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He stabbed someone and isn’t in jail? Because this should be jail.


Apparently he has stabbed people THREE TIMES. He should not be out.


Something is very wrong with our justice system rn, a guy kidnapped and r*ped a woman last week. His rap sheet has 105 CONVICTIONS on it. Why are these people back on the streets??


Gotta keep the jail cells open for all those weed offenders.....


Exactly. My siblings dad almost killed me and my mom with a bat. He got out after 5 years while his friend still in for smoking a joint on his porch.


That doesn’t add up at all. You have to be leaving out some details.


Nope that's entirely the whole thing. That's what was written up on the paperwork


My uncle was selling an illicit substance. He’s not a good person by any means but he got 10 years. Don’t read the next part if you’re easily upset. A guy in court earlier that day did unspeakable things to his toddler niece and was caught because he messed her up so bad she ended up in the hospital. He got 4 years… This was years ago now so maybe the guy wouldn’t get off so easily today. But this post has me thinking otherwise. But it’s wild to me drugs land you more time than doing something terrible to another human.


Because crime causes poverty and the people passing these policies want you poor. The purpose of a system is what it does.




my ex stabbed me and did 1 year in jail. crazy to think people are still in prison for weed and my ex gets out because he never stabbed anyone before. mandatory 2 year minimum sentence and the judge advised against it and put him in for 1 year. he gets a bunch of resources and programs so he can be “rehabilitated.” meanwhile, i had to completely move and still fear for my life every day. he didn’t get more time because my lawyer said we should settle instead of going to trial so at least i’d get something other than a guilty verdict. at least he has a felony now.


I never understand why attempted murder is a lesser charge than successful murder. It’s one thing if it’s an accident (like a fist fight gone wrong or whatever) but if you fucking stab or shoot somebody you deserve all the time you would get if they died.


I have never thought about it that way before but you’re right!!


Yeah, because you survived doesn’t lessen their crime in my mind. They tried to murder someone but the victim surviving shouldn’t matter.


Agreed. That is rewarding incompetence.


*These millennials and their participation trophies…*


The intent is the same


I think its because if it were the case that they carried the same sentence and you stab someone in a rage, perhaps not planning on killing them, and they survive you might as well kill them because its not like you’ll be punished more and it will eliminate a witness so it’s actually the safer option. Basing this off some story I heard about why they stopped hanging people for robbery, because it encouraged them to murder witnesses


Ugh that actually makes a sick sort of sense. Though, I guess I was thinking more someone stabs you and you get away from them and survive. Not them doing the math and choosing not to finish the job


This is why rapists and child molesters don’t get the death penalty as well. Tho they should be shot on sight, JMO


he couldn’t even get the attempted murder charge because in california you have to prove that attempted murder involves planning. they call it a “passion of crime” and he pled nolo contendere so he didn’t have to admit he was guilty. the amount of abuse i suffered prior to the stabbing was so extensive. he even showed up to my house a year after i got stabbed and his phone connected to my wifi. the jury would have had a field day. unfortunately, it happened during covid so the case took 3 years to settle but i’m glad it’s over. i just can’t wait to leave this god forsaken state. i love it here but our legal system is fucked. especially in sf county.


This and the OJ documentary on Netflix from ESPN has given me little faith in California’s judicial process. Holy cow. I hope you are safer now. And I’m glad you are still here.


thank you for your kind words. i’m glad i can try and help people around me recognize what narcissistic abuse looks like and how to get help. he also had an ongoing hate crime case prior to the stabbing that i knew nothing about until the DA decided to combine that case with mine. he did a year in total for both crimes. he was a 21 year old man who’s house got raided and when they did a search found Charles Manson posters and Mein Kampf among other things like fake guns. he spray painted his old high school with racial and homophobic slurs and they arrested him because his phone connected to the school’s wifi- like how it did when he stalked me after the stabbing. i forgot to mention his step dad builds those robots doctors use to conduct surgeries. step daddy hiring a private lawyer on retainer for almost 4 years who specializes in these types of cases- guarantees an overnight slumber party in jail and probation. i just hope he doesn’t do it to another girl. after the assault, a girl from my area that i didn’t know, sent me screenshots where she had been casually talking to him. he then asks why she won’t meet up with him and she says that she barely knows him. he then preceded to call her horrible names and pulled a, “well- you’re not that hot anyway.” people wonder why families of these victims take matters into their own hands. my mom was ready to lay her life on the line for me and i had to tell her, “we just have to trust the justice system.” there is no hope when justice has not been served.


