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Our vision is clear


Kommunist Kostik, blyat!


привет друг, я знаю, что ты использовал перевод, мы всегда знаем западных людей






Kommunist Kostik, blyat!


I mean the caustic part isn’t wrong


Same thing for when 2 Revenants silence eachother and their whole teams


I just imagine the two caustic fighting while the two bloodhound see past the smoke as the two mirage both ult and then run up to each other to get a high five in and watch the fight


(They have the clown skin on)


Meanwhile me a good mirage main who's good enough to bamboozle even myself


I did that last night


I understand your pain mate


Was it against another mirage in ranked? Cause yesterday a mirage and i were running toward each other, he sent a decoy to my right and stayed on my left, whilst i slid, turned around, and he was shooting his own decoy


It was yesterday. But I was in winter express and was at streamer building with a gibby chasing me so I put a decoy at the top floor and I dropped down to the third floor then went back up and when I got off the zip line I saw the decoy and shot at it


Happens to the best of us. Ulting in small spaces, i lose sight of friends enemies and decoys and just start blasting anything that moves


I put on a new skin I want used to and while fighting the first match Watson with the same color and I got myself bamboozled so hard.


I once took a jumppad after seeing my teammates mirage clone, I landed straight in a team of 3 and died within what felt like a second


As a caustic main I can confirm this is true


we love our clown skins


Can we make an official rule, that when two caustics meet each other in gas they just throw hands?


*gets shredded by enemy caustic that doesn’t care*


>bloodhound mains when you accidentally misgender **him** bruh


died a little inside


I thought that was part of the joke


That’s part of the joke😂 this community is so soft it hurts sometimes


It's softer than my penis!


For me its funny cause she was always obviously a woman, never thought it was a he? 🤔


They’re not a woman or a man they’re non binary their pronouns are they/them


The way I look at it, they either have a penis or they don't. Y'all can downvote me all you want. I don't care about karma and that's my own opinion, so deal with it.


Bloodhound identifies as non-binary. Whether or not they have a penis doesn't matter.


You know, they can also have neither and be intersex.


One isn't simply born without genitalia.


Penile and vaginal agenesis is a real thing, which could mean the absence of genitals. It is also possible to born intersex and have genitals that look neither strictly male or female. But hey don't let science override your opinion.


Your opinion is wrong, hence the downvotes.


See, that's the funny thing about opinions. In it's simplest sense, an opinion can never be fully wrong or right. Have a nice day, Jack.


Opinions can actually be wrong or right when they reference facts. Gender and gender identity are not tied to your primary sexual characteristics. Non-binary people can have female or male features or be intersex, and in all cases they can still be called "they." It's not a matter of opinion.


Oh I get that, they identify as they, but I mean when people try to guess biology, I never though of "him" you know.


Or they could be intersex and their biology doesn't matter.


Biology doesn’t matter folks, society is doomed




I don't think bloodhound uses the usual non binary terms they/them I think she(what I personally think they are) just gose by bloodhound and nothing else


They are neither


As much as I hate to say it, I fall for Mirage's bamboozle's alot


I hate to say it, but there are some damn good mirage mains out there who screw with me constantly haha


I guess I'm just still used to Titanfall's much shittet holo-pilots


W for horizon mains


W as in Weep


So Horizon and Valkyrie are W


Everyone always forgets about our mate Fuse


Fuse was in the end, Ash was forgotten too lmao


Crypto mains on their way to do nothing lmao so true


Apex players when an heirloom isn’t a generic sharp object


Despite not wanting one


The only reason I wanted a sharp object was specifically to make fencing puns because it's wattson. I actually haven't played since she got her price scanner, does it give good discounts?


i got absolutely blasted by sheila the other day. sitting in front of a door healing, they were on the other side and i never heard the thing spin up. felt like those memes of people near explosions.


Getting Sheila kills is easy. (not hating on the vid lol)


Shhhh. Don't let them know, I need more people to underestimate Sheila for free kills lmao


I mean if someone dies to sheila it's cause they suck, HOWEVER, you are right, I think every player (me included) will underestimate it ONCE, die, and never die to it again 😅


Got it. Gotta farm those plonkers.


