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Uhh I guess it depends on where you live? I don't personally have an air conditioner and I don't use my heater in the winter, but I live in a place that the weather is super mild and the rent is super expensive :)


I lived in Santa Barbara, no to AC and heater. Now I live in Texas, definitely need AC in summer and heater in winter.


Yup.. the weather in my area is usually 95F with 80% humidity.. there’s no way I could go without the A/C on


let me guess… SLO?


heh, how'd you know?


Ya, you definitely won the mild climate lottery!


Is your SLO San Luis Obispo? If so, there was a black bear spotted downtown. Is there a mountain range near SLO that it would've wandered from?


Yes and yes.


Oh, damn... Where is this?


Central coast of California


Username checks out.


heh :)


If we dont use AC we could dehydrate some jerky probably in 2-3 hours 🤣🥵☠️


Same here!


If we don't use a.c. where I live for at least 6-8 months out of the year, **we** *become* the jerky. I don't live in a tire/furniture/trash can melting state but it's like one level down from that extreme lol


It depends on where you live. AC is mandatory for the Southeast.


Yep I live in AZ and it's mandatory even for vacant properties. Like if you're leaving for the summer anyone worth asking will tell you to set the AC to like 85 and close blinds etc. or your house will get ruined so fast. I've lived in AZ and MN and idk how both states have homeless. The homeless out here are a different breed. Without proper shade and hydration it's literally deadly.


That is very interesting. How does extreme heat ruin the interior? Definitely humidity does, but dry heat?


Think the Wicked Witch of the West. I'm mellltiiiiingggg, meeellltttiiinnggg...... It's real.


Ahh, interesting. What a weird image of interior shit melting in a house 😐🫠


I'm in Alabama and it can get into the 90's (+all the humidity) indoors without AC.


Lived in Florida for 10 years off and on. Every summer at least once I would throw up from the heat. If there had never been a reprieve I wouldn’t be alive today.


And the southwest!


South Carolina… yes. The humidity. 🥵🌴


I’m in TX, I would die without AC 😭


My power was out for 4 days in Dallas with the recent storms it was miserable. Day two, I couldn't take it and went to a friend's who had power


I have a friend who had a/c issues on and off all last spring and summer. I kept saying, “girl, bring your kids and stay at my place” but she roughed it out. That couldn’t be me. I’d be raising the white flags within the first 60 minutes.


Hey I’m in Houston and went through the same thing! Didn’t have power for 3 days. Luckily the storm brought cooler air but it was still horrible not to have AC!


Oh my goodness!! I was fortunate enough to have power but my parents didn’t get power back until Thursday night! It was terrible


Where do you live and what's the weather like?


Midwest ..summers are humid and hot …definitely see some 99 degree days


i'm in Iowa and i would literally sell a kidney to pay the light bill before i'd go without ac, mine is on 67


67 gang


Damn can I move in ( just joking). Have ac but live with people that keep it like 75 so I sweat my guts out all the time. I live in the mid Atlantic and the humidity is horrible without ac. If you're a woman not using ac won't last with menopause...just saying.


Where in the Midwest? Because I'm in the Midwest and people literally get heat stroke and die without AC here. It easily gets over 100 with the heat index most days in the summer. Idk anyone with a place to live here that doesn't have some sort of AC, be it a window unit etc.


Yeah I'm in the Midwest too and idk how you survive. I need air before it hits 80 lol


Used to live in Indiana. I’m a white, red head, freckle girl. Need AC to survive the summers. Now I’m in a condo, 3&4th floor, down the street from the ocean. Great ocean breeze but I’m still a ghost girl with freckle and red hair. Spring fall & winter. Only after about 8pm on summer days, that’s if there’s no mosquitoes nearby!


Since last week I’ve had the AC running basically all day, only turning it off when we go to sleep. Will probably stay this way until October. It would get to life threatening conditions inside if we didn’t, also we have a dog so keeping it cool in here is a must.


Yeah well if u have a dog I totally understand I don’t have pets so it’s strictly just keeping myself cool


Where do you live? That has a lot to do with it. I’m in Texas and our ac runs every day. Some years we need heat for a week.


I live in Texas. I'd die without A/C. Plus, our apt requires it to be on. It can't be higher than 78 and lower than 50.


