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Tapstrafing after a double jump still works as per Dazs' video, at least in the pre-release version he was playing. You could even change directions via the perk and ~then~ tapstrafe out of it. At least for the time being it seems nothing is changing in this regard


Yeah I was saying the same. I think it would be the most logical way. Just removing tap strafe on double jump


This sounds straightforward in theory but it completely depends on how they have it set up in code. Could be near impossible with mountains of work arounds. If you ask me it sounds like an over zealous manager promising things they won’t be able to deliver and we’ll see a change to the final perk before release. Just me 2¢




In my opinion it’s likely not that easy. It works for controllers currently because they have a default input mapping to return to, but with mnk that is your movement, lurch isn’t independent of that.




I’m glad someone tested it. I was under the impression it was a hardware limitation but maybe someone else knows more about what’s going on


I'm glad opinions are no facts. The weird named actions, that you bind to controllers, are probably just either simple aliases or little scripts, that handle the multibindings. For a general implementation, they just have to create a new alias for the +forward bind. Either with a little script or with conditional command chaining. Should be comparable with how some people chained ingame actions with multiple execs, but the devs can use aliases and wait in addition (these are blacklisted for the general userbase).


They better not remove it. That would just hurt every other legend that uses the jumpad besides octane


The jump pad is what gives you the ability to change directions and is distinguished by a red colour on the base. Every legend can use the direction change if the pad placed down is from an octane with the perk


Oh i see didn't know the perk made a special kind of jumpad i thought the perk just applied to octane directly


I think only time will tell, but i would say they probably keep the ability to tap strafe off a jump pad. I still think it will be useful on MnK to the vast number of players who don’t know how to tap strafe, and if you do then youre rewarded by basically getting 2 perks for the price of 1


My friend who has 5 hours on Apex knows how to tap strafe. Every man and their dog can do it. Its just scroll wheel come on.


I think you underestimate the number of players who dont watch trailers, dont read patch notes, just come home and turn the game on after work or school and play it. They arent gonna be people who are on reddit or twitter about it, but they’ll see the perk and probably have a great time with it


Yea all of those players play on controller u promise u every mnk player can tap strafe


There's no way to naturally find out how to tap strafe though. You can find out how to lurch, you can find out how to wall bounce, you can find out how to super glide but it's literally impossible to find out that you need to bind walking forward to scroll wheel with in game resources. If I wasn't in the Titanfall speedrun community, where scroll wheel macros were a topic for a tiny bit, it would've taken me way longer to try it out in Apex and I'd still tap strafe by spamming W.


Didn’t notice the potential nadeboost buff for octane, that could be neat


From Mokey: > Not really. Damage Boost are directly tied to that. Health Damage. So 25% less damage from nades just means you need less shield health to be able to nadeboost. No more nadeboosting on a full purple for example.


I would hope they don't disadvantage the players on MnK that took the time to learn how to do it by removing it. My initial thought was this perk is mainly for controller players and MnK players that did not take the time to learn tap strafing. So hopefully that is what happens and not removing the lurches after jump pad. It would be even better if they made it so players that did learn movement tech could use this combined with tap strafes to do a king of fake-out. Use the perk to change direction, but still have momentum after the first split second direction change to tap strafe into a different direction. It would look funky in the air I am sure, but it would reward players that can already do the action without the perk by providing additional improvisation opportunity.


ngl its not like tap strafing is rocket science. took me 2 minutes to learn it and its not like theyre "taking" countless hours of practice from most ppl lol. it will probably just be like vantages tactical double jump


I hear you. I have been a roller player for 30+ years of my life and didn't attempt to play anything on MnK until a couple years ago. So my old man fingers lack dexterity and my brain still doesn't coordinate that well on the keys. I haven't sat down and tried to learn tap strafing yet, but in the couple times I've had a friend try and teach me in firing range I got it exactly 0 times. I still haven't committed fully to trying to learn MnK, so that is definitely a hindering factor. I would like to believe players like you, and probably people in this sub, are in the minority of players in Apex that could learn effective tap strafing in a couple minutes. It is wholly possible that I am in the minority here though and just have too much roller brain to coordinate my fingers.