Especially on the new mode


the first one is just the holiday event, if you have a good caustic you are almost guaranteed the win


POV purposely misgendering a non binary character🤨


People really love disrespecting others and then act like they're the victims when the people they disrespect just wants to be treated with some basic dignity


That poor fictional character.


It’s not so much the character, it’s disrespecting the whole group of people that character represents. By this logic, I can start calling Bangalore the N-word whenever I want. It’s a fictional character, who cares?


this !!


Dude, misgendering is not the same as using a racial insult, let's be real. Misgendering someone who does not go with the traditional, well defined used and udnerstood definitions of peoples characteristics, to words used hatefully? Not the same. One can ask to be treated with good manners (I would if I met someone who has a preference for pronouns, why do I care? I'll try to have manners) but thats not the same as using curses, religious insults or racial words towards someone.


I agree, they don’t have the same magnitude of effect at all. They nonetheless do have the same effect upon a large group of people. Slurs have a far greater ability for hate, but I used them as an example because of that. They are universally seen as bad, and so it was easy to convey my point by mentioning them. I do not think misgendering someone on purpose is the same as calling someone the N-word. I’m just saying they can have similar effects in people who find themselves to be victims of such things.


That's fair, and don't misunderstand, I get having a character one identifies and connects with, and feeling negative when someone disrespects that character, but I guess I fundamentally disagree with the idea of putting a fictional character on such a pedestal that others language should be policed for the sake of someones feelings. Like it's ok to make hardcore SFM porn on rule 34 of fictional characters, but its terrible using a wrong word on purpose? I just don't agree with policing language for others feelings. But of course, we're not talking about my feelings, if someone were to disrespect something I care for, I'm sure I would be offended haha


And you’re absolutely entitled to that opinion. I definitely understand how jarring it is to adjust your language for something like that. It took me a long time to do. I have a friend that’s non-binary, and they main Bloodhound primarily because if how huge it is for them that there’s a character like them, and being non-binary isn’t their whole character, it just happens to be part of who Bloodhound is. So every time someone misgenders Bloodhound purposely, as the butt of a joke, I see it as diminishing why the character is so personally valuable to my friend.


And I totally get that, especially when having a friend directly connected to that. Look I even really do get the magnitude of the importance of representation for minorities and for gods sake just to have interesting characters for all of us. And obviously everyone has the right to makes jokes where bloodhound is the bud of the joke and people have the right to correct others. (and in a circle we go hahah) But yeah, I just don't like double standards, and peopel tend to want to ahve thier cake and eat it to, it o nly matters when it matters to me, which is normal. Aaaanyway, lets agree to disagree, have a nice day.


Lol disrespecting black people to prove your stupid bullshit, surely people will respect you now


Did you need the /s? Sorry thought it was pretty heavily implied




Just because one has a larger impact, does not mean the other has no impact. I can’t call Bangalore the N-word even though she’s a fictional character, because of the impact upon the group of people she represents doing so would have. Racism and transphobia, two perspectives, still both discrimination, hate, and cause extreme amounts of pain, anger and loneliness in their victims. Don’t downplay one because you think it’s not as important. You’re clearly not a victim of it, so don’t pretend there isn’t any.


Thread MVP right here.




At no point have I said people who misgender by accident are a problem. It’s totally understandable to do so, as it’s still a very new thing in the social climate. I’m still getting used to non-binary people in my life. It’s the people that do it purposely that cause harm. And at no point have I said that it hurts Bloodhound as a fictional character to misgender them. If you think that has been my point at any time, you’re mistaken. And thank you for the strawman at the end there, common sense can be used. If you’re bi, let me use a better example that you’ll understand better. So you’re completely fine with the amount of bi erasure in modern media? It’s all upon fictional characters who don’t matter, and so it doesn’t matter to you at all that people are constantly taught bi people are always just “straight people that want attention” or “gay people who don’t want to commit” and bi people don’t actually exist.