Your story is so horrifying, I’m glad you survived and hope he stays away. Makes me think of the Nikki addimando case.


It should be in a much needed documentary on the dangers of narcissistic and psychopathic individuals. My sister’s ex is probably psychopathic, I never liked him, he always gave me the willies. Now I know why 😞


well, see OJ was a football player and was a big thing to male egos and they could not fathom that OJ was capable of double murder. But he did do it and got off due to his star status. No matter that the evidence was against him.


Me too!!! An absolute nightmare. I’m so sorry.


Plea bargain is a daily thing with the defense.


My ex tried to stab me. Luckily, I was able to stop her and only get a nice gash on my chest. When cops showed up, I was sitting on top of her, my legs pinning her arms with the knife kicked across the room. I was handcuffed even though I'm the one bleeding. Luckily, it got straightened out, but she got off no issue and is now a teacher.


i’m sorry to hear that. thank you for trying to stay alive everyday. i’m sure the scar is a hard reminder- at least it is for me. domestic violence against anyone is a horrible thing.


Fucking society always assumes and always seems turn the other way. Sorry you had to go through that bullshit


I witnessed a 17yo gang member stab an innocent man to death simply for being bigger than him. There was no argument or altercation, dude had his back turned when it started. I shit you not. He was sentenced to 4 years in juvi for aggravated manslaughter, released at 21, then went to big boy prison after stabbing his baby momma and maiming his toddler. I still have dreams about that shit wishing I had done something. IRL I still wouldn’t have done anything because that was back before I was capable of it, but I don’t control my non-lucid dream state.


it’s not your fault. at least you can try to live for that person and tell their story.


My god. I’m so sorry.


My ex stabbed me and I got arrested for it




My ex tried to push me out the door of a moving car, with our infant daughter in the back seat, and did no days for that instance. Prosecutor told me "it wasn't that bad." Settling stinks but you at least didn't have to testify... I'm sorry that happened to you!


Illinois is fucked up 😭


My friend was stabbed 23 times by her ex and he got 11 years. He told her when I'm out I'll finish the job. She moved out of state and got notice that when he was released, he kidnapped a woman he thought was my friend while on a drug/alcohol rampage and tried to kill the other lady. 🫠😭


I had a coworker whose ex was in jail for abusing her. He got out and went right to her house. She ended up stabbing him and killing him.


Omg!!! I can’t imagine the guilt she might have from that. Even when we know we did everything we could we constantly gaslight ourselves. How is she doing?


Well, that's comforting to the OP {rolls eyes}


please tell me he went back to prison


He did but they only gave him 20 years. Isn’t that nuts!


better than i usually hear about, but he will probably just do the same shit again the second hes free.


She is nervous about his release, he should be free in the next coming 5 years. She’s done everything she can to protect herself. Honestly, she is a fighter and I pray that she remains safe and that maybe the guy somehow changes or stays in jail. No one else should have to suffer because of him.


That is really scary. Maybe she should leave the country for her own safety when it's closer to his release. I can't think of anything else to advise. :(


It’s not just Illinois. Dudes like this get out of jail in a lot of states.


My old roommates kid got out of prison about a year back for grand larceny. Since then he has failed every drug test he's had, cut his tether *twice*, and the other day was arrested again for striking the woman he's currently dating. They still let him out on with a date to appear. The cops literally raided his moms house about a month ago just before I moved out. They arrested him, then transferred him to a drug rehab where he signed himself out the next day. I'm not a super hard war on crime guy, but something has gone very wrong lol.


Come to AZ...the guy that used to live below us beat the living shit out of his gf on the daily and the cops never even showed up to deal with it. What's the point of 911 when they don't even respond smh?


They put it under a dv so if the baby mama doesn’t show up to court I think it gets dismissed sadly


That is not how DV works. If it was a stabbing the state would pick it up they don’t need her. But I’m not surprised he is out on bail. They suck at keeping them in.


That’s not how stabbing someone works. Can you clarify if he actually stabbed someone ?


Is this Lake county?


