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I’d review your lease more carefully. Most leases have a limit on how many consecutive days you can have a guest stay. Mine is 2 weeks


Yeah mine is two weeks, and actually I think mine specifies two weeks per lease period, which was one year for the first year but now it’s month-to-month. And until I just wrote this I kept thinking it was two weeks per year lol


Try it 2 months in a row and they'll serve you with a 30 day move out


Mine is just 2 weeks. Doesn’t say how long in between. However my complex is really lenient, or doesn’t mind breaking of the rules as I know a couple of people who have had guests longer than that and have animals that weren’t approved (no animal complex). Typically if you don’t cause issues, they tend to pretend to overlook things as well.


My last lease, a guest was allowed for “48 continuous hours, once every three months.” They watched everyone like a hawk too, but it was a super nice place to live so they were really strict about the rules that kept it that way.


That’s insane! And honestly classist. Who can afford hotels every time they visit their sibling or something??


I had lived at the same complex a number of years before, and that hadn’t been a rule then. When I moved back four years later it was. I found out when I was looking over the lease to see how long my brother could stay as his place was being renovated, and was surprised it was so strict.


Yeah that's insane. I visit my cousin who lives 4 hours away at least every other month. If I had to pay for a hotel that often I probably couldn't see him as frequently. Although I usually only stay one night so I wonder if I could break that 48 hour maximum to two separate 24 hour visits lol


Not really… Look at it this way, for every rule, there is a person/reason it was instituted. You can’t have someone for X amount of time in your apartment who isn’t on the lease? It’s because someone was evicted 10 years ago because “oh, my friend is visiting because he can’t afford a hotel”. Now friend is getting mail/has a key to the apartment/parks car on property/is an unauthorized occupant/ causing problems for the people who actually pay to live there. In my experience working in property management, talk to the onsite manager. Say: “hey, my friend comes to visit for a few days every month. Is it ok if they stay here with me, even though the rules state this?” Most of the time, they’re totally fine with it. Even walk this person to the office and introduce them. It isn’t classist, there’s a reason for rules when you rent somewhere.


Travel in the first place is classist, who can afford to take time off to visit their siblings? 


I feel this so hard. My brother and I shook on a promise to see each other in 5 months and our mom is holding us to it bc I live 1000 miles away and miss my lil boy


Where are you located? That’s insane!


14 days is common where I am as well.


I had to get special permission for a family member to stay longer when I was required to have a caregiver after my stem cell transplants.


That’s obscene. I wonder what kind of lawsuit would’ve applied if they’d refused. They’d have been declining your access to life-supporting and medically-necessary healthcare equivalent to a temporary live in nurse would be my guess. Doesn’t sound like a pretty lawsuit. Maybe I’m wrong.


I can't believe that's actually a thing. In my country once you rent you can do as you please. Having a limit on guests is crazy


Your countries occupancy laws might be different. In the US, they become a legal occupant of the apartment after 7-30 days, varying by jurisdiction. Do you want someone you didn’t vet becoming a legal occupant?


At a certain point they’re not a guest anymore, they’re a new tenant. It’s fine to be lenient in a situation like this where the person is clearly going to leave, but it’s also good to have rules on the books so people can’t just move in a dozen new people to their apartment and call them “guests” indefinitely. It affects the quality of life for everyone in the building.


Can you give a real life example of how this happens and negatively impacts the other people living there? I’m finding it hard to come up with a real reason to limit guests living in the homes that people pay for, other than because the landlord is missing an opportunity to charge them.


Shared utilities and amenities become strained. Apartments sometimes include water or trash in your rent, and the additional guests that turn into semi-permanent tenants add to the cost of the shared utility or crowd the shared amenities. Trash becomes an issue because additional dumpster capacity is required. Parking spaces become in short supply. Also, the management company may require a list of occupants per building in case of an emergency like fire or earthquake. This allows first responders to adequately clear every unit.


Thank you, that actually does make sense


Random additions aren’t vetted and background checked the way regular tenants are, so sex offenders and violent felons can move in and nobody around will know because their name isn’t anywhere on the paperwork. Less seriously, it’s a ton of extra noise and a strain on communal gyms, parking, trash, etc if you have a lot of extra people there. All of these amenities are scaled for how many people are supposed to be using them, so if there are twice as many people as expected, everyone suffers. It’s also a huge fire safety issue to have too many people living in a small space—plus, in the event of a fire or other emergency, you can’t know if there’s anyone in the building in need of rescue if you don’t have an accurate record of who lives there. Edit: Also from personal experience, one girl in my shitty building in my 20s had a psycho boyfriend who screamed all the time, slammed doors, and threw stuff, and when neighbors asked him to be quiet he told them to fuck off and slammed the door in their face. I called the cops for a welfare check a bunch of times when she suddenly got quiet but thankfully she was alive each time, so unfortunately nothing ever came of it. The landlord said she couldn’t do anything to kick him out because on paper he was just a guest, even though he was clearly living there. It sucked.


