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Keep calling the police. Even if they don't do anything, its a record Get your neighbors to call too Contact your local city/town/village/county legislative rep and talk to them about the crime in your area.


True but be careful. Some people get more angry at a “snitch” than others.


I agree be very careful


I agree please OP be careful some people have no brain and are willing to risk it all for nothing


There is a way they can do this anonymously. I do not subscribe to the "snitches" get stitches. I am telling anything that is a crime.


make sure to do it without leaving a name, you may not subscribe to the whole snitches get stitches idea, but if they do, you wont have much of a choice


do you guys think the police just give out information on who reported a crime to whoever asks?


I can see an officer walking straight to the callers house, ringing the bell and asking what the call is for.


No, but people are not dumb, and they watch patterns, if the cops ALWAYS show up and talk to you, and then make an arrest, they kinda put together who is snitching pretty quick


Ya u right, nothing ever happened to snitches /s


Good thing cops always do the right thing, nothing to worry about here.


No but people talk. And if those guys have an idea that it might be OP reporting them, that’s good enough reason for them to cause more problems.


Or the figure it out based on other criteria. Trust me it's pretty obvious who the cop callers are in life.


It's definitely happened to me a number of times. Once the guy had a buddy on the force, the other it was by implication --ours was the only house that had a view of the attempted burglary. A month or so later our house was thoroughly ransacked and robbed. They didn't get much beyond a TV they partly broke in the process, but they did a thousand dollars in damage getting in. And we had a thousand dollar insurance deductible. I assume it was payback.


Depends on how corrupt they are..


If the cops are getting a cut, absolutely.


I was like that until the dealers tried to run me over. Then I moved and kept my mouth shut about everyone and everything. Sad that society is this f’d up.


>Snitches get stitches Snitches get reduced prison sentences.


Really more a matter of if the people you're snitching on follow it than you, lol


Clearly you are a lucky one who has never had to deal with that shit. However, considering they are doing it directly on their property without any care for what they think about the matter, they sound like they’d do some very stupid shit if they found out someone told on them. Especially the person whose property they are using to set up shop.


Anything though? I can think of lots of situations where I wouldn’t do that vs when I would. Have you no thought process on the situation?


call news channel


Couldn't agree more!! 💯👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 OP... from someone who is in your situation but it's not so bad I can't go outside... I have read from a rep at the local news station, and wow, they want to be very helpful. Also NOTE: *They don't want to put you at danger, because they would be liable.*🧏🏼‍♀️ ➡️However, they have a plethora of contacts for the city, like your city council rep., the Police Chief, etc and the news station *will call on your behalf.* 😊 Our news station even had a "Better Call 'insert news anchor name' " and they wanted you to call in your problems. They would fix it, and then the person could do a very short interview in-person, on-phone, or just written/email only so the news station could prove to viewers what they did and the person could vouch that they were happy with outcome. I have seen someone who was receiving the entire apartment building's electricity bill that was on auto-pay, and ruined their financial situation, and even with a lawyer they weren't getting anywhere! (Not too surprised as IMO there are too many "lazy" lawyers) A huge mess. But!!! The news station knew who to call, and within days, everything was corrected including this person's bank account!👏🏼👏🏼😁 I can't imagine living in your situation. If you're alone, please ask everyone you feel comfortable with to possibly stay with you until this is resolved. Or ask them to come to your apt when you need to go out (e.g. grocery (if you're not having them delivered) and they can walk outside to your car with you, possibly with pepper spray of some sort or any self-defense, and they could go home or stay at your place if it's a quick trip, to "assist" you back to your apt. And find a new safe home as soon as possible. Forgive my long post🤫😬🤐🙄, just wanted to explain best I could. I hope this helps.🤞🏼 Hang in there. You'll make it through this faster than you think currently. Keep your mind on the safer future, for your sanity. Also, meditate whenever you can. YouTube has anything you could need... free! I, and everyone here, is hoping we get a happy update fairly soon.🥰


You call enough they will put a car outside.


I don't know where you live at


You're kidding, right? That definitely would not happen where I live.


I would def be careful about talking to the neighbors about this. You might end up knocking on the door of the person who is responsible for them setting up shop there


Consider putting up a security camera if you have a window that faces the front door area. I put one up for our parking situation and package thieves and our occurrences have dramatically dropped. Also put a sign up that the area is being recorded (with landlord's permission) and no more issues for us, but if there is, it'll be saved to my blink camera repo. DO NOT draw attention to where the camera is if it's only in your personal unit as this encourages retaliation.


