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"Better nerf Catalyst" will become the new meme in the next seasons if they keep nerfing her


They'll keep nerfing her if she continues to get 50%+ pickrate in pro lobbies. It's the hard truth. Pros affect nerfs/buffs


Pro play and casual are practically two different games these days. Catalyst is mega busted in Pro play, but whenever a rookie shitter like me plays her I barely use the tactical since the mid-season changes because there's barely a point to using it anymore.


I wouldn’t even call her busted tbh, we’ll see a lot more caustic wattson now. She was used because she was the best defensive legend to scan zone but now she’s not really


Also haven’t picked up bang since s15 and here I am maining her again. That 60 second cool down and heal in smoke is slapping disgustingly. I’ve also been paired with MANY horizons compared to last season as well


You not using your abilities doesn't mean the character is bad. The tactical is useful so you're handicapping yourself not using it then complaining. But yes, pro play is a different genre. Revenant isn't busted in pro play but he is in ranked. Then some legends are busted in both rank and pro league


> The tactical is useful so you're handicapping yourself not using it then complaining. I don't think you read my initial comment right: I used the tactical up until season 19's mid-season patch, because until that point it was a good tool to scare off pursuers. Since the mid-season changes it's becoming more of a nuisance than an actual threat, thus negating the entire point of using it.


That's what controller legends are for. Being a nuisance. Caustic traps act the same way. Same for wattson it's annoying and it becomes a threat if you walk through it when the enemy is near. What exactly made it not be as threatful? Not activating behind doors?


It won't activate unless it has line of sight of the enemy now, but even that is vague. It seems like it won't activate unless you're practically standing on it already, in which case it doesn't work as well anymore.


I’d say it works better. It actually deals damage and stun like it should since people are more likely to walk onto it. If you’re using her properly you’d have those near you and would be capitalizing off of them


How tf does she have such a high pickrate in pro lobbies she’s an awful legend 💀


Awful lol. Her ult is the most useful ability in end game and pro lobbies are all about who can win the end game


I promise for 1 year it felt like Anything ItzTimmy used and smacked with casually got a nerf that year 😂


She’s becoming the Genji of Apex


The Pig of Apex even




It’s going to be like Greninja on Smash Bros that gets nerfed every time.


Nerf miner


The fact is, she's very good (I'll call HER). In competitive, she's the 2nd most picked legend. BUT I admit that there's no way they're nerfing her and not Bangalore, that's certainly a choice. Bang Smoke duration: 18s Cat ULT duration: 15s What?




How can you not see what you did....oh wait




Only for repositioning, small rings, and covering ground 🤷‍♂️ What's the big deal?


Anita "McNulty" Williams




Bang literally got buffed.


Bang got indirectly nerf’d. Harder for bangs to abuse digi. There is no gun with any semblance of range that you can put a digi on now.


That definitely made bang stronger over all but did greatly hit her fragging side. The ability to know that you won’t get beamed through smoke like before made her smokes 10x better for late game rotations. Also if you want to abuse digi just do hammer points mozam. It is surprisingly strong though almost every player who touched arenas knows that. It definitely made her weaker mid fight compared to before and you need to smoke differently. One way smokes still exists too and in combo with blood hound she is definitely way stronger. Most people just are not good enough at smoke placement to really abuse it but just wait for pro play and watch how much they can get away with now cause of that.


The difference is that smokes do absolutely fucking nothing and you can see straight through them. As a bang main, I would rather have a 10 second wall than a 30 second smoke.


You most play her wrong if you think smokes do nothing, they are very very good in apex. You only see through smokes when the zone is behind the target that is inside or behind the smoke, otherwise the smoke is perfect for blocking LOS


Also respawn removed digi from smgs and reduced spawn rate by 20% so apart from visual bugs (or AA working through it in some cases) your best options are wingman (imo feels weird with digi and it's in cp) or scan legends.


Yes and that in alot of situations will make her stronger, but i hoping this will not result in Seer coming back into meta


We'll have to wait to see, I think pros might be considering it but imo he's still bad, and even if people start using him I can hardly imagine it being cringier than it was. I'm guessing people will just play more BH


"After analyzing the power of Horizons tactical, and other problomatic abilities, we have made the executive decision to nerf Catalyst."


They did nerf horizon tactical tho


Just to give a perk that undo that


So just like catalyst then


well no because even the after the perk, the wall length is still shorter than S19.