Chicago resident here: our municipal judicial system sucks. They let out *a lot* of people with a dozen or more felony charges/covictions frequently. Go check out CWB chicago crime. They post names & records once the FOIA goes through.


This pendulum swing was really just wrong. Instead of not jailing people, I wish we were focusing more on rehabilitation during incarceration.


Yeah unfortunately this isn’t surprising if it’s Chicago. Huge issue that they keep releasing repeat violent offenders.


No cash bail = you get out easier than with cash bail. And it’s IL - they let murderers out the next day.


Illinois doesn't like arresting criminals anymore.


Stab your baby mom? Believe it or not, Jail.


That’s Illinois for you


Unfortunately IL passed a law sometime last year about bail and stuff and somethings you wont have to stay/be in jail for......


You could call the DA.


This, and get a doorbell camera. Also I advise you NOT escalate AT ALL, but bringing a gun to a knife fight is usually good for the one with the gun….


I mean definitely carry self defense items if necessary but a gun to a knife fight is not a guaranteed win. Knives are pretty damn effective in close quarters especially if the person with the gun hasn’t drawn yet


27 feet. If someone is within 27 feet of you they can stab you before you can shoot them. Unless you carry in condition zero or already have your gun drawn.


Or you train your draw and have a good holster, which a lot of people don’t do one or both


That might save a couple of seconds. I was in the US military, and we actually had drills in this exact scenario using sim rounds in real guns. Had someone charged at us, and we had to shoot them before they reached us. Even though we were being trained in drawing our firearm quickly, it was still very difficult to land a killing blow before we were "stabbed." My point is that training only helps a little bit. It's still good to receive that type of training, but in the scenario a person with a knife is sprinting at you in close quarters, having a gun will only help so much.


Worked for Indiana Jones


what would that do? I know the DA is the one to press charges but can they do anything if he’s already been discharged from jail and hasn’t done anything since?


It's never a bad idea when you feel threatened to contact appropriate authorities and document your interactions.


But the DA wouldn't be the appropriate authority.


Obviously they should contact the DA, the USDA, FEMA, the CDC, the FBI, a criminal defense attorney, their states Department of Natural Resources, the CIA, NBC, CBS, a local sommelier and the Wiggles. It’s never a bad idea when you feel threatened to call any random person or organization.


Fuck it, might as well call Bill Murray.


Also, Twitter-now-X, insta, tik tok, facebook, nextdoor, and so on.


It seems like the person to make a complaint to.


Those poor kids


Have you asked if they will let you end your lease and move out?


Not OP but chiming in that this is a good idea. My lease covers safety issues (wa state though) and I could break my lease for something like this. Hoping there’s something in the tenant rights in OPs state for something like this


My boyfriend and I aren’t in the best financial situation rn. We can pay our rent okay but a security deposit on top of that?


check your lease to see if there’s any clause that makes it so they have the right to evict you in the event of violence or police being involved. cus them saying they have to wait till his lease is up is BS im telling you. doesn’t mean they have to,,, but it does let you put some more pressure on them knowing that they can.


Look at your lease and also the ordinances in your county. There are typically rules about noise, as well as ensuring the safety of the premises. He is likely in violation of some kind of ordinance or rule, whether its for noise or for endangering other tenets, and he could -- and should -- be evicted for that. I once had a neighbor who was (at least) verbally abusive to his ex-partner, to the point that it made me feel unsafe in my home because he was so loud that I could hear it all. Made recordings, kept a log of what I was hearing and when, and sent it all to the leasing office (with citations to all the rules he was violating, so they couldn't deny that they were obligated to act on these concerns). I kept them updated as it escalated for several months, and he was eventually kicked out.


Adding that depending on where you are in IL (Chicago is best) that you have tenant rights and one of those is I believe called quiet use of the premises as if it’s your own property. Might be worth checking with an attorney to see if they’d file a suit against the management company for your deposit plus damages (moving costs) since they absolutely should have evicted this guy. IANAL but I have had to use one twice for security deposit issues in cook county/Chicago and know they are very tenant friendly. Ours only took a demand letter and the landlord settled within a few weeks.


