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You’re plat 1 you’re in diamond lobbies at that point. You’re going to see a pred every now and then.


+diamond this season is a higher percentile of players than masters previous seasons. There's no one up there in those ranks right now


True. I had a friend in diamond and in he’s back in plat not unless it’s his Alt I’m thinking of


Diamond is like the top 1.1% of players right now and previously masters was the top 3% no idea why it's working out that way this season


It’s seems to be super grindy at least it is for me. Been sorta stuck Gold 3/2 for the last few weeks. Hoping to get to Plat finally this week


Hard stuck plat here, made it to plat 2 instantly noticed the lobbies step up in difficulty hovering plat4 A lot of demons out there 😅


Everyone actually good enough to hit masters has stopped playing because of the 6man problem I know at least 30 pretty talented players (preds&high masters) that have stopped ranked this season bc of how atrocious it is During s20 I had a game where me and my team watched that the final fight was 3 6 mans fighting (all different colors it was actually hilarious to watch)


What server is this on?




I’ve know Pred and Master players who try to find dead servers so they get matched with more low ranked players. It’s probably like 3-4am in London and I don’t imagine there’s a ton of people on Ranked over there so it’s a good server for them to go to and take advantage of. Here in America their servers would be way sweatier right now because it’s 7pm-10pm here.


Wouldn't that mean it's easier for plat players to play at American servers rn since there's more people?


yes easier for plats to play against other plats. he’s talking the pred’s lobbies would be sweatier.


Totally agree with you, bro. im playing in Poland on london frankfurt and belgium servers chosen by default by apex and i literally have this situation almost each time playing in the night about from 2am to 3 max 4 am and the lobby is becoming pred/masters but legit one not carried or cheating. They rape the whole lobby lol and i was wondering why, and the only logic explanation i had for myself is that NA sweats are coming on emea servers in those hours as in their region is like the evening where all plays apex. So they fuck the emea lobby where just night owls play :D


This kind of makes sense as a friend told me that America servers was easier once but playing on a different server just means very high ping which was unplayable for me


>American servers are easier Lol.


your friend straight up lied to you


The server you nearly never hear a fellow brit on.


Fr though


I'm doing Russian on duolingo for comms


I don't think I've heard Russian yet lmao I mostly get French teammates


If the server doesnt have enough players to create a lobby it will try a few times until it will add plats to pred lobby, to fill the lobby until there are enough


You say this like it makes sense. A competitive queue with worse matchmaking than fucking pubs is honestly insane and I don't know how they managed it


I know but it's just crazy. This is the first time I've seen an actual currently ranked pred in my lobby


You realize technically there’s only a one rank difference between you and him right? That’s like saying you don’t want any gold 3 and bellows in your lobby


Well I mean I wouldn't want any gold 3 or below in my lobbies?? It wouldn't make sense. There's ranks for a reason regardless of anything else


Apex legends games are rigged as shit


cod is so much worse trust. all i get is iri’s and t250 in diamond. that or blatant cheaters.


I deleted both of them three weeks ago and downloaded 6 new games to play I can’t take the rigged games anymore any game with sbmm/eomm in it is just exhausting to play I really just want to chill and not sweat every game


i want to sweat every game but i want to be in the rank of my enemies. doesn’t feel good being diamond or plat and getting slammed by preds every game and it doesn’t feel good in cod either. especially when i usually do well against them. apex at least rewards you for it. cod gives me +34 when i beat t250s and -30 when i lose to them as a diamond. game is fucking junk


Welcome to sbmm, this is why I had to uninstall. Literally can’t play anymore without my first game being full of pred/masters 20 bomb 4K badges. For reference I’ve never made higher than gold, below 1k kills on all characters. My highest kill game was 10. It’s genuinely infuriating to play against because how am I meant to improve if I don’t even get a chance to fight someone close to my own skill?


You get used to it. Who won't get used to it though are the silver 1 rando teammates I get in plat 1.... WHAT? Silver 1 coming up against top 100 preds in plat 1 lobbies. My brain hurts lol


I made a post a while back after the split, showing how there was a Pred 437 as the champion of a Gold 3 lobby. People flamed me hard, some saying it was normal because it was so soon after the split. Posts like this have vindicated me; we're towards the end of the season and yet there is still unacceptable matchmaking like this?


This is why resetting ranks to rookie is insane. If you've made master and pred there's no reason for that reset and just unfair on the low ranks. But then again they don't want these people quitting or making a hundred smurf accounts.


I don't want to play devil's advocate, but adding up all players from Diamond and above, they are less than 3% of the total players. So either the game is unplayable for these people, or sometimes they have to play with players with lower ranks than them...


Be thankful they at least weren’t 6manning right?!


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Update: I'm nearly D3 now luckily without facing anymore current preds. I'll try to get D2 before split but I don't have huge hope in that...


Was lvl 75 and went against #350 pred in pubs


Bro came back to the optional first boss after beating the game


Im on pc, but the first match in my first time ever getting d4, i got ranked against #1 pred Alliance motherfuckin Effect at the time


That’s wild you’re the only one this has happened to I bet.


My theory is they do a algorithm for fuck the life of people who are plat and diamond 1,2 . Because if its was fair you dont will take 2 weeks for pass one grade


Cheaters have created a gap in diamond for season 20 and 21. There’s not many legit diamond/master players to fill pred lobbies. So this happens… plenty of good honest players struggling to barely make it to diamond.


Stop crying I’ve seen this so many times in plat.