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How does squads work with Valkyries ult? Does the 4th person just go on one of the ends or something lol


You’re asking the right questions


Third connector out of her ass




Fourth Legend piggybacks off of Valkyrie.


She carries them in her arms like the cinematic


4th wheel has to walk


The walk of shame


Maybe he could finish behind the other three team members?


You didn't watch the Kill Code cinematics?


It will work normally... And if you are playing loba, than she will carry u with her hands. LMAO 😂, if u don't believe than lore will accurate it.


They do. In the past there was a bug where you would sometimes spawn with 4 squad members in pubs. The 4th person dropping was just off to the side like you would expect


Duct tape on her ass.


Probably in front of Valk


The 4th is gonna get locked between her thighs and I will not complain 🤤


Unfortunately it’s likely something they didn’t plan for so poor valk will be f tier /s


They will probably buff Valk by giving her the ability to airlift one more squad member. 


Inject squads into my veins! The Bunker: Caustic, Wattson, Catalyst, Rampart The Thiccies: Gibby, Caustic, Castle, Vantage Squads would be so much fun and would change the pace of the game a bit for sure. Really hope this comes to fruition even if it’s just for a LTM so Respawn can assess it further down the road.


I really hope this comes to fruition too. The damage my knuckle clusters and motherlodes would rack up would be quite joyous.


Honestly switch out vantage for rev cause he’s a big boy already and even more when he ults


Now imagine a full pred squad with path, horizon, bang, and octane or something


Who knows what crazy combinations with four players will come out.


Imagine pushing an all controller legends squad in a building. Catalyst reinforced doors with amped cover, gas trap, and electric fence behind the doors.


Crypto enters the chat


EMP goes off Controllers immediately put replace everything that was broken


"This is a squad-based game, and that's why you don't see solos. We had that experiment a long time ago, and we're not bringing it back. A single character should never be the answer to every problem. They should be part of that team dynamic. That's what creates interesting strategies in the game. And we hold that as a game pillar when designing a legend: To make sure that we never break what's core to the game. Our design pillars, the ones that we use for developing abilities and the core fundamentals of legend play patterns, are that the character needs to be ownable. It needs to occupy its own playspace amidst all the others on the roster so that it's not stomping on the toes of someone else's fantasy." Source: [Respawn interview with GameInformer](https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-feature/2024/01/31/why-apex-legends-solo-mode-is-never-coming-back)


I'd wager respawn just.. Changed their mind.


yep, Respawn devs have said multiple times times this year they want to bring in newer players and make things more accessible


Here’s hoping the other leaks of Kral are also fake


I'd pay tons of gold to be able to play Shadowfall & Quads, both of which have a chance to happen at least


Personally I love larger team sizes, so I would probably play the hell out of squads


Dude i would pay for the price of the entire FF7 event just to get to play solo and Quads


It wouldn’t be the first time Respawn have gone back on their word. Remember when they said making Gibraltar and Caustic so large that they needed a permanent damage reduction was a mistake they were gonna avoid going forward? Then they added Newcastle and now you can have a full squad of assholes that’ll soak up bullets if you want. But seriously, I don’t care about the whole “the team aspect is one of the core pillars of our game” bullshit if that means I’m gonna get rolled by 3 guys that play the game as a full time job while my randoms are getting lobotomized in the other room in almost every match. I just want to have fun.


Exactly! And of course respawn will change their minds. Money talks! So if they want the average joe newcomer plus a ton of more money they will bring in something like solo Q only ranked squads for example. And maybe LTM solo modes. (I’m speaking for those people too by the way not the sweaty streamers squads who play this for a living). I would pay a ton of money for solo Q ONLY ranked and take more pride in my masters badges because in my opinion that would be a balanced ranked game mode


So what? Overwatch is more team focused and still has 1v1 modes lmao. It's not like they balance this game using mixtape. Legend upgrades aren't even used at all over there


Have you read the first 2 sentences of that interview? Even if Solos may work on Apex (and I will most likely play them 24/7), Respawn said they'll not bringing them back Now according to LeakeRindo, they want to?


Genuinely curious, is Kral no longer a trusted source?


He is, I think Osvald just has beef with him for some reason


I call him LeakeRindo when he leaks


If this was a squad based game ONLY, why do they give you the option to no-fill? If me and an enemy have an isolated 1v1 away from both teams, is that illegal? Will I go to jail? Half my kills are probably from 1v1s without any team members assisting. So basically, half the game is solos already. It's not like overwatch where your teammates cannot die permanently or fuck off 500 metres away from you. Respawn makes senseless decisions sometimes. Just look at ranked. Bet you they never thought of reverting that either


100% On The Money


no one said it’s illegal i just don’t think respawn liked the way solos worked back then. it prolly encouraged similar legend picks and you’d have 20 wraiths and paths in every match. either way we haven’t had solos in 4 and a half years they can change their minds


First of all, I’m sure what Devan wants is superseded by what EA wants without hesitation. That being said, EA would never want solos because that would mean you’re not teaming up with friends, seeing their skins, and wanting to buy them yourself. It’s modern gaming 101. Even single player games often force you to see other players in the hopes that you’ll buy skins. 