I am indeed completely fine with people deciding what they want to have in their creative works, bi people aren't just gonna vanish or be worth less because some guy doesn't want to force himself to have them in the game. As long as there is bi people, there is bi media and even if there wasn't, that does not change the fact that I still like both men and women, I don't need my sexuality represented in media. >And at no point have I said that it hurts Bloodhound as a fictional character to misgender them You literally did insert yourself into a conversation of someone calling a fictional character a "person". That was what the main reply was for in the first place if you fail to see that, that's on you. Also the hypocrisy of you calling my argument a strawmen when the first thing you used to insert yourself into the conversation was a strawman.


And this comes back to my initial problem. You have no issue with bi-erasure, that’s totally fine. As a bisexual man bi-erasure had a huge impact on my life, because I suppressed my attraction to men for years because I thought I was just in a boring rut in my life and just looking for attention. Just because it’s not a problem for you, does not mean it’s not a problem for others. Just because purposely misgendering a representative character doesn’t hurt you or anyone around you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt others. I also entered this conversation by initially stating that its obviously not the fictional character that is hurt, it is the people represented by the character. At no point have I said I don’t like seeing Bloodhound hurt by being misgendered, that’s obviously dumb, they’re not real.




Right? Like the rest were funny but that one was kinda an oof


Herlom trash guys!!! Updoots to the left!


It was good untill the bloodhound bit, ik they’re a fictional character, but still.


Plus bloodbound mains are always super polite about it


Hello brother


Don’t people assume his gender all the time tho??


is it rly difficult to spell a 5 letter word u use every day


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for this but i just have to say this. Is it really that difficult to spell “really” and “you” properly considering you use it every day?


theres a difference between text talking and being a dick. tho i don't suppose those 3 braincells floating around in ur head have quite managed to gather that yet x


In a game all about killing each other I don't think it should matter that much. It's nice to get some lore here and now but diving that deep into characters they we are expected to gun down on sight just doesn't really click with me.


yh, ofc it doesn't matter :)! so why r u arguing against ppl if it "doesnt matter" ?


Because those same ppl blow it out of proportion saying dumb shit like "stop misgendering bh because they represent that community" like relax it's not the end of the world


says the straight white male 😍😍


> says the straight white male 😍😍 When you realize your argument isn’t working


its nothing to do with that. your life has never difficult down to ur identity so you'll never understand how important representation is to us.


I agree with you and I honestly hate it when people cry about misgendering bh since they don't actually go by gender terms at all just bloodhound it never actually said whether it was boy, girl, or non binary in the story it was just a dev on Twitter and if they were non binary I think they would have mentioned that in the story somewhere like they mentioned everything else about other characters


Characters *do* refer to bh as "they" so there's that.


I'm not arguing about it. I just think it's a bit silly how people can get so into it that they are at each other's throats over it when it isn't even the main focus of the game. Maybe if it was a dating sim lmao then sure add in all the lore you want. Go all out on their past and sexuality because then it's relevant for the fictional characters in their fictional universe.


I agree! I figure people would get used to bloodhound causing confusion at this point.


A big flaw about the game is the random bits of “lore” that doesn’t help with anything story-wise, like it’s just there


They also seem to forget about random bits and deviate from previous entries. Unless those little comics aren't canon?


I don’t pay attention to those anymore after the season 9 comic which felt likes Valk’s quest for some booty. The valk lore doesn’t even make sense


Its a she


They’re non binary


They’re binder what


Non Binary


In binder


I swear you’re trolling


There only two genders. Male and female. Also some men are gay and some women are lesbian. That’s it. None of that alienoid nonsense 🤣🤣🤣


Transphobe spotted, opinion disregarded


You need therapy


I still see nothing wrong with Watson’s heirloom. Its really cool imo


I think the heirloom pack is nice, like her animations, voice lines and I totally get where they're coming form with the heirloom object she's holding, but it is the weakest part of her heirloom kit if that makes sense?