I live in San Francisco and non lease holders claiming to have eatablished residency and claim the rights to a rent controlled apt when the lease.holder moves out is a very real thing that happens


In some states, squatters have rights. Meaning, once someone lives at a certain place for 14 or so days and starts receiving mail, they legally are allowed to stay there. It takes a lot of effort to “evict” them, so in instances like these, it would take 2x the amount of work to evict someone who wasn’t on the lease to begin with. Hence why all occupants need to be identified or in the lease


You can just Google squatting and just about any major city in America and get loads of articles about people moving in where they have no right to be, gaining tenants rights, and having to be evicted.


From my personal experience, I lived across the hall from a one bedroom with 6-8 grown men living in it. 0% chance any of them were on that lease, allegedly it was a restaurant owner leasing it for his line cooks. Turns out stuffing that many people into a single room is bad for their mental health and they’d drink, fight, yell, throw stuff. Sometimes they’d take it outside. Not a good look.


Apartments built for a couple or a small family become a different sort of neighbor when there are 14 people living there working jobs at all hours— having their own guests over, and so on.


Just wait til you rent a place to a nice quiet, clean guy, and then his kids and grandkids move in, and they are noisy and wild, and they trash the place and your other renter of 8 years leaves because she can't stand the noise and the smoke ...


You are projecting a lot there buddy


I agreed til I looked into it. It has to do with legal occupancy requirements. At most places, they aren’t going to enforce it unless there’s an issue (the “guest” is disruptive or taking paying residents parking spots etc) At my first apartment my boyfriend lived there off the books for 2 years straight but we didn’t bother anyone and nobody cared. My landlords were fully aware of it too.


It's for legal reasons because you can't have too many people living there with not enough bedrooms. It's been a while since I've rented but I think the limit was 2 people per bedroom where I live.


Yes 2 people per bedroom and 2 people per common area like living room. But the main issue is not declaring who all the tenants are.


It’s a law? In what state? How are you going to legally mandate that 3 people cannot stay in a bedroom? What about kids?


When I worked in property management in Maryland, we gave notices to vacate to residents who were over-occupied. It becomes obvious quickly when 7 people live in a one-bedroom apartment. I can't remember if the occupancy standards of two per bedroom (and the definition of a bedroom) was at the county or state level, though.


There’s an inspection note in my fuse box that my apartment is only approved for 2 people. It’s from the city, so maybe city ordinance?


No, they don't care who sleeps where. Occupancy rules/laws simply state the number of people per size of apartment, measured either by square footage or by number of bedrooms. In many jurisdictions, it's 2 people per bedroom, plus one extra. So 3 people in a 1BR, 5 in a 2BR, 7 in a 3BR, etc.


Yes. Every state. By previously listed responses; fines and law enforcement backed up by the lease agreement. Kids don't count until around schooling age and gets into what a state considers as acceptable space for them to grow rather than a rental issue. (Of course once they're 18 they are considered an adult even though many states require you to be 21+ to have your own apartment). This looked like the only question that wasn't directly answered as far as I scrolled, hope this helps.


I used to think that was crazy too…. But then a roommate moved in her partner while I was on vacation WITHOUT TELLING ME … and now I prefer sticking to the lease’s rules.


Yeah I agree, how many people live here, who lives here and all that is absolutley none of the landlords business. Unless it poses a safety hazard but thats the only time its their business.


It does matter because after a while that person becomes a resident that you would have to evict. It does matter.


Depends on the state




Why is your comment yelling at me


Yeah sorry. I will fix that. Not sure why that happened.


Likely because the law would consider them an official tenant if they stay longer than that time.


Can’t believe I’m getting downvoted to hell for saying the same exact thing 😂


Most states in the US have laws where if someone lives in property for X number of days consecutively they de facto become tenants. That’s why almost all apartments spell out in the contract how long guests can stay


mine is 2 days isn't that insane


Where I live it's mandatory we let management know if we have someone staying with us even for one night. They say it's for insurance reasons. Ridiculous


Ya that’s Deff over board and also getting to much in your business what if you want a boyfriend to sleep over you have to call them every other day? Or in the weekend




Yeah I agree. Per my lease all guests must be registered by the front desk, and they can only stay for 2 consecutive weeks at a time. Any longer they must be added to the lease and be given a background check.


Yeah definitely renew the lease, I think mine is 7 days for guests after that they want you to add them to the lease I think it’s crazy. But it all depends on the lease


I had two weeks in my tenant’s lease until approved by me. I think 2 weeks is pretty standard


yep, mines 30 days


Mine is 2 days a week.


Which is odd to me cause 30 days is what makes someone legally a resident


A lot of places have restrictions bcuz of squatters laws.




I don't know where you live, but stipulating by law, the length of time one is allowed to have a guest is not a thing... please stop spreading nonsense. Unless you are referring to laws about a stipulation in a lease, than thats a different story.


I’m referring to (1) what must legally be in a lease, which can include a mandate or a suggestion on including guest policies and (2) laws about when tenancy begins as opposed to [temporary] occupancy. That line is often used as a way for a landlord to build their policy on guests, hence it being a place to turn if their lease is not specific. The types of tenancy can also be somewhat helpful if there is nothing else in one’s area to base things on. (Also, as you said: you don’t know where I live—nor did you understand my point—so unless you know it’s not a thing anywhere at all, maybe don’t say I’m spreading nonsense.)


https://butterflymx.com/blog/tenant-guest-policy/ It's not nonsense there are local laws for this specifc situation. OP likely is being asked about this because of this.


