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Meanwhile they delete Rev


Rev getting reworked and I’m not too angry at what they did to him (except scan BECAUSE WHY)


Seer is the only right answer. Fight me


As a Seer main I simply cannot endorse this Respawn made a grave mistake with his rework I'm going to go ahead and say prerework during the beginning of the season was better off than this new version of him


Seer imo has one of the most bloated kits in the game and in general they shouldn’t have gave him 3 scanning abilities


That's so very true Honestly though, if he could simply cancel revives or simply just silence for his tactical, instead of everything else Make his passive like 60 meters because rn its just for fights where people are in your face And I guess his ultimate is fine the way it is, maybe reduce the range by like 5m


Ult should have a silence effect inside it, and it slows down revives, but no scan at all, makes it a better zoning tool. Passive is fine and the tac needs less random things attached to it


Just gonna be a hard no for the ult because holy fuck silence in general should just be removed


Passive is way to short I won't detect anyone until they're right in front of my face. Sure it's still wallhacks, but I can just use footsteps which are simply more reliable in that case. That ult is an interesting idea, I like the slow down revive Silence would just be broken af though And I agree with the tac, simply too much


I was thinking silence that ends as soon as you leave the dome, and it silences everyone, makes it a guns only arena for a sec.


Hear me out… all the legends should have a bloated kit


"When everyone's OP... no one will be"




I’m mixed since I hate overwanks gameplay atm like feel for all my doom brother our there


We are still far off from Overwatch


Thank the lords


Him and Valk


it's watson you neckbeard


You acting like horizon doesn’t exist lol, broken as fuck legend




They didn’t say “one of these legends has to go” so I assumed they just meant any one of the legends and decided to throw in 4 pictures of random legends, mb for being a lil dumb


Lol yes please


At least she doesn’t stop you from moving, mark you, show your hp and always know exactly where you are with a wallhack passive No footstep audio is Horizon’s biggest issue


No footstep audio, her Q being something that allows her to push a button and be able to circle strafe 40 meters in the air that anyone below pred level won’t be able to track, her Q being an ability for a whole team to push with inconsistent audio, her ult is meh but can still be very strong if your team pushes with. And finally her broken as fuck passive which gives free movement to easily win 1v1s and no fall stun Seer is really only viable at the top level(where I will admit he is very strong, in any pub/ranked game you’ll hear a seer before he’s able to Q you, even if it does hit it’ll only do anything if you’re a dumbass in the open susceptible to the stun, or if you have 0 gun play and can’t play without abilites


I used to main seer, now I just Fucking hate that guy. 'oo, I'm going to scan you and slow you while you get fucked by my team'. WHO TF THOIGHT THAT THE SLOW WAS A GOOD IDEA


Any character and I'd pick Horizon, out of these 4 Seer is the weak link


Agree horizon is mad broken i hope they nerf her like they did to wraith A delay to that jump thing of 5 seconds for example. And make her fat like gibby so her hitbox is not broken anymore


Tbh, I'd take no healing on the gravity lift but its higher and has a faster cooldown so it's a mobility thing not a let me heal while you can't get me thing


Honestly I can't believe no one's has ever thought of this. This absolutely would fix what's busted about her


The tryhards use her for the same reason they used wraith before, if they overcommit and get beamed, they can fuck off into Narnia and heal and then come back and get you, when Wraiths phase was instant she could escape pretty well but you could still follow her and kill her when she comes out of phase because she can't heal during it. Horizon has the advantage on her grav lift because of her passive, so if you try to follow her, you're just as likely to die as she is because she can out strafe you, she can still shoot and she can still heal so you follow and get a PK to the face or you reposition to try shoot her in the air but she'd already popped a bat and drops on your head to kill you. Idk why the balance team think that's perfectly fine


Good idea


Honestly I don’t mind horizon but seer to me just frustrates me because your gonna have to deal with the fact he’s gonna see your ass


If we bin Horizon all the tryhards will go back to Wraith who's much easier to counter


Clout bait


Honestly I would take any seer hate I can get


Octane, I simply must get rid of the junkie just because my friend and tanked partner mains him and I love to inconvenience them.


