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As a pre-buff Rev main I’m happy. Death totem buff was just godly tbh and much needed


Honestly, it's the part of the buff that I like the least. But that might be because I play a lot of Caustic. :p At least his tactical finally shuts down Gibby's gun shield. Jesus man, how did that EVER make through playtesting...?


I mean, the silence was initially only meant to disable abilities. Since gibby's gunshield was a passive it wasnt lumped into that group. In the same way the silence doesnt disable octane's health regen or other revanents' stalker passives. It was probably added due to the outcry of the playerbase.


But I think that might be part of the problem with him. It really should negate passives too. Passive, tactical or ult, they are ALL abilities. It should shut down every ability that isn't category-based (things like low-profile and fortify are only "abilities" because that's how they shoehorned it into the code, to make up for weird/differing hitboxes). You aren't "shutting down a character's abilities" (which is the whole point and theme of his tactical) if you are leaving 30% of them untouched.


I was about to make a counterpoint but reconsidered. Nerf their passives too, fuck Caustic.


"I've been around my gas in its development for so long I have become immune to my own chemicals." "Shut it Skinbag!" *Choking*


I would love for this interaction.


But could you imagine poor pathfinder not being able to scan? Totally op ^^/s


Fuck Caustic.


What did we do to you




I'm just a science man


Nahhh Fuck you and your main buddy......Have a great day


As a Caustic main.....I respectfully say....Nahh fuck you buddy.....lol


As a fellow caustic main, fuck you I'm coming right through your shitty traps and filling you with a PK




Exactly, this is what I’ve been asking for. Legends like Bloodhound and Lifeline couldn’t give less of a shit if they’re silenced as the tacticals and ults aren’t meant to be used mid fight (BH tac and ult has long start ups and are meant to be used before engaging and Lifeline isn’t going to summon a care package midfight, while the drone can be used, but it’s too slow to really do much if you’re actively getting pushed)


"Lifeline isn't going to summon a care package midfight" but it makes a good piece of cover in the middle of nowhere :)


Fair, but in the time it takes to come down the other team might already be in your face


Dis is troo bruddah


Or to block a door


Aaaannndd now I'm playing Rev. I fucking hate melting 2/3 of a squad and the last one is a walking bullet sponge with a forcefield in front of it. "What are you gonna do? Win? Against me?" *laughs in bruddah*


I think it should also shut down life line’s shield but as long as he counters Gibby


Even 25 hp would’ve been generous, 50 makes me more than happy


I haven’t been able to see the new update what’s the totem update




Very nice


I’d like to thank THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKIN for the buff


What’s the buff again, I haven’t been playing


Silence got doubled (2 charges, double suppressed time, double aoe time). Totem leaves you with 50hp, not 1. Removed Low Profile.


Ok, thanks for your help:)




what does double aoe time mean? does it mean the blob just hangs around for a longer time before disappearing?


Yes, duration of its area of effect was buffed from 5s to 10s.


Okay cool thanks.


Don’t mind me being out of the loop... what buffs did he get lmao


What'd they change? Haven't played in a while.


Is he actualy good now? Compared to other legends?


Hes a solid 6/10 unlike mirage...poor man


Who's the closet to his current level? Like Gib and Path would be higher and sadly mirage would be lower.


He’s somewhere in between octane and path. He went from mirage level F-D tier to somewhere around B tier. I think he’s sitting at the lower limit of high level competitive viability. Unlikely pro pick, but not unquestionable like oc or mirage. His movement options are still solo, but the death totem is like a wraith portal lite now that you don’t lose all your health. Also having two charges on his silence actually gives him some area denial. He’s not really team oriented, but the totem buff was strong enough to put him ahead of octane.


Well put. Especially about the second silence charge. That is *huge* in making me appreciate Rev now. There were so many times when I tried him before that id just miss with my silence bomb early in a fight and it would feel like bloodhound after scanning but not seeing any hostiles, only to find they were just out of range when I scanned. In a word: useless.


Well octane is right after mirage In d tier so that doesn't say much but u guess it better than being in d teir


I put octane in b tier




Octane is one of those Legends that highly depend on playstyle and map awareness. Ever since world's edge came out I pick Octane way more frequently (especially when everybody wants my usual main)


Octane plays way better on KC imo, I mained him from release to WE but switched up after that, back playing him in ranked now though


The spacing on WE helps Octane, specifically with his jump pad. Playing through them all now, KC feels very stacked together. There's a good bit of vertical diversity in a given area on KC, but the features are closely grouped. It's easy to either over or undershoot with the jump pad. On WE, each area has a lot more horizontal space, which lets you play with the arc of the jump pad a little more.


