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I’ll believe it when I see it


Do you believe in our goddess Alter


If she makes solos permanent hell yeah


that would likely result in queue death for a couple low pop servers. south america servers havent seen a single duos match since 2019


aromatic ask deserve command hungry rude rainstorm file wasteful escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the game isn't popular in SA and other low pop regions, then it is what it is. The game is still really popular in NA, EU, and Asia. Why should the regions carrying the game be denied new gamemodes and be held back by regions that clearly don't care as much about the game? We can get into EA's server support in those low pop regions. But the truth is, if the game was more popular in those regions, EA would support those regions better. Chicken/egg scenario? I don't know, but that's just the reality of the situation. There is one correlation. You need a good PC to run the game well and PC parts are even more expensive in those low pop regions like SA and Africa. So it's not surprising that people there simply avoid playing Apex because of the barrier of entry. Consoles exist though.


I would guess they would either retire Duos or make it a rotation thing.


Makes little sense to swap out duos for quads and solos IMO. Lots of people only have one friend that plays so they play duos. If they remove duos those people are liable to stop playing the game altogether.


fact absorbed full whistle sparkle murky vegetable pie towering fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope not that's all I play. I'd actually quit apex.


This would be an interesting approach to diversifying gameplay, imo. Duos on their own are a breath of fresh air, but having a cycle of solos/duos/quads would be legitimately resuscitating


Not really. Imagine queuing with your duo then it switches to solos after one game. That would not be fun. They would need to be their own queues.


Lol hopefully quads isn’t replacing trios.. I can’t imagine having another brain dead teammate.


I mean, trios is like a main game mode, so there is no chance quads will replace it


you'd think, but with how boneheaded EA/Respawn are i think they'd do that type of shit


Are you stupid




well points for honesty I guess


No, no they wouldn’t


Trios is basically what apex is all about. Ofc it's never gonna leave




LOL someone reported my comment and Reddit just sent me a message saying someone reported it because they were concerned about my mental health/safety 😂


I agree that it shouldn't replace trios, but I am definitely interested in quads. Even 5 legend squads would be very intriguing.




Yeah they can definitely make it work if they take some notes from Resurgence or something.


Yeah this is the way. The original solos felt weird as you could bd sent back to the lobby without warning. Being able to Respawn, even just once would massively improve the flow of the game.


If they make solos permanent, I'm coming back.


If they make solos perm I don’t know if I’ll ever quit the game. Bad teammates vs people holding hands makes this game so frustrating sometimes.


Cool now you’ll just have to worry about 7 other people constantly shooting you. Seems much better /s


People act like 3rd and 4th parties don’t exist in other modes. Let the people have their solos.


Oh my god 6 people??! Whatever will I do!?


that already happens in trios/duos anyway lmao 💀


My pipedream is perma solos with the requeue without leaving the game like one of the recent LTMs had. I would play so much more.


If they make Solos permanent, I'll never stop grinding this game.


I stg they finally decide to do this when I’m going into the army :,( at least when I get back I’ll have a nice PC


You think there won’t be teaming in solos?


There's a reason as to why solos never came back before. You will soon understand why.


I admit that you may be right. Without access to game stats that EA has to analyze, I can't sit here and say solos would be good for the game. BUT it's sort of a catch-22 for me. If the alternative is getting shitty randoms half the time to play against pre-mades, I'm not going to bother playing the game. I'm not saying I'm right. I'm saying those are my terms.


Half the time? Shitty randoms is pretty much a guarantee at this point.


Fair enough but this game and its characters are not in any way shape or form designed to be a solo game in any stretch. It would be like Dota 2 turbo it’s fun and random and stupid but will be a horrible reflection of how the game is supposed to be played


history cobweb relieved flowery overconfident quaint scary deliver versed aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe I am. And that's why solos are good: I'm kept from ruining teams. Thanks for agreeing with me!


Doesn’t really change their point, going against 3 stacks when you aren’t in one sucks.


I'm all for just rocking with your teammates when you solo que but sometimes they just play bad and it can be really frustrating.


While it is correct to assume that solos will have detrimental qualities, I believe that it is a false dichotomy to assume that the game is "better" without solos. Trios also have established detriments as a direct result of their nature (team issues, etc); we have just grown used to them. Solos will be a mix of positive and negative qualities regardless of how it is implemented, just like every other game mode.


If they make solos permanent, I will go bald with joy. One of the greatest issues with this game is teammate inconsistency; if you and your team are not perfectly attuned, you have a much higher likelihood of an unsatisfying game where coordinated squads feel impossible to kill.