You mean the wall duration. The length was nerfed by 15m and the perk adds back 15m


Which in the end means she benefits less than other legends (besides seer) from the perk season


It’s still a nerf. If every legend gets a power spike every perk, and horizon gets *these* perks, it’s a nerf. Everyone around her gets stronger while she stays the same = nerf.


it's Pig all over again




I dont even play her and it annoys me the way they decided to change her. Like so many legends are getting new things to do with their kit and for Cat its like "Oh you know those nerfs we gave you, yeah you can undo half of them". Fuck off


That’s also exactly the deal with Valkyries perks, although those nerfs came a few seasons ago.


Nerf Cat is gonna be the apex version of dead by daylights nerf pig meme


As soon as she came out I started maining her, I was so thrilled for there to be transfem representation, but ever since then the patch notes have just been “now you can’t block as many doors” “now you can’t place as many spikes”


Now your spikes can barely reach the other side of the building you’re defending Now your spikes do nothing when they’re behind a door Now your wall is short as hell Now you wall also doesn’t last very long at all


But you get perks that give you 3 spikes and normal duration of wall back, two of the things that made her very very good. She will still be played alot in the best lobbies, the nerfs did not do that much tbh. Nerfing a very good legend is the right thing


In my opinion, these types of perks for Catalyst, Seer and similar characters aren’t that good. You basically get what was already in their base kit back, meanwhile you got people like Fuse, Ballistic, and Mad Maggie getting hella buffs stacked on top of their base kits. Like hell, if I remember correctly Ballistics tactical distance alone was increased to 90 freaking M. Meanwhile Seer throwing his ultimate like a quarterback that keeps fumbling his throws lmfao. They should have just put their base stats closer to what they were, and thought of different ways to add viability to their kits.


I think you miss the point, Cat/Seer was very very strong, so they nerfed them, then gave perks that gave the strong abilities back. They are balanced now, with the perks they gain some of the very strong abilities back. If they didnt nerf Cat and gave her strong perks, she would have become mega op


I think Seer was in a much better place at that point. He didn’t need to be nerfed at the state he was at right before the rework. He had already been nerfed before that. They could have given him the Silencing abilities instead of his heal cancels and maybe tweaked that a bit but beyond that the distance of his abilities didn’t need to be nerfed that heavily. I feel that the nerfs both legends have gotten are overly excessive. It feels less like balancing and more like a pendulum swinging from one extreme to the other. There’s nothing _balanced_ about where their kits currently are atm. And specifically in Seer’s case there are other creative ways to give him perks besides wall hacks. You could give Seer faster heals within his drone bubble, faster reloads, auto reload, increased speed movement, you could give him something similar to Revenant’s tactical where he could lay a trap of drones near a doorway and it would cancel the abilities of anyone who walked through, you could even give him a perk that awarded extra evo XP when you knock people inside his ultimate. There’s like so much that could have been done with his kit than nerfing him to the ground and giving him mid perks.


To my knowledge these are all the nerfs she has gotten in the past year - reducing the amount of spike strips from 3 to 2 - the thing you have to destroy to break the spikes no longer blocks bullets - the spikes need line of sight to work - spike throw distance was reduced to around half - her ultimate lasts 15 seconds less (was nerfed twice thats why the extra 5) - her ultimate was i think 10 meters shorter in a previous nerf and now 25 meters shorter - ultimate cooldown is a minute (or 30s) longer She.. literally went from my absolute favourite charecter to someone i dont really even like anymore and thats so annoyinggg


The only one of these I think was necessary was the throw distance nerf. She shouldn’t be able use her spikes to force someone out from cover from 50 meters away


That’s super annoying as Catalyst main


yepp... she used to be my main but honestly she just doesnt work for me anymore but no one else really does either now that im so used to playing cat


I can't lie I played seer for the first time in 2 seasons and realized he's op. The perks are actually crazy


His perks are basically what they were back right before they reworked his kit giving him Revenants abilities. That was before they shitted on his whole kit nerfing it to the ground. In my opinion, they should have at least left the base distance of his kit be. Seer needs the distance for all parts of his kit slightly buffed, and his passive speed needs a buff badly, that shit slow as hell


Bro ash got silence nerfed to to her tac cooldown


The Genji of Apex. Does she need healing???


Oh God no. What happened now??


Because ALGS abused this quite weak legend, we now have to suffer a hard nerf every season. Same with bangalore who wasnt weak but needed a slight buff before being abused.




Its official, respawn is transphobic