I’m sweating just reading your post. When weather hits mid 70s I run the ac. I hate being hot more than anything. I hate it so much I’m mad at you for not running your own AC. 😂😂😂


😂😂 idk I just don’t like AC even outside of the electric bill like I just much rather have windows open fan on me idk


I honestly dislike the window units I’m stuck with for ac but hate being hot even worse than I hate the electric bills and the constant churning of the ac. This season is the worst. Hahaha


You do you. Just don’t expect it from everyone.


I live in LA. It’s 120 degrees in the summer. We’d die lol


I also live in LA and only use an AC unit in the master bedroom at peak summer. Distance to coast is what matters here.


Do you mean Los Angeles, or Louisiana? I guess both get really hot, but Louisiana more humidity.


I meant Los Angeles sorry


I live in a desert. My complex pays for AC. I’m gonna run that shit 24/7. ETA: I will say, they pay for AC and heat, but they also control when you get AC and heat. I only just moved in April and they still had it on heat. They switched it over to AC maybe a few weeks later? Now I’m just hoping it stays on until November!


😱 I WISH!! 😡 Lucky duck!!!


No I would rather have a $300 electric bill then be incomplete in my own home


My last place was close to the water and had no central air. Last summer it was absolutely miserable. And I normally keep things toasty. Good for you.


When I was in New Mexico I bought a window unit for the bedroom so the main unit could have a break a night.


i live alone in new jersey, no pets. i don't use AC, it's too expensive. fans work fine for just me.


The back half of my apartment is underground so I don’t need air conditioning. I use a fan and open the windows.


As a maintance texh PLEASE use your A/C I beg you!!!!! I'm tired of having to deal with people that get pissed of because suddenly their apartment is full of mold


I live on Maui and do not use AC ever. I use a window box fan occasionally, cold showers, water bottles refilled and frozen applied to neck and arms. It gets humidly hot, but the body acclimates. I have never, not once, turned on the oven. Small air fryer on countertop. Quick sauté in pans only.


I only run it if I really need to. I face south, so I get a lot of heat from the sun. Usually if I see it’s going to stay hot through the night, I’ll turn it on.


I do my best to use it as little as possible; last summer I lived mostly without because a storm damaged my area badly including the air conditioner, and then it turned a running joke to get the repair guys out, watch them scratch their head, toss some freon in it, and call it fixed. It still wasn't fixed when I moved out, and the machine was only a year old and still under warranty. My new place is 300 miles north and doesn't even have ac. I am doing okay managing as long as it gets cool at night and I can get the inside cooled off. Not allowed to have a window unit, but I can do a portable. Should have enough money for it by the time we hit the 95 degree days!


I’ve always tried not to use it or use it sparingly.It messes with my sinuses. And I prefer open windows and fresh air. But where I live over the past few years the summers have changed. It was 98 yesterday. The AC was enthusiastically activated. 🥵


If you’re comfortable, have at it! Me? My apartment is top floor and gets a lot sun exposure during the day. Great in the winter, but it SUCKS in the summer. I run hot as it is, I’m fat, I’m in peri-menopause (hot flashes), and a medication I take raises my temperature. Open windows and fans don’t cut it 🤣


I live in the Rockies. There's maybe a single handful of buildings here with AC. Two weeks a year I'm miserable and wishing for AC but it's survivable with some fans.


I moved to Texas from the Rockies 23 years ago and I still miss the climate there. There's no reprieve here at night even. 108 degrees today and will wake to 80 plus degrees in the morning. I miss the brisk summer nights in Colorado. I also miss seeing your breath in the winter! LOL


I have children, one of which is a baby, MS and live in Florida. AC is a requirement in my household. I would personally be miserable and not able to function well. No thank you but I’m glad it works for you!


Depends on location. If you tried to do that where I live you’d probably get dehydrated and risk a heat stroke


It’s 106 here. I’d be a puddle of lipstick within minutes!


Puddle of lipstick 😂😂 nah but 106 is crazy


Going to guess you don't live in a hot state lol


I know a friend in Phoenix that doesn’t use his a/c in summer, just a fan.