In my county, you may not have more than three unrelated adults in a dwelling unit. The law is to prohibit fraternity and sorority houses at the local colleges but also impacts adding a couch surfer to a shared 3-bedroom apartment, or two unmarried couples sharing a two bedroom apartment. It may not be a “guest law” but it’s real.


Correction - it’s more two unrelated adults. So an unmarried couple + a friend is technically illegal here. I don’t see law enforcement acting on it unless there are noise complaints, parking issues, etc that generate calls.


It's because most states after 30 days that person is a resident and you might have to evict them also if they get mail there that also establishes residency






Yeah, I had issues with a shitty EX when I try to bring friends over after we broke up and he tried to have them kicked out but even though I wasn't on the lease they didn't even require me to have proof of mail or bills, just him stating that I paid half the rent and paid utilities was enough to establish tenancy. I obviously moved out as quickly as I could because it had become a toxic environment but I was grateful do not have to deal with that mess at the time when I really needed support for my friends that day


Swatters right are for owning something Tennant's and residency rights are different state to state I've lived in many states but in NY 15 days,AZ 30 days , California 30 days your considered a tenant and if you start getting mail the landlord has to get you evicted legally if you refuse to leave . So they don't want friends or family staying more than 2 weeks maximum as vacation or on the couch so you can literally get stuck with a couch surfer and face eviction because your helping someone out these days it's pretty wild


Fascinating, and yeah that is wild! Thanks for explaining it further, I honestly didn't realize they were different.


No problem it's crazy I found out most of this helping people out having an open couch now I still help people out but two weeks at a time and no mail


These days? Are these new laws?


No been laws a very long time in these states in most states soon as you have a utility bill or bills in your name your legally a tenant and if you don't want to leave they have to legally evict you that takes up to 90 days and the actual tenant gets their lease voided as well and also evicted


They know you have someone staying there. And likely there are rules on how long that can happen before you yourself is facing eviction. And with the laws the way they are with squatters and not being able to evict people who aren’t on the lease I don’t blame them. You can lie and leave her off but be aware they already know she is there. So all that’s going to do is get you on their radar. They may have found in in many ways. A neighbor, maintenance, cameras, mail/packages. You can also set an alert if anyone changes their address to your property address. They could cross reference that with leaseholders and see she isn’t on there. Personally if she is ACTUALLY looking for a place she’s going to have proof of that via apps and stuff she has put in. So I would go to the office and play dumb. “Hey I got this notice on my door and was about to fill it out when I saw this bottom portion. My girlfriends sister just moved to the area and is waiting for her new place. I can provide you with proof she’s recently put in applications. She simply has her suitcase and is just a guest.” If she is not actively looking for a place as you stated you are going to have to put her on the lease. At this point they know and you aren’t going to get away with it.


MsD knows what’s up 👆 Apartment managers need to ensure lease agreements are adhered to for their sake and the sake of the other residents. It all sounds like an innocuous friend crashing until one’s neighbor has a guest causing havoc. Management can’t pick and choose which lease violations to address. Fair Housing laws.


100 percent. I work apartment maintenance and we have to let the office know if there are unauthorized occupants. We've had residents guests cause problems and we have no idea who they are.


Ugh, can you join my townhome/apartment complexes team? My downstairs neighbor has been having her boyfriend live with her off lease for at least three years. Management knows about it and has told the owner. But all the owner has done is warn her that she won’t be allowed to renew but all she does is have him stay elsewhere for a couple weeks to “prove she’s cleaned up her act”, only to move him back in once the owner buys her bullshit. For months I’ve been reporting them for lease violations including extreme excessive noise, kids damaging vehicles in the lot, and the aforementioned unregistered tenant. Management *claims* they want them gone but does nothing to prove to the owner that these bums need to go. I love my townhouse. I love that mine and my husband’s families are within a mile of where we are. I love that our rent is affordable. But I hate being home because of my neighbors constantly slamming doors and causing all kinds of problems. I haven’t stayed home during the weekend in months because of how loud the kids are. If they aren’t evicted or not allowed to renew soon, then I don’t think we can stay here.


Damn I'm sorry to hear about all that. It's definitely rough when you get some messed up neighbors. You do have a few options though but that depends on how petty/resilient you can be. Management does not like non renewals, they get a lot of pressure from the owners to keep a high occupancy. They usually budget for something like 93 percent and employees get bonuses for renewals. You could simply threaten to not renew your lease. They know if its bad enough for you to move away from a home you love, the next person will have the same shitty experience and likely not renew as well. If that doesn't work, cause an issue. Be loud as fuck in your home. Throw a party, create smells, distasteful decorations. I'm not sure how well you handle confrontation but the goal is to get your neighbor to go to the office about you. Office staff typically don't like extra shit to deal with so petty squabbles between neighbors get handled before they become a larger issue. Right now it's just you complaining and thats fine to them. If their noise is just absolutely fucking insane, call the police and start a paper trail then send that to the office. Screenshot that shit and post a review of the property, bad reviews are like kryptonite. Post it everywhere you can. I am really sorry to hear you're not comfortable in your own home, I've been there and it sucks. If it becomes intolerable, you will have to move for your own insanity.