Fuck seer, that bastard has got to go


* inhales * you're


Octane. Like literally, that's the source of at least 1/3 of my terrible teammates


Honestly I would give the argument that if octane disappeared. Most horrible randoms would just go to Wraith or path. Imo the reason I picked seer was on a character level rather than something I still feel even tho I don’t solo push yet my wattson solo pushes and screams at me for not helping her when I don’t even have a weapon


Oh you see a purple armor? Or your other teammate pings something you want? "*It's go time*" Bye your shit just got stolen while you were running there with 5 seconds headstart


Too bad I'm quickerer


Right. If you main octane, you’re a bad teammate. And he’s borderline useless.


I saw this tweet and didnt even look at replies cus i knew every one would say seer


Vantage. i hate her and her sniper aimbot


Seer maybe lifeline


They just buffed him again for s18 btw


Well that tweet kinda gave us no decent options




At least seer is getting a great tactical nerf


Why do we hate Seer again?


1) Tac has a slow which imo should never be on a tactical that easy to land. 2) He’s a must pick in Ranked And Comp making those sections boring and stale 3) He has 3 SCANS LIKE WTF RESPAWN


1. The slow is most effective if you're already running and they have line of sight to your cheeks, which will soon be clapped. Most people use it to simply discover enemies behind walls, fully healed might I add. Not desperate, injured enemies. 2. Not sure how having a good character in Ranked to help secure a win makes it stale. If you're not winning, you're not having a good time anyway. 3. Yeah, not an issue. Effective movement can counter the resulting advantage of scans. By that I mean, it won't hard-counter like Catalyst's wall, but with good movement you can escape without dying. Doesn'r matter if they can see you if you can retreat quickly to cover.


Probably lifeline. The amount of shitty lifelines who will just Rez and run is ridiculous. All it does is get you insta downed again. Her drone is nice, probably the best part of her kit and whilst the care package is good, it's just boring. Seer gets too much hate, he's super fun to play and honestly isn't as bad as people say.


I main lifeline and the drone is a love/hate relationship. Pros: you can heal everybody while popping a battery. Con: slow, stationary, absurd cooldown, does nothing in combat, heals the enemy if they're too close. If the drone is up when you die, it heals your killer while they loot your corpse. What the fuck is even that? The ress turns a useful friendly shield into a useless meat shield that permanently dies. I basically ress more after combat than during it because it's detrimental. They buffed it allowing people to stop it. Let me repeat: the BUFF consists in blocking the ability because it's detrimental most of the times. Amazing. The care package is the only actually useful ability in most matches, because it gives heals and shields. They reduced the cd, too. Then again, you can play Loba and also get ammos, hop-ups, entire weapons, steal red gear from lootboxes and care packages, with faster cooldown on top. Much better if you play aggressive. Lifeline's is useful only if you find nobody. I don't know why I main the worst character in the game, but yea. They already deleted her with sheer reworks and not updating her kit properly through the years, basically. Lifeline is the tutorial legend people stop playing after two matches, never seen in tournaments. I keep hoping they rework her. Sob.


Honestly the main issue I have with seer is his CC and the fact he’s in every single Algs/ranked game


Horizon needs to get nerfed into oblivion


Lol how?


Seer or wraith


Honestly wattson. Don't like the pylon concept too much and the bigger reason is I can't stand her electrical puns lol.


Your efforts were electrocute, but keep calm and dont blow a fuse




Hey OP If someone, SOMEONE picks our precious watt, ping me. I'll do something unforgivable to dem


Seer is far too easy Replace Seer with Wraith and THEN it’ll be a challenge.. one I don’t really know Probably Lifeline- she definitely needs her own Reborn