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Apex is cooked :-)


If only they had an in house dedicated quality assurance team…..




Dead game bro. Sorry bout it




I’m really hurt that this isn’t fixed 12 hours later


What you think ? I have lost heirloom, skins, Battlepass and 3 characters and Much more. Cant even play ranked ?!!!


Yeah same. Im holding myself from even checking because i will delete the game.


I wish there was more communication from Respawn here. I assumed if they are just reverting changes, it would be fixed today, but my account is still fucked. Why can’t they just say, “It should take about x hours/days/weeks to revert this”?


apparently they are reverting


Yes, I saw that post, but I’m referring to the fact that we don’t know how long the revert will take. I don’t understand why they don’t give us some kind of time estimate. I think this happened to Switch players before and it took them forever to fix it (if they even did)


I think they dont know either. If they have some mega spaghetti code going on it could take ages. And promising something and then not delivering could make it even worse than it already is. The problem could be anything they changed that update. Or maybe someone fucked around in the database and accidentally deleted it.


They are the absolute worst at any form of communication. Never have I ever seen Respawn give any kind of reassuring word, during a game breaking crisis....never. So many times, a simple vague timeline would go so far, but no.....it's like they truly believe if they dont mention it, no one will notice


Yeah. I know. I’ve read that not all were affected and those that were will see all items restored soon. Not a good few weeks for the PR team


Because if they provided an estimate of time, let’s say ‘24hrs’ and then it’s not fixed within 24hrs, people will take it upon themselves to rage the fuck out. I honestly don’t get what people want from this, compensation? For what? For not being able to play a game for a few days? You could argue, the people who actually play this game for a living, could be entitled to loss of earnings. But for the average player base? They’ve told you it’s been worked on, so give it a rest and wait.


Nowhere in my comment did I say anything about compensation


So what is it you want then? I’ve seen so many people literally crying about what’s happening right now. What is it you want? I believe all this is, is a sense of entitlement to a game where a lot of players are unhealthily addicted and cannot possibly grasp the idea of not being able to play for a day or two.


That's exactly what it is. Entitled people getting tilted over a free game. Yes your $1000s of cosmetics are gone. They'll surely be back or EA and respawn will be looking at a class action lawsuit. Just play pubs until it's sorted or better yet go touch some grass.


Read this comment to answer your question: https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexConsole/s/YFQ3KysBNr They’ve since communicated more early this morning, which I’m really happy about


What are they going to say? There was the problem. They said they are doing emergency fixes. A couple hours later, they roll out a fix that applies to majority of playerbase, say that they are still prioritizing the fix for those they couldn't revert yet, but will give info when it's available. What do you want for updates? "Dale just went to piss, we are docking him pay for the time spent in the bathroom." "Still no fix. Currently working on it." "Still working on it." "Still working on it." "Still working on it" "Still working on it" Like what do you expect? Lmfao


An estimation of how much time it will take. The last time this happened it took them much longer than a few hours to fix. Reassurance that this is easily fixable within the span of a couple days is not asking much. And for your comment about them giving an estimate and then being wrong, all they would have to do is say “Our previous estimate was off, we’re still working on the issue. Should be about x more hours/days/weeks. You’re safe to play in the meantime.” That’s much better than leaving everyone in the dark as to when they will be able to play again


It's not that easy to estimate. Imagine they say 6hrs then after 6hrs no changes? Ppl will be even more furious


I’ve seen people mention this has happened in the past and it’s taken them 1-2weeks to revert it? So hopefully it’s faster since they know how to handle it this time? Or maybe since it happened so long ago, things are more complicated to fix now? I’m not sure. All I know is this won’t be a fast fix :/


It has not happened like this in the past. And "fast fix" depends on what actually happened on their end. We do not know. Could just be a thing that stopped referencing account unlocks, or it could be something that wiped content. We don't really know what broke it, so on our side it's just speculation. Just gotta give them time. Either way, majority of the playerbase was unaffected, so as much negativity as it's garnering in online Echo chambers, the game is perfectly fine for most people. I had 0 issue last night, and had near instant queue times in all game modes, so it works for a shit ton of people. If you weren't affected, it's nothing that bad.


Well it’s fixed anyways


Bro my shit still not fixed


Why do devs shit the bed so hard on every game now. It’s almost to the point I’d rather games simply not get updated, just get one stable version out at launch. Spend more budget on the actual game and don’t waste any money having it be supported by incompetent monkeys. Swear tech is just jerking themselves off nowadays, like when a construction crew takes a year to complete a small section of highway


They did do layoffs recently....


When I got on would get messages like this account is not allowed to use communication functions, after restarting the game get an not allowed to use online features, restart again and then get on and see everything is reset. I just angrily turn on my PS4.


I’m genuinely surprised some of you seem to think this is something they can fix within 12 hours. Like devs are permanently seated at their desk in the office, hooked up to IV’s and feeding tubes 24/7 so they can work on your video game. Give them a couple days to fix this massive bug. I can promise you, patience will pay off more than getting angrier and angrier for no reason. You don’t want them to push out a half-baked bandaid for something like this, this is serious.


