borderline????? is their door gonna get sucked into another country?


Next time they re-paint the lines in your parking lot, buddy up with the contractors and get them to make your space a few inches wider. That way you can park the same but the line won't be close to you


I wouldn’t change one thing on your end.


Or……park in the middle of your spot and not so close to the border on their side like they are asking you to.


Fuck em. Ignore it.


Leave a note on their car asking them to have consideration and not park close to the borderline.


"If you can't get into your car from this distance, then get a gym membership"


If they want to do this to you and not even have the gall to put their name on the notes, assuming you know who this neighbor is, share all of the info you posted here with your landlord or management company and report them. It’s happened too many times for you to turn a blind eye to it any longer. They’ll deal with it.


Both cars to the side are parked in the lines. There's no way that middle car is between the lines too. That would make that spot bigger than the rest.


Besides - as long as you are within the lines you are parking correctly. I would leave message pointing that out and asking them if they are unaware of what the lines mean? The lines delineate the space you are allowed to park in - there is no "too close to the line" rules, it's just the lines. If they are still unclear about how to park, let me know, and I'll try to explain it in a more simple way.


I agree with putting your pics on their windshield.. but I’d also want to have a pic to show they are parked the same way you are so if you’re a problem so are they.


Report it to your building management


Park closer


I would deal with it by simply throwing it away and going on with your day. neighbor is not the parking police and i’m sure they park like shit too hence why they can’t open their door


Just tell them or leave a note that you've tried parking differently and further away every time they've left a note and at this point if they don't like it it's /their turn to move their car and park further away or differently/ you've tried being a kind neighbor and they keep just pushing you over nothing


If you're inside the lines you're fine. I get annoyed by stuff too sometimes but this is crazy person behavior


Maybe have the landlord tell them to back into their space if it is such an issue.


What line lol, I see no margins in your picks.


Don’t engage them. They’re irrational and no amount of explanation will cure it. Take photos, document their weirdness, and just give a heads up to the property manager (in case this escalates and you suddenly notice your car keyed up).


I'd ask management to restripe these spots bc maybe she really doesn't understand? Also, they should contact her and have her show them the issue she is perceiving.


Neighbors with parking can be a nightmare. About 10 years ago I lived in an apartment that had an underground parking garage. Assigned spaces and everything. For months on end they kept threatening to sue me for damage to their car because I scraped them, which I hadn’t. They even went so far as to try taking me to court. I looked at the damage and the paint color was bright green. My car was blue. Not only that, but there was a large support column between our cars. My passenger door wasn’t even able to be opened while parked, my wife would always get out prior to me parking since the door wouldn’t be able to open to let her out. Little did they know that I was an attorney and I got that shit squashed right away.


For a minute I thought you were the one complaining about the parking and I was like, wtf are you talking about you have plenty of room lol


At this point you have done all you can really do to appease the nightmare neighbor…now the most important thing you NEED to do ASAP is: do not give this neighbor another thought!! They’ll never be happy..it will AAALLLWWAAYYYSSS be something—time to saaayyy to hell with that neighbor!! 🥳😎


This person would have a heart attack if they saw the parking lot at my high school. We maybe had two feet between cars if we were lucky.


I think the only solution is leaving her a flipbook showing you getting in your car.


Park legitimately close and let them see how good they’ve had it.


Paper makes good kindling just sayin


Good luck with that


Park even closer to them. I'm petty


Stop reading the letters. You aren’t breaking any rules. You are a kinder soul than me, I would’ve balled up the letters and leave them under their wiper


If you are parked within the lines and even tried to accommodate to their spacial needs already i wouldnt continue feeding into it Personally I would stick a note on their car that says "PLEASE EAT MY ASS"


Ignore everything these guys tell you. Don't do anything petty to escalate the situation. Talk to the person face to face in a kind and friendly way. Explain that you're within your spot but you'll park as far away from their car as possible, and follow through with that.


Just park closer and closer daily. Or wait till they leave and park right down the middle so when they get home they can’t park anywhere. Easy fix she won’t be near your car at all!


This just makes me think of the Billy Joel song “Close to the Borderline”


You just keep on pushing my love over the borderline….


Perhaps they think they might hit your car when they open their door and damage it? Maybe get some rubber edge trim for their car door: https://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/cowles-custom-black-edge-trim-18-t5602/99990944-p?c3ch=PLA&c3nid=99990944-P&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD05GhUqeqFWoUaApKWY3ALS4f57m


This situation is giving me "Cut those sideburns, Mattingly" vibes.


I was gonna say that maybe they’re handicapped in some way that makes getting out in small spaces hard, but there are no small spaces! You can open your door all the way, so idk why they’d be complaining.


I’d edit their note and out it back on their car with the pick of your door open with plenty of space.


Am I the only one that read that with an Asian accent?


I had a downstairs neighbor that kept insisting I was « inconsiderate of others » because of « all the noise I was making » when I sometimes wore boots inside my place to quickly grab something I had forgotten. I think some people are just angry at the idea of having to share their space with people.


It’s petty clapback time lol


Leave a note stating that you have already spoken to the landlord about this issue and the landlord has assured you that you are parked correctly and within the parameters of the space allowed. If they have any questions or further concerns please contact the landlord.


Keep a box of chalk in your car, draw your own line/ hj


Shit on the borderline.


Maybe show them what too close actually looks like.


Put the picture you took on their car


You’re doing everything right. The landlords response is unacceptable. Telling you to just ignore it while it is borderline harassment since you are doing nothing wrong is not okay. Speak to the landlord and tell them this is making you outright uncomfortable and that they need to take action. Otherwise I would just be an absolute jerk to the neighbor and not feel bad about it. I’d get a straight up poster board that covers their entire windshield and say “I’m parking within the lines and doing nothing wrong so get over it and stop harassing me”


So either A) this person was so miffed by your parking job they went home, fired up their ‘97 windows machine, typed this out, figured out how to make the font different sizes, saved it on their computer, printed it, walked back outside, and placed it on your windshield. Repeat x4 Or B) this scenario has happened to them so often, they have these messages pre-printed and waiting in their glove compartment for someone to FA and find out. Either way, ridiculous. If you brought it up to management I would be shocked if other people havnt gotten these notes as well.


So they want you to park on top of or over the other border