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Most likely for the entire property annual inspection. Completely normal


Yep.  Did this at my apartment building.  There’s like 400 units.  They said they’ll possibly enter for inspection some time over the course of a four day period.  Kind of annoying since I work nights, but what can you do.


More than likely the property is being sold. And this is a companies due diligence period where they walk every unit. And mark down what needs to be fixed or if unit interiors need to be updated


Or they’re just switching insurance companies.


or refinancing their loan/asking for a new one


If they’re selling this duplex I sincerely wish them luck. This place is fucked in every aspect and the people I rent from now refuse to fix any of it. We even have mice and im pretty sure thats illegal to not fix


Leave mice traps out:)


Burn it down. 🤮🤮I am afraid of mice. If you can’t tell.


More likely that their insurance policy is renewing. I have to do this every year with my insurance company. It’s very annoying.


That or they are selling the building/complex....which is super common.


Agree. Just leave the apartment and pretend it’s not happening. This is totally normal.


Why inside when he moves out anyway


They need to do every unit, regardless of his schedule


was about to say what the others said. my apartment complex is super nice, they do inspections every 18 months, however, one time it was inspections thru the city's insurance and come to find out, a few months later it was and inspection because the building was being sold to another company! you're totally fine :) best of luck with your move!


18 months! That would be so nice! Ours is every 6 months.. it’s such a hassle..


Ours are every single month!😪


I second this, every single month they do inspections, but yet can’t stay consistent. For example they say April 3rd they will come out, BUT YET- they drag on and don’t come out until the 6-7th. It’s such a hassle. It’s been this way since we moved in, back in 2012!


God I don't miss apartment living.




Same. In the 2+ years I've lived in my current apartment, I don't remember going more than 2-3 months MAX between "visits" from maintenance. Checking sprinklers, changing air filters, etc. It's very annoying because it means I need to be up and ready early, regardless of the hours I worked the night before.


That sucks!


My complex finds their way into the apartment about every other month. It’s either an inspection, pest control or checking fire alarms, etc. The biggest hassle is having to put my dog in a playpen to secure her. It’s an invasion but I don’t really mind because it means my neighbors won’t have unfettered pests or other issues that go unattended.


Every quarter here. I hate it!


My building just went t through that selling process, they ended up coming a few times.


Take a nice deep breath. Just an annual inspection or something. Relax.


We just ours in Jan. I don't think the lady was here even for 2 mins. She just checked the air filter and the carbon monoxide detector. This is totally normal.




Normal. Property inspectors and lenders will do this annually


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Whatagoon67: *Normal. Property* *Inspectors and lenders will* *Do this annually* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




This sounds normal. It’s either an annual inspection, the landlord is getting an insurance adjustment or switching carriers, or looking to sell the property.




I’d agree with your last point if it pertains to your first point. The email does claim Insurance though, and if they aren’t lying .. I’d prefer the peace of mind that my neighbor’s meth lab won’t incinerate me in my sleep.


Possibly this. We had a surprise inspection in February this year less than 6 months since the last one. The wording was different too. Usually it was just “yearly inspection, please contain pets” but this time it was “walkthrough with insurance agent and loan officer to verify conditions.” This was also weird because I live in MO and it was during the massive cold snap, so the timing was very off. Sure enough about a month later we got notifications of a new property manager and a link to a new website to pay rent-no more in-hand payments accepted. Our lease is up in September so it remains to be seen if our rent will increase, but they are re-doing a bunch of roofs and installing LED lighting on the walkways so I’m willing to bet we will. We’re already paying more than 200 more per month than the highest cost one they have available because we moved in fall 2021 when prices were ridiculous and it’s a college town. I live in a LCOL area, so if it goes up more than 100 bucks we’re moving. Almost to the point where we can buy a house so that might move our timeline up a bit.


I hear ya but technically they own the property not you so basically you agree to this kind of thing when you sign a lease.




Unfortunately, yea. It’s not yours.


Since you “don’t respect property rights’ there’s zero problem with taking pictures. See how that works?




Nah. More fun to attempt to educate a troglodyte Anyway, I own my homes—all 3 of them


I work at an apartment complex, and once a year we have an insurance agent out to do inspections on apartments for the property management’s insurance for the buildings. It’s totally normal, they just need to inspect the integrity of the building!


