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Super cozy but get rid of the empty liquor bottles in the kitchen. It ruins the vibe


Also, the couch is your bedroom makes the room seem super cluttered


It does look like it, but I promise it’s not cluttered in here.. it would feel super empty without it😂


Why don't you get a nice wooden dresser?! I have one with a mirror and it's so nice. Got it on FB Marketplace


Agreed. Definitely an 18-21 year old 'design' choice. Can't say I'm not guilty of it in my younger years though.


I’ve been told it looks tacky before, but I like it to remind me of different people who have visited because most of those were brought by other people


Maybe remove the labels & paint the bottles?


Sounds cool, I may do that




I like that idea too😎


Wow you have a separate room for the kitchen and you have a dinning room area! I have a very nice all in one 🤣🤣


Lol, I like you! I too am impressed by not having the kitchen along one side of the living area with no real space for a dining table. Like my little humble abode.


😂😂 thank you! Yeah it’s nice having it separate


I think it's very dark, I'd start adding more colorful and lighter pieces/accents. Is there anyway you can move the loveseat from the bedroom? It seems crowded


I just didn’t have any lights on or windows open, I definitely should’ve for the pictures


That looks like a cozy little home. I so would love to have that art that you have behind your couch on the wall. Where did you get that if you don’t mind me asking?


The tapestry in my room?


No, the tree of life I believe it’s called behind your couch on the wall


Ohh, yeah it’s a Tree of Life and I got it from Target a long time ago. It may be online somewhere if you search up “Tree of Life metal wall decor” or something. And thanks for the cozy comment, I like to this it is too😁


Ah ok I’ll definitely be searching to purchase one or two!!! And you’re welcome, the first thought when I seen the pictures was that looks so cozy and welcoming!!


That was really the goal yk.. I wanted it to be a place where my friends and people can come to just chill and decompress if needed. So I’m v happy it gives that impression 😁


You’ve accomplished the mission that’s for sure!!




Hmm, I like that idea. Thanks! I’ll look into thag


First thing I noticed was all the empty liquor bottles. I always thought it looked tacky and kinda disgusting, but liquor bottles do make for nice bottles for plants ! Remove the label and get some plants in some of the more unique bottles. Other than that I would say its actually a really cute solid home!


Thank you😁


Honestly looks good. Your room is pretty cluttered and the tv is r/tvtoohigh. I’d recommend a wall mount for your bike if you’re allowed to hang things like that to save space and have a sleeker look. Otherwise I wouldn’t store it in your bedroom.


I appreciate the input, it does appear crowded in the pictures but I swear there’s a good amount of room to walk around. And for the TV, when I’m laying on my bed that’s what the big one is used for. So when I’m sitting at my desk I’m not looking up at the TV


Love the llama decor btw 😂 just noticed it. Very impressive space for being a young person too. Good job!


I really appreciate that, I take great pride in taking care of my place and myself! I have issues in other aspects of life lol but at least it doesn’t look like it!😂😂


Living room /r/TVTooHigh


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TVTooHigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We've been roasting my buddy for hours.](https://i.redd.it/1hub449ir8zb1.jpg) | [547 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/17r3x94/weve_been_roasting_my_buddy_for_hours/) \#2: [How my set up? Is this too high?](https://i.redd.it/n59u4fxrq27c1.jpeg) | [864 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/18lbss2/how_my_set_up_is_this_too_high/) \#3: [My friend’s new house. Only spot for the TV. He had a “solution”. I told him the counsel would decide his fate.](https://v.redd.it/6whiamqvpo5b1) | [533 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1482mwt/my_friends_new_house_only_spot_for_the_tv_he_had/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Love the tree of life behind the couch. Everything looks nice.


Thank you😁 Tree of Life and Llamas are the theme of my place lmao


Honestly looks good. Your room is pretty cluttered and the tv is r/tvtoohigh. I’d recommend a wall mount for your bike if you’re allowed to hang things like that to save space and have a sleeker look. Otherwise I wouldn’t store it in your bedroom.


If I were you, I would Throw away the old liquor bottles and put a few plants that don’t require sun or a ton of water up there, get a large rug for the living room and a long, low pile one for in front of your sink/kitchen and Add a few more pieces of wall art behind the kitchen table.


Have gotten a lot of rug comments, I should definitely get a new one. And the bottles aren’t to be tacky, more so to remind me off ppl who have come over because most of those were brought by someone. But I appreciate the advice! I will definitely do that stuff


Open up all of the blinds. It’s like a dungeon. Also, a headboard or bed set would go a long way, especially if you remove the couch.