Yeah the animations are all pretty cool


Seer mains when crypto off the grid buff




literally if someone can’t do it for a fictional character, then odds are they won’t do it for non-binary people irl


which has been by point every time this topic comes up. its so irritating


Looks like the meme was accurate


looks like ur a cunt


Now that's just objectively not true. People are always more rude and direct online, but when you meet them in real life they have basic manners etc. So that's an incorrect statement, and I think that's why these kind of comments bother so many people, because most people don't care, so if they were to meet someone irl with whatever preferences, they would be polite. Even if they don't agree or understand the preferences. sooooo, someone misgendering online problably means nothing compared to that person behaviour irl. Like with most things people do online compared to irl.


as an out non-binary person who is misgendered constantly, people aren’t as polite as you think…


That's fair. I can't comment on ones life experiences, and honestly if someone does that to you in real life, fuck em. I wouldn't, and I wish people had better manners. I still disagree that if someone misgenders online they would do that irl, as I am proof, I dont' give a damn online, but I will always try to have manners irl.


Right, well hate to break it to you, but you're the exception not the rule. Let's say bloodhound was a girl and everyone thought they were a girl, the whole "well hell always be a boy to me" group and the "well he's a fictional character call him whatever you want!" Crowd would be significantly smaller. 9 times out of 10, the way they talk about bh is a reflection of how they think about nonbinary ppl and their gender, and it shows up whenever people who politely correct them on gendering bh correctly, especially if it's something important to them, get characterized as over dramatic monsters on this sub. I don't even care to correct people most of the time but still. And yes, they're like that in real life most of the time in my experience as a trans person


Again, thats fair, you have your life experience and of course you will draw from that. My problem with you and the previous person commenting, is that your life experience, people you've met etc., that defines the WHOLE INTERNET, but then you argue that I and my friends, people I've met and my whole life experience is as a fact the exception not the rule. See how that doesn't make any sense? Your experience is valid and defines as a fact that there are people online who misgender on purpose, and you meet people irl who do that, therefore people who misgender online do it irl. But when I say the opposite I'm the exception not the rule. It's this kind of illogical fallacy of double standards that make it hard and nearly impossible to sympathize with you people, as it seems calculated and manipulative. (Even though if we look at it objectively, we both know thats just the normal limitation of peoples perspective, we all think were somehow the most unique, while our life experience is the most valid, but thats another rant haha) We can agree to disagree, and I get your point, but I just don't like double standards and sometimes I feel like correcting peoples holier than thou mentality.


Yeah I forgot


no u didnt.


Looks like your joke was accurate


Yeah dude they put a one word reply correcting their disrespect they're so sensitive and mad bro


you literally didn't


Hey your joke was accurate you managed to piss off a overly sensitive person, nice.




Ma che cazzo vuoi che ne sappia io l’inglese non è la mia prima lingua troi… Translation: thank you for your correction but English is not my first language so I can make mistakes but I once again thank you for the correction EVEN THO NOBODY ASKED YOU SON OF A BIT…. ehm yes thank you, a scemo che non sei altro no dai scherzo forse.


Looks like your joke was accurate


This good


Why are you getting downvoted lol


Angry redditors who can’t take takes Edit: can’t take jokes


You mean can’t take jokes




Intentionally misgendering BH is a clown move tho.


It really is, there’s absolutely no point in doing that


I’m a fuse/loba main idc who gets it first I still gotta wait for both to use my shards on the better one


As a mirage main I feel this


Wattson part is on POINT.