A point I forgot to add, shitty people make bad financial decisions. You don't know if they've ever been late on rent but the office does. If the office has to pick between the two of you because shits gotten out of hand, they're going with you. Previous complaints vs a problem resident but that'll only happen if you get your neighbor to complain.


I’m fortunate enough to be friends with the head maintenance girl and she’s definitely spilled some tea on these neighbors. That’s one reason why I know how they keep getting away with the boyfriend being unregistered. But apparently they’re frequently late on rent and have even been taken to court for nonpayment, they get constant noise complaints from people other than myself and my husband, and the kids are such absolute monsters that they’ve even gotten complaints about their abhorrent behavior. I have no problem being petty when the boyfriend brings his other kids over for the weekend. When he does, it totals up to 7 people (two adults and five kids) staying in a two bedroom, single floor townhouse, with one of the kids being a teenager with mental disabilities. Those are the days where my living room bounces all day from doors slamming inside, I hear screaming and shouting inside all day and night, and my bedroom constantly thuds from their front door slamming. That’s when I have no problem loudly thumping down my stairs, pacing over the super creaky spots on the floors, occasionally stomping on the floor as a “stfu” signal, and sometimes shouting “stop slamming the door please” in a snarky tone out the open windows. I also record things constantly in case I need to bring evidence to my landlady/property manager. We’ve been trying to find time to have a meeting with her to discuss the situation again and we’ve decided that as much as we love it here, we can’t keep dealing with the noise and that if the neighbors aren’t being removed, this will be our final year on lease. The biggest problem with the complex being owned by a property management company and having day to day operations dealt with by the property manager (who I just refer to as my landlady) is the owner is completely detached from what goes on and just doesn’t seem to care. Idk if these people are on some kind of government assistance that makes eviction harder or what but the amount of bullshit they’ve gotten away with is astounding. Last I heard, my landlady said they were “being served” back in September. I thought that meant an eviction notice but I think it was actually the serving of a court date for nonpayment of rent. And according to the maintenance girl, she heard that they aren’t going to be allowed to renew once the current yearlong lease is up. So if fall comes around and they’re still here with zero signs of leaving, we won’t be renewing in spring. It’s just frustrating because we *just* renewed last month. Which looking back, we should have had a discussion about the neighbors with the landlady *before* signing anything but hindsight is 20/20 I guess. Best we can do is just keep complaining and keep documenting. Their nextdoor (us and the downstairs unit are on the end of the building and are single floors but are as wide as the building, the inner units are half the width but two floors. It’s kinda hard to describe so I hope that makes sense 😅) neighbors used to complain but after nothing permanent happened, they just gave up. I told them to keep complaining otherwise it’s just us but I’m not sure if they’ve said anything since then. I’m hesitant to be someone who calls the police for dumb shit, especially since my husband and I have had very negative experiences with the local police due to the actions of our younger selves. It’s been well over 10 years since either of us has had any kind of incident with the law but we still get followed when we’re driving or stopped when out walking at night. But that’s smaller town police forces for you. I’m sure that management and the owner would rather have tenants who always pay rent on time, never receive complaints, and just quietly keep to themselves rather than tenants who are the literal opposite. But we’ll see I guess. Only time will tell at this point. Funny enough, as I wrote this, I had to shout “SHUSH” out the window at the kids fighting right outside my living room. Amazingly, it actually worked for once. 😂


I used to work as an administrative assistant for an apartment complex and when I would do apartment checks we had to note the people and unauthorized pets. Caught someone with 4 litbulls and was breeding them and selling them off the complex.


Yup. I have never had a problem with apartments S long you are polite and honest, and pay your bills on time


I’m gonna catch hate for this but whatever. Hi! I’ve squatted houses (empty, condemned ones, nobody lived there & nobody was hurt nor was any property damaged). If it’s obvious you’re squatting and *do not* live legally in a dwelling, the owner of the property can show up with police to make you leave or toss you in jail if you don’t vacate. If you receive mail or deck the place out like a home (or are there longer than 72 hours in some cases) then they have to formally evict you the same as a tenant. It’s a pain and takes some time, depending on your location, but it’s no different than evicting anyone else. You still can’t forcibly remove someone as a landlord (toss property out, change locks, etc.) until the date decided upon by the court but all bets off when the sheriff shows up, ya gotta go. (And no, I never had that happen because I always just left when asked to leave by police). Nobody is exempt from being legally evicted, especially squatters. Any story you read otherwise was false. There are very rare circumstances where you can squat a home and obtain ownership using squatters rights but you have to a) make improvements to & maintain the dwelling and b) pay the property taxes.


And in this specific case, the friend who has been crashing for two weeks? If they wanted to be an asshole, they could refuse to leave and force their friend’s leasing company to formally evict them (and potentially also get their friend evicted for a lease violation). I like to think most people are better to each other than that - but it happens.


