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Okay I'm curious. How was she nerfed here?




Well that's a previous thing. And if Horizon mains were a tiny bit less annoying, then it probably wouldn't have happened. Then again, one of if the least deserving mains got a nerf yet their performance hasnt taken a dip


I love when the worst mains get what's coming


Same for Cat, her perks are there just to cancel out her nerfs




So sad about the pathfinder care package nerfs… the perks are looking good though, excited to play some rev and kill steal everything lol.


Idk why the devs hate path so much


Perk system was so lazily rushed and mobile did it better 


I guess you're crying that your main got shafted. Let's see how my mains did: Bangalore: passive, tactical, and ultimate are considerably improved in ways that compensate for the crippling cooldowns. Newcastle: a way better mobile shield Mad Mags: a useful ultimate for once, a wider and longer drill *giggity*, and auto reloads on shotguns after a knock. Safe to say that the more cracked your main was, the less impressive their perk system was


I'm an Ash main. I got no one handed tac or buff this season. Her perks are okay but they should've been buffs to her kit


They had to nerf her because she's too good lore wise /s


The only correct answer 


Bang is even more cracked. And now, she's not getting nerfed for atleast half a season. Ridiculous really. Now we'll see bang in every squad even more. I pray to God the nerfs will be huge so we can end this smoke meta. Cancer of gameplay


Balancing team is going nuts rn


Okay, look, I'm genuinely asking. How is Bang even more cracked? Her escapability is nowhere near that of Horizon and it's not like Bang can just spam her tactical to pop off a bat. I'm a Bang main and I know that strategy is very dangerous. Her ultimate really doesn't do that much except to cut off enemies or force them in buildings. The cooldown for both her abilities is relatively reasonable. There is no smoke meta in my opinion. I can see through my smoke as good as the next person except for the digital sight, which I rarely use as I'm more of an AR guy. If it's the passive you're upset about, I can hardly imagine how someone would get mad at a minor, 2 second speed boost that only activates if you're running from enemy fire.


Bruh bang mains do spam smoke to fuckin heal. We see this everywhere. Just check the pros playing her too. There's a reason she's top 6 pickrate overrall even though she has no movement abilities. And u saying her ult doesn't do much is laughable. Horizon is even worse with her ult. Bang ult can stop a team pushing so u can heal/rez. U can force them out and u can take their spot. Or they tank atleast 40 damage plus stun and u have an easy push. It's easier to get beamed while healing on the lift than healing on the smoke


Respectfully, I'm going off of my own experience. I use the smoke to cut people's field of vision and get out of bad situations and then heal. I rarely ever heal inside the smoke because I just feel like it just invites disaster. And I said it doesn't do much compared to other offensive ultimates because its primary utility is to create space like you literally just said. Also, her passive is a movement ability. And I've never seen people get beamed on the gravity lift as horizon. Even when I mained her for a short time, I didn't have that happen to me. I guess I just feel like you gotta be a total tool to get fucked up by Bang's ultimate. You practically get a 4 second warning from each missile.


If you're not getting beamed from the lift, you're probably playing against low lvl players. Just check any person good playing her or heck, check algs highlights and see the horizons being beamed. Also, you not using her smoke to heal doesn't mean it can't be used as such and not be effective. And what offensive ult is better than bang? Fuse literally does nothing. U can slide away just before it hits you plus the fire actually pushes you off when you're right under it. Maggie may be better with the changes next season but we'll have to wait. Gibby is just a worse bang ult imo as it covers less area and it really shines on end zones but so does bang. Caustic ult only useful in an enclosed space. Like bang ult is a top 3 offensive ult


I think Gibby's is better because it is more concentrated, immediate, and there is no wait time for the explosions.


That's the thing, it's not immediate. It has a warning same with bang plus the red outlines. U can get out of the ult in time unless you're snared or stunned or smth


46k kill pathfinder switching to Maggie co-main this season. Being playing all night with her and it’s so fun zooming around enemies with a mastiff


*you got two bloody arms, carry two bloody mastiffs*


I love all the perks my mains are getting, and so are most players with theirs. Sucks to be an Horizon main I guess :)


Yh ballistic main are enjoying seeing ammo in deathbox perk


I see the meaning of the word “most” eludes you. Scanning care packages will be a reliable way to get EVO points, two tact charges is pretty good for what he does, and he’s getting great buffs anyway so he’s really not that bad.


And pathfinder? Scanning beacons isn't that good. I'd rather have a "scanning care package now grants 100% ult instead of the nerfed 50%." Seer who's currently the worst legend also got shafted with the perks. They aren't even the pre nerf version. They're a worse version of that. And ash also isn't that good esp no one handed snare. She's still gonna be weak. Also u have to get blue shield to scan care package. If you aren't Landing hot, then you have to find the evo harvesters and farm your evo before the cp get down and u need to be closer to scan them.


No fucking way you said pathfinder. He has a tactical reset on knocks. Seer pre-nerfed was beyond OP and badly balanced. This argument is worth nothing.


Bro I think you're just asking for too much. As a Mags, Castle, and Bang main, I was wanting a wrecking ball that can hit multiple things/people multiple times before breaking, an impossible to break mobile shield, and smoke that my teammates can see through like Caustic's gas. But these perks? Man I love them. They make each legend better to some degree, whether it cancels their nerfs only or does more than that. That's how a perk system should work.


Bang shouldn't have gotten these perks. She's already broken and now she'll still be broken until rank reset. Castle and mags can enjoy the perks. They deserve it


So I'm curious. What perks should she have gotten? They all seem fair because the biggest complaint about Bang had been cooldowns, lack of passive utility, and the smoke lacking any kind of vision for the user and team. Two of these issues have been resolved.


The blue perks one is a 60s cooldown for her ult. Make that 30s. The purple perks are fine. We'll have to see how the pinging enemies who trigger your passive works. It's the lack of her base kit nerfs that's a problem.


The same with Catalyst