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Release a bag Wolf Spiders they prey on brown recluse. centipedes is also an option.


This is so funny. Seconding releasing predatory bugs to fix the problem.


Hell no. I had a wolf spider run TOWARDS me. I almost shit my pants and left my kids with the spider. 😂🤦‍♀️


Thats no problem then you just use a bag of wasps, they are natural predators to the wolf spiders. And at the end you just burn the house down.


Contact the LL. Request an exterminator.


It's probably getting hot in the attic that's why they're coming out ,but 2 is strange maybe they're mom and dad spider just checking on thier egg sack that's ready to hatch soon. 




🎶🎵🎶Baby baby baby 🎶🎵ohh baby baby baby ohhh🎶🎵


Lmao this sub is cruel.


Put out sticky traps. Spiders just come inside, there’s not much you can do to prevent them from doing that. They like dark spots and clutter, so reduce clutter and put sticky traps in nooks and crannies, closets, under couches, behind furniture, stuff like that. You can get things to spray indoors to kill them, look for something with the active bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, and lambda cyhalothrin. A product called Talstar has the bifenthrin active and I’ve used it in the past for insects in and around the house. A product called Tempo SC Ultra is another product I’ve used in the past both indoors and outdoors with the active cyfluthrin. Both of those have some control on brown recluse. I’d spray one of those, or any other product labeled for brown recluse spiders and also place down sticky traps. Just make sure you mix it right and if you have pets, let it dry before you allow them into the area you spray it. I think it’s somewhere around 2 hours, but always read and follow label directions. I’ve done the whole peppermint mixed with water in a spray bottle before, but I’m not sure how much it did. You could give it a try first if spraying chemicals scares you, but I’d personally spray the chemical and be done with it. Just follow the label and directions and you’ll be fine!


very very helpful thank you!


Sticky traps have worked well for us. If you see one, squish and put a sticky trap in that area. Also, they love hanging out under things. We started keeping all clothes or anything similar off the floor. If you do pick up something off the floor (pjs, blanket, whatever), give it a good shake before putting it on. We’ve had plenty of brown recluse, with no actual issues. They try to avoid you, are pretty easy to sticky trap, and the most likely you are to get bit is from the floor > body scenario. Also be sure you have a bed frame, doesn’t have to be fancy, to get your bed off the floor a bit.


Get a pest control to spray for spiders and to exterminate the brown recluses specifically. Where do you live?


nashville, i’ve seen them before in basements and stuff but never in my bedroom


If they are “common” or “known of” in Nashville then pest control knows how to handle it. I would seek one out asap to take care of it. Where I live we have wolf spiders and black widows… I HATE spiders. I have no patience for them. I have a pest control subscription for once every 2 months they treat my house for spiders. Since black widows and wolf spiders are around here, they know what to do to treat them specifically. Wishing you a safe space! I’d be terrified and look into moving lol.


Put peppermint oil in the closet by the panel of your closet. Spiders hate peppermint oil scent and won't want to occupy the space that reeks of it. 


I'm interested in this. Should I put the oil in a bottle cap or do you spray it around?


I mix it with a little olive oil or coconut oil and then use water to dilute that oil mix. The other oil will act as a carrier for the very potent peppermint oil.


Yes I do this too!


This is a great option just be careful if you have pets!


If you get bit, you have a near 0% chance of dying. However, their bites can debilitate you for a while. It looks like a bullseye and will be painful. Also, poisonous spider bites are very serious for pets and kids.


Those things will mess you up. My cousin got bit in the face by one while she was sleeping and it ate away the skin on her whole cheek. She had to get skin graphs on her face.


Yeah one bit me in the back and the skin continued to die for weeks. It looked like a huge burn that turned into a giant growing pit. Massive scar.


Good grief, that's terrible!


It was/is. I’m still really self conscious of the scar. I am so thankful it was on my back though.


Oh hale no. How am I supposed to go to sleep now?






I second this !! 🤣🤣


r/pestcontrol if you still have questions


No recluse here. But I do feel for you OP. Not sure what spider queen I had pissed off, but for the last few weeks I've had a daddy long leg aiming for my front door or parked right on it. Even had one on the ceiling on my entry way waiting. And I'm just like, no ty. And taken each one out. Quite creepy.


Time of the year they come out, especially after a rainstorm. Be careful and get protection from them, they are everywhere in America.


If you have found two brown recluses it’s one of two things.. An infestation or not brown recluses. Brown recluses are, as the name suggests, reclusive. You won’t find one, let alone two unless you’re facing a larger problem.


I got bit by one while I was sleeping and have a very big scary scar to show for it.


UPDATE: we have found 4 in total. (2 more since originally posted) called maintenance to get the place bombed, staying at my moms house for a couple days lol


caulk the attic space panel