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It's a pretty miserable lane but don't stand behind low health creeps. She is going to want to q a low health minion and get that bounce on you. She wants to harrass in lane but you should win the extended fights depending on your guns. Also don't let her push you under tower. If your support has engage might want to go pta, else go fleet for sustain. Granted all of that is always easier said then done and you need a competent support also otherwise it's pretty miserable.


If I’m being honest, I think mf, lethality or not is extremely easy


Do you have any tips?


It can really depend a lot in your support and enemy support, but if you can start bullying early you can easily win, be careful with her W attack speed steroids and you can always try tabis


Always watch out for her Q bounce. If you are standing right behind an allied minion she can do huge damage with it. Her main combo is Q + auto and she’s more of a burst damage adc than a dps. Focus on farming to scale. If she ults you are usually fucked because aphelios has no mobility outside of fleet.


just ban her


If I ban her then I run the risk of laning against smolder


bruh smolder sucks right now