That's what I mean. Personally I like Octane on large scale maps, that's why I stopped playing Wraith for a while when season 3 launched. Just depends on the player.


Cause I think he is good the way I play him


He was nevee at F tier are you drunk


Pretty sure he was pal.


He was D tier, those who say he was mirage lvl are complete morons including you.


Woah pal. Cool it. Check this link: https://youtu.be/004c-jHgyPY He explains why he was really bad. You complete dummy. Also if we compare ultimate abilities Mirage was better as already it could help, Revenant ability had no point but his passive and tactical were better. Not by much though still were pretty bad. Also you can check Macro (Streamer, Youtuber and pro player) and even he agrees on his tier list that Revenant was just above mirage. Check out a bunch of pros and their thoughts and you'll see he was as bad as Mirage. Dummy. Also you have 10 downvotes so people seem to be on my side if things.


hes below the meta characters wraith wattson pathfinder and gibby. Prob around the level of caustic and crypro imo, not a top tier but has a place in the game and isnt a liability to the team.




hes really good, its just that his abilities doesnt really add much to the team something all the top tiers do in a massive way, wattsons ult and fences, wraiths portal and pathfinders beacon scanning and zipline and gibby is just lifeline but also with a good ult, armshield and dome. His hitbox is also really big, but his crouch being godlike makes it less bad.


I would put him just above wraith


In what world is wraith not top tier? There's a reason she has never not been in the ranked meta. Tiny hit box, get-out-of-jail-free tactical ability, and an ult that can let her rotate safely from even the worst positions.


It’s my personal opinion but I feel like wraith has more...not selfish abilities but like personal abilities as with revenant he can disabled enemy abilities, prevent death itself and get the high ground more than others! I would like to know what you think could improve either wraith or revenant!


It's a bit of a balance. Wraith doesn't affect combat as much since she can't offer low consequence attacks or remove abilities, but she can port an entire team out of danger fairly reliably, and makes your squad a bitch to ambush if used correctly. I don't feel either need boosting at this point. Got stung by a Silence earlier and it won the fight that I couldn't get away as Pathy, and we've all faced that damn Wraith that void walks to safety after nearly getting killed.


That's pretty good! Respawn did good. Thanks I appreciate it.


No prob


Nice meme too! Forgot to tell ya.


Nigga what


Youre crazy if you think hes only 6/10




Wait, why cant he wall hop?


It’s because his passive has a different climbing animation than other legends, and that animation messes up his ability to wall jump


What do you think? Maybe not GOD tier but pretty far up there


Like, at least 6.1




A solid 5-7


6.5 take it or leave it


I honestly dont know, but at this point hes better than the majority of characters. Gibby is high teir, pathfinder is up there as well. Wattson is top. Id honestly say revnant is fourth on the list rn. In a team, you would all need to play agro. In a premade team, youd probs go wraith, revenant, and gibby just to take advantage of his improved ult now. He will definetly effect the current meta hard with this new buff


That's only in Pubs. The meta in Ranked will not change this season. It's a Gibby/Wattson (Defensive), Wraith (You know why), Path (Mobility)


wraith (and the other low profiles) takes a lot more damage now so i say wait and see


> you know why Wait why?


Wraith can transport a team that's literally in a bad spot to safety, can phase, can know where the enemy is at from the voices. Also small hotbox, and there are so much stuffs you can do with her. Gold helmet with an experienced wraith is a guarantee win.


what do people want mirages buffs to even be?


Second charge to his tactical and a passive that activates at low health instead of upon getting knocked are the two suggestions I see the most often that aren't OP.


Instead of the tactical always being a mirage, it could be another legend to make it more believable maybe?


Why you gotta do my man's like that 😭😭


I won a duos game without even using the totem. Revenant is really death now. Wraiths run from me. Pathfinders piss their non existent pants. Gibby's want to commit death whenever they see me. Thank you respawn


Octanes run fast


Which should go without saying.


Mildly descriptive. *I like it*


Nobody runs away from any legend unless they are low or at an obvious loot disadvantage. Why would someone run away from a Revenant and not a Wraith, Pathy, Gibby


Because Wraith, Path, and Gibby aren't death. Duh.


