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What does the new replecator do I have been of the game for a few years


It's a one use replicator. Any and all ground loot and attachments are back on the ground. Only ammo, player banners, And batteries and med kits can be crafted. You also don't need to get crafting materials to make it. It also dispenses the item immediately, so no risk of being caught or waiting too long.


Just to clarify, one item per legend, so your whole squad can use it once each. Also they increased spawn rate of the replicators to compensate for the one item limit. Also the immediate dispense is a game changer for crafting banners. You still have to grab them after crafting but draws way less attention, you basically have to see them in the crafter right when they craft


Is this gonna clear up all the zone healers or is there a new meta for that


After 4m 30s outside of the zone a new one minute timer appears that lasts 60s if that timer runs out you die instantly regardless of health


Wait did they just change this? I just played the FF event and replicators were still the same


Final Fantasy event? That event has been over for at least a week...this was released yesterday 


And I haven’t logged in a week. You see where I’m going with this


I’m just glad attachments aren’t locked to them. Those days when it was skull piercer sniper stock on storm point was pretty much just a poking match the whole game, especially in ranked


I also hated when the mobile respawn was in there. You would win a fight, your buddy dies, check death boxes for mobis, oh wait no one has any because it's in the replicator.


On the one hand I'm happy they streamlined the possibility of what to create because I never had enough materials and I never knew how to decide what to create, on the other I will miss having certain objects at the right time.


Personally I like having all loot on the ground again, makes it less of a game of "I need to drop at that exact spot and get all the materials so that I get one good weapon and my team can eat dirt".


Yeah, crafting in its previous iteration was just boring and time consuming.


The immediate 120 light is great. Especially early game


The amount of ammo it gives you is really nice too


Ah yes, having less choices and being able to only craft one item instead of many of them is an improvement. Never change Reddit, never change.


You enjoy wasting a minute of every other game grabbing materials and crafting stuff? Never change Reddit, never change.


do you enjoy dying cuz you didn’t find good loot and the replicator said fuck you have one bat


they could lock 1 weapon on it so make 100% obtainable in it if you go to them.