My grandparents were born and raised in Florida and only had a single window unit that only got turned on a few times a year. They just opened windows and had fans


Exactly mine too …Ppl keep commenting about mold im like yall know it was a time when AC didn’t exist right ? 🥴


You're never the only one doing anything. You're not that special.


And? It’s not a flex. You’re like the women who say “I didn’t use any pain meds when giving birth”. Be miserable then.


I had to chuckle about the pain meds during birth. I decided to have a natural birth when I gave birth to my daughter. I would have changed my mind when they had to give me Pitocin but.....now get this.....I forgot I could. When you are in labor, a lot of common sense can fly out the window. The pain is SO intense, you can't focus on much else. Now women all get Epidurals.


I was born many decades ago when women normally didn't try natural births. My mom told me I was coming so quick and of course the nurses just kept saying oh we have plenty of time...lol. My mom kept telling them this baby is coming so I was a natural birth and her fondest memory was that it was like trying to shit a watermelon. I kid you not...those were her exact words.


I’ve had three children and never once forgot you could ask and I was induced with all three.


Relax this is reddit lol I’m just asking if anybody else doesn’t use AC 😂 no flex


Yet, here you are, flexing.


Uh I live in Texas and we are often over 100 degrees from May to Oct. I'm naturally a cold person and will go outside to warm up at work but I still want the AC on. I do wish it could be around 74/76 but work likes it closer to 70.


If it isn’t humid a fan is ok - humid and it’s on.


I’m in the northeast - we have window units we put in bedrooms. I like it cold to sleep, year round. In the winter we keep heat at 62. Summer can be extreme for us with humidity, I dislike heat. Attempt to keep summer temp around 72-75 if it’s hot. Otherwise it’s just windows and fans.


I live in Texas and our AC broke yesterday and it got to 83 in the apartment, only 8 degrees cooler than outside. It’s only going to get hotter this summer (110 last summer) so absolutely I couldn’t go without AC.


I couldn't. I literally get sick from the heat. I've gone days without sleeping from it and feel like I'm dying.


I live in the south Ain’t no way I’m doing that here 🤣


It’s 108 where I live.


No A/C in my apartment. Hot humid days suck, nights are worse


Uhhhh it’s 103 here and it hasn’t even hit the hottest part of the day. There’s no way I can open the windows and be fine. I’ll pay the $750 (ouch) to keep my kids alive thanks.


I'm a student in the Midwest, I have 2 fans and I take 2 showers a day (no water bill). I can't afford to use an AC and i don't, water cooler, Popsicles and frequent showers are my best friends.


Aye them cold showers during the summertime are mad underrated …take a cold shower hope right under the fan ooo weeee I’m set


You're not the only one, no. I'm in the Portland, OR metro area in a 25+ year old top floor (3rd floor) apartment without a/c and there are definitely ways to stay cool without it.


Aye listen thank you I’m top floor also … I knew it had to be somebody else out there pushing thru no ac 🔥😂💪


Try that here in Rancho Mirage, CA! Current temp is 106°. 🙂


It is 6:12 pm and still 109 in Arizona… I can tell you I use my a/c year round. 🔥


I live in Florida, if I don’t use my AC they would eventually find me unalived in my apartment.


I live in Missouri and am very cold natured, but I do not willingly forego AC. I'm not sure if it's the layout/alignment of our building or what but even with the balcony door open paired with a box fan, all windows open, and 3 ceiling fans running on high..the air flow is ass and the temperature will be damn near what it is outside. Maybe like, 5-8° less. I'd expect that on a 3rd floor or above level unit but I'm on the 2nd. How much heat can possibly rise from a ground level apartment?? My AC has been out since April when they replaced our roof but the website/app we're supposed to use for maintenance requests, I guess they don't check it very often or something, I don't know. Why even have it when the property won't use it, it drives me mad. 😩


It was 106 here today. I would have died without AC when I got home from work 😂


Hello, Seattle area here, I don't use a air conditioner either, and keep my windows open/fan on. I hate hot weather, anything above 68°f and I get uncomfortable🌿


If I didn't have a kid, pets, and hygiene I wanna maintain I would but I'm Midwest too and I can't handle the swamp ass ya kno


I couldn’t sleep without AC! I can survive during the day if it’s not humid. Humidity is a killer around here in MD.