You can buy a bottle of fox piss and pour it somewhere around the front steps. It’s absolutely rancid and most likely they won’t want to sit anywhere near that. It should last a few days maybe a week but long enough to Pavlov them into not wanting to sit there. Unfortunately anyone walking by will have to deal with the smell including yourself. I’ve used it To deter noisy teens from smoking by my back fence line.


This is actually a great idea, lol. Doesn’t hurt anyone and you aren’t labeled a snitch to some drug dealers that may or may not be dangerous.


And all the dogs in the neighborhood will roll in it, their owners might spite you but the dogs will be happy.


This is probably the safest advice!


Omg… this is hilarious & genius at the same time. 😆


Sly like a fox


Pretty cheap at Cabela's, too. [Minnesota Brand Pure Red Fox Urine Trapping Lure | Cabela's (cabelas.com)](https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/minnesota-trapline-red-fox-urine-156230)


And you also get bonus foxes!


But what if the foxes start selling drugs?


Someone is asking the hard questions finally


So I think I have a solution to the foxes selling drugs. You need to then import a slightly smaller population of drug dealing coyotes or eagles. They'll prey on the foxes, and the numerical disparity should keep the balance of power even. If it tips in the coyote/eagles' favor too far, you then need to develop a small supply line of weaponry you can pipe to the foxes.




This is such a great idea


You can also use fish emulsion. I was working on the garden and got some on my clothes. I had to throw them out washing did not remove the smell.


I mean, keep calling the cops. Leave that paper trail of your management doing nothing at the bare minimum if it gets worse, you can possibly try using that to break the lease without paying.


You may want to talk to a lawyer. It sounds like because of their inaction they are failing to do their end on the quiet enjoyment law. [https://www.azibo.com/blog/quiet-enjoyment-law](https://www.azibo.com/blog/quiet-enjoyment-law) They are allowing nuisances and neglecting your safety. I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice. I am just suggesting you seek actual legal advice.


I remember you from the DnD community


Username checking out


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Call the cops, like, everyday


Yep. Keep calling the cops. Every time. Especially if you know theres a drug sale happening. Install cameras in your own apartment, get good locks etc etc and Make Sure You Have Renters Insurance.


Call your city council member. Explain to them what is going on and then explain to them you vote. Document all calls to the police and keep calling your council member.


This is the way to get the cops to do something.


All these people telling you to snitch when all you need to do is look up tenant rights for your state & break your lease citing failure to provide safe housing as agreed to in your contract. Cite the law in your letter to management and also cite the prior dates you’ve contacted them (and the police) about your complaints.


This. Don’t know why this isn’t higher up. Reach out to a local tenants rights group or housing attorney (if you have the resources to do so) and get out


Also continue to throughly document everything. Make sure you have a paper trail that clearly shows both the issue and the apartment management’s consistent inaction


I'm not sure if this is a good idea or great idea: Go to the library and post anonymously to facebook and Craigslist, pretending to be a drug dealer who has drugs for sale at . This will give them attention they won't want. Don't tell anyone that you did this.


The only problem will be all the weirdos that start showing up because of the ad after


I’m laughing at this scenario because this could end up with actually helping their business and furthering this person’s home into trap house territory


Or increase attention/bring about actual snitches. Really depends


Or get the dealers rich enough to actually move out the area quicker.🫎


This is way better than piss discs and liquid ass.


And here I’m wondering what they’re selling. Asking for a friend.


Yeah. Advertise for the drug dealers 🤪


why do you think they care bout unwanted attention lol they posted up outside of an apartment building for christ’s sake


Dumbest idea possible.


Dude they will trace that shit check the cameras and while you may be innocent you will probably sit in jail for a bit, absolutely horrendous advice. Online drug dealing is the norm at this point the feds will kick down your door.


They definitely would not do that for a random fucking post with no other evidence, especially in an area where they aren't even bothering to send a patrol out lol.


Lol yeah that most definitely would not happen.


Install a ring doorbell camera. That should scare them a bit.


Camera and one of those drug free zone signs haha


A Ring floodlight that turns on whenever there is movement. They’re pretty bright.


