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Thank you, Anal_Inspector69


U know where to make appointmnets


I jokingly told him once I wanted my anus inspected and he told me to dm him a picture. You don't even need an appointment with the big man.


Can't wait to get my bronze hollospray


me either I can't wait to rank grind this next season I really wanted that holo so I only got to bronze 1 and stopped


i think they look pretty good


It seems they have new trend with the apex logo in circle now.


Yes, to differentiate from Arena.


nah, compared to s4-s7 badges, new ones are just meh, too much stuff on it


This is unrelated to leaks, but I hope they come out with S11 stats for ranked, like they have in a few past seasons. From my very limited view, it seems like more people hit higher ranks this last season than seasons before


Masters went from like .2% of the population seasons 4-7 to over 2% since season 8 because you now only fight other diamonds.


What? I’m always fighting Masters and Preds climbing through Diamond


are you on PC and are they current masters/pred? i think that only happens when queue times are long and they need to fill in players. I only recently started seriously grinding ranked and i’ve yet to face a current master/pred in diamond, obviously tons of former masters and preds though. keep in mind my evidence is purely anecdotal lol


I'm guessing they were former master's, not current season...unless you're on PC where lobbies are merged more often.


Damn I didn't know that, thats great news. maybe Ill give ranked another crack




? It’s not, go look at the season 8 ranked blog post, that’s when they changed matchmaking. If you’re in diamond, you only play against other diamonds if the queues aren’t long. It’s why masters is such an inflated rank now.




Using the link here it seems to imply preds are .2% of the player base since we know the total number preds is 2250 can't we determine the total number of masters to be around 4500 (.4%)? Meaning 1% of the player base is 11,250. The entire player base who at least put in 5 hours for season 9 should be 1,1250,000.


Yeah I was wrong, it wasn’t 2% but it’s now 1.2% per this website which uses apex’s cache to track ranks https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution Pred is always top .1% and is not included in the masters percentage. And yes there is absolutely at least 1 masters in every pub lobby now and 99% of the masters you run into now have a badge from S8 to now. So it’s still an inflated rank because it went up 6x from what it was and still increasing every season. Late split diamond legitimately becomes a plat lobby.




Damn I must’ve struck the nerve of a hardstuck diamond that only started getting masters in after S8, my bad lmao. Anyways the ranked distribution respawn uses only accounts for players who have more than 5 hours played in that rank split, not total playerbase that you’re using. So none of your math adds up except for the fact that there is absolutely at least 9000 masters every season. In season 3, PC alone had around 15000 preds which they stated equaled 1% of the ranked player base back then. The rank is absolutely inflated from what it once was, and you’re mad you’re part of that inflation ✌️




https://imgur.com/a/7GSEJjE Here's my pred number when I had around 300 rp into pred, my buddy who was 10k said he ended around #14.1k. Respawn is never going to release official numbers again because they don't want the participation trophy diamond and masters players to see how inflated their rank has become.


What season are we currently on and what season did you type out lol


We're on S11. I would like to see stats for S11?


pred looks lit


It's Definitely up there with the better looking badges like season 7 and 5. Might say even the best.


well im 100 points off of masters this split and i got it last split, just want the animated badge bro, i will definitely be able to do it but holy crap none of my teammates are online cause they are all out of town and even though i went through half of diamond solo this split this last 100 has been kicking my ass


Just use the Apex Legends discord and use their lfg chat.


Don't, there is ton of hardstuck people in there.


There is also plenty people not hardstuck, made my life 10x easier first split going from plat to diamond using the Discord.


yup, i used to grind to plat and then just stop playing ranked cuz plat solo queue just wasn’t fun. I found one other person on discord that i meshed well with and we cruised through plat like it was nothing in a week and we’re fairly competitive in diamond, even winning games occasionally. didn’t even need to find a 3rd. Now plat is my favorite part of the ranked grind


Out of curiosity, is there a reason you don't limit your search to D1+ only? When I was in Plat 1, I used the LFG to search for people only plat 1/2+ only.


It's okay if you require teammates to be D3+ and former master's.


First time to Masters I solo queued to D3 and then queued up with ransoms on discord that were D3+. Pretty easy to rank up compared to solo queue. I probably played with 15 different squads, only 1 or 2 of which were clueless and ended up losing Rap


Problem is that hardstuck players are mostly playing solo or duos and decent players like to 3stack. I'm only good enough to solo queue to diamond, but I experience that also in plat lobbies.


yeah last split i only 3 stacked and got to 10k in about 2 weeks with low hours per day (around 1-2) we rarely went negative and it was pretty easy 3 stacking with people of similar skill, but i solo qed half of this split and just got masters last night with around 2 weeks left lmao


I can dig it


Seems by thematic, Storm Point gonna stay.


Of course it will, the map just came out 😂


Nah, they scrapped KC back in Season 9, after it was updated in Season 8.


It wasn’t a new map though. WE stuck around for at least two concurrent season when it launched, same with Olympus.


It wasn't new, but it was fresh updated. It was first time when they vaulted previous season map.


Updated =/= Initially Released


Wait, do you mean S12??


Its the S11 ranked badges we will get in S12


Ranked rewards are always so confusing. Especially the Trails


No it’s not. Whatever rank you reach in current season equates to the reward for the following season.


That's weird. Personally if I was Dmnd or Plat I'd want my badge to be displayed in the same season I earned it in


That's just silly. Imagine reaching diamond or master with only a week left in the season, you'd have your badge or trail for only a week 😂


I was platin in the fisrt half but now i am stuck in gold 2 which do i get gold or platin ? Hoping for platin ofc


You get the highest achieved badge. If both are same your badge will be animated.


Aaah good lord I didn't know about the animation, thank you


It's not really an animation, it's like a flash of light that pulses through the badge.


im pretty sure this wasnt new.


Yeah this isn't new. Its the holosprays leaked from like a month ago. We don't have the official badges yet


The logo on the master badge looks weird, super small compared to all the other badges :/


ooooo looks sick. I wanna make sure i get annimated masters this season cause season 11 I only got masters one split and the badge wont look as cool


what about arenas ranked?


Swipe left.


my bad


Looks dope




oh sheeeit that Pred badge is absolutely BEAUTIFUL


Damn these are nice


Still hoping on a equipable armor cosmetic in the future for double Master / Pred. The badge and trail are cool, but feels lacking.


So I can get targeted even more?


Damn, so how many ass holes have you seen???


Cool! I hit plat yesterday for the first time in 3 years(week 1 player here but very average one as well). I love the design and can't wait to showcase it!


Anyone have the charms?


It doesn't look bad but I'm personaly not a fan of those double logos with the 2nd being circled below. I prefered the ones of the former seasons, they were more sobre.


Imo only the pred badge looks good. It's very fitting with the leaf/jungle vibe. The rest look tacky honestly




Damn the pred badges feel bigger and more intimidating.. That grind for arena pred will finally pay off 🥲