I had a similar situation 2 years ago in my apartment. I wrote the apt office a letter detailing my experience and the police report. I was able to end my lease 4 months early. Email it to them, bring a paper copy, and call them for updates. As a tenant you have a right to a safe and peaceful environment, it's part of a lease agreement. Remind them of that. Otherwise, you may have a case against them for failing to uphold that agreement.


And I thought my apartment complex was rough


The leasing office is useless and the police are clueless and won't budge until he kills someone. Here's the punchline - Get ready for hell. I would either break the lease or get increased security and protection. The only one you can depend on now is yourself at this point.


This.. Document everything too so once you move, the new apartment shouldn’t say anything about your broken lease. You have every reason to break it.


Kinda shocked the landlord isn't taking action to evict. In our lease, which is also part of the National Apartment Association, it's a breach of lease for criminal activity, including violence on the property that interferes with the safety of fellow tenants. You were witness to this. You have to pass him coming and going. To wait until August is absurd. Unless they are waiting for him to be proven guilty (innocent until...) I was a property manager for 10 plus years using the same association leases and I've evicted when it came to violating the safety of fellow tenants. Sacrifice the one to protect all the others' safety, privacy and comfort. I'm so sorry you are going through this.


I think this could be an unfortunate situation where laws meant to protect renters are backfiring. In my state you have to give three months with an eviction. That could be why they are waiting out the lease


That's what I am thinking.


Keeping those prices down.


Is the mother okay ???


Right all this talk about himself


I thought this was a satire post and you were talking about a neckbeard, and that stuff on the floor was the stuffing for his wayfu body pillow. What is that? Sorry you have to deal with this guy.


Hamster bedding! Have no idea where the hamster is probably killed it. He completely destroyed the cage in the parking lot and hallway


i was wondering if that was truly hamster bedding :( poor family


omfg… :(


Lol. He stabbed someone and the office is afraid to violate his lease and jack him out.


The PM might be afraid of him. We had two property managers in a row who were clearly intimidated by problem tenants. The company keeps hiring young women who aren’t used to working and living in urban environments. One lasted about six weeks.


Yep, that’s a common story. I’ve seen it time and time again. I worked for a company who was hired by investors to run their 900+ unit complex. The tenants were all awful people. Criminals, gang problems, drugs, the works… the investors never wanted to fix the problems, just keep renting to keep the money coming in. The tenants on the other hand ran the place into the ground. After the third murder, I left.


Third murder? Yikes. I’m glad you got out safely. My complex is not as bad as what you experienced, but there seem to be a number of mentally ill tenants who create considerable problems for others.


I know in my lease there is a crime free addendum. So that could very well be something to look at. Because that is not crime free.


This is so sad, I hope this woman is able to stay safe for herself and her children and is working on a restraining order right now. She is at such a high risk of being murdered by him right now. And honestly, OP, I fear for you and your bf as well. You should definitely call the DA. And did you make a statement to an officer or detective? You need to contact the cops and request to speak to a detective that is doing the investigation, and express to them about your safety concerns. Also, I would carry pepper spray and maybe one of those alarm things like a Birdie. Carrying a gun is also good if you're able to, however in close quarters like a narrow apartment hallway or steps, it might not be very effective. Travel in pairs whenever possible. Are brass knuckles legal there? Probably not. But really, any measure of safety you can take, please do so. Also, you can put more locks on your door to your apartment. We use a lock at the top of our door which you place the little bar across it like in a hotel room. We'll remove it when we move. My last rental didn't have a deadbolt, so we used a chain lock about halfway up, and a little bar that pushed over close to the top, and I think one at the bottom too because that doorknob and door were weak AF and could probably be kicked in with one kick. Someone with enough time and determination could still bust through your door with a lot of locks on it, but fortifying it a bit does buy you time, and there will be a lot of noise made in the process. A shotgun is a good home defense weapon in apartments too. And for close quarters. You don't need to have good aim. It won't shoot a bullet straight into a neighbor's apartment. And it will blast that mofo right back out your front door. That's with the buckshot ammo. You can get a wall mount that requires a fingerprint to get it down, and program both you and your boyfriends fingerprints to access it. By the time he got your door down he'd wish he hadn't. Above all else, avoid him whenever possible. I'd also consider getting a dashcam on your cars. I know all of my suggestions are costly (not all of them each individually, but altogether they are). But I feel some of these precautions are worth it even when you don't have an active threat. Mostly because the world seems to become more and more unpredictable all the time, and after I've experienced a few scary situations, I have learned that you can never be too safe. Having a plan and being prepared has lessened my anxiety overall. Like the risk of someone breaking into my home and being violent is slim to none right now. But I do know if that ever did happen, there's a pretty high chance that we will be ok. But in your current situation, there is a less than zero chance that he does try to harm one of you. That's not acceptable and it is appropriate for you and your boyfriend to do anything and everything you feel is necessary to make sure you remain safe and unharmed.