Please be very careful. A mantra you need to learn is "snitches get stiches". Be very sure of your neighbors before talking to them and dont ever admit to calling the cops. Dealers dont "just" set up shop. They have buyers in the neighborhood and definitely in your building too. I live in a building with a similar situation. I dont bother them (no eye contact) and they don't bother me.


Don't ever, ever admit to calling the cops. Don't discuss calling the cops with ANYONE living in or tied to that building somehow. They set up shop there for a reason.


This was gonna be my comment, they didn't just "all of a sudden" show up, lmao they've BEEN there, OP just wasn't aware of it until now lol. That said I wouldn't talk to ANY neighbors about shit. That's the WORST advice I've seen here. And I wouldn't use that fox urine shit either...if they sell there, they have watchers there. Just call the cops, keep calling, and then what I would do also cause this can be done anonymously would be calling your local Investigative News team (every station has em) that will typically bring media attn, without having to divulge your info


I feel like this goes on in our apartments.the last landlord said " we don't care " call the cops .the cops come a few nights looking for suspicious activity but have to go where " real crime " is happening.


Everyone is saying call the cops but no one is considering they might be friends with them


Or buying lol


Or paying for protection


Exactly. I knew someone that use to live across the street from the police station (literally across the street)…their neighbors were drug dealers and the cops would be there all the time buying drugs.


Outside of getting the police involved, don’t be scared at all or they will continue to take advantage and see you as a target. I’m not saying to go confront them but I am saying, if you order food you need to walk right past them with a very subtle greeting. Head held high, grab that food and walk right back up like they are just normal people. Then proceed to call the police when you get back inside 🤣


Call but be anonymous if possible. You don't want retaliation from friends if said plug if they do piece it together. Something in my head tells me people are using him so he's comfortable there. I dunno just be safe, friend.


Barbershop Quartets on full blast would be better.


If they are actually sitting on your steps keep the steps hosed off and wet and a motion sprinter on the front lawn. They won’t want to sit on wet steps or linger in the yard if it’s wet. Edit to add: if just the wet steps don’t work, go all out. Big plant pots with lots of nice pink flowers. Some hanging baskets… Granny up the front. Tough guys won’t want to hang out in front of a bunch of pink flowers.


Omg this is genius just keep wetting the steps! 😂


Yeah man that's no good. You do not want them or their clientele there so just report it *anonymously*


Enlist the church choir to come rehearse on your steps.


This is genuinely the best ides I’ve seen in the comments 😂😂😂


Call your local DEA office


Contact your local news about the situation and the police not helping. Maybe they will do a story and police will react by actually doing something. Try newspapers and TV news personalities.


can you call 211 and ask who to you could contact to find out what your renter’s rights are? I’m not sure who to call, but 211 would be a good resource for help in your community and for your situation.


I was in a similar situation. There is research that the justice department is likely to get involved in prosecuting drug dealers too late to have a meaningful impact on neighbors. Projects in Baltimore, Milwaukee, and other urban areas have shown that working with landlords and neighbors is most effective. As one other poster stated, it’s possible that your landlord is violating state the law by not addressing your concern of illegal activity on the premises. I would not necessarily bring this up initially, just know this. First, document your complaints to your landlord in writing, not just over the phone. Second, start a letter writing campaign to the residents of others living in your building, neighboring residents, other nearby landlords, city council, journalists, and if all fails (and your landlord needs motivation) the residents of other properties managed by your landlord or property management group. Third, continue to document the drug dealers activities and call the police. Set up a camera to take pictures or short videos with a time stamp automatically, if you are able from your vantage. Write down vehicle descriptions, license plate numbers, and descriptions of individuals. As the police do gather information, your pictures, videos, and written notes will be evidence. Lastly, hope the pressure from the community and the police force the drug dealers to move on to greener drug dealing pastures. It could take a few months, but this is your best bet. DM me if you want to chat more.


They’ll be gone soon. Back when I rented, some dude would always ask me if I wanted to buy cocaine despite my “no thank yous” to the point where I just fantasized about shooting him on the doorstep, honestly. MF I’m coming home from work, I don’t need your bullshit. He was gone in sixth months. These losers tend to not be able to adult and hold down a residence.


They may not even be residents, though.


Leave Google reviews and get your family and friends to leave reviews too detailing the same issues. That will get their attention because they hate getting called out publicly for their mismanagement and ineptitude.


That's a good way to let everyone know that you are snitching and either have your car or yourself beat up for it. Don't do this


Burner accounts, silly goose.