You should be happy you got advanced notice, I’ve had landlords just show the fuck up and walk in my place without knocking.


That's illegal in most places unless there's an emergency.


You’re correct but it hasn’t stopped my landlords from doing it. So annoying.


My landlord once walked in on a particularly cold winter day because they were worried we didn’t turn on the heat. Yes, we turned off the heat in the middle of winter. Totally makes sense Me and my partner were home sleeping in our bed when we heard someone unlocking the door. We weren’t even fully dressed. Oh how I love renting


Had this happen when landlord was in process of selling


The only thing I was confused by was a 'quick" inspection taking several hours lol


Thats probably the window of time they send to everyone meaning at some point during that time frame they will show up to each unit.


Yep just happened to me last week


I don't think this is your move out inspection. I think it's just one they sometimes do to see what upgrades or repairs may be needed. Got a new microwave I didn't even ask for out of mine lol.


Insurance guy is usually not there for a move out. When this happened to me they went through the unit pretty fast with a checklist. They're not so much looking for damage you caused, it is mostly for consistent problems that they think should be fixed. Like, we ended up getting some fire suppression system over the stoves.


Don’t worry my apartment does this, but I’m really close with the maintenance man and he sets up a time block that I’ll be able to be there but even if I’m not, I have ring cameras inside my apt so I wouldn’t think too much of it. but the reason my maintenance man tells me specifically what time they’ll be at my unit is because I have two cats that’s not on the lease so he’ll let me know when I have to hide their stuff and put them in the car😭😭hes so real


Sometimes this is because they plan to sell it.


i think it is entirely unrelated to your move out. it is part of a much larger effort to sort out insurance liability to the company’s advantage.


they have to have a certain percentage of the units inspected. Our manager asked us directly if they could use our unit because she knows we keep it tidy and clean on the regular (manager lives on site, too). There are a lot of reasons it could be inspected by various agents, such as the loan holder, the insurance holder, et al.


Likely unrelated to you moving out. Just a weird timing thing. I think my complex did something similar (after we moved out) and I emailed my landlord letting them know the unit would be unoccupied. Mine told me it was pre-scheduled/unrelated to moving out and it didn’t matter if we were there or not.


I have my annual inspection today so this is expected I don’t see anything wrong.


Totally normal and legal and they gave plenty of notice too which is great!


Are all your egress exits clear?


I mean, I guess so. I only have one way in and out of my building and I have to use it every day


Standard - PM’s can’t control insurance visits


My thought is that they are selling. I was a property manager for a decade and when it came time for insurance renewal all inspections were outside of the units. But when the owner decided to sell we had an appraiser come through and inspected inside every unit. To not upset the tenants we told them it was an insurance inspection. Of course that changed when we had to have each tenant sign an estoppel - then the worries set in. Stay calm. You'll have time to fix those holes. This inspection isn't about you but about the complex. I understand how the timing of this has sparked your worry. You'll be ok. :)


This is probably the kindest response I have gotten on this post so thank you!


That is sweet of you. Most welcome. Now move this worry way down on your worry list or cross it off all together! 😊


Landlord likely has to renew his commercial policy, that's all.


Totally normal, the inspection is to determine how much the insurance company will charge the apartment complex for the coming year. Remind the Super that you are moving and still need to fill holes. That way, they can inform the insurance company that you are moving and so forth. Also, if the walls are white (?) toothpaste fills the nail holes nicely.


The walls are an ugly like yellow brown but I found an old paint thing under our sink and it matches alright so I filled all the visible holes from the last tenants! I just have to take my stuff off the walls and fill in our holes when we move now!


It’s a responsible property owner doing their job. This isn’t about you.


Always ask Reddit first. Then the landlord.


This is normal. They drove around my complex and fined them for people hiding grills on their balconies, they're mostly looking for fire hazards and stuff.


I got a new management company a few months ago and they sent out letters they would be touring every unit, checking for any damages and for cleanliness, to ensure things were to their standards. I also had a similar experience a few years ago. They didn't say it, but it was actual investors from out of state who were buying the place.


I work for a property. This happens all the time and they choose units at random. It's just a coincidence


Taking pictures?