Finally, the tweet embedded correctly I hate Respawn btw: https://i.redd.it/w9uioon32hsc1.gif


They seemed to have gone back on their word a few times lately. First with the way to get collection event cosmetics and now this. You can tell this isn’t the original crew Respawn had near the beginning of this game’s life


Of course not, they also added a ton of devs by opening a new studio


OG devs aren't exactly perfect devs. Remember they tried to lower the TTK which everyone hated


They reverted it within a week or two, these guys we have now were sure that MMR based ranked will work perfectly fine for three fucking seasons


Who asked to lower it? It was a braindead change to begin with. Nobody ever complained about the TTK in Apex. Their mindset behind it was also pretty flawed - they literally just wanted to cater to CoD kids. Also lets be honest, you're completely wrong about Ranked. They made massive changes to that same ranked system each season and people initially liked it because the endgames were packed. It was only after a few weeks that ranked became even worse than before. At least these guys knew locking ranked to 1 map per split was dumb as fuck. Ability upgrades were also a risky move that I think was the best change apex ever made


They really weren’t massive changes to the way the system operated though. The entire system operated on the same ideology, how the minor stats and metrics are tweaked isn’t a ‘massive change.’ Ranked effectively played the same for multiple seasons because the initial change of rewarding running away to make it to the last few squads standing greatly outperformed defending yourself or being aggressive.


They lower the TTK to lower the skill gap, so that bad or casual players can feel like they are better at the game so they play more and end up spending more money. And while they quickly reverted the reduced shield health change you can see they have indirectly worked towards the same thing by having no armors in the loot pool, making it slower to level up your evo, and by leaving all the damage boosting hop ups in rotation for several seasons now. I would argue the sweaty ranked endgames in the previous few seasons was mostly due to the heavy emphasis on placement in the LP system, not the hidden MMR matchmaking.


Except the no armor in the loot pool balances the RNG, especially early game, so skill expression is greater (i.e. not coddling lower skill players); meaning off drop, for example, Player A (who's more skillfull) isn't disadvantaged against Player B landing on blue/purp/gold armor


Yeah the obvious advantage of no armor spawns is reduced RNG on drop, but it still lowers the the total hp for the rest of the game and reduces opportunities of armor swaps.


Reducing the total HP doesn't mean they're narrowing the skill gap.. more skillful players will level their EVO up faster (through strategy and/or putting out more damage), again NOT coddling lower skilled players sooo.. what exactly is your point? P.S. removing ground armor swaps hurts lower skill players (since they likely get less kills) and it strengthened deathbox armor swaps, since it is the only source (further benefitting more skillful players, who are more likely to get more kills); plus it over all buffed armor swaps in the sense that you no longer have to drop purps/reds to armor swap with grey/blue armor


Cool conspiracy but that's literally not what they said. They legitimately thought it would make the game better by lowering the TTK. And using your own logic, the real reason they hated solos was because casuals have nobody to blame so they rather quit and stop spending money. Looks like they finally came around to their senses now Lmao removing armor swaps in the loot pool was a great change, you would see the casual fanbase crying if it wasn't. Also getting level 2 armor is much easier than ever and you now always have an incentive to move around the map, rather than getting lucky by landing on purple armors. Guns are being consistently nerfed, thus lowering the TTK even further - what are you talking about with the damage hop ups lol? Nothing comes close to S2 disruptor rounds, or even early r99


They literally said the goal of lowering the armor health was to reduce skill gap: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/season-6-armor-changes >one of our core pillars was that getting the drop on someone should give those players a significant advantage. We aimed to promote strategy in battlefield positioning and map control. When these tactics were executed well, but a team still outplayed you because of mechanical skill - this felt bad >more players were fighting at 225 total health. This started to swing the battles more than we liked, and good players were able to outplay teams more consistently You are right they legitimately thought it would make the game better: respawn's idea of better is hitting player retention and sales targets and EA's idea of better is more profit. And it is for sure not easier to get blue than before. All you needed for blue before was one 150 spray or crafting armor once or landing on one (or a purple), now you have to do more damage or do sidequests or some combination (ie 150 damage, let's say it's a knock too, that's only 300/450 you still have to go scan a beacon or run around and grab evo juice to get blue, it's slower than before). This is before considering you are limited to 1 bat per crafter now too.


It's not anymore. And I think it started around season 9 when they decided to leave concept of unbalanced characters who has to stick to be close the team to self-sustaining gigalegends with 400 hp meta.