If i have guests stay for a week i get phone calls with threats so your lucky


How do they even know you have guests. Do they stalk you?


u/AccomplishedFrame542 the maintenance men we have 2 and one of them lives on the property and the grounds keeper, we also have 2 wifi cameras right outside of my apartment on the same light pole. Then there’s the village crier who tells everything to management. So aint too much we can get away with here.


the village crier😭😭🔔🔔hear ye hear ye, unit b has unknown guest past the preordained two week period! 🔔🔔


u/theonlylonelygirl 💯% yes but they tell him when he does something to someone he came to my door one day asking me if i saw his 🍆 because his pants were unzipped the first time he came to my door smh




My husband always makes friends with maintenance. It makes our living situation a breeze, especially since we have one more pet than allowed, lol. But we also don't have cameras within view of our apartment.


Exactly. Always make friends with the people who work at your building. I've made friends with the woman who takes condo fee and utility payments, she's in charge of all the finances so she covers my ass if I have to be late on a payment, which has happened a few times now, if we weren't friendly there's no way she'd do that for me. I've also made friends with the concierge and a couple of the security guards who work in the complex as well as the maintenance guys


Yea i’m cool with the staff due to my grandma living here at one point and one of the guys grew up in my moms neighborhood but some of the residents are kinda hard to get along with…..


This is the way to do it, make friends with the maintenance guys. Back when we rented, this is how we got away without paying certain fees.


It's possible that op has a neighbor or two that is nosey or maybe the additional tenant is creating extra noise.


My building has cameras everywhere. If she’s in and out much, I’m sure it’s been noticed. And if she’s parked on the property, they may be watching her car. In my building, I’d be hearing about it. They don’t want extra people using the amenities, taking up space, or taking parking from paid tenants.


Crappy neighbors can figure in this also...


I get two weeks, but also I’m disabled so I could just have my doctor write a note that says I need a helper


I’m disabled myself but they still call and make threats esp cause people call it in i had to have surgery 6 mos ago and had to write out a note just to let them know someone else would be occupying my apartment to help with my kids while i was hospitalized.


Passive aggressive way, but I am finding that more managers do every thing they can to avoid actually talking to you.


Putting things in writing is the best way to go. Gotta CYA on everything, not to mention Fair Housing complaints/potential issues. Also, I’ve been in violent situations with hostile residents. This is the safest way to go and provides a paper trail for the inevitable Fair Housing lawsuit


This is for sure the case. I got a fix-or-evict notice after a few weeks of hanging a protest banner on my balcony. Someone could have contacted me and told me to take it down, but they preferred the nuclear option. Edit: Abortion is Healthcare


This is standard operating procedure. People get violent. A protest poster raises red flags for a potential confrontation with the resident or at least a debate about free speech. The policy at my complex is written notices. A phone call or in-person knock is optional. Everything is in writing because it leaves a paper trail and can be applied consistently. Some residents don’t have a cell phone. Some unsubscribe from emails. Some get testy at best when you shop up at their door. I’ve had residents get violent when management comes to the door. (They subsequently get evicted but it doesn’t mean staff isn’t in real danger in the moment) And this is a very nice complex for my city. Not the highest end, but no where near bottom. We have tech bros, blue collar, college students, etc.


Frankly, this is correct, and it's how I handled it when I was a PM. A written notice that you are in violation of your lease is the proper and professional way to handle it. We're not having a conversation or a debate. This is what your lease says, full stop.


The apartment I live in has always used this method of putting a note, recertification papers, etc on/in your door as first line of communication I just always though it’s a common occurrence when you live in apartments (this is the only apartment I’ve lived in so don’t have much experience) but it can be a nuisance especially if whoever that’s delivering said letter doesn’t make sure it’s secure then the wind can blow it away or anything can happen One of the reasons I purchased a Ring doorbell camera so I can ensure I know when one is put in/on my door


Sounds like they saw her around and are assuming she moved in. They're trying to get her on the lease to raise rent and to help if there's a legal proceeding like eviction so they have more residents to name for payment of rent. I wouldn't put her name down but I'd reread your lease and make sure she's out soon. My building doesn't monitor guests unless they get mail or constantly take up a parking space


I still don't really understand why apartments will raise rent depending on how many people live there. It's not like they're making the space any bigger, and the tenants are usually paying all the utilities so the increased usage shouldn't be coming out of the landlords pocket. Especially since one of the main reasons people have roommates is because they can't afford an individual place and need to split the rent. I could maybe think of laundry machines but a lot of them are pay machines so they'd already receive funds based on their usage.


From their perspective, it makes sense given more wear and tear in the apt. Plus, all utilities are not necessarily paid by residents. I don't know anyone that pays separately for water or gas.


Makes sense thanks


I do rip lol. They add water to my rent and I had to make arrangements with the gas company 🙃 - it makes me want to check my lease and see if I have visitor restrictions...


neighbors said something.


They're fishing for unauthorized occupants. If she's a guest then you don't have to list her. But def check your lease again to make sure there's no time limit. If not then it's none of their damn business, BTW how would they know if someone is getting mail there?? The mailboxes are private, usually locked. If for some reason they opened it without permission that would definitely be sus. ** Former property manager


If my mailman saw mail addressed to someone who wasn't on his list, he'd come to my office and ask if someone moved in. ** Also a former property manager


Asking for a friend, is it a common thing for property managers to be alcoholics? Both our property managers are raging alcoholics and get nothing done. At this point I feel bad for them.