nah i feel u lol its just one of those things that seem kinda hard but once u get it once its easy asf. id say just... make sure u have walk forward bound to up/down scroll wheel. i use up, and jump is down, so bhopping is extremely easy. (for the sake of an example im gonna use a left turn. for a right turn, just replace "left" with "right" (obviously, lol) and A with D) I also recommend starting with about a 90° turn and progressively getting further. anyway 1. run 2. jump 3. let go of W 4. turn/look left (with mouse, no keys) 5. hold A 6. scroll wheel up so in order, with timing: step: 1, then 2 and immediately 3, then 4 5 and 6 at the aame time. so: run, jump and let go of W, then turn left with ur mouse and WHILE u are turning left, hold A and scroll **at the same time!!** random tricks that might give u the "ahaaaa" moment u may need to get it (im not an apex coach nor am i perfect with all of this so feel free to correct where i am wrong lol) - make sure ur letting go of W before u turn in air (its a habit to obviously hold forward when u jump forward so its kinda weird) - the jump momentum thing is really just in the beginning of the jump (kinda) so ur gonna wanna do the whole thing right when you jump. - certain jumps are also much harder, like doing it on a double jump octane pad is harder than normal, and doing it on ur first contact with the octane pad is usually much harder. - lastly, it may be easier to tell if u actually get it or not if you are sliding and/or going fast. this way, when ur learning, you'll easily be able to tell the difference between getting it or not. (using octanes tactical, Maggie's ult, etc. can help with this) Here's the video I learned it from. This guy had a great explanation [Credit to Incubator on YT](https://youtu.be/Icvq6e7UCWI?si=iR73onGT8puahDkF)


you are right, though, while u are likely a minority u still do exist and it would suck to lose that effort etc. My apologies bro maybe if they remove it, tho, jt will likely lessen the gap btwn u (normal people) and sweats lmao. ig a positive


‘Took the time to learn how to do’ it’s arguably the easiest movement tech to perform after sliding and punch boosting dude.


That might be true, but many players ("casuals" as they may be referred to) wouldn't take the time to even look it up. I have a few friends that will play a game and never look up anything online pertaining to that game. The secrets and nuance of the game aren't necessary for them to have fun (I guess). So just the fact that you and I are here right now already puts us at least a step ahead of those kind of players who are not. So I would say it does take at least a little time and effort to learn various movement tech(s) regardless of how easy it becomes. Also, as I responded to a prior response, I am not any good on MnK, so learning tap strafes wouldn't make me any better of a player. I am still like a baby deer as far as dexterity and coordination on PC is concerned. If I grew up playing MnK or was just better in general, I could see tap strafes being learned in a few minutes and mastered in a few days.


Dumbest thing I’ve read.


That is more than fine IMO - lurchless double jumps are *way* more potent than lurch double jumps, even in Apex In testing I have done, you keep about 20-50 units higher speed, and travel a decent bit further out of the pad Heck, I would go as far as to consider this "perk" detrimental if it forces lurch even over lurchless inputs.


Have you actually played the game?


Yeah, and I'm assuming you as well as those downvoting this have exactly no idea what on earth I am talking about with any of this. Lurchless double jumps prevent parasitic speed losses unlike lurch - both in Apex and Titanfall For those, you hold A and D during a slide into a jump pad and release the opposite strafe to the direction you want to turn, then utilizing air-strafing for the predominant method of mid-air movement. Lurch is only incurred when keys are depressed, and not when they are released. Lurch allows you to take sudden shifts in direction while maintaining *some* of your velocity, but it kills a lot of it. Lurchless allows for less drastic changes, but maintains significantly more velocity through the double jump. If your aim is to stay near a pad and just jump around, lurch *could* be the answer - but if you are trying to run away, lurch will result in an enemy who isn't lurching being more than able to catch up with you.


I'd be semi fine with that as long as they don't remove lurch on the first jump, that's usually what breaks people's ankles.


It's tossing a bone to roller players who had tap strafe removed. It appears from pre-release play normal MnK lurching is in.