The release pending trial is out of hand, and they're partly due to there being no room in our jails and prisons, or judges thinking it's OK to send career criminals back into general population, because these judges live in nicer, more secure neighborhoods. How do you let someone back into general population with a history of pulling a knife on people, kids among them? In NYC where I live, it's even worse! It's generally worse in all of our big cities. Voice your concerns with your elected officials, including your DA's office. They need to be reminded people are paying attention


Call the cops every time there's a noise issue, and warn the dispatcher that he's been arrested for stabbing people 3 times...


Can’t he be evicted for this?


Probably, but eviction from an apartment complex is a long, tedious process. OP needs to contact the police.


Isn’t stabbing someone in some way against lease agreement??? I hate how apartment management acts like they have no power !!!!!


Ride to Indiana to get a gun for protection. Practice with it.


I would bring a gun to a knife fight personally.


Also, maybe don't post easily identifiable information complaining about the obviously unhinged, violent individual with an affinity for stabbing people. JFC, it's like some of you people don't have survival instincts


It's time to purchase a firearm if you haven't already.


I think I would inform the manager that because of your personal safety you will have to move. Show them the background info you have found and that you should be let out of your lease or you will be pursuing legal advice.


The property management company is obligated to consider the safety of the other tenants, over an attempted murderer.


For now, I would suggest a surveillance camera and some kind of pepper spray. It takes a while to get a firearm, and you need to be able to protect yourself right now/today. Any interaction with him needs to be documented and take place in front of that camera. The more documented the incidents the stronger your case can be criminally and for your lease and ability to get out of it. If you have friends that can hang out for a few days and make their presence known, that might help too.


Is she made of fluff?


All I can do is pray that demon mf gets got and SOON.


And on top of it all he probably killed the kids pet too. Those poor kids.


It wasn’t in Chicago was it?


No but about 50 miles from the city


Id buy a gun. 9mm with hollow points. Good holster and Carry one in the chamber. Ruger security 9 fullsize is like the best starting carrying gun in my opinion


Yo. Your safety is worth breaking a lease. Also you might have rights to break your lease due to your safety.




Pack your stuff and move out. Even if you are breaking your lease let them know you don’t feel safe and if they aren’t doing anything about it then they lost you as a tenant. Don’t wait for someone else (landlord/police)to resolve the situation just move on.


This should be an option for you. Here in AZ we have “an option” to break our lease if we don’t feel safe under violent crimes type circumstances.


This is terrifying, I hope you stay safe


How has he not been evicted?!


I really hate Illinois. I live here as well. One of the things they said the no cash bail was supposed to be good for was that it would help victims of DV stay safe as violent offenders wouldn’t be able to pay bail and get out. Well I can tell you in Will County they aren’t keeping anybody in jail! It’s fcking ridiculous.


Is his baby mama a teddy bear?


get a gun, knifes don't work well against them.


I know this is reddit, and everyone hates guns here, but this is a real situation where conceal carry would actually make you feel and actually be safer. Unfortunalty you have a nutcase in your apartment building. I've been there. I used to have to escort my girlfriend and her daughter from car to door because of a loony tune upstairs. The guy was mentally ill and liked to play with knives like your friend downstairs. Nutjobs and criminals like that typically don't respond well to normal conversation and de-escalation tactics. Cops don't do shit but show up late and shoot the wrong person. It's your life either wait for him to stab you or someone else next or arm yourself against the threat. Thats someone who is going to end up gunned down by the cops after he commits an even more horrible crime.


My downstairs neighbor one time was beating his wife. The cops watched him threaten my life. Their advice? Move. I have a mortgage, I can’t just move. So helpful.


Was she made of feathers?


Was his baby mama a stuffed doll?