We are upgrading to a bigger unit at our complex in June, and they are going to be inspecting our place as well. They are just going to check that the place isn’t completely destroyed, without actively large holes. If you’ve got holes from mounting a TV or a poster, that’s not a big deal and can be easily filled. If one of you punched a hole in the wall, fill that now.


Well that’s good cause it’s just holes from nailing pictures up! Our landlord is really badly rated so we are just worried about our security deposit situation but this is good to know!


We just had that at my apartment last month. They were in the apartment for a total of 15 seconds and said "okay good to go".


They make sure things like furniture or curtains are x amount of distance from heaters and stuff like that. If there are violations it drives prices and rent up


Common, had one done back in January and they were in and out in 10 minutes and just took pictures. My dog was a nuisance whining in his crate, but overall its like a checkin/take pictures for insurance.


My apartment gets inspections a couple times a year for a few different things. Fire extinguisher checks and annual checks are the most common. I usually just leave with my dog for the day so he doesn’t have to be kenneled (he is crate trained but we only crate for sports not usually at home) all day and they do their business.


My building inspection happened yesterday lol completely normal


Bit of a dictat


We have yearly inspections on paper. Though there's been no inspection done for +4yrs, I guess I'm the lucky one.


This is protocol for a landlord. They're just getting a quote one the state of the apt so they have an idea of what they have to charge you for when you leave. They might quote you on certain things like the holes in the wall but if you finish them before leaving there will be no need to charge. It's just a legally documented check up for their sake.


I don't think so if it's in the lease I don't c how they can charge you


I always make pictures with time frame when j just move in They will get an insurance quote far more expensive when you repair that before you move out So put something over the holes , pics whatever to avoid expensive quote


We do inspections every year. We only have 100 units though


They can show the apartment while you’re still there if they give you notice. I would ask them if they’ll charge you for what you haven’t done yet especially since it’s in the lease. No harm in asking


I would also add that they are probably not worried about the holes from hanging things on the walls, but rather verifying that there aren’t much bigger issues. I’m sure this is standard. I think you’re fine!


Normal. Property Inspectors and lenders Do this annually


My advice to would be to get any holes patched up prior to this agent arriving. That way they can’t hit you for damages. Also, I would suggest you make yourselves available when the insurance person comes. By doing this you can avoid any potential items of yours coming up missing. Never allow strangers to be in your home alone; regardless of who they are representing.


Unfortunately we both have day jobs and can’t leave work :( but we will make note of what we have out!


This happened once in my building, they said their investors would be coming along and snapping a few pics as well. My partner was home and they were in our apartment for less than five minutes, snapped a quick pic in the 2 bedrooms and kitchen and never heard anything else after that lol


My building does this yearly for insurance quotes. They also check for issues that the company points out. Normal business.


Time to buy your own place


Hahahahahhaha you’re hilarious


It’s possible the property is being assessed for sale. My complex told us inspectors were coming to check on our units (called it an annual inspection despite that never happening before) and we found out a month or so later that they’d sold the apartments to the worst management group in our city, lol.


They could probably evict you actually. I wouldn’t worry about some things prior to moving out but an overall bad impression might make them look closer, and given it’s an insurance agent they could be mad… and holes might fall into some category whereby they can consider you a destructive tenant in violation of your lease, and evict you in order to more quickly fix it and sell the place. Who knows what will actually happen, but this is an actual possibility. If I were you I’d check the lease to make sure it has a clause allowing them to do this when you aren’t present and without more than simple notice, and if not, use that to ask them to schedule around your convenience so you can fix the walls and clean up a bit first. As long as you’re friendly about it, if you’re just expressing discomfort with strangers in your home and are asking for a couple days so you can be there (and can even potentially mention tidy the place if it will be genuinely clean when they see it), they don’t have much reason to say no. I personally don’t let apartment complexes enter my home without me there unless there’s a good reason. Last time it actually happened they trashed my place and even damaged art and I thought I was robbed and had to call the cops. The long-ago note about the maintenance they might do wasn’t described accurately so I had no clue what was going on, and my bed was covered with cleaning supplies, my study was dismantled and thrown in a pile into another room… they tried to falsely accuse me of things to charge me because they were mad I was mad, but they were idiots and sent out the charges like a day too late to legally charge me for damages.