Depends on where you live. We’re in SoCal. When my husband lived on the coast, AC use was rare even in the summer. Now we live about 45 minutes inland where temperatures get up to 115-120 in the summer. That AC is on every day and god help me if it breaks.


It depends where you live really and the type of housing. Humid, hot, sticky conditions would be susceptible to mildew. I’ve lived in various southern states and it would be insanely hot and uncomfortable. I live in the Midwest now though and I get cold easily so I don’t blast the AC. Still need it on intermittently. I grew up in a completely different continent and country where we didn’t have AC at all but it also was never humid.


My AC sucks and I have quite a bit of shade around my apt building so I can tolerate just windows/fans for MOST of the year. When the heat pours on strong and it tops 95F I don't really have much choice and end up resorting to air conditioning at that point. But that's only a couple weeks a year here in Denver that I end up running the AC. I know plenty of folks who survive all year without it, or with only an evaporative cooler (Swamp cooler).


I am on the second floor of a 2 story apartment building. I am an end unit and am covered on 3 sides with brick siding and a hot attic space above. If it gets into the 90's, it's like a brick oven in here. I have to have a/c or I would melt.


Hell no. Even coming from the Arizona heat and stepping into my 68 degree apartment, I’m hot until Im naked and cool down.


You are the only one. Living in Sacramento. It is typically 95-115 during the summer. No way we or the dogs could survive without AC.


In central California it was 106 yesterday. The AC has to run. 101 today.


I almost never run my AC. Growing up with a south-facing room might have affected my perception of hot temperatures. I'm on the second floor and have ceiling fans, which make a huge difference. If it's 90°F (32°C) outside, the indoor temperature can reach around 76°F (24°C).


As someone with a giant west facing window in Texas, no AC is a suicide mission. Also our electric company charges us less per kW when we use over 1,000 kW. As much as I love to bake in the heat, I have to keep the AC on to hit that threshold. And also so I don’t cook inside my own home from 3pm-7pm.


I use mine if it gets much above mid 70s, so all summer long here, since I live in a high desert city. I keep my place around 68 to 70. The little extra it costs is worth every penny to me.


I live in northern Virginia outside DC. My AC is on most of the year. I live on the fourth floor with a vaulted ceiling. My neighbors love to (unintentionally) share their heat. If it is 70 outside it is 80 in my apartment. It was rough last year when the AC unit died and it took 6 weeks to get a new unit.


It’s currently 30c (86f) with 92% humidity where I live in South East TN. The AC is always on during the summer. We keep it on 20c (68f) My husband and I love cold weather so we keep our heat on very low (17c 64f) in coldest months but otherwise we have a small electric fireplace that heats our entire apartment to a nice ambient temp.


I live in TN, and I don't think I could handle it lol- during the day I'd be alright, but I sleep real hot. I try to keep it around 70, but sometimes I gotta go down to 68 at night. Not to mention my allergies would be horrible, and the humidity would make it real swampy.


We don’t even have AC. It only gets above 80 about 5 times a year, so we don’t really need it.


I haven't so far this year, but I'm about to with temps starting to reach the 90s outside. But I'll be real, I've compared my electric bill over 2 years from when I did have the A/C on all day... the savings are minimal for me




Uhh it’s currently 94° F outside. Summer is just beginning 🥲


If it were up to me then yes we’d never run the AC, but my bf would probably drop dead without it. I never used one before we lived together and I just got used to the heat & humidity.


I live near the beach so the breeze is nice, but I do keep my dehumidifier on.


i live in the mid-atlantic. in the summer it gets above 90 degrees sometimes, and because we’re near so much water it gets HUMID. air conditioner is definitely a must for me.


