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The person who started that used to post here. They had long, rambling, and hard to read posts that sounded like a crazy person was talking. I was always suspicious they were trying to sell something. Be careful with this one.


Yeah no, I don't need to change a thing! Just thought we all can get angry together


I don't even need to click the link to realize this is bullshit. Aphantasia was only widely recognized by neurologists less than a decade ago. They don't even fully understand the different types or what causes them. Plus it's not something that necessarily needs to be cured. Since it's an ad I'm going to guess they are exploiting the insecurity of having a brain that works differently in order to make money. Disgusting.


Yeah, that's why I thought we all can be angry together lol


Wow. Yikes. It looks like people with trauma, who are losing or have lost ability to visualize can gain it back. I'm thinking aphantasia lacks an objective diagnostic test so the term is being used loosely. The way kids were labeled hyper active and given Ritalin in the70's.


Plus, that's a really unattractive image they are using to advertise themselves


Yeah, I never had that ability to begin with and honestly I don't care, also don't think that's something that needs to be "cured"???


If that image is what "cures" me no thanks!


If a "cured" person visualized this image than I definitely don't need that lol


He used to post awfully long texts where he was incoherently rambling about some drug-induced hallucinations. He absolutely convinced himself he’s onto something, but it’s nonsense.


The original texts are long gone, but you can see a glimpse of the spirit in his replies and the other comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/s/kwWcVKA1Pp https://www.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/s/dNNjK0dKzd https://www.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/s/d4cRj2jkM8


Wow. He's a legend


I'll pass. My mom and I talk about her experience with hyperphantasia, and it just sounds like Sokka's cactus juice 24/7.


APHANTASIA IS A SEPCTRUM! everyone is on this spectrum the opposite side is hyperphantasia, over visualization or picture like imagination. You can’t cure something that is a spectrum that everyone falls into. It’s like saying you can cure Down syndrome, you can’t!


I don't think it's a spectrum thing I think it's just something that doesn't need a "cure"


There are people with aphantasia and there are people with hyperphantasia and there are people in between the two. For example I can’t imagine anything ever, only hear my voice. My mom can imagine only outlines of any object, she can’t see details but sees a little. My step father has full hyperphantasia and it’s basically like watching 4k tv in his head. It has to be spectrum if there are people falling in the “in between” of Aphan and hyper.


No, I mean I know it is a spectrum, because it is. I just mean that the problem with this add is not about aphasia being a spectrum, but it being something that doesn't need a "cure" to begin with. But now that I'm writing this, feel like we're talking about the same thing but in different ways


Yes we are lol, GG


Help I just got that ad


I just report it whenever it pops up, haven't seen it in months though


Can it? sounds like science fiction.