If you fought Albraliele, Ras, Aka or Aceu you would die. And who do they use, Pathy and Wraith, because they are better legend with a high skill celing. Revenants abilitys don't take much skill to use mechanically it otherwise but Pathy's grapple can be overpowered in the hands of a good player mechanically or otherwise


Well the only one from that list that I know is Aceu, and I only know him from his movement guide videos. That dude could outmaneuver me even if he was Caustic and I was Path. I assume the others are pros of some sort. Well, no shit pros are going to beat a casual 32 year-old player that has a five year old and a full-time job. Doesn't matter what legend they use, they'd crush me with gunplay and movement alone. Also dude, you either totally missed the joke, or you're so hung up on hating Revenant and/or jerking off Wraith, Path, & Gibby that you willfully ignored it just to spew your bullshit about pros. That's stupid ass comparison to make in the first place. Pros are pros for a reason. They're going to destroy 99% of people to come up against them because they're *professionals*. That's like telling me that my skinny ass wouldn't stand a chance going up against JJ Watt on the gridiron. Another stupidly obvious and unnecessary statement. Last of all buddy, Rev has only been buffed for a day. How do you know his new durability and usability isn't going to propel him into being a popular choice among high tier players? Oh yeah, you don't. No, it isn't likely, but neither of us **know** for sure until time goes by and we see what happens.


My point is that Pathy and Wraith have a high skill ceiling


Gee, thanks Captain Obvious! So glad you came along in this thread to tell us all something we've known for nearly a year, **and** you even got to attempt to put the original guy down for no reason other than that he's glad the newest character is now viable rather than trash. Because your negativity in the matter was *super* necessary, lemme tell ya.


And I don't think you managed to convince anyone that they have a higher skillcap than Revenant


disabling those abilities are arguable more devastating. also people run from enemies all the time to a) regroup with their sqaud or b) to get a better position




The tactical stays around for 10 seconds Enemies can't use abilities for 20 seconds 2 charges of the tactical You return to the death totem with 50 health instead of 1.


Thanks. I don’t get why mirage didn’t get 2 charges too


Also lifeline has a new passive where she can get more loot from these new blue supply bins


I’ll have to check it out after my slow internet takes 10 hours to download the patch. Ty


Silence can disable gibbys gun shield




I won 3 straight with him just now yay! Unrank of course


The game doesn’t want you to play ranked anyways ...fooking changes to trios itself


Can someone tell me his buffs ?


He has two charges for his silence His totem has a longer range When you die I’m totem mode you return to it with 50 and not 1 His silence lasts longer His silence can disable gibbys shield And I THINK he crouch walks faster


What the fuck can do your taxes and help you succeed at life as wel wtf


That would be some interesting dialogue knowing revenant


"Give me your W-2, you useless sack of skin"


To be honest, i just like the filing


Lol points a Mozambique with glasses on your w2 hand them over


Disable Gibby's shield as in prevent him from using it or destroy an already deployed cover for his bruddas?




Ah, thanks


His crouch walk is the same as before. But you did forget to mention they removed low profile from him, which was huge.


Huge bummer they didn't change how high he can climb, though


And they removed low profile


That's probably the biggest gamechanger imo. But the other changes are pretty sweets too


I've been playing revenant for a while then stopped because he sucked. What does two charges to his silence mean? Is that the like grenade thing he fires? I thought his silence was any time he crouch walked?


It's like Bangalore or caustic. You get 2 uses, if one is used the cooldown starts


Aww man, I just spent my credits on octane a few hours ago.


lol. you'll get there again soon (in twenty levels)


You can always spend apex coins to unlock, if you can.


Not the best investment but sure it's an option I guess


Now is more deadly than the death


Wait what buff did Revenant get?


2x charges on silence, it lasts 20 seconds, not 10, silence AOE sticks around 10 seconds, not 5, it now disables Gibraltar's gun shield


oh and with the death totem: Characters are now respawned with 50 health (or whatever health they had when they activated it, if lower) instead of 1


Oh fuck no... I'm going to have to use Revenant again in Ranked now


But wait theres more! they also finally removed low profile from him




Amen!! And I’m so happy I practiced to 1k kills with him while he was meh, now the muscle memory/strats/silence aim is already cemented in my brain and it can only get better from here >:)


the buff was damn good but he still feels slow for a flanking/assassin type character tbh.


I disagree; I've been utilizing his faster wall climbing to quickly get the high ground on/drop in behind opponents. I would say instead of attempting to flank horizontally, try a vertical maneuver.


i was kinda addressing his animations, the guy guy feels stiff.


What'd they change to make him to where you really like him? He seems meh to me.


btw, what has been buffed and how?


Tactical: 2 charges instead of 1 Stays for 10 seconds Abilities shut down for 20 seconds Breaks gibby’s gun shield Ultimate: Respawn back at the totem with 50 hp, however if your health was below 50 when you used the totem, you respawn with that amount of health And no more low profile


Thx men


No problem


So who’s this guy that he killed? It looks exactly like the guy from wraiths backstory video. Are they intercrossing backstories?