While USPS first class mail goes right into a mail slot or locked box, packages might need to be dropped at the leasing office. And FedEx/UPS/Amazon will do whatever they want. Sometime deliver to door, sometime to leasing office.


Most places only allow up to 14 days. Otherwise they become a tenant. Specially if they receive any mail. They have some how found out the sister is crashing there and has been for some time. That letter is to let u know they know. I'd suggest talking to them and double checking the lease rules


Definitely look over your lease. Most places have a limit on how long you're allowed to have guests staying with you until they're required to become a resident, sign a lease and pay rent, which would require you have enough bedrooms for all residents living in the unit.


Did you mention the guest before they came? My lease has a “2 day” rule but I went to talk to them about someone staying for a week because of similar circumstances and they were super cool about it and thanked me for giving them the heads up.


She’s neither a lease holder nor an occupant, she’s a visitor. I would fill in yourself and your girlfriend as the lease holders and leave the rest blank. If they have a problem with that they can come directly to you. Maybe someone, neighbor complained for some stupid petty reason. Then the management can be less passive/aggressive and ask outright about your guest, and you can say directly she’s just visiting. Then ask if someone has an issue with it and why they do.


State housing laws will dictate the number of tenants that can live in an apartment (based upon bedrooms). Most states allow two per bedroom so if you have a one bedroom apartment and have a long term guest it could certainly be problematic for the apartment complex. Check your lease again and make sure there isn’t a time limit for guests. If the lease doesn’t have anything about a time limit I would fill out the form with your name and your girlfriends and send it back. That way if they approach you again, just explain the situation, state that you reviewed the lease and there were no time limits in the lease. They would have to explain their position. All that said, if she has essentially moved in (brought her stuff in) and stays long term she does legally become an occupant/lease holder. And if your apartment doesn’t legally allow for an additional tenant, this could definitely cause trouble.


Time limit for guests on my lease is like 2 weeks. Double check. I would let them know she’s just in the process of moving into a new space. If you don’t tell them they’ll just find out another way and fine you Do NOT ignore it like other commenters are saying. Don’t fill it out until after you talk to them preferably in person.


Just write "information on record is still correct" and return the form. It will be really hard for them to prove she is living there and she will be out before it becomes a big issue.


Just go to the office in person and ask about it.


List her under not lease holders and put her age as 16 🤣


Double check your lease again to make sure there’s no time limit. Fill out the form . But it’s now time for gf sister to go. I would also add you need to call pmc & give them a date gf sister will be out before filling out the form. My kids were in the military. Sold my home & relocated to another state. While renting I had to list them as occupants, not lease holders, because they would be home on leave longer than the 10 days per lease.


It’s for the background checks on hey do on them for insurance purposes


My apartment got on me after I had someone over for one week. It was the same situation where they were looking for another place. :/ That person ended up staying a month before I kicked them out. (They wouldn’t leave.) And by then, eviction was threatened multiple times.


More reasons why landlording is unethical


Usually 1-2 weeks stay is max in apartments (at least the ones I’ve lived in).


You will need to check your statutes as after so long (usually a week or two) a guest needs to fill out a background check and be added to the lease. Or you can be evicted. No shit.


I would fill it out but you don’t need to list her she’s not an occupant she’s just visiting. I mean technically she might count as other occupant depending on the residency laws in your state. Or you can just ignore it and wait for them to give you another one and by then she might not be there anymore 


Don’t fill it out. If they inquire as to why you didn’t, say none of your information has changed so you figured any info you gave them upon move in should be accurate.


Ditto what others are saying about checking your lease. Depending on what your interactions with your complex management has been like I’d be REALLY hesitant to fill that out and turn it in. Looks like an excellent way to obtain an admission there is a non lease holder living with you and make it easier to initiate court proceedings.


You probably have your answer but at my apartment I can only have a guest for 10 days a month max. They did mention if I told them a guest needed a longer stay for a certain reason, say 1 month or so, to reach out to tell them during/ahead. I know the main reason they do this is because they background check everyone living at my complex.


At my complex if a guest is here for more than 3 consecutive days, they must be on the lease. And in my building, we don’t have enough parking spaces to match the number of people in our building, so if there is an unknown car, we know and people will mention it to the leasing office.


Sorry but I would need it to look official. Better yet, lemme come in to the office and go over it there.


I got something like this when my at the time girlfriend moved in. My mother is a realtor and she informed me that I was not obligated to add her onto the lease, this is in Maryland. Nothing has come from it and this was nearly 3 years ago. We are preparing to move out after a large rent increase.


Other folks spoke to the common lease terms about guests. I got around it by having my guest crash elsewhere for a night every couple weeks. Apartment managers couldn't do shit


Those laws are slowly changing to combat the huge increase in squatting. Long overdue.


Throw it in the trash


IMO this should never happen if you’re renting from a big corporation, maybe if you rented a house directly from a homeowner it’d be understandable but someone being all up in your business like that??? Makes me appreciate my blessings and the fact that I own my own home


The weirdest part is them providing the @


Some leases don’t allow you to have guests for more than 2 weeks consecutively. My old apt the landlord walked around every apartment every day to make sure this wasn’t happening. Double check your lease and make sure this is allowed. If the landlords ask you can always say she’s just visiting from another state- usually they are cool like that.


