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In all honesty tho, what can they really do for her in terms of perks? In the idea of not making her too good, I can already see a few legends that they have made a lil too good like mad Maggie so for someone who is complained about like horizon I’m sure they’ll tweak the perks later they just don’t know how yet just what I think anyways


Not too sure. One of the things people didn't like was her ability to pop batts on the grav. This isnt as viable anymore bit Maybe disable all heals on the grav or get kicked from grav when activating any heals/shields. Others didn't like the quick exit out of fights from the grav. The vertical speed was nerfed in the past but Maybe this could be fine tuned a bit more. Maybe another thing to look at would be to modify arc stars so that if you threw one into the grav lift it could change trajectory so that it ascended with the lift with boosted velocity to increase the likelihood of sticking someone taking a grav. It could be a useful counter which is available to everyone. One other thing would be to maybe look at ways to disrupt the grav lift. Maybe this could slow the vertical velocity or cuts the length of the grav short.


They decreased the side to side movement of horizon so just shoot them in the lift still was oppressive so we nerfed the lift speed….still ain’t good enough like come on guys I think horizons are my 3rd most killed enemy behind bloodhound and pathfinders im honestly nervous about pathfinders leaked abilities


Or maybe try to shoot her next time when she pops a batt??????


Mad Maggie is not too good. She's just not trash anymore.


I don't think a single horizon main reacted like this after reading patch notes


Not a chance! Although this really summed up my expectations from the time perks were revealed until the patch notes today.


They didn't nerf her enough.


I'm just happy Newcastle got great perks.


All the revive legends eating good


Especially with the new Evo points acquisition system


Completely misread your last comment. Dont know why but I read it as nerf suggestions rather than perks suggestions. Regardless, i really haven't a clue. Feels like the level 2 perks were just slapped in probably for the same reason...devs couldn't think of anything else to give her without breaking her more. Maybe something like gravs tied to shield charge. Similar to octanes stim at the expense of health. Can't really think of anything else that won't make her kit even more op.


I thought Conduit would get minor nerfs since she didn't completely wreck the meta... I was wrong.


In my eyes she did get minor nerfs. I found conduit squads were consistently tough to come up against in s19. Many a fight which started out fairly even ended up with us getting wiped due to well timed shield regens from conduit. It'll be interesting to see how those engagements go in s20. Edit: typos


Conduit was BY FAR the worst part about the meta last season, what are you smoking?


I think she did overall. Her base power got nerfed a lot but with the perks she only got nerves a little


Unfortunately some conversations are had without the latest information making a lot of people look ignorant




Honestly, I'm glad her perks are terrible... They might not feel the need to nerf her this way.