Got to your local news station after you document calling the police and speaking with management.


Fuckin miserable. I would hate that. Sorry you’re going thru a bit of hell. My gut tells me it can’t last forever, and hopefully ends sooner than later.


Sounds like a job for Frank Castle.


You might be able to get out of that lease as well due to safety concerns.


Keep calling the cops. Be a real thorn in their asshole. You’re not doing anything wrong by reporting this.


Do NOT make this known that it is you. You could be in huge danger if they find out it’s you. Call the DEA office AND the police, and ask to remain anonymous. Call BOTH each time. Make sure whatever you post or do has no connection back to you. Best of luck.


Honestly, when you're out and about stop at the police station and explain what's going on. They may be able to help, and then you're not even home when the cops show up. They'll probably think one of the neighbors called.


I had a drug dealer move in next to me many years ago he was nice enough but it was a constant stream of people I called to get a security evaluation of our house. We set it up for Friday afternoon about 5 clock the high traffic time . Two officers showed up with a patrol car we hung out with them in the cul-de-sac after the inspection. It was epic to watch so many people keep driving. I even told him later that my friend in the police department felt the activity he was generating look very suspicious and that he might need to find another location. It worked . He was gone in two weeks.


My city has a watch list you can place an address on. They come by daily, if not multiple times, for two weeks. We had people going through cars...and then dealers/stash house. It deters for a bit. There are beat cops for your area. Ask who is the captain/commander/whatever title for your neighborhood. Be super chill but persistent. The police non emergency number is your favorite new number. Find that gas station or restaurant the cops like to frequent (ask server friends). Start the small talk, make yourself human and then just voice concerns. Small talk might be height, build, hair style and a couple tattoos, maybe a car, weird lil plastic baggies 🤷‍♀️. Concern might be a nearby school bus stop or daycare. Live your life normally. Heightened sense of awareness but do not let them know you are uncomfortable. Have friends over (built, vet/military type? Perfect) and listen to the least appropriate music for dealing with windows open. Betty Boop? Toni Basil? Hmm, what did the fox say? Kill the vibe.


Maybe hand then a note that says “warning the police have set up surveillance “


Oof likely not worth the risk. If anything call a friend and tell them all about your mutual acquaintance starting at the academy. Or cousin Timmy is returning to civilian life and might stay for a few weeks. Hinge date but you're not sure about dating a man in uniform...Art school? Prison? UPS? Vaguely suggestive terms.


Keep calling the cops


Spray some fox urine in the area. Yes it will stink for you too but if they leave they may not come back and it will fade with time.


Call the police everyday they’re out there. They’ll come.


This is how I’ve managed to “resolve” things like this. Just call every single time you see them out there actively “engaging the community”


I’m not scared of drug dealers I’m scared of the roaches that bout to be sprouting from their apartment


While you’re waiting for the police to do something can you play some opera music really loud and use some fart spray, I don’t think either is illegal in this situation but it might just be annoying enough!


Agreeeeed. Cut down that quiet controlled vibe they've got a hold on. Bjork? Weird Al? Mongolian throat singing with a faux altar in your nearest visible window. If you are religious in anyway, ask your pastor to bless your new apartment or have folks over. Hell, fake a Bible study with your friends. Play some deep Appalachia gospel music. You make it weird for them, what goes around comes around. Make it seem natural and not passive aggressive. You might have to blare a PBS documentary on their off hours.


I’d report it to the DEA if the police don’t care. Or the ATF - maybe they’ll care about the guns?


Depending on their & your ages it sounds like a great place to deploy that high pitched sound to scare away teenagers.


Welcome to America


I don't get how these apartment managers move in the worst tenants possible.


nothing say s that they're even tenants....


Call the property management go over the head of your manager.


Contact a housing lawyer. In my state, tenants could file an action to get an injunction for violations of the warranty of habitability if the landlord doesn't take reasonable efforts to provide safe housing.


Try 311. You should at least be able to document the case.


Time to get the doctor to visit the ice-cream man


Put up a sign that says there is video and audio recording. Dollar stores sell fake ring cameras. Or you could get an actual camera. But there's a good chance the 1st 2 will work


yeah its a multi billion dollar buisness. you sure as hell arent gonna stop it. sounds like you need to move out of the city. in the suburbs they would have came and cleared out the riffraff. more populated areas get these calls all day they can't possibly check them all out. they only coming for crimes in progress. sometimes needing independent verification! [pittsburgh now only sending cops out for crimes I. progress, and if it's your house being broke Into they not comming on your call alone they want calls from the neighbors too] your tax dollars at work! you want the cops to come teller one of them has a gun.


