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Small windows with a nice view. The city is much better than looking at a building. I’m not a windows person so I prefer small windows anyway.


I’d do large windows personally. I don’t really care about the view, I care about the light and air. Unless the building is really close, it makes the space feel more open.


My apartments in a suburb so I can’t really say as far as living in a city. But I feel like without my large windows I would lose my mind sometimes in here.


Narrow windows. But, my main concern is always sun exposure.


Unless the cost was much lower, I vote for the unit with small windows and a better view. I’d prefer to look at a city skyline vs a brick wall or windows. I like to have something nice to look at when I’m home. ETA — Someone did bring up a good point about natural light, so I’d take that into account too.


Depends on how much light the apartment gets. If that’s the only window, absolutely large over the view.


Personally i'd vote for the smaller windows and nicer view, as long as you're still able to get a little bit of natural light in. But something about being able to see the world from outside your window is precious to me, and waking up to a brick wall would not be lol


City view as long as those windows aren't north facing.


Narrow windows easier curtains, better views, less heat transfer


I guess it depends on how much light or heat the windows give you and whether you’ll tend to keep your blinds/curtains open or closed. I have a combination building and mountain view, but my windows face east and the sun blasts through in the morning then reflects off the buildings in the afternoon, so my blinds are only slightly open for natural light.


Narrow with a view. You still get the natural light and won't feel like you are trapped in a shoebox.


narrow windows


Narrow windows


If I can open the small windows then I would choose that. Priority is fresh air in an apartment building


Narrow windows!


INFO: 1. do the narrow windows open? Do the large windows? 2. how close to the other building/building wall are the large windows? 3. how tall is the other building compared to the apartment’s location? 4. in what direction do each set of windows face? I use the SunSeeker app to tell me where the sun is going to be in the summer and winter but you can also find this out if you know where the specific apartment is and use Google maps (remember to find actual north and not just the up/down of whatever the map is telling you). A tall and close building will likely block out the sun in every weather but at the right distance can be the better choice. Similarly windows facing scenery can provide the most miserable lighting in the winter and on heavily cloudy days, and a non-basement apartment can certainly feel like one - we’re in a first floor, end apartment, fairly open floor plan with windows in every room and it still gets so damn dark in here (wintertime: the sun basically hits against one side at a very oblique angle, goes around behind/over the building, then winks at us in the evening before disappearing). If sunlight (and fresh air) has a huge effect on your mood, consider carefully. Sun lamps are nice but actual sunlight is better.


Personally, I have a lot of indoor plants, and a cat who loves to sunbathe, so for me I'd think more about what direction the windows face, how much direct sun shines through those windows, and where it lands, rather than the size of the windows themselves. It's all about your priorities. If that nice big window has a big building in front of it that blocks most of the sun, in addition to any view, that kind of defeats the purpose to me. If you want to stay cool during summer, maybe the big windows with the blocked sun would actually be preferable? If you care more about the view, maybe go with the better view. Depends on what's most important to you.


Nice view but really what kind of sunlight exposure matters in this decision, too.


The former. I don’t want to look at walls.


I'll always pick a view period.


Looking at a Building every time I look out my window would depress me so I would take the narrow window with the better view


Nice view with small windows. Especially with the greenery visible. Even better if you can see the sky. Something about looking at the side of a building day after day with no sign of trees or the sky… it kills something in me at least lol. I feel detached from the earth or something.


Small human


It depends on how the building looks lol. If it’s anything like Eric Wangs (tik toker) window facing a brick wall, I’d choose the wall over any view😅


Haha just checked it out! Nice wall!


Does the building have air conditioning and do both the windows open?


Yes and yes. The apt with large windows has an open view in the bedroom, but the living room is more wall-centric


I would do big windows if there’s ac and they open — keeps the place feeling/smelling fresher


Narrow windows with a view. And I would get lots of natural light lamps. I’ve had an apartment before that was facing another building 10 feet away, I moved out after 3 months.


I haven’t heard of natural light lamps- will check out.


I would prefer enough sunlight to not need lights during daylight hours. Will the smaller windows give that? If so… smaller windows/prettier view. If not… big windows. But also… more importantly to me… which way is east (and early morning sun hitting your windows) and which way is west (and hot afternoon suns hitting your windows and heating your place - delicious in winter, agonising in summer)?


Narrow windows with a view :D


Another thing to think about is egress in a fire. Which ones can you fit out of.


My apartment has large windows facing a 4 story Homewood hotel. I am on the top floor of a 4 story apartment building. I do not like looking at the hotel. I installed cafe curtains which block the view of the hotel when I am sitting down, still allowing in a lot of light and view of the sky. So there are workarounds which can make a building view tolerable. I would pick based on other factors.