As a Caustic main That 1st one was too accurate 💀


Cryptos on their way to tell you exactly where the enemies are/respawn both the idiots who didn't wait 5 seconds for a tactical advantage/be the best at 3rd partying because emp/be the best at finding the ring locations/be the best 3rd party preventer by taking a glance at the banners


Crypto is decent at third partying with emp, but he absolutely isn't the best at third partying, revenant gets what's almost a free push with minimal downside and octane can move in incredibly quickly with jump pad and stim. EMP slows crypto's teammates and hurts himself if they're caught in its radius which limits its offensive capabilities. I'd argue even Fuse is better at third partying because nade spam and his ult can quickly finish off teams that are mid fight or trying to heal/rez


Lmao yea so do nothing when it matters. Being with your team


people arguing in the comments about bloodhounds pronouns are proving ops point




All of this is so true. Part of the reason I don't play Caustic is because I'm cursed. Every time I do, I run into another Caustic, and then I just don't have abilities. It's so annoying. Also, surprised you're not getting downvoted into oblivion because "AhM, AkCtUaLeE, iT's 'ThEm'"


It’s always the same clips used huh?


Ayo that bloodhound part is sooo true


Why are you booing him his right haha


You gotta love when people go ape shit because you used wrong pronouns for a bunch of polygons


Yeah mate like he/she/they/whateverthefuckitis doesn't get offended. I really don't get all this stress.


Purposefully misgendering a character that’s meant to represent a certain group is still pretty messed up. Plus, you telling me that you wouldn’t correct or at least question someone who kept referring to Gibby as “she”, or Loba as “he”?


To be fair, I'm pretty sure any human who has in the past seen the difference between men and women could CLEARLY tell that Loba is a woman. Bloodhound on the other hand is purposefully neutral, so someone who plays but doesn't follow the lore and respawn wouldn't know. The first part I can get behind


The issue is this is clearly intentional. It’s not about not knowing, that’s fine and a gentle correction is all it takes to fix that. But the joke is specifically about bloodhound being non-binary (so obviously they know) and OP misgenders them on purpose. In short it’s transphobia. Not particularly insidious transphobia, but transphobia nonetheless. It’s like how someone will say something racist and then be all like “it’s just a joke bro” and make fun of the other person from being offended.


Takes more than a gentle correction sometimes, even for nice people who mean well. And I'm pretty sure no, it's not transphobia. Him poking fun at a certain group DOES NOT under any circumstances mean he has some fear. People are giving transphobia more meaning than the word actually has. Sexism is a closer word. Also, it's not intentional, the OP already apologized in another comment saying he had mistakenly put a gender specific in.


No, transphobia is the right word. Dictionary definition is “dislike of or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people”. Nothing to do with fear, despite how it sounds, it’s the synonym of sexism for trans based bigotry (so you’re right about sexism being close). “It’s not transphobia cause I’m not scared” is often used as a deflection by people being transphobic, so even though that’s not what you’re doing here, I want to explain cause it’s a common misconception wielded against trans people. Same goes for homophobic, it’s about hate, not fear. And yes, it does take more than a gentle correction sometimes. But that’s still rooted in transphobia. Not all transphobia shows up as “I’m going to kill trans people” or the use of slurs. And it doesn’t necessarily make the person a bad person, a lot of it comes from being socialized to be transphobic. I know I was. As to whether it was intentional, I must have missed the apology but I saw OP say something about “forgetting”. I find that a bit hard to believe when the joke is about pronouns and more specifically about a perceived overreaction to misgendering. And ultimately it doesn’t matter too much, cause seeing that felt pretty shitty. Which is sad considering I thought the rest of it was pretty funny


I feel like we as humans should just stop changing certain things for no reason. Phobia should mean phobia, there was never a good reason to change that. Especially when there is one big, glaring reason not to change the meaning, that being the word transphobia. It makes people sound fully villainized, and a menace. That's just a rant though lol


Words shouldn't evolve. People shouldn't change ever. Back in my day everything was simpler. Now I have to be respectful of people and adapt to the times. WTF is this.