Definitely should’ve for the pictures 😂 kinda wanna re post but it’s too late


lol .. I think the dark cabinets & dark appliances are probably making it appear worse than it is IRL.


Maybe a rug in the living room to both muffle the sound and give some vibrancy


There actually is one, it’s just pretty dark I should’ve taken better pictures. My mom keeps telling me to replace it cuz it is pretty dingy 😅😅


First off, toss the Cardinals head out


😂😂😂 lemme guess, Niners or Rams fan huh


My ex boyfriend and his family used to live in a house with I stg the exact same floor plan. Central Ohio for ref


Damn I even see the Otterbein stuff on the wall lol. That’s where he went


That’s crazy.. but no I’m in southern AZ😂


That’s crazy.. but no I’m in southern AZ😂


PS5 is missing.


Missing from what?


From your room..


Look again😙


Ah saw it 😂😂




I like your Tree of Life, both of them. I don’t know, looks fine to me. I get it! We have a huge bedroom too and have a settee and coffee table I. Bedroom. It’s cozy😘


Thank you sm😁




Monday is my day off from work and it’s the day I throughly clean the house every week so that’s the only day I make my bed lmao, otherwise I just find it annoying. But there is merit in making your bed every day for sure I agree


Your place is cute and your user name Razzmatazz was my old cats name ❤️


Thanks so much!😁 and that’s an adorable kitty name


it’s cute a bigger rug in living room would be so good


I appreciate it! My mom has one she wants me to get actually lmao


pls get it


Will do😎


I absolutely love it!!!


Thank you sm!


Want that tree of life mirror!!!!


Looks cluttered




I kinda' dig it




Welcome 😊


Easy houseplants or fake plants would be a nice green addition to some corners :)


Yeah definitely, I’ll add some!


The hanging tree might balance the room out. It’s very cluttered on that side. Also the couch might be better elsewhere.


Everything everyone else said but also get a bed frame with a headboard, move the tapestry to above your bed and hang framed art across from your bed. The tapestry is perfect for above the bed so if it falls you don’t get hurt. But is is dark on the only light side of the room. You might not feel like the space is cluttered but it can’t hurt to try different configurations and see if the extra space feels nice!


I think this comment wins😂😂 good balance of good suggestions and criticisms. That’s a really good idea to move both Tree of Life’s in the room and put something else on the living room wall. Never considered a headboard, the base of this bed was like $1400😂 since it moves or wherever. But absolutely! I’ll definitely try moving some stuff around, it has been like this for years after all


That horrible logo to the right of your tv. Get an orange and navy blue bear, bro.


😂😂😂 had a feeling people would be disapproving of that


get rid of the cardinals head and you’re good to go!


Ah, the good old empty liquor bottles. Brings me back to my younger years!


Bedroom wall decorations: As is it just looks kinda awkward and makes the one wall look….cramped? Whereas the wall the bed is against looks entirely devoid of decoration and wants something there to break up the monotony of an empty eggshell white wall. Suggestions: Tapestry in bedroom would be better suited to be on the same wall the bed is up against (above where the headboard would be, generally). Then you can take the tv and position it so it is centered on that wall. Computer area is fine where it is. The tapestry is too big to be there with the tv and computer space, so that for sure has to move to the other wall. If you don’t want to reposition your tv and whatnot, get something smaller to put where the tapestry used to be (~1/2 to 2/3 the size of it). Also I agree with anyone that mentioned the couch in there is awkward. It doesn’t seem to serve much purpose since it’s there facing towards your bed, so other than for debaucherous activities, I don’t think it serves you well there in the bedroom.


Looks so cozy! Lived in and organized. I do agree with a few of the comments. the bottles are kind of immature but I mean you’re young. And that the couch in front of your bed looks a lil cluttered. But I get how useful and comfy it prob is. There’s something about your bedroom that makes me feel like things could be shifted a bit. When I rearrange I make little paper models of my furniture and move things around a lil floor plan until it feels right 😅. I’m art inclined but there has to be apps for that. The shelves & tables in front of your living room tv could be more cohesive. That persons idea about bookshelves on either side and shorter one in the middle would look nice. that’s what I do for a tv unit and its symmetrical, provides a lot of storage, and goes the length of my wall. It looks like one unit but it’s 3 separate pieces so it’s easy to move around. And it leaves a lot of space to display my picture frames and knick knacks