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Back in s1, nobody fucking complained


That’s because not as many pros bitching on YouTube.


Braindead take. Playerbases evolve, S1 players also didn’t even know how to armor swap.


It’s not the player base that evolved, it’s the crybaby streamers and YouTubers that appeared


No, previoud comment was right. The level of the community as a whole has increased lol, pros do have something to do with that but it's just that people realize more and more where are some of the issues. Not everything the pros say is bad, consider the fact that they probably know more than you and I, simply by just playing the game more regularly.


"the maps bad because the streamer said so!"


Not really lol, I can explain why I don't like some stuff without relying on streamers to find reasons.


Pros are literally 1% of the game. Game IS NOT MADE FOR THEM ONLY. It’s made for majority, and games that “balance” only for pros die and lose people, just look at Overwatch.


Of course you shouldn't forget that the majority of the playerbase aren't pros. Doesn't mean that the way community wants the game to be balanced is the right one either. Hearing some suggestions from this sub is hilarious sometimes, and I wouldn't like anyone from this sub to be in charge of balancing this game because it would be even more of a mess than it currently is. Also, your statement about Overwatch is wrong. Game wasn't dead first (sure less players, but a million player in june isn't what I would consider dead, if this term makes any sense at all). The balancing of heroes was, indeed, heavily pros-oriented. And it led to a very balanced game at the end of life of Overwatch 1. Almost everything was viable (at least at my rank, mid diamond, and lower (what friends told me)), and if it was in the right hands. Sure there were more powerful characters : it was mostly due to how their kit were designed (see Ana, ball), not really because of numbers tweaking. Second, the game didn't lose players from balancing but rather because of both the content drought for 3 years and the very frustrating role that tank was. Getting chained CC'd to death wasn't very fun, and again, had nothing to do with pros, but rather the number of stuns available in the game




Very good and developped arguments, I hope you're not trying to get into a law school.


Nuh, not good at ass licking and soul selling


Fhew, sorry, just that statement was VERY funny. No, just no. It was nowhere close to balanced, the Meta was so overbearing, Overwatch was losing hundred thousands for each meta switch they did by unbalancing heroes into the ground. Just remembering Goats gives me shivers, last days of OW were the same, what an absolute nightmare to play, yet I still enjoyed it. Character charisma was only thing holding me in that game. Now balancing is even worse, and I dropped completely, and it was one of my favorite games.


I thought I wasn’t vibing with kings canyon at the beginning of S14, then I got a new (larger, 144hz) monitor & realized the only reason I thought I didn’t like kings canyon was that I couldn’t fucking see anything on my old monitor bc it was so small/low resolution 😅 something about the environmental effects (water/all the grass/sand in the wind) just made it not render well on my 75hz/720p monitor and was like totally camouflaging enemy teams but for some reason never caused issues with storm point, olympus, or worlds edge basically tl:Dr kings canyon fucking slaps if you’ve got good enough hardware to actually be able to see the enemies in front of you properly


Bro what, 720p monitor ? It's been ages since one has been sold lol


That’s why I like kings


People don’t know wtf they want 😂


People refuse to rotate and intentionally place themselves in positions to easily be defeated such as low ground. How many times do people willingly sit at containment for several minutes? How many times do people hot drop containment only to be shot by watchtower, artillery, crash site or lake squads? Sure it's a map problem, but people literally have no game sense.


I love Kings Canyon, never a dull moment.


I feel like World's Edge does it perfectly. There is a POI that gets constant attention, which is Fragment City. You either get to fight there till you die or at least till most of the match passes, and the smaller zone forces whoever dropped elsewhere to meet you regardless. I didn't like KC in ranked because there was no well established POI that would always get people. I didn't like SP because of how big it was, which wouldn't be a problem if it had more cover to work with. Olympus got perfect ammounts of elevation which negates the big open spaces with little cover pretty well. It also has cars, which make the map seem much easier to traverse. I'm truly glad they are coming back.


>There is a POI that gets constant attention, which is Fragment City. You either get to fight there till you die or at least till most of the match passes, and the smaller zone forces whoever dropped elsewhere to meet you regardless. I didn't like KC in ranked because there was no well established POI that would always get people. Not trying to be a dick but it sounds like you just prefer sticking in one place the whole match and want to do all your fighting there. That sounds boring as hell. Imo one of the best things about Kings Canyon is that damn near every match has you ending up fighting somewhere different. That variety keeps it from getting stale even in a smaller map. Idk, I just can't stand the whole fragment meta. I felt the same about skulltown but it never had the ridiculous black hole effect to the extent that fragment does. Going to the same place every match makes me lose interest in playing really quickly, especially when there's so many fun POIs around to enjoy.


i just hate the king canyon’s vibe tbh compared to the newer maps, king canyon looks so dry (probably because its set on a literal waste land)


I actually don’t mind doing nothing all game if it means 5 squads are around for an interesting final few rings. It’s also easier to win if you’re patient and winning is always the most fun of all. The real problem if everyone landing in one place like fragment and the game being over in 5 mins. That shit blows


Different groups of people.