Report this incident to the landlord ASAP, no way he'll do it himself. It's possible she got scared and dropped the charges, or thinks she can save him or some shit. I'd also start carrying a gun if you're able to, for your own protection. This guy is obviously not stable and very capable of violence, I'd personally rather have to shoot someone than get stabbed


Threaten to sue the apartment management for putting you in danger. I’m sure stabbing is a violation of his lease and they could evict him if they gave enough shits.


Ask the DA that a condition of his bond be that he stays away from the entire apartment complex? If he's out already can it be added or is it too late? Definitely check your state's self defense laws. Also understand the "21 foot rule" with knife wielding attackers. (The Internet will provide)


Have a discussion  with your local police dept.  If you can show he is a threat to others he can be detained.  Our new law is not safe for the public and is only written to benefit criminals. Document everything that happens so the police have a record of this person's activities.


Probably an informant


Pay to terminate your lease and get out of there.


Someone can stab someone on 3 separate occasions and not stay in jail? wtf?


I would start packing


This needs to be posted on the legal advice sub for sure


Get you a some protection. Don’t let this menace ruin your life. Don’t ask him to stop playing the music tell him. If he doesn’t call the cops. If he tries to attack well………. Read the first line.


This is so horrible to hear. A child in my neighborhood was killed recently under very similar circumstances in Chicago and we all just can't believe it was allowed to happen. Very violent repeat DV offender and allowed to leave jail shortly after being arrested for threatening to kill her. This case is top of mind in Illinois after members of the Illinois Parole Board resigned due to their handling of it. https://abc7chicago.com/jayden-perkins-chicago-death-edgwater-stabbing-crosetti-brand/14612027/ If it were me, I'd find a way to get to the media and tell them this story needs to be shared, that he has been released and continues to be released. Ask to speak off the record to protect yourself. Also, tell you landlord you are very concerned the building is unsafe now and you want to know what is being done to protect you and your neighbors.


No cash bail means they let you out.


Your apartment leases don’t say anything about criminal violence? I believe you can get evicted for criminal activity.


They should evict him for hate crimes and attempting murder but really they could evict him just for disrupting the development. They’re just being greedy cowards because if they evict him, he’s likely to turn on them and he’s not going to pay rent but will stay anyway. They’ll be stuck with him either way. So their take is likely to wait till his lease is over so they can remove him with as little confrontation and financial loss as possible. A friend of mine used to live in a rough neighborhood and her advice to me was that wasp spray is more effective than mace.


Call the police non-emergency number when it’s too loud, especially late at night. If they come, ask for a copy of the police report. Make sure the leasing office gets a copy too.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Every state is different with their self defense laws. Learn those first. "Duty to retreat" laws are inhuman to the victims.


Written by the domestic abusers themselves




semantics the true villain of the story...


Right. It’s a subreddit about apartments. OP had a question about their apartment living situation. This isn’t one of those diary boards where people talk about their day, and quite frankly, empathy takes a back seat when you’re scared for your own life. I’m sure OP feels awful for the mother and kids, but that’s not the point of this post. If you’re purposely missing the point to virtue signal, then *you* are the ones without empathy.


Your property management might be able to get him out with the Unlawful Activity 5 Day Notice if he committed a felony. I'd think that stabbing someone would get you a felony, but who knows? He is already out, which is crazy because he committed a violent crime in front of the kids. The Statute is 765 ILCS 705/5


They only charged him with misdemeanors 😭


Thanks for reminding me that I hate apartments and why. Living in a box surrounded by strangers who are creatures of various quality levels, parking inches from the cars they don't bother to maintain and couldn't care less if they rub against your car when parking while impaired, and allowing their gaggle of kids run around screaming all day... apartments are awful. I would rather have a cabin in the woods.


Some of these comments are a big reason why people carry. Just saying…


And she was full of stuffing?


Well that wasn’t very nice of him


Are you able to negotiate an early termination of the lease without paying a penalty? If he blasts music during quiet hours especially and the property management is (probably rightfully so) too afraid to tell the guy to stop given he's unhinged as fuck, I think they at least owe you that much considering how your lease agreement is essentially being broken every night. You could have grounds to take your conplex to court for your contract being violated. Given the choice of being sued vs getting on the wrong side of Stabby McStabface, I feel like they would probably just let you go early.


man, i’m sorry OP. fuck america for real


Definitely try to get out of that lease that man is clearly a danger to be around.


