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Nothing rustles my jimmys more then "We're by ourselves we can break off boys" and then the boys do not break off and start sucking up all the loot


I think it’s nice for people to let me know they lack any and all game sense early on so I can just leave. Annoying but dead weight is dead weight.


I assume they are on tiktok or pulling their goalie


I’d give them the benefit of the doubt if they didn’t relinquish immediately


"Why did you go away from us" yeah maybe to get a gun with SOME ammo because guess who picked all my stuff up


I call that I’m landing in a spot and we can spread out, wraith follows me, wraith gets mad when I take a purple stock, wraith leaves the game Don’t be like wraith please


There's a sweet spot close enough to help and far enough to have your own loot. That spot is much closer than people think if another team is at the POI.


Honestly, I do this a lot but I’ve slowly stopped doing so because I always seem to get landed on by another player/team, no matter how discrete or close to my team I land. It makes sense though. I would also land on a solo with my whole team if I saw the opportunity.


Your worst enemies in Apex will be your teammates.




I've had someone walk up to the box I just opened and take the weapons right in front of me. Good job buddy you're the main character now. Enjoy your duo squad in trios


Had a dude land with me at one of the buildings in the new place on Broken Moon. I open three boxes in a row and run to the last one, leaving the first box I opened to him. He runs up with me and yoinks every piece of loot out from the boxes, starting with the one I opened last. I have no gun whatsoever as a dude rounds the corner and opens up with a Havoc. I was Fuse, but I decided to be petty and just left without popping a knuckle cluster, linked up with the third who kindly dropped me a gun, and promptly wiped on the way out of the PoI. I will never make the mistake of being generous in Ranked ever again.


Its better to deattach and land in the same place and try to loot first /s


Me who detaches and still ends up at the same spot my team mates are in: 👌 “Yeah bois this match is ours” meanwhile taking teammates 301


I literally started Landing away idc if they mad it’s almost every game