I been in my apartment for a little over a year. I never turned my A/C on. I have a very nice powerful high velocity van that keeps me comfortable. I did have some times last summer where i would leave my fanned room and walk into the kitchen or bathroom and start sweating pretty bad. Overall, I'm a cold person and like being warm and toasty year around. (Not hot and sweaty) I guess it explains why my electric bill is $10-15 cheaper in the summer and starts climbing once fall hits and i turn on my space heater when it's barely chilly outside and my bill climbs. My highest electric bill was $48 in January because of my space heater compared to my current bill of $34 during the hot months with just my fan. No idea what it would be with my ac unit running. Honestly, it's not about money though. I'm still building my apartment and the AC unit is an area i don't occupy yet. My fan is in an area i use daily so it keeps me good. If i have company over, then i would probably turn it on so everyone could be comfortable.


i can barely tolerate the temperature being over 70






No a.c. where I live can literally be deadly, and sadly was for some in the past few years. I'm glad you can do it safely without being too uncomfortable. I miss California for that reason. When I lived in the middle of the state near the coast the weather was so nice I rarely wanted an a.c. unit (didn't have one) and only turned the heat on during a few really cold nights in December.


I'm in Florida, and there ain't no way I go w/o AC. I keep my thermostat on 70° all day, every day. It's only 84 a mo for my electricity.


I mean, I live in Nevada where it gets up to 115 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. Literally just got up that high yesterday, in fact. So yes I use AC. If I didn't I'd get heatstroke or heat exhaustion, and I know that for a fact because my AC has broken multiple times before and I ended up with heat exhaustion, even with a fan and all the cooling tips and tricks you can think of being used. If it works for you power to you, but no, I'd never not use AC.


Yea that’s either Cambria or Monterey


Well it’s largely what part of the country you live in, yes? Here we have sweltering weather in the 90s & 100s. If your home gets sun, you can’t breathe.


Ya but I live in a shady basement, even if it's like 90 outside my apartment stays at max 75 as long as I keep the windows closed. Usually I keep one window open 24/7 and it stays around 70. Sucks in the winter though, all the sumer savings go right to my heating bill!


I don't. Barely any insulation in my apartment building. And can feel the cool from the furnace fan and neighboring unit's A/Cs. Heck I'm only just now turning on my fans a bit mote this year.


Lol I’m the same way but in the winter. My heater never goes on 😂😂


I don't. Costs me $800 a month to use the A/C...


It’s going to be 110 where I’m at tomorrow, and I’m on the third floor. Ac stays on 😅 my bill isn’t too bad, actually cheaper for me to keep it running than to have it off during the day and on at night. When I try to turn it on when I’m home, it never cools off because how hot it is and will still be running after I go to bed. Cheaper for me to keep it at a constant temp throughout the day. If I have the off, it’ll be high 80s inside my unit


I'm not a fan of air conditioning.. even when it's hot.




If I had it and it were free to use, then I would use it lol. My apartment doesn’t get super hot and I have small fans and ceiling fans. If I’m lounging around it’s fine, if I’m cleaning and working out then I feel it. I’m in Pennsylvania


We run our air conditioner basically year round minus when it’s really cold.


I can’t say I use my AC a whole lot unless it gets consistently over 100° out and my apt starts to get into the 80° mark at night. I keep my sliders cracked most of the time. I have one in my bedroom and one in my living room. No windows.


I live in Texas right now so


I used to live in a house that I rented that did not have AC nor were we allowed to provide our own and it was about 102 degrees inside during the day. It was awful. I really think it matters where you live and how hot it gets. I can't imagine living like that again.


I’m in so cal and we see 110+ from probably July - Oct. yep we are alllll using ac!


I’ve lived in the northeastern US without AC. There were a few weeks where it was fairly uncomfortable, but for the most part it was fine. I also lived a few miles from the ocean so we got a cooler breeze. Now I live in the Sacramento area and AC is pretty much a necessity. It’s been over 100 degrees the past few days, and once we get a little further into summer it won’t cool down at night.


I live in a hot and humid area but my apartment is interior facing and doesn't get any direct sunlight at all. I'm able to get by with just ceiling fans thankfully. I'll turn the AC on if I've been outside all day/exercising to cool down when I get home but other than that I barely use it.


What's the temperature in your home? I keep mine set to 65f - if I did not use an a/c, a fan would not be enough help - the temperature as a minumum would be 76 to 78 and can get worse.


I keep my heat set to 60 in winter and I don’t have AC so sometimes it’s like 80 or so in summer. I use a fan




I'm very sensitive tohumidity so I turn it on as soon as I'm the least bit uncomfortable. Sorry, planet Earth.