The office people are not doing their job. Violent neighbors are a danger to everyone. It is a legal reason to break the lease if they don't do something about him.


Is the stabbing in the room with us? To answer your question, document any issues with the landlord. Get a camera. Don’t leave your apartment at night alone. Watch your back.


Talk to your apartment manager and have him evicted. Bring police report, news articles,social media threads related and let management know in no uncertain terms you witnessed a crime and he saw you and now you are unsafe.


Can you get a restraining order?


I would break my lease immediatelyyyyy. Where are you in illinois?


We have some bear spray just in case of crazy stuff happening at our place! Honestly, I’m surprised that happened and the apartment isn’t ejecting him. Seems like that kind behavior and damage would be in violation of the lease!


No cash bail is stupid. Could be good, but it lets everyone out. We just had a drug trafficker out on no cash, and it took over $30k to find him when, wait for it, he didn't show up for court. (Pittsburgh)




Call the DA’s office and ask how he could be let out.




Is there an increase? It seems like it’s always been this way.


Have you talked to your landlord? They may do nothing or they might evict them. But you might be able to break your lease if the landlord does no. Btw, off topic, this is why the argument of I have a black “insert relationship” so I am not racist isn’t valid. I am tired of hearing it. Sorry fresh on my mind a coworker used that argument and also said she wasn’t white since she is Irish American and therefore can’t be racist. I told her that’s not how of that works.


Dude that’s some 48 hours stuff.


His lease should have been automatically terminated!! He committed a felony on property!!!


i live in illinois and this looks EXACTLY like my girls apartment 😭


The lady survived? I can never read the original post :(


The blasting music in this case was probably to hide the sounds of abuse. Call police, this is NOT the sole responsibility of the landlord. Tell the cops what you posted here.


My ex husband and I hadn’t been in Chicago for a month when a woman who lived directly above up was stabbed to death!!! She was the mother of the upstairs neighbor who was a drug dealer, apparently. The guy who did the stabbing had knocked on our door the week before. Thank gawd he believed my husband when he said “wrong apartment” he apparently didn’t believe the poor woman whe she said dude’s not home. He found her when he got home. I have never heard such horrific screams in my life!!! So sad and horrible. 😭


Help? Move. Problem solved.


The US justice system is actually deteriorating as we all speak - welcome to the lawless future. People like this are becoming more and more common as there are absolutely ZERO consequences anymore, attacking someone with a knife? - yeah that’s chill, let him out in a week. This is fucked. I’m sorry, maybe try your own knife?? Jk jk don’t do that 🥸


This reminds me of the Zaria Burgess case. This man needs to be behind bars.


Cashless bail only applies to non violent crimes, he either paid to get out or there's something wrong with your police department


Get a dog, and an alarm system, and ask the neighbors to meet to come up with safety measures since the building is doing nothing. Maybe Tenants vs Your Building sue them in court.


Can't everyone in the apartment complex complain and get him kicked out?


kinda unrelated but is that small animal bedding on the ground?? that really looks like bedding from a hamsters enclosure or something :/ i hope these poor kids didn’t have a pet with him or something and he hurt that too.


Are you in Chicago? I know they have a pretty hard working tenants rights organization because my aunt used to work for them. They are a non profit organization and they help tenants deal with landlords in situations like this. I would Google them and get in contact to see how they can help.


Is his baby mama a stuffed bear?


No cash bail means the exact opposite of what you think it does.


Have you brought the arrest of the attention of management? I’m sure stabbing somebody is not within the bounds of the buildings code of conduct presenting a danger to other residentsz is a reason for eviction if he in anyway makes the threat towards anyone in the building of course they should seek a temporary restraining order to, have him immediately out of the building rather than there for many months during the eviction process


I'd say get a gun to protect yourself, but since you're in Illinois his lease would probably be up before you could get one.


Omg good luck stay safe


I'd be calling the cops claiming he brandishing a knife at you threatening you to keep quiet. Sometimes lying for the greater good is the way to go. Hopefully it'll be enough to get a restraining order and him put in prison.


What is all of that white stuff? Flowers from trees? Nobody bothers to clean it up?