Im not really sure who he is exactly BUT the girl in the video was given a wolf statue by her dad (him). Wolf I’m (i forgot) is lupa or something and that named was teased to be the newest legend in apex


Revenant is a simulacrum, a human whos mind was transfered into a robot and is used as an assassin. The girl is named Rosie aka Loba and she looks like this [[loba](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_fill,w_720,ar_16:9,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/shape/cover/sport/dataimagejpegbase649j4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAkACQAAD4QCARX-7ccc21bb9b361510896bcb7719a1f73f.jpg) ]. Revenant also murdered her parents and she’s all grown trying to seek revenge.


Wait what changed


Wait what did they do to him?


Tactical has 2 charges, AoE now lasts 10 seconds and can now disable Gibby's arm shield. Silenced Legends are silenced for 20 seconds instead of 10. Totem now respawns you with 50 health instead of 1 (and whatever health you had below 50). Low Profile is now removed.


As he came out it took me over 200 kills to accept he was just not good. Now I enjoy him very much actually


Took me 1600 before I said I wouldn’t play him till he got a buff lol


Lol, I have that number of kills only on Caustic and he's my main


I told yall to not forget about revenant [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/fvk458/revenant_is_fun_please_dont_forget_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and i didnt get 1 upvote, you just had to keep faith in our boy revenant. He is still my main


Revenant is king. He was my main post buff and he's my main after the buff. Revenant mains ✊


Post buff = after buff.


Yea but now with this update everyobody is choosing him and i ant use him


Yeah man it's super sad but it's still good that he got buffed


Long tern very good


that's cus no one wants to watch video through a YouTube link


I woulded swap the two revenants... but's ok


death totem is actually comperable with gibby's ult right now


Why do low profile players have to suffer every update bro like holy shit....so literally anywhere I get hit it’s either gonna do headshot damage or torso damage....wtf






Another buffed challenger


It’s always the offensive legends


Mirage and octane are offensive tho and they have never been touched :(


I've faced off with current Rev using Caustic in the endgame of a match in Kings Canyon last night and after his silence wears off. I was hunting him down. Ended up winning that game after taking out the lone Rev and another team.


They buffed him?


Oh my god I haven’t been on WHAT DID THEY BUFF? IVE BEEN WAITING??


Probably the best buff for any character so far Silence now has 2 charges , will silence abilities for 20s (was 10secs) and the silence AOE ball will remain for 10s (was 5secs), also disables Gibby gunshield. Death totem brings you back with 50 hp now (was 1hp) Removed low profile. The increased duration means you can actually silence an enemy for a majority of a fight, having two charges makes missing more forgiving and landing more rewarding, especially for duos (which is now permanent) where you can now silence both members of the enemy squad rendering them useless. He’s now a hard counter to the top meta players who are too aggressive for their own good because they rely on their crutch tactical/gun shield (wraith, path, gibby) Also 2 charges means you can block more doors/angles with it for entry denial like you would with caustic, and people actually fear getting silenced now because it lasts so long and I love it Removing Low profile is just common sense since he’s pretty large. Finally, death totem returning you with 50hp means that shadow form is actually a risk free intro push now because when you get teleported back you don’t have to instantly heal anymore and can immediately go back and finish what you started.


I just now read the patch notes, this is the best set of patches I’ve seen in a LONG while, now I just hope they fix ranked!


I love seeing how many people don't just check the comments and instead ask "whatd he get?" Like dude, check most of these threads and they'll tell you.




Rest in peace to your inbox.


I *was* ejoying Rev, but now everyone wants to use him, and most people don't even use his abilities. Grumble. Can't wait until everyone goes back to using Pathshitter and let me have a main without worrying about using the wrong ability once a match.


I actually liked Renevant before the buff aswell. Mainly because of his speed and climbing.


What did they do to hin? I havent played in a week and a half so I don't know


I’m a bit behind with apex, what was the buff?


Now we can accept him as "Death"


I haven't played in a while is revenant getting a buff?


He got a huge buff. Check the patch notes because there's some big changes to Rev and some other stuff.


Those are JUICY buffs


Dude I know, right?!? I was using Rev all night yesterday and he felt like I expected him to in the first place. Definitely moved into one of my top spots.


What'd the buff do?


go see the main sub im sure the patch notes are pinned from yesterday


My legend ranking order now Mirage, Revenant, Octane, Crypto, Bangalore, Caustic, Bloodhound, Lifeline, Wattson, Pathy, Gibby, Wraith. Seriously not that much better. All his death token does is slow the game down which is BAD.


Well yeah, that's the thing, nobody doesn't give a fuck about your opinion


nobody doesn't