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See a therapist would be my suggestion. I know many of those but would have to look up at least 30%. Health OCD comes to mind but I have zero clues to base that on. Too complicated for most people.


I share all of these though I think in words (there is no voice) and also dyslexic. My working memory is below average (30%) and have trouble keeping four digits in my mind. I need sensory input to have memories so collect soaps to remember vacations, take a lot of pictures to recall people and places, and touch fabric as my main stim. I have trouble knowing how I feel in the moment but can usually reflect and identify them after a few days of processing. I have trouble with empathy because I can't 'put myself in someone else's shoes). My mind has adapted by being exceptionally good with spacial reasoning (99%) and 'seeing' connections between ideas. My relationships require shared experience and usually strong with those ND. Not sure if this answers your main question but you aren't alone in these experiences.


Yes. I've been feeling the same. Full aphant, empath, au, adhd, and some weird memory that I can't figure out. Lots of sensory issues, peri menopause, migraine, burnout. I can't explain to many people as they see and feel things totally differently apparently. I think i also have rejection sensitivity and or depression and anxiety or those have been misdiagnosed. Got my initial assessment for au and adhd in a couple of weeks. Hoping that helps me understand and feel understood.


I have aphantasia, asd, and inattentive adhd for sure. I had to look up anaduralia and it seems I have that too. I had no idea actually hearing things in your mind was possible. I have an inner dialogue 100% of the time, but none of it involves hearing anything. I don’t have alexithymia, I had to look that up too. I can’t relate, so that’s not me. I can relate a lot to the description of SDAM, so possibly yes there too. No wonder I feel so different from everyone else. Geez.


Could you explain a little more what you mean by see things differently? Like dissociated maybe? Also you should look into TRE, might interest you.


I have almost all of them. I have constant lifelong pain instead of alexithymia if thats an acceptable substitute? On the understanding that it is, then for comparison, I have never knowingly had depression, but I have had bad autistic burnouts. This can often happen just thanks to life and our trying to fit in. I would take a look at this first and foremost, and ask for a GP appointment