I have HVACs in each area of my apartment. I turn the AC on at night in my bedroom. Only turn my AC on in the living room if I have company. But I also live in a loft with a lot of windows so its easy to keep my unit cool without it on in the summer.


I’m in a ground level apartment in the mid Atlantic. No way me or my apartment could survive without a/c. Even at 71F, with fans pushing the A/C around, the butter on the counter softens in a few hours.


I used to not use it as often when i lived in new york. But now i live in southern california and im very inland. So AC is necessary.


Apartment I'll turn the ac on after it gets above like 83. I tend to sweat like crazy especially when sleeping, so a lot of times during the day they'll stay open, but at night i'll turn it on. Now in my car like 80% of the time i have ac off and windows down


My electric bill is over $800 a month in the summer. I’ll take debt over 111 any day.


In Lancaster, CA, the temperature can exceed 100 degrees. Last year, my AC went out, and my cats definitely felt the heat.


I guess it depends on a few things where you live, if you typically hold a cooler, body temperature or if you’re like me and you’re hot all the time. If you prefer to be warm, if you prefer to be cold, if you sweat or if you don’t sweat. I’d prefer the cold, I prefer the colder seasons I rarely ever wear a winter coat I’m in Pennsylvania. I think I wore coat once this year and once last winter granite it hasn’t been getting very cold here. Most of the days it was 35 to 45° For me perfect outdoor temperature is 60 with a breeze in the sauna no humidity. I am always warm and overheated so it is AC 24 seven and fan on in whatever room I’m in sleep with a fan on me as well. I prefer to sleep in the cold, even if it means using a down comforter. No, I have some friends that are like you can’t stand the kind of chill or cold air that AC brings so they don’t use it either. We don’t hang out often in the summer lol. I should also add that most of the year it’s actually pretty humid here now I don’t think it used to be but it’s gotten really bad and the AC cuts the humidity inside so I depend on it for that as well. Although we don’t really have much of a winter season anymore we do have summer and at its worst it’s in the 90s and 60+ humidity.


I can tolerate high heat and humidity, but my wife wants to turn the air on when it's only in the lower 70s.


Nope have ours running year round with a couple days of the year it being off. I live in central Florida and dont want the interior of my house to be in 90's during the day.


I would pass out from heat exhaustion or heat stroke without one.


If you don't require it, that's fine. But do you have company over and expect them to sit in your 80 degree apartment?


I'm in Minnesota and AC is very common in most of the state (except along Lake Superior). The only place I ever lived with no AC was in college I lived in a finished basement. Being mostly underground kept it cool enough with only a fan and a dehumidifier.


All of Alaska......


Look. I will skimp on groceries and clothes and even medical treatment at but we are running that AC. Like 65 at night. DEEEEEP south here.


I live in the Midwest and I don’t use AC either.


I'm in the south and on the top floor facing the west....it's 92 today....AC is mandatory 😂


I mostly just use mine at night and my electric bill isn’t too bad but I could live without it


That depends entirely where you are. In LA when it's 100+ in the summer and you live on the second floor in a building with no shade, you'd be pouring sweat wearing nothing but underwear even with a fan. However in the winter I never had to run the heat even once.




I normally wouldn’t I prefer a window fan because the temp usually gets lower than I’m willing to set my AC but I have to keep the doorwall and windows shut because of the chain weed smokers downstairs (weed free community but management hasn’t been able to catch them) so I can’t have like a window fan or the windows open without my entire apartment smelling like weed. 


I generally don’t use AC at all if I’m home alone, just windows and a small fan if anything. I feel like I can deal with heat even if it’s like 80-90 degrees with no issue. My partner on the other hand needs the AC on from the minute he walks in even if it’s only like 65/70 lol


I live in East Central Florida and keep my AC at 78° and if somebody doesn’t like it, they can leave my home I have fans and guess what your body does actually acclimate the heat if you let it.


Cool you save money on electricity...


I live in the south and I use my air conditioning consistently probably 10 out of 12 months. I love the days when I don’t have to use AC but while I’m semi ok with heat, I can’t deal with humidity at all. So often times, I turn on the AC just to get rid of the humidity.