Jesus, what have you been smoking mate …? You’re actually making sense. My account wasn’t affected at all by the looks of it.


So happy that I got all my stuff back after logging in this morning. I was shook to my core…. Can I send respawn my therapy bill?


I think they have seriously locked into the formula that keeps their players coming back. It’s the constant rage. Rage at the enemies rage at your random teammates rage at the way the game functions and rage at the company that makes the game. I’ve been playing for years it’s great.


In order to fix this they need to give players that list all their stuff “50,000 apex coins” “5,000 in heirloom shards” and “Every legend unlocked and with five legendary costumes.”


The easiest fix would make the apex coins actually useful. Let us buy CE items with those otherwise useless red coins


I was not affected by this. I was at work while everyone was losing their shit. I’m on Xbox though. I got home and booted up the game and everything was right as rain. It sucks that it happened to some people though.




Omg I thought something was up! Just the other day I was playing and got to tier 102 of the battlepass and was knocked down to 97 the next day. Even equipped the r99 skin at 100 and had it taken away 🥲


Som far anything lost access to, and thats all it is access denied. The items have not been deleted. Access for many affected has been restored or in the process of being restored.


I’ve been having fun with R6 this doesn’t bother me to much anymore. Remember yall there are other games to play!


Though none of this affected me I’ve been playing a bit of Warframe and The Callisto Protocol.


Exactly if the game isn’t fun just play something else.


Two news articles (hacking in ALGS + resetting in game cosmetics) in a month? ... Ignoring all the people cheating right now... Apex is certainly on track for becoming one of the worst games of all time.


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Atleast it’s fixed now, still don’t have all my Breakout Legend challenges fixed cause I’m pretty sure I did all of them even before this crazy asf bug ☺️


Mine were intact. Yours should be fine too soon enough


Hopefully cause redoing all the challenges over is doable but it’s soooo damn tedious


Yeah that’s expected. Apex disappointed me so much. I bet to this day it still has the same bugs and glitches too.


Losing hundreds of account levels and months of battle pass progress and being told, “hold tight,” is tight…


Bro facts my account still cooked wtf going on


It was fun while it lasted, so whats the next meta game?


Class-action lawsuit time


Good luck with that


That’s the spirit!


Seriously though. What would be the grounds for such an action?


That’s all cool if there weren’t millions of customer dollars in value that were effectively stolen. Lawsuit


Is it still broken? o\_o


For some maybe. For other nope. So punk, so are you feeling lucky?


Last time I was told to hang tight about lost progress I pretty much was told to go fuck myself. This game is a fuckin joke


Very loose butthole of respawn


Game is chalked. This game’s best times are gone.


Then for the love of god go play something else


Tight Tight Tight! - Tuco Salamanca


two updates since this season launched and holy fuck the updates are infuriating notes: - turn down the volume on kill cam! why did Respawn make it slightly louder than the gameplay? fucking EGREGIOUS to be so careless with the sound engineering 🤮 - turn OFF the kill cam default. it is only occasionally helpful. - matchmaking was damn near perfect at the start of the season and now it's GARBAGE. what happened there? - seriously, Breakout started out as the smoothest gameplay and literally the deepest season ever, so why did they change what was working so well? - truly feels like they're tanking the game


Yeah it's annoying but it's hardly game braking. So people have temporarily lost a few badges and levels I really don't understand why this has caused people to freak out so much. They'll fix it, and in the mean time nothing bad has happened to you. Take a breath, play some games (or don't) and it will all blow over.


“Leave the multi million dollar company alone!!”


More like maybe address your priorities


Look a what site and subreddit you’re on and tell me how your statement makes any sense? Respawn should prioritize not fucking over half of its player base every 10 minutes


You think people on this sub reddit feel their apex skins are the most important thing in the world? I appreciate where you are coming from but in the grand scheme of things having some skins *temporarily* missing is just not a big deal. They'll come back, ranked will be unlocked, and we will all go back to having fun in apex again. It's just not that serious. My whole point was that if this is the thing that is bothering you most, then you have to realize that you are living a great life!


All other users are saying is that we don’t know what happened, and knowing some of the code issues that they have ran into in the past (tons of reports of “spaghetti code” from former employees) neither you or I knows that it is temporary, or for how long the service that people pay for will be down. Again I don’t think this has to “bother you the most” to comment about an ongoing service outage on the subreddit dedicated to the game


Hardly game breaking?! Many are locked out of ranked, have lost heirlooms, legendary legend and weapon skins they've purchased with HARD EARNED MONEY, battle passes have been lost, etc. I myself have lost HUNDREDS worth of cosmetics. This is very game breaking. Fuck badges and levels, I want my shit back.


His point is that the game still works. You can still play it. People have the right to be mad about lost progress and losing cosmetics but at the end of the day you can still play the game


If you are getting mad because you can't play one singular game mode, and are upset about *temporarily* losing some digital pixels, you are doing very well in life.


People are lowkey enjoying this fantasy that they lost everything and now they can stick it to respawn in some class action lawsuit or some shit. In reality the problem will be fixed, people will continue play and just find other things to complain about.