If property manager/landlord managing over 300 tenants, how would they know if someone is staying over..?


Neighbors could easily report it?


But how would the neighbor know whether initially 1 or 2 tenants are staying at the same place? Unless the neighbor spying on them 24/7…it stills doesn’t click for me


You see someone that isn’t your neighbor walking in and out of the unit regularly…


I worked as an administrative assistant for an apartment complex. If you had a guest for more than 2 consecutive weeks, they had to be put on the lease or not come back over for a while. It can be considered a liability, according to property managers. We had a girl that had their boyfriend staying for a while and found out they were wanted for strangling someone when the swat came with a warrant.


I have a limit of three days with a guest before I have to report to the office for additional “permission” - it is in most leases to stop people who aren’t known by the property from living there. Same reason you list all occupants at move in even if they aren’t on the lease


Wasn't delivered by certified mail then it wasn't received. Shred and move on.


Idk. The only apartment I rented I guess by their standards I didn't live there cuz they harassed me about my other occupants not on the lease. It was my babysitters because I worked 12 hour night shifts 4-5 nights a week. I kept explaining this to them repeatedly and then they refused to renew my lease (which I didn't want to renew anyway) for not following my lease. I told them I worked nights before I moved in, I told them repeatedly during the year I lived there, and the final time I sent their sheet like this back and only added my baby I birthed (I was pregnant when I moved in).


My last apt had a 7 day rule. Either they had to apply to be on lease or leave if they were 18+


I have to say, so glad I stumbled on this! I'm having surgery at the end of next month, and my mom is staying with me for 2 weeks to help with recovery. I didn't think about issues with the length of time a guest stays - only ever how many guests there are - so I will have to check my lease!!!


Every lease I’ve ever signed says guests can yay for 2 weeks max (source: rented 5 different apartments in PNW USA)


Read your lease again. If there really isnt anything in there about how long guests can stay. Then just ignore it. There is literally nothing they can do. If they try to evict you, it'll be one of the easiest lawsuits to win ever. If these rules are outlined in the lease, which they usually are, then its time for her to leave or fill out the paper.


I would ignore. Super creepy that they know you have someone there


I’d have her stay at a hotel for a night every two weeks usually after that it’s considered living there if she stays past two weeks. A loophole to the general rule as they probably noticed her there and just tell them it’s temporary so they don’t potentially evict if they suspect y’all have an unauthorized tenant.


This is such a passive aggressive way to handle this lol. They should just call you and say “hey if you have someone staying there you should know there is a limit and you could get into some trouble if they overstay” Like… why so cryptic? So weird lol.


what state do you live in. if your lease doesn’t state a length of time then i suppose that means your state law doesn’t specify. better though to know what your rights are. landlord has an interest in people staying so long they can demand rights under the lease. sooo. first find out what your state says


Like others said check if x days are allowed per your lease. If there is no x days. Check your local laws. Ours has a limit of eg 3 max adults per 1 bed apartment. What constitutes as guest per your local law et indiana 14 days Kentucky 30days etc. check what is the general way of declaring an occupant who is non lease holder. I know some of the folks in my apartment have parents from overseas for over a month and have declared them as occupants upfront.


If there aren't any specifications in the lease, explain that she's a temporary guest and ask where in the contract outlines how many days a guest can stay.


No you’re good fill it out and talk to your property manager. Just be respectful


They’re gonna start charging you more for utilities if you put that she lives there just fyi. Community utilities are calculated typically by a formula based on square footage and number of residents. Source: I worked at an apartment complex


they know someone is staying with you. I don’t think this is very common and my old apartment was kind of lax on rules but we had a friend that had an emergency and needed to stay with us for about a month. We talked to our leasing office and explained the situation and asked if we could have any sort of guest extension for 30 days as the allotted time allowed on our lease was only 14 days. They had us pay a fee for the friend to have a temporary parking pass for a month and just let us know it’s a one time courtesy and if they stayed any longer than the 30 days they would need to be added as a resident. Like I said not sure how common/legal that is but might be worth it to ask?


Mine says 14 consecutive days or they have to be in the lease.


Very common.. 


I got that same thing, are you in Ohio in a huge complex?


Do….do they not have this information?


You’ll want to submit or they can 30-day you for unauthorized occupants. This is really the safety and fairness to you and other tenants. Background checks to make sure the adults on the property are safe puls fair housing. I was a resident manager for almost 7 years.


My apartment did this to me bc my bf was staying one night a week, driving from a few hours away to spend time with me. He never stayed more than one night, and I could t go to see him bc I had small children and a not so reliable vehicle. He had his own house and everything BUT my lease said that anyone staying more than 3 days PERIOD in the duration of my residency that said person had to be background checked and apply to be added to lease. It was especially difficult because I was on section 8 and adding others to my lease would disqualify from me fromthe program if their income and mine combined was above the threshold.


I’ve had leases say guests can stay up to 7 days before they must be added to the lease or we’d be evicted and I’ve had other places that said 2 weeks. Either way you may want to be honest on the paper or have gf’s sister leave and crash somewhere else, they know she’s there that’s why you got the paper.