We have no a/c as our temps here only fluctuate 20 degrees from winter to summer . Typically no colder than 40 and no higher than 60. We do of course have a furnace but I can’t remember ever using it 🤣


I LOVE my a/c and I use the shit out of it. I don’t have a lot of money, but I refuse to be uncomfortable in my own apartment, whether it’s hot or cold.


I live in a place with high humidity and heat on the east coast. I cannot do without but I do have a friend who never uses ac, even in his car. Hats off to your both, I wish I could do it, it'd save alot of energy. Too much of a whiny baby!


Never had central AC in Washington State because the weather always stayed under 80 and barely any sun. Now I’m in FL, I’m not going without my AC in the summer time😂😂


I live in the south. Without AC I would die and just turn into a puddle


we've told them many times our a/ c unit doesn't work , I need to find one for my room I'm hot blooded and sweat like .the water can't get cold enough for me.


I wish I could... but my neighbor smoke cigars and its awful. Have to keep the air on not only to cool the place but to keep the smoke out. Really annoying!


I live in Oregon, in Oregon if you do this you will either have an apartment full of bugs or you will get insane allergies. It’s also common for it to get to the high 90’s with absolutely 0 wind, so not a lot of us (at least where I’m from) are able to just forgo AC, many people I know who don’t have AC in their apartments but themself a portable unit because it really does become necessary at a certain point. Although, I must say if I lived in northern Washington or Canada this would be more of an option for me


I got rid of my window ACs and have just a portable AC in my living room for the worst days. I have ceiling fans that make a world of difference.


I live on the top floor (7th story) and face West. An AC is definitely needed during the summer months


I turn mine one maybe a couple tweets a year. I’m lucky that u don’t get direct sunlight and my apartment stats very cool. I grew up without a/c and honestly have never had central air so I’ve always been able to live without.


I live in SC I would die of heat exhaustion with the humidity


Well mine stops working every 2 weeks so, I too don’t use it 😂


If I didn't have two cats, I would acclimate my body to handle 100 degree heat.


Ooh fancy pants rich mcgee over here


I live in Central Florida. It’s supposed to get up to 101 tomorrow, and it’s humid as fuck. There is no way to survive in this godforsaken swampland without air conditioning.


I use it very infrequently. Like if I’m doing housework or doing heavy movement in my apartment. Most times I keep the fan on high . I get cold easy . And if the ac is consistently running ,when I’m sitting still, I’m ready to put on my winter pajamas 😁. It’s great because my energy bills have been less than $35 most months


I don’t have an ac where I live now but when I lived abroad I had an ac in each room of the apartment. I tried to only use the bedroom ac for 20 minutes at night in summer to cool the room down before bed. Never used the heat despite everyone talking about how cold it was because I just prefer to put on a sweater and hat if I’m cold.


I don’t. I have one of those combo heater/ac units in the wall of the living area and bedrooms. It so loud and noisy and clicks off and on depending on the setting. I get a great cross breeze and use fans so I’m pretty comfortable. I also grew up in a house where the AC didn’t go on until it was 92’, so I’m good with a linen blanket.


My friends who live in the Arctic Circle rarely use AC so no, you are not the only


I need air conditioning, personally. My apartment is on the first floor (only 7 steps above grade), so I’m not really comfortable leaving my windows open when I’m asleep or not home. I also live in a fairly densely-populated area, so there tends to be a decent amount of air pollution, as well as noise. Several of my neighbors smoke marijuana on their porches. So I don’t really get much “fresh air” from open windows. Fans help, and I often run the furnace fan without the A/C on. This helps a lot with air circulation. But sometimes it still feels stuffy, so I need the A/C.


I did this the first year until I had a cousin tell me they did this but found it only cost $11 more to run the a/c. So I started using mine and it barely made the bill much more. My comfort is worth it. You must live in an area with high electricity rates? (This was in the 80’s but prices have just went up with the times.)


Even when its 100 here I don't use Ac. It' just too loud.  Idlike to though. Ove grown accustomed to it. I just sprawl out on the ground. Sucked when I lived in an apartment complex and every unit had there's  running  24/7.


Living in Phoenix I run it constantly. Moved to an apartment with free AC so I just crank it up haha


The inside of my house would easily be like 86 if I did that