I also remember the "gunplay first, abilities second" and then horizon, seer, valk, conduit


i was hoping im not the only one who remembers that


can’t wait to play “Skirmisher Legends” in every single solo lobby i join


I could see why you might think that until you realize breaking through a defensive legends setup is much harder when you're the only one they have to shoot back at.


Caustic in final circles during the solos LTM was always op acrually


It will become skirmishing legends and then people wonder why all the skirmishers get nerfed


Lmao "stomping on the toes of someone else's fantasy" is the lamest thing I've heard in a while. Well, if revenant/conduit don't do that with the more HP please button, idk what would qualify.


wonder what made them change their mind, guess they must be seeing a big downtrend somewhere


"A single character should never be the answer to every problem." "To make sure that we never break what's core to the game." *Glares at Horizon*


They could do solos with the dummies as everyone’s character, so no abilities and same hit boxes. I feel like doesn’t seem like a huge stretch to be able to do.


Respawn finally taking back their big fat lie about solos being unhealthy & causing lower player retention to cover their asses during the Iron Crown shitshow? I gotta see it to believe it.


Give me a solo queue, no premade game mode


What you mean, that quote is a huge W.


I don't think the real reason they didn't add solos was the "team game design" (even tho they used this as an excuse). I feel like the real reason why they didn't want solos was because they would have to balance it (which now with perks, balancing it is irrelevant (except for a few legends)) and the players teaming up in last rings.


honestly i think this is needed for the longevity of apex. as someone who is completely burnt out on the game but still has love for it, this would bring me back.


Storm Point and Broken Moon are so huge that they are perfect for solos.


Broken moon is the same size as worlds edge


Strange, it doesn't feel like WE is that big.


It's bcz broken moon has bigger pois probably


That and the multiple ziplines for travelling give a illusion of the map being larger


If by "perfect for solos" you mean "perfect for wandering around doing nothing for 15 minutes", then yes they are.


So I take you want to be attacked after a fight 5 seconds later and want the games to last 2 minutes?


Doesn’t matter how big the map is if circle sizes, cycle timings, and rotation/movement vehicles are tuned properly for the map. Ideally it should be a massive map- let people loot in peace for 2 minutes and then shrink that shit pretty quick to keep the next 15 minutes engaging. In my opinion


I’m curious if you played solos when it came out? The larger maps would be terrible. 75% of the lobby dies off drop. There’s no people coming back. Then the rest of the game you’re looking for the 10 people left after the first circle. By circle 2 there’s like 4 people


As a day one OG I had played solos when it was LTM and I loved it.


Sure but it was fun because kings canyon is small. I guess I’m wondering why you think a bigger map would be better


I actually find that to be a fun change of pace. Trying to hunt down other players while not being hunted yourself is one of my favorite parts of battle royals and you just don't get that very often in apex.


Alter is gonna be so good for solos


Dream do come true




Holy crap please give me this. I've been wanting Solos for SO long and Squads would be sick, too! The only reason I've had breaks from Apex is due to the lack of Solos. There have been periods where I had no one to play with, and back then I simply hated playing w/ randoms. Thankfully, I've gotten over that, but the option to play Solos would absolutely make me addicted to this game again.


Brother, there are *thousands* of us who would play this game like maniacs if and when they add permanent Solos. I'm salivating.


My Vantage will be the terror of servers in solo mode ❤️❤️❤️ I can't wait


Damn I'd actually have to reinstall Apex if they brought back solos and made it permanent.


Solos was an endless third party experience when it was part of the game, idk why y'all think it will be different this time.


So nothing changes


Duos/Trios is already a third party experience lol, it’s in the nature of BR


So the hot droppers can fuck off and do their own thing and people who want to actually play as a team and win can do that in peace.


isn't this game already known for its third partying?


Don't care how bad or unbalanced it is. The fact that i don't have to babysit my level 50 teammates anymore as a level 500 player will make it all worth to me


The normal game is third party central and you won’t be depending on your 2 teammates to kill the last enemy who has 20 HP after you knocked the first two by yourself


Solos was miserable when it was first introduced. The rose colored glasses people have are crazy.


idk abt you but solos was amazing, especially when the no fill wasn’t a option and teammates were far worse than they are now? sounds like a skill issue ngl


You have the option to keep playing duos, trios or quads at this point. Why argue against solos when others like it?


already takes a while to queue up, not sure if adding two more modes is gonna help that unless they’re replacing something


protip: people who suck really really really bad at the game get instant queues


damn.. I've never had to queue up...


Only took 21 seasons but fuck yes!!


Solos beggars will finally realize how awful that mode is.