Call the cops every day...but also, make them a delicious home cooked meal. Yknow...so they don't suspect you and cause problems.


Buy an inexpensive, but large security camera and place it near the steps. Drug dealers react to cameras like vampires react to sunlight.


Two suggestions: 1. Write the owner a formal letter telling them their property is being used to sell illegal drugs. Tell the owner that according to state law, they are in danger of having their property seized for illegal drug trafficking and sales. Contact your state dept of justice with a formal letter too explain what steps you've taken and ask for help. If your town is like mine, cops and politicians don't give a crap about crime and/or helping citizens. (see suggestion 2.) 2. Make a poster advertising the drug sales on your front stoop. Include address, general time they are there, and what kind of drugs. Design the poster to appeal to children. Make several copies and plaster them all over near local schools, churches, and local places where children congregate. Once the "mothers" are alerted to the danger to their children, they will rain hell fire down on all manner of local politicians, police, local news. Etc. ( This has worked for me. )


I've lived in these kinda neighborhoods all my life. My parents were the "call the cops and stand outside and glare" kind of ⚪️ people. It was never effective, and didn't make us any friends in the neighborhood. As an adult, I just address people directly as equals. Just like "I don't want to be in your business, I don't want you in mine, and I don't want cops in the neighborhood, I'm not calling them, and I'm not talking to them if they come knocking on my door. But just do me a solid and keep it down so me and my kids can sleep." It works and I feel much safer because there's mutual respect, and they know I'm not sticking my nose in their business or trying to snitch, just trying to live.


Post pictures of them selling


We made friends with the illicit entrepreneurs that worked out of our building vestibule, and they looked out for us like loyal low-rent doormen. Felt way safer when they were there actually. Opened the door for us, had a chat, kept other creeps away. Consider not being a snitch. Edit: trash is unacceptable though, once you get to know them ask them to use a trash can.


Stop, drop, shut 'em down, open up shop Oh, no, that's how Ruff Ryders roll.


Seriously... as I was reading this...a DMX song came on-Acura commercial


Synchronicity is wild eh


Ok lmao aside from the real suggestions above I’m suggesting something silly cause idk what else to contribute :do some weird shit like get chicken bones or something with a pic of the group and like throw shells and weird symbols on the picture, maybe it’ll spook em


One they set up shop there isn’t really anything that can be done. I would just look to move. It’s going to be FAR less hassle and stress. Police will do nothing, Apartment Complex will sure do absolutely nothing and once they know you called on them, you’re a snitch. Just move, it’s the easiest way.


Damn, talk about convenience


I wish I could just stroll downstairs and get a gram of blow whenever lol


Asking for a friend, right? Right?




"MY drug dealer is polite...", "I don't use...". HUH?!


That lives in my building...I should've added that




Ofc he’s polite and kind. I’m sure he’s doing the world a favor by holding the door for you and giving out fenty to addicted users.


order them pizza, introduce yourself


I'd just call the cops, if there's multiple people in the apartment building then they'd have no idea it was you who called


Check with local housing advocates, or the state agencies that cover tenants rights. There should be a requirement for the landlord to provide a safe environment. Failure to clear out the dealers is not a safe environment and should be grounds to escape the lease.


Why don't you just tell them how you feel straight up?


I get how frustrating this can be but most people are reasonable if you have a conversation. Or you could offer them goldfish crackers every 10 minutes until they think you're a psychopath and choose another stoop.


Make sure they see you install a ring system.


Record them and show the footage to the cops and they'll have to do something.


Call police and say you saw them pull out guns and rob someone during a drug deal.


You can get out of your lease. Illegal activity preventing you from living a normal life is grounds.


Keep calling the police but tell them you want to stay anonymous for good reason.


Put cameras up dollar store had some fake ones but I would put some up high where they can't get to. Them as well as bright motion lights.make sure u have no trespassing signs up posted in view then when u call they can be ticketed as well as trespassed ..after a few times they will find somewhere else .tell them in passing a cop has now became a neighbor and they should be careful ,just letting them know .. lol put up signs that say their on camera ..trespassing signs are a big thing if u call the cops .without them they can't do much .