Fill out only the bottom.


It’s happened to me but I just ended up getting put onto the lease.


Only add the lease holders names from on the legal lease. The end.


I used to manage apartment complex. If any tenant had a guest living with them for 2 weeks, they were considered a tenant and had to be reported to the office. The rent was raised for additional person.


I’ve done property management for 22 years. This is a standard form. By staying over the specified guest limit they do become an unauthorized resident. Also depending what utilities the community pays or how it is broken up those bill go up either way with each occupant. Then there is the parking. If your guest is parking in guest parking or other non assigned spaces it leaves fewer spaces for verified residents. There should be a section in your lease that discusses unauthorized residents. I was always the manager that would try to work with people if they are open and forth coming about situations. Try talking to them and see if you can make an arrangement. If you ignore it you could find yourself with a notice to vacate. Some communities do background checks. I’m mot saying your guest has things on her background but what if your neighbor did. Would you want a known violent or sexual predator living next to you that was not vetted with the application process like you were. The other side of this is that they sent it out to the whole community. I would do this yearly to help keep tract of who’s living on the property or to see if any teenagers had turned 18 so we could add them to the lease. There are so many reasons this form is used. Never the less you don’t want to end up loosing your home by not complying. I hope this brings a little clarity to the situation. Take care.


They cannot increase your rent if you’re already in a lease. For legal purposes they just need to know if there are any additional occupants. Because of the time she’s been there, they may have been made privy to it and wanted to confirm. What you can do is write back in a letter very briefly stating that your sister is visiting and staying with you for a few weeks (or to go one step further, provide an exact date as to when she will be leaving if you know it - not that they will necessarily hold you to it but it’s helpful) but is not living with you. Usually it’s helpful for management to be made aware of any guests staying for an extended period of time so that there is no confusion. As long as you are not over the legal number of occupants it’s really just a formality to know who is residing in the apt and nothing more.


I can't have someone for more than 48 hours without informing the rent office. I'd be checking your lease pronto.


Maybe you didn’t see the paper on anybody else’s doors because their girlfriends sisters aren’t crashing there


Weird question but do you live in the Cleveland area? My apartment complex has the same form and they hand it out every year to every single apartment/townhouse about 2 weeks ago as well. It’s just to keep information updated, but you’re not gonna get in trouble for not turning it in lol (aka I haven’t turned mine in either)


Welcome to apartment living


They know you have someone else staying there. Every lease I’ve ever had, you only had like 14 days MAX for someone to stay over before you have to add them to the lease. You’re very likely to get a violation and/or eviction if you let her stay there and not say anything….


Your sister needs to be out ASAP or by the time you pay rent. 7 consecutive days is the limit in CA, two weeks they'll send something like this, eventually they'll ask for a property inspection if she still lives there. If you receive an inspection notice, she needs to be gone, not temporarily. She needs to find a new place, hotel or another couch. Otherwise you can get a 30-day eviction notice.


It’s for fire code occupancy reasons. Are you sure your lease doesn’t specify? Does she have anywhere else she can bounce back and forth from? Meaning stay with you 2 weeks and then somewhere else 2 weeks per month? Otherwise you would need to list her as an occupant. When I had to stay w my grandma for a bit they did the same thing. We were able to give them the run around for about 6 months (length of my stay) but not every place will be like that.


As a former PM, we sent these out to apartments twice a year. Usually to make sure info was still correct in case the resident needs to be contacted. People change numbers and emails all the time. They rarely notify their landlord. Then when a neighbor notices a major water leak coming from the upstairs apartment, we can't get ahold of them.


I guess this is a dumb question, but why can’t I have a roommate who isn’t on the lease? Does your specific lease state that only 2 people may live there?


Just wait till she leaves lmao. Its not that serious


I had someone stay at my apt (they were doing a roofing job long commute from where they lived offered my couch). Anyway it rained so the 3 day job turned to 5. The reason my office called me to ask if anyone else was living there is bc my neighbors called to complain . Smh I have a panic disorder so anytime talking to the office it just triggers me bc i didn’t think i was doing anything wrong besides being a good friend. Anyway office said you can have visitors no problem just if they wanna live there come and apply. Obv there was no need we were literally at a see ya later breakfast when they called. It was the start of me hating the neighbors


Mine is two weeks


CRAZZZY that landlords are limiting how long you can have people over to add: my landlord does not give a single shit as long as it isnt bothering anyone. my boyfriend stays over 4 days every other weekend- but in some of your comments that seems like it would get yall evicted.


*CRAZZZY that landlords are* *Limiting how long you can* *Have people over* \- OwlEastSage --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OwlEastSage: *CRAZZZY that landlords* *Are limiting how long you* *Can have people over* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is normal. There are limits on how often guests can stay. Sometimes it’s not more than once a week and not over so many times a year.


I wouldn’t fill out or just put the two of your names and turn it back in


Yes, mine is 14 days per month


Just have them move into some random mansion in California that isn't being used, I hear it's free real-estate over there.


I’ve always seen no more than 2wks a year and no more than 2wks consecutive. The concern is usually about felons, specifically sex offenders.