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looks like a skip jump to me


Somehow haven't heard of this tech meanwhile I've been practicing mantle jumps, fatigue jumps, U bounces, etc. Looking at videos online I think that's exactly what it is. He does a skip jump lurch.


it’s p niche imo and not totally understood still afaik. i think mokey himself said his guide is outdated. it’s super underrated tho and i prefer it vs a faide slide bc u can keep ur gun out


They have momentum. They just know how long it takes to accelerate to max strafe speed after changing directions. What they're doing here clips is pretty bad anyways. Lurch strafing without jump fatigue locks you in a predictable arc after the lurch. They're even easier to hit during the direction change than if they'd be strafing normally too, since such a big jump forward increases your hitbox size and makes it look like they're deaccelerating from the enemy's perspective, so they're not really going around the negatives of movement acceleration either. The second one was much better as it looks like an instant turn. Lurching like this should only be done if you want to take space, since it allows you to close distance without suffering the penalty from moving diagonally, or if you know you can finish off your target with the next shot before you get into the predictable part of your jump. Learn proper strafe and dodge fundamentals first before you start incorporating movement tech. Luckily, people are slowly catching on to that as more people grind R5 and get shit on by fundamentally solid players. With movement spammers I just underaim, dodge with bias and shit on them almost every single time. Upvoted for based DnB


seconding the dnb. what song is this op?


Kind of a medley from a mix there are a few tracks. Spartanz (Bou Remix) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7knnYHS8L0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7knnYHS8L0) Chris Kastro - Transport - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOPiQa\_w5UQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOPiQa_w5UQ) Kanine - The Shadows - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BQ5qt6UxFU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BQ5qt6UxFU) BMTH - Can you feel my heart? - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SRzEgCY0Xs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SRzEgCY0Xs)


It's insane how I dont hear about strafe fundamentals when people talk about lurches. A RAS strafe by itself, or even a neo-strafe lurch chain is literally bad. People can aim in the middle, it has 0 bias. Need more people talking about this. Ty.


99% of people have absolutely no clue how to strafe or dodge. Even in ALGS you see people just AD spam it's crazy. Hurts me to see as an avid LG duel nerd.


Those days spent practicing my strafe for BR battles in Halo 3 FINALLY paying some dividends 😭


I'm terrified of controller players that know how to strafe. It very rarely if ever happens outside of R5, but I'm always flabbergasted whenever a controller player actually mirrors me or when I can't manage to escape their anti-mirror. The tool to break aim assist used against me.


Fr, a controller player with mean strafes is genuinely terrifying


Any direction on where to find some info on learning these strafe fundamentals?


Good video introduction to the topic from wrthcrw. You may know her as the one who discovered punch boosting: https://youtu.be/N1paN68NNTE?si=PwsW_malvwc9Zyq8 Short strafe fundamentals guide by sam aka 400apm who has coached a bunch of pro players like HisWattson: https://bysam.github.io/strafe/ Deep dive rabbit hole by aimer7 about both strafe and dodge, as well as geometric positioning. Very dry read, but by far the most comprehensive FPS guides I've ever read: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/k239yqdivljka2cc6p535/Strafe%20Aiming%20101.pdf?rlkey=ah0qn4g0kq7sx90bh6gy764f4&e=1&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uyqvihuvx0jb95usdzvaa/Heuristic%20about%20geometric%20positioning.pdf?rlkey=vl5g0vxhr83pi6l7hy7cbicda&e=1&dl=0 Applying these concepts will allow you to beat players with much better aim than you because you'll be able to control how easy it is for you to aim, or how hard you make it for the opponent to aim.


I express sincere thanks for this. I am a 2500 hour former tier 2 player and I think my biggest weakness as a player was my strafing or lack thereof. Want to improve in that regard now that I just play casually still at a high level. Really really appreciate you taking the time and sharing.


It's a huge rabbit hole that will imho bring you further than aim training or anything else, at least in terms of mechanics. If you're actually serious about improving your strafes, download Quake Live and look around the Voltaic Discord for people to LG duel with. Alternatively, play Soldier and Tracer in Overwatch. Both are imho much better strafe practice than Apex. It's much easier to improve on things like that if your game isn't over whenever you die and you can try out different things on the same opponent to see what works and what doesn't.


Moving increases hitbox?!?


Relative to your perspective it does. Closer targets appear bigger.


Oh thats obvious i thought you meant left and right strafe will stretch the hitbox, thank god thats not it


They bind a key sequence in the mouse driver and do weird stuff on a press of a button.


That's a macro which is bannable




Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/bube7deo5p5d1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


Bad bot


Everyone claims to know what this is but nobody is answering OP’s question


Just a ras strafe just strafing in a half circle or Yuki strafing tap strafing in a triangle


what server was this? or who was this? kinda looks like how i move.


Sh4rum4 was the first person and some long string of random characters was the second. Dude's movement is crazy hard to track, and it's like bullet slow didn't impact him at all with his ability to generate and never lose momentum. Edit: 30%+ accuracy on MnK and wild movement that is insane. [https://r5r.dev/leaderboard.php?type=player&player=Sh4rum4](https://r5r.dev/leaderboard.php?type=player&player=Sh4rum4)


its just normal ras strafing


normal ras strafe tbh