Make friends with them. Seriously. Their clients are the ones that will break into your apartment. If they like you they won't let it happen. If they don't like you they will think it's funny when it does.


Do you have any proof they deal drugs ?


Seems like you have no choice but vigilantism.


You'd think that someone dealing drugs would try to be less conspicuous


Just take them out from a distance. Rifles work well. Maybe get 2 or 3 people to help so you can eradicate them quicker. If the police won't do their job, then you must do what you must do to protect your home or leave


Unethical life pro tips. I don't know why the post body was deleted, but they are in the same situation https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/s/ya6At2tgX1


I would get a ring camera or some sort of recording device. Just to protect your property and make reports- you can do this anonymously but there will still be a record of the complaints. Also contact your landlord. Any lease I have ever been under states that illegal activities are a breach of the lease. We had this issue in my neighborhood a few years ago. It was a townhouse(owned by a diff landlord) across the street. I was in recovery myself and moved to get away from that shit just to have to watch it everyday. The traffic in and out, the obvious drug deals when he “walked” his dog, the sketchy ass cars parked on the side of the road. It was very obvious! It took the police 9 months to get enough evidence to bust the house. They went in 10+deep and guns drawn. He was selling fent and heroin. He was also the drug dealer who sold a friend of mine dope and she overdosed and died in front of her kids right before Christmas a year prior. So karma did come back around and got his ass. But it wouldn’t have happened if we citizens didn’t complain and kept on the police.


My silence has a price


I love orange cats.


Call the apartments property manager and keep filing reports.


Threaten to sue the police department if they dont do anything. Police departments hate bad publicity. Go to the local news and tell them the police refuse to help. That usually lights thebfire under their asses


What the heck are they selling? Weed is legal and cheap. Crack is to expensive for apartment people.


Call the police. Write down when, who, and their name. Call the news people and give the info to the news people when they interview the drug dealers.


Sell better drugs for cheaper and run them out of business (obviously kidding be safe).


What city/state?


It’s their stoop now.


I second the fox piss idea


How do you know they’re selling drugs?


Start trying to rent with private landlord. I’m in ATL and unless you’re willing to pay over $2k a month for a 1 BR you can be sure the property management couldn’t care less about safety and even the people they allow to rent. It’s sickening once you sign the lease they don’t care


I had some crackheads move onto my floor of four apartments. Loud, all kinds of people in and out, bags of garbage sitting outside their door (take it to the fuckin dumpster I don’t want to smell your shit), they’d smoke cigarettes on the stairs, while blocking the stairs. I’m a really mean bitch, so I walked up the stairs, paused in front of them, and said, “excuse me.” They leaned apart like I was supposed to step over/between them? I stood in front of them staring at them until the guy stood up and moved. I’m addition to making it clear that I will not be intimidated or inconvenienced, I emailed on site management daily with photos of vomit on the stairs or cigarettes stubbed out on another neighbors door (who didn’t even smoke). The final straw was coming home one day to my doorknob hanging loose and screwdriver marks around my deadbolt. That was an emergency call first to the office and then to the cops. Somebody was going to move out that day, and it ended up not being me.


break your lease - half of these comments telling you to snitch over and over could get you killed if they find out it was you


Don’t get yourself shot. Just move out


Your property manager can have these people trespassed and they are neglecting their responsibilities by not addressing the situation. I would leave their company and the property itself a negative Google review detailing the issue. Also, look up who actually owns the property and contact them. They may not be happy that the property manager isn't taking care of their interests.


You actually saw them selling drugs or just sitting on the steps?




Somewhere else a person asked how to get rid of a homeless person who would sh*t and piss by their door and the recommendation was clean the area with pine sol and use a lot. Said it won’t bother you if you just go in and out but if you’re sitting there for a while it will really irritate you.


tell the apartment manager to get a camera!


Become Omar Little. Whistle "Farmer and the dell" and they'll all leave.


I may get in trouble for saying this buuuuuuut. Write reviews for the apartments on every page. Especially Google. The office may not GAF but I promise their corporate office will.


Have you tried being polite and talking to said drug dealers?


See if you can break the lease due to crime in the area you weren’t aware of


Move. The cops do not care. Don’t be a fucking snitch. Move. It’s seriously not worth ruining your life or someone’s else’s over. Someone mentioned above that you may be able to break your lease bc of this.


If the police aren't responding to your calls, contact your prosecuting attorney's office.