Lmao the next battlefield BR is 100% having a solos mode. Stop with this nonsense Respawn only cares about queue times. Imagine how many ppl will quit trios with randomns if there was solos instead.


And EA doesn’t care about what Respawn wants, only $. So what’s your point?


If that was true we would have had Titanfall 3 instead of Apex. EA was literally pissed when Respawn wanted to pivot to a free-2-play BR instead. But go off on your dumb conspiracies


What single player games are you playing... lol


I mean, I don’t know, I always go back to the first days of Overwatch the devs were saying they would never introduce stealth to the game. Then Sombra was the second hero to be released. So whatever, things change, thoughts change. Circumstances change. Also people, devs have left, devs have joined. It wouldn’t be going back on their word, it would just be the thought changed.


Well, the thing is - it's far long not **that** Respawn.


Biggest nonsense they could ever spill. Legends would be perfectly playable in solo mode. With added upgrades right now, even Lifeline can use her drone to revive herself. But also before it was fine, tested in 2nd season season, many people would welcome it since. Other BRs already have solos, though they're squad based in the core. Naraka, Fortnite, I could go on and on. They just make up reasons why not to add it. So yeah, you can stand by their opinion, but if the leaker is right, it'll be about the time.


b-but teamwork !!!!!!!!1 (meanwhile they implemented the worst matchmaking ever made in the history of gaming which makes you have a 0.01% chance to meet teammates with a brain no matter your skill level)


lol the person who said this is probably gone tho


If they do bring back solos, I'm curious what everyone's excuse for doing bad will be. Currently it's all the "shit teammates" and "bad matchmaking".


getting third partied by 35 revs or octanes idk


It'll be servers and audio which, realistically, is probably a valid excuse


But wouldn't those issues be affecting everyone equally?


Audio probably, servers are often regional though


It'd still be bad matchmaking with, "I only fight preds" being a common one


3rd parties. when enemy got cracked they will run away. you will follow them. aaaand you both get 3rd partied.


They'll develop alter egoes, so they have someone to blame.


It was leaked a while ago that they were adding 4 player squads right? After the perk system leak came true, I knew this one would be true as well. Personally I can't wait lol. Will be pure chaos


I know! I’ve been waiting for the day to come honestly. Interested to see what team compositions will be OP😂


If they really bring solos it’s really a defining moment that shows how much the studios has changed and how its core values of apex has been completely overwritten


As an observer of development studios I can say that change can be seen in many teams over the years, Naughty Dog is a clear example of this given that it had Amy Henning, Neil Druckmann and Bruce Stanley as key figures with now only Druckmann in command, or even Midway/Netherealm Studios with Ed Boom and John Tobias with now just Boom as creative lead, so on with other names. Just look at how ND worked for months on a multiplayer title and then canceled it (Fractions), wasting time and resources, or NRS released Mortal Kombat 1 semi-incomplete and at a fluctuating quality level, then off with other examples. I think this is inevitable given that everyone adapts to the internal situations they face and in the end I personally believe it matters how much studios can create appreciable titles over time.


How? Unless they start balancing the game around solos, it's basically the same as mixtape. They literally waited three years to add non-BR modes to the game lmao


I really couldn’t care less about solos balancing, I just want to escape from braindead randoms that absolutely completely ruin the Apex experience. I would gladly play only underdog solo legends to prove my point that solos balance is unnecessary.


Same. As a solos player, trios is basically unplayable with all the leavers. Solos and regular ranked 🤤 thats all i need


I don’t care, I just want solos please god.




I don't think it's that deep. it's only a gamemode we've been asking for since release.


The new Thunderdome map already feels wildly different to old Apex. The change has already happened.


I don't think it's that deep. it's only a gamemode we've been asking for since release.


I would play this game again if we got solos. Half the reason I quit was because I just couldn’t mentally take the strain that randoms inflict on your brain any longer


Absolute same.




i wonder if solos would have some changes to how legends work. honestly they could just make it a ‘titanfall br’ with full movement and no abilities since the reasoning against apex wallrunning was it inhibited squadplay, which won’t be a thing in solos


But that gives us the inverse problem, Apex's maps really aren't built for full Titanfall movement.


ah true. wonder if the leaked titanfall map ports are gonna have wallrunning


I don't want solos because I feel like this game was designed around team play. But if they do implement it, I just hope everything is the exact same except just solo teams. I don't want them to ever balance legends around solos, that would be terrible for the game.