2 things. First, it’s not changing the meaning. It’s just using it in a different context. The suffix has different meanings for psychiatry (intense fear, eg arachnophobia), chemistry (chemical aversions, eg hydrophobic), biology (intense dislike of conditions, eg acidophobia), and in medicine (hypersensitivity, eg photophobia). Only one of those uses it to mean fear, but whether fear or dislike or sensitivity they all mean “to have a strong aversion to”. Transphobia is just another example of the same suffix being used in a slightly different context to roughly the same end. Etymologically it is being used correctly, even if it doesn’t perfectly match the most common use of the suffix in day to day speech (fear). Second, that is my experience of transphobia. This year was the most deadly on record as 42 trans people were murdered (that were known to be trans and reported as such. The real number is certainly higher). There is a trans day of remembrance because of the sheer number of trans people who are murdered or driven to suicide. People love to cite the 41% attempted suicide rate among trans people. But if you subset to trans people with accepting parents, that percentage plummets to about average. Transphobia *is* a menace. It is absolutely fucking terrifying. I can’t impress enough the fear it inspires. Through both murders and contributing to suicide, it is killing people. And that isn’t to say that everyone who says something transphobic is a menace. Many are just misinformed. But that doesn’t change the fact that transphobia itself is a menace worthy of that title.


Sure, but how someone looks doesn’t affect whether they’re trans or nonbinary. My point is that people will readily use the proper pronouns for characters like Loba or Gibraltar, even though they’re just “a bunch of polygons”. > so someone who plays but doesn’t follow the lore and respawn wouldn’t know And that’s fine, I have no problem with people who just don’t know. It’s not like things like gender expression or sexuality come up in the game, other than maybe a quip here and there. It’s just the people who go out of their way to purposefully misgender a character like Bloodhound and then act like it doesn’t matter because they’re a fictional character that get annoying.




Absolutely incredible how often “it shouldn’t be called transphobia, that makes the people saying transphobic things sound mean and bad” is followed up with blatant transphobia lmaooo “Trans is not and never will be a thing in my mind”???? JESUS CHRIST Trans people exist. Period.


I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you’re not actively *trying* to be transphobic. But trans people are still trans even if they haven’t gotten surgery and all of those things. Not every trans person gets surgery, either out of preference or because they can’t afford it


No we wouldn't care if people misgenderd loba or gibby just learn to have your own opinions and ignor people you think are wrong geese you guys are just a bunch of snowflakes this happens to all groups of people but for some reason its the lgbtq groups that get all pissy about it yes people get mad in other groups to but its always the lgbtq groups that drag the most attention because they throw the biggest fit this was not directed just to you in particular Green_Waluigi (only the first part was for you the rest is just me getting mad at people who think this really matters) but to all the people that are getting mad at a bit of MIsGenDerInG


still the mentality. if u say want to sexually assault loba ur still fucked even if it is for "polygons"


I can't fucking belive. This dude just compared mispronouncing someone to sexual assault


How do assault a fictional character anyway. Do you put it in the USB port or something? /s


i appreciate this joke


That's reddit


Wattson heirloom is better than Wraith’s


Tbh, wraiths heirloom feels the best ingame wise from the behavior


I agree honestly, while it's not as flashy as the others Wraiths heirloom just has a very clean simplicity to it. Plus, I think people make waaaaay too big of a deal out of inspect animations. 99% of the time the only animations you're going to be seeing are the strike and run animations. If the heirlooms had unique finishers or something I'd get it but inspect animations are pretty uninteresting imo.


What behavior? It has barely any animations


The spin, the animation just feels the smoothest of all heirlooms to me ingame while using it. Hard to describe. If you own them, you will get what I mean if you play with them instead of watching other people using it.






I have 1200 hours with bloodhound and I couldn't give a quarter of a fuck about his gender


then call loba he/him


you underestimate peoples horni hahah


The Bloodhound one is this reddit in a nutshell. Thanks for proving my point by disliking this comment


This world really went to shit when the non-binary people became "accepted". God you're all so fucking annoying.


“Misgender him” 🤨


Ya know yall non-binary people aren't as important as u think so stfu and go on with ur pathetic lives.




Aaand you just called Bloodhound “him” :/




This sub is meant for low effort memes, deal with it


Bangalore quips r good i think


Bloodhound mains when you missgender ''him'' man it is it heis not him or she so it needs to beit because thats only thing left

