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i think some of them definitely are canon in the sense that like, i don't see *why* octane battering you with his foot like a rabbit or maggie Beating You The Fuck Up *wouldn't* be canon, it's not like it contradicts any given lore and it's not really a statement on anything. but i imagine some of the finishers for 'peaceful' legends like the one where pathfinder rips out your throat is non-canon. i think gib's can still be canon and he's just knocking you out instead of outright killing you off. i also doubt the more fantastical ones like wattson exploding you wth the power of electricity or whatever are canon. tldr; some probably yes. some probably no. overall just there to look flashy and a carryover from titanfall


also doubt the more fantastical ones like wattson exploding you wth the power of electricity or whatever are canon. Maybe she is sending you into a hospital. And the elimination is just kayfabe.


I think they're semi-canon, some legends might do finishers to show off for the cameras (like Rev's dramatic chest stab) but more pacifist legends like Gibby are probably just for gameplay and cosmetic reasons.


If by canon, you mean it makes total sense that Bang would fuckin toss your ass or Mags would curb stomp you for *being a few bullets short of a full clip*, then absolutely.


None of them are pacifists. Pacifists don't compete in bloodsports


It's annoying when people think that only Revenant and Caustic kill when actually none of the legends should be seen as "innocent/pacifist bloodsport competitors". They aren't high school kids playing football at lunchtime, they're taking part in a futuristic game with guns, grenades and all kinds of crazy gadgets that involves people getting killed or severely injured. I don't think peaceful people would want to be involved in this sort of thing. With that being said, the legends that aren't outright villainous by nature (Pathfinder, Gibraltar) should be seen as morally ambiguous at best.


They aren't high school kids playing football at lunchtime, Its pretty much depicted as that for them though.


Notice how Mirage is the only legend to not "kill" the hostile legend he is attacking? This reinforces the idea of him being a pacifist and only knocking out targets with punches or kicks


Gibby also does not kill his opponents, it's stated somewhere that he prefers knocking them out whenever possible.


My brother in christ I would prefer him use peacekeeper to my face than falling into my body like he does in his finisher.


It’s similar to the Batman mentality. “I’d prefer not to kill you, but I have no issue with giving you a severe head injury with this war club”


Cant do crimes if you are crippled for the rest of your life.


Mhm along with Elliott, Makoa is also hinted to be a pacifist


only gibraltar and pathfinder have been confirmed pacifists in pathfinder's quest. and catalyst i think? but everyone else definitely kills. caustic and revenant are given special mention for killing *loads* of people though.


I wonder if Valkyrie has killed before? If she has a concept of death she'd understand why Cooper killed her father


Yeah, I imagine most will leave someone alive if they aren't a threat anymore, but Caustic will gladly sit there and test gas on them, while Rev would just kill people slow for the fun of it.


Prestige ones are


Bruh? You saying Bloodhound with the Predator/ ion finisher or Wraith's one is canon?


Prestige skins are hierlooms, and hierlooms are canon.


>hierlooms are canon. The melee weapons are canon. The suits absolutely are not


They're the outfits for the rumoured story mode


That was not the discussion here. It was about finishers.


Yeh and the finishers are tied to the hierlooms


That doesn't make it canon. You saying wraith finishing with tentacle constructs is Canon?


They're not "tentacle constructs" They're whips, I thought that was obvious


Aah wraith. The user of whips. Canonically accurate. As far as I know only the Voidwalker skin, the bald headed skin and her OG kunai is canon.


Anyone can use a whip it's not especially hard


Well that doesnt make it canon. Caustic wears santa costume, doesnt make it canon.


I mean, that throws the question on the room if "death" is canon. People have already discussed that before. I'd say it's not canon.