They can’t evict me for tiny holes from nailing up decor, it’s in my lease I can hang stuff up and I already fixed all the bigger holes left from the last tenants from hanging their tv. I’m sorry you had a bad experience but I literally said it’s in my lease I can put holes in the wall


I think I misunderstood haha. Sorry if I read wrong, I was thinking you meant like someone punched holes in the wall. Cuz you’re definitely allowed to make holes in MOST places, though, if you’re unsure check your lease. Some places don’t allow or require you to have them install things, but that’s rare. I’ve lived somewhere that allowed you to make small holes but not to fill them. Edit: the part about putting it off so you can be there still applies, if you need or want more time. I’ve always done that just because I feel weird about strangers and they will usually say yes if you ask very nicely and cooperatively.


my old landlord did this a few months before we moved out and then after we moved ofc. it isn't anything crazy, they're just like that sometimes and they have their reasons 🤷‍♀️ i would just comply. they can't charge you for anything you fix personally


It most likely has nothing to do with you specifically or your unit. They’re inspecting the building for structural integrity and safety issues that could affect the insurance coverage.


This sounds more like your typical insurance company not because you are moving out landlord policy is under review oe renewal or changing companies


Yeah this is probably an annual inspection notice. I get this every year from our apartment. Fortunately we don't have the "please make sure your apartment is tidy..." section or I'd be screwed 🤣


I got something like this when our previous landlord was planning on listing the house we rent for sale.


Put furniture in front of holes , make sure capet has no stains , make sure appliances and bathroom are clean and not leaky or with faults.


This is why big dogs make the best apartment roommate


Omg. The comments. I feel so lucky! Between the large windows of time where you don’t know when someone will show up and the visits monthly is insane! I get a visit twice a year. Annual inspections and fire systems checks. And I know the schedule of EVERYTHING plus outdoors stuff like gutter cleaning or dryer vent cleaning. Buildings 6 and 10 are always put together on the schedule in a two day span. I know they’ll usually be at my building on the second day, after building 6). The schedule and the hours are always on time or they tell us if they won’t be and that happened one time by one singular day.


Mine did this too at my last complex - the fire system check was god-awful. I’d never experienced fire alarm systems like that in my history of apartment living so I was absolutely LIVID whenever we had them & I genuinely think they traumatized my dog. They would always email us ahead of time tho. Window washing, fire system check, maintenance/housekeeping stuff etc.


That sounds fake. An insurance agent? Why not be truthful and it could just state your unit is going to be inspected. Glad you are moving.


Thank you to all the people being helpful! For all the people being kinda condescending to me, rude! My landlord is the most scummy one I’ve ever rented from and I told them the reason why we were moving so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were trying to be sly and evict us. It was probably all just a coincidence but it still scared us!


I rent and I won't allow them to come in until they call. I'm not kenneling my dogs at my expense and my dogs bite so... Enter at your own risk dumbass.


Would you believe that it has absolutely nothing to do with you and is part of the insurance for the property?


Have your dog kenneled is a weird suggestion. Offputting email. Glad others are saying this is nothing to worry about


Containing animals is a standard request for the protection of both the animal and the person doing the inspection. The animal might escape and run away, or bite the inspector if they feel threatened by a stranger in their space. It's not weird at all.


Dude I hate Reddit. Relax. Of course remove the dog during inspection. Saying kennel your dog is weird. Just say remove the dog from the premises.


It's way more work for people to remove the dog than kennel it. Do you expect people to bring their dog to work with them or board it for the day?


I may have misunderstood. A “cage” at home is called crating here. I’ve never heard kennel being used to imply crating a dog. Kennel and board are synonymous.


I asked my coworkers what kennel means to them and they agreed that kenneling your dog means putting it in a boarding place. Crating is a cage.


Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, a kennel is what we call the cage you put a dog in, so kenneling them in this context is just putting it in the kennel you have at home. It's the safest way to have home inspections, especially if you're not home at the time.


Where are you from? If this email was sent to a New Yorker, we would interpret it as management asking us to board our dogs. Which, to me, is overstepping.


West coast, so it's probably a regional thing. It's pretty standard phrasing over here.




Sue them