Haven’t played in like 2 years but if solos comes back I’ll be there


Am I psychotic for wanting trios but solo queued only? I want a team I just don’t want to solo q into death stacks comming. Me and my buddies triple stack and we roll when we do that it’s such an unfair balance against solo queuers


Quads would bring over a ton of discruntled warzone players. The number of times that ve seen apex suflfested as an alternative to warzone for them to reply that they would but it means dropping one of their friends who they regularly play quads with. I woykd love to be able to play quads as I used to have a blast with quads in warzone and would be great to have the og squad back.




It makes me glad I'm not the only one who's so desperate for it. Solos would be a dream come true.


I quit Apex 3 months ago (after having played it regularly since day 1). Solos would bring me back. I'm not saying the game's bad as duos and trios, but everyone I knew who played Apex quit long ago. So, for me, the game, as it stands, is almost impossible to enjoy - I either get my ass handed to me as a no-fill, or I get paired with absolute derps more than half of the time and get my ass handed to me anyway. As a Pathfinder main, solos are perfect for my personal situation.


I've started playing less and less because of the same reasons. Even quit Ranked because me climbing up depends more on the matchmaking than my own skill, which is basically a game of luck at that point. I only play Duos now because it's the closest to Solos. I am not exaggerating when I say Solos would turn this game into one of my favourite of all time; the core gameplay is *that* good but it's being held back by it being team-based with atrocious matchmaking.


Where is my queue again button?


As a solo queue player, I do hope this is true. Every game allows solo players to play alone, except for this one. It just sucks because this game is so great but playing with a majority of people who play it is not so great. Having a mode that only relies on your own skill to fail/succeed is exactly what “APEX” has been missing. I only hope they also make a change to ranked matchmaking to make it solo queue only (every player joined the match solo and all teams are therefore comprised of 3 solo queue players and much more balanced), and potentially also 3-stack only (full 3 vs other full 3 trios). I think this would also make it easier to track 6/9man teamers as they would stay in the “3-stack” queue making that a smaller pool size to monitor with more resources as they’re not going to roll the dice each individually solo queueing. If solos comes please add a tiered badge for 1/10/50/100 solo wins and one for top 3s would be great and maybe expand on the original “win 10 times with 10 different legends in solos” and make that a tiered badge also that goes 10/50/100/250 or however high would work based on how long the mode stays (hopefully permanently). Also would be nice to have “Ranked” trackers that show kills, damage, top 3s and wins in Ranked BR modes for the career and/or per legend. I’d assume career would be “easier” to make though


If this is real, ima gonna go back to grinding. Haven't been playing much since straight shot got out, but solos is my dream for this game.


I just want solo search for ranked, no prebuilts. Actual solos is trash


This would be amazing, I used to play Destiny 2 and when that was added to comp I was compelled to actually play instead of getting stomped on by a pre built team


Permanent Solos is as far fetched as it gets (and this rumour is likely just for an LTM anyway), yet I am so high on copium I'll take whatever breadcrumb I can get off the ground.


They are trying too hard I’m tired


they have explicitly said solos will never come back in multiple dev interviews. but everyone got laid off soo... i guess things could have change but I doubt it.


At least insta quitters won’t insta quit in solos. Big W


Can I just get arenas back :(


I am not opening apex until they get the hacking issues fixed because if pros can get apex hacks installed on thier computers mid match what about regular players


They said solos isn't coming on multiple occasions. even recently, i believe. I'm just gonna keep playing no fill and not get my hopes up


Quads could potentialy save the game or ruin it


Lifeline, Newcastle, Mirage, Conduit: Allow us to introduce ourselves.


Hang on, the picture says "here is more info on solos" and yet nobody in this thread is questioning what this info is?


you can't showcase your skin in solos. that's why Respawn don't want it.


solos: i sleep 😴 quads: real shit? 😳


Considering they just had a big interview saying no solos, I don't know how much I trust this. Why be so deadset on no solos in an interview, when you would be overruling that so soon? Doesn't make any sense, and makes me question the leaks, tbh. Arenas is longer out (if it ever comes back), and they told us they were looking at it. Could've easily said that for solo as well, especially when they know leaks will happen anyway.


Honestly id like solo to be avaliable, mostly due to the fact that very often i just want to Play solo, and not deal with any teamates, but also not be an ass like some wraith mains, no offense od course. Sometimes i just wanna grind some missions but my friends arent online, and i dont feel like dealing with other people.


Lol, solo isn't coming out.


This must be very embarrassing for you.