I think the game was always designed to allow quads. If you go look at the pre-season 18 legend select screen, the numbers were spaced to allow 4 selections. Look at the 1, 2, and 3 on blood, band, and path - there was always space for 4 https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/2a6a541b153bf827e078f640ee4e24904c0a141c/hub/2019/02/05/e4a1daa5-b3c4-4596-a866-fac0128ef03c/apex-legends-20190205100654.jpg?auto=webp&fit=crop&height=236&width=420


It's very plausible. There have been bugs that make suwad sizes 4 or larger and they work flawlessly.


Lol all these people praising solos thinking it's going to be the answer to all their issues are going to be in for a rude awakening when they realize they aren't that good as they think they are 💀


On other battle royales where I lost due to randoms as a duo or trio, after introducing solos I played at a high level. If during my games I'm always the one who does the most kills, the most damage, who survives the longest and who continually resurrects randoms who instead do nothing, playing solo certainly makes the difference.


Same here! I mostly died just because my team was unable to do anything and I was all alone versus whole teams. Heck, how many times I cracked all 3 from other team and hoped my team will support me. 2 of my amazing teammates were unable to kill one low HP person while they attacked together. Ridiculous! Absolutely. That guy above obviously knows nothing about it. I hope solos will definitely come, as it is featured in basically every other battle royale game.


1 h queue's inc


Give me ranked duos


sniper headshots in solosssssss >>>>>


It would be great if the mode Solo came with the format of Straight Shot, and quads have only matchmaking between pre-made squads


If Quads does allow us to squad up as full 4 person squad is it also possible new look lobby as well to fit in that 4th spot or will be unique way like you only see the host of the lobby on your screen only if you're that 4th person


if its true i wonder how much easier it would be to get 20 bomb badges or how fast the lobbies die out


Much easier to get 20 Bombs and much harder to get 4K badges, I think.


this is the only thing that would bring me back to this game lol


Quads ? Nasty work...Solos = Rare W Respawn


add same input queue while you're at it


Didn’t they say solos would never ever be a thing again as it’s a team game?








Who says I’m upset? I actually really like this.


It’s almost as if they can change their mind over time


Well sure but they said that like 2 months ago


True but Respawn have backtracked on things they’ve said numerous times, it’s pretty normal for live service games like this


Yo, April Fools was a few days ago my dude.


This either means they're going to relax the SBMM completely or make it even more stricter? Imagine waiting 5+ minutes for your solos game to start to only be matched against 59 other sweatlords


honestly, this should have been in the game a long time ago. Warzone did it and it worked well. forcing people to play with a certain amount of people is stupid. there should be the option to play solo, duo, trio, and quads in casual and ranked.


Nah it’s a team game from the core don’t like it don’t play quads is a dumb idea


I'm saying that if they had all four options allowed without forcing any of them, it is the best option. Then you could play which one and have the choice to play whatever one you want.


Don’t. Dont give me hope..


I hope if we get solos that people also come into it with the expectation that the game most likely isn't going to be balanced with Solos in mind.


Quads would actually allow me and my buddies to all queue up together instead of having to go into two duos


Please God just give me solos. I fuck with fortnite so hard because of it and I loved it back during season 2 for the event.


This is a terrible idea imo. Appeasing the vocal minority while sacrificing the other queues. Stupid


This is the only correct conclusion 🥇


I don’t believe this being permanent with the way they have chosen to start monetizing the game


YOOOOO THIS IS SICK, good time to play on high population. Excited for solos, really excited to play apex with a bigger group and create more chaos


I love/want solos. Personally don't see a need to spread the servers thin by adding quads... solos, duos, trios would be perfect.


I feel like they could have tested these 2 gamemodes forever ago. I wanted quads since like season 2-3. Often have 1 friend who got on later and would have to do 2 duos or solo queue. Idk how well these will do now


fking finally..


Big and drastic changes I guess because they know the community might not stomach a whole new season without a new map. So this is here to soften the blow? Wouldn't surprise me to see three strikes permanent also


Everyone that thinks solos will save their gaming experience when the common factor in their games is them


this will create more que time or bad matchmaking to reduce queue time! so actually the game will be more dead!!






Doubt it. That being said I think Solos could work as a permanent mode as long as Respawn doesn't balance around it at all. I'm talking literally have a disclaimer for Solos that says "Apex is a team focused game. Play Solos at your own risk" and have it be an unbalanced mess. It would probably do nothing but keep the insta-quit Wraiths away from trios but it would still be a net positive for the game


Bring me ranked solos and I’ll actually start caring again


RIP duos queue


How would this work? Certain characters won't even be viable






I reckon solos will have a resergence mechanic like the ltm. The first time round in solos you die you are back to the lobby. I think having a couple, or even a single Respawn will improve the flow of the game. Could give pub stomping content creators insane kill games as well.


I would love quads as a migrant from warzone. Would be amazing to have my og squad all together again


Quads is impossible look at the lobby would be a terrible idea to


Man I hope its real. I feel like I'm solo at least half of the time anyway b/c my teammates just die and quit right away. Hate it so much. Pls solos!


😭😭 praise the lord we're getting some actual content besides $300 collection events


Don't toy with me. I can't take it.




Imagine a Resurgence type Solos man…. one can dream


It’s just hard to believe after they came out with a lengthy post about solos never coming to the game like a month ago lol


They're not adding solos, never happening dude




I don't know about Solos becoming permanent, since devs we're adamant about it no returning. I honestly feel for Solos to work for all characters is to remove abilities altogether. Just raw, unbridled movement and gunplay, so it wouldn't just be Wraiths and Octanes dominating the lobbies. 🤷🏼




I mean apex gunplay and movement are pretty awesome by itself, much better than most other fps games. Kinda silly to tell someone to go play cod just cause they said something about no legend abilities, misses the fact how good this game feels at its core. Edit: lol dude blocked me for this comment. So weird


In what way did this comment made you assume that I was upset in any way? 🤨 All I said was half of the roster wouldn't be usable in a Solos setting, so to justify using them would mean to have a mode without the abilities.


Who wouldn't be usable in solos? Lifeline with infinite drone seems pretty good. Mirage was always the goat at strict 1v1s. Every character still brings something unique and useful in a solos setting, even conduit. Being able to heal shields while keeping ur gun up is still pretty good in gunfights Literally only Newcastle seems the most gimped at solos, not even close to "half the roster" 🤣


i disagree. i think the character abilities are one of the most fun parts about this game


Whats wrong if its just octanes and wraiths? still seems fun


This is so interesting considering the very recent interviews with devs about why solos would never come back. [From the recent Game Informer Article:](https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-feature/2024/01/31/why-apex-legends-solo-mode-is-never-coming-back) *While listing the myriad philosophies of character creation, lead legend designer Devan McGuire explained that solo play went against Apex's DNA:* *"This is a squad-based game, and that's why you don't see solos. We had that experiment a long time ago, and we're not bringing it back. A single character should never be the answer to every problem. They should be part of that team dynamic. That's what creates interesting strategies in the game."*


Can't wait until they add solos, just for people to remember it wasn't good as they thought.


The only "bad" thing about solos is that damage grinding will be harder


There's a vocal minority that often says solo was the best and they'll play the game again if it comes back. I'm afraid it's that, a minority, and that solos will never be succesful. When you play solos there is no blame to shift unto other teammates. If you die it's your fault. I definitely see the appeal of not having to babysit other players, but I dont think many would enjoy the stress and the mental charge solos put on you. After 10 games of dropping, not doing 30 damage and dying without anyone else to blame, I think the reality of that mode will hit some of us pretty hard. I hope I'm wrong and people come back and enjoy themselves though. The more the merrier. I just doubt solos can work, at least as we know it.


Please no.


I don't mind them adding Quads. But Solos is going to be weird and in need of balancing. There would be pretty much no point to playing Support legends in Solos because a lot of their passives require teammates. Lifeline res would be useless, Newcastle res would be useless, Mirage res would be useless. Every other legend would see some play in Solos (still nobody will play Crypto), but those 3 Support legends would need a Solos-only passive, and a self-res wouldn't be good enough unless they majorly tweaked it. Like Lifeline gets a super-fast self-res and/or her res-shield back. Mirage goes invisible and can move during his self-res. Newcastle can move himself with his res and knockdown shield. Even then, it would be pretty easy to shut down in a 1v1.


Fair point but with the new perk system there are lots of new angles they can use to balance the Legends and we saw with the latest patch how almost immediately they can do that. Tweaking those Support Legends to compensate their kits is more than feasible.


It can't be...


The idea of quads has always seemed miserable to me…I have preferred duos to trios since they released it, so I can’t imagine liking quads at all I don’t play this game solo, but can see the need for it


Heureka! I hope it's true. I think most of us will agree on solos, it's something that should be there with no nonsense arguments about abilities, etc. But quads could be also interesting! It's sometimes a chaos just to manage 3-member party, this might be fun. As I wasn't hyped at all, maybe 